Images of America Lamar County

By: Barbara Woolbright Carruth



The Lamar County Image Book of the Images of America Series  published by Arcadia Publishing Company is here!  The book contains over 200  photos of Lamar County Alabama, late 1800's up to 1950's.  The book features pictures of early settlers, schools, churches, businesses, homes, transportation, politicians, regular people and families. There are several pictures relating to Rube Burrow, a train robber, native of the county.

I am excited about this book and I know you will be too!!!  I collected over 700 pictures and had the task of selecting  231 for the book.  There were many people who helped make this book possible.  To mention a few, Mrs. Peggy Adair, Mrs. Sheree Babb, Mrs. Faye Barnes, Mr. Peyton Bobo, Mrs. Lucille Bostick, Mrs. Betty Ruth Brock, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Buckley, Ms. Pat Buckley, Mr. Gene Cantrell, Mrs. Theresa Chandler, Mrs. Dorothy Cleveland, Mrs. Loree Christian, Mrs. Sammie Lee Elliott, Mrs. Mary Gilmer, Mrs. Virginia Gilmer, Mr. Marshall Guyton, Mr. & Mrs. Burt Hankins, Mrs. Lena Hawkins, Mrs. Beulah Hill, Ms. Mary R. Hollis, Mr. Rex Hollis, Ms. Loretta King, Mrs. Kay Koonce, Mr. & Mrs. James Hill Maddox, Ms. Melissa McDaniel, Mrs. Dorothy Northington, Mrs. Evelyn Oakes, Mr. Billy Ogden, Mr. Billy Paul, Mrs. Gladys Pennington, Mrs. Nell Priddy, Mr. & Mrs. Junior Ray, Mrs. Marie Rowland, Mrs. Nannie South, Mrs. Sarah Jo Spearman, Mrs. Cecil Strawbridge, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Thomas,  Mrs. Dianne Woods, and Mrs. Virginia Woods. 

I went back in time with each picture, they are all special and I'll never be the same. 

Taken from the Arcadia website about the Images of America series:

"If it is true that one picture is worth more than 1,000 words, than each title in the Images of America series contains over 200 novels within itself. Each black-and-white image tells its own tale, spun through the lens of an antiquated camera at a time and place that history has almost forgotten. With over 1,000 titles published since 1993, the Images of America series recounts the stories of communities from all over the country, written and collected by men and women who share the same overwhelming pride in their communities that Arcadia Publishing feels in each title published."

You may visit Arcadia Publishing at  for more information on their books. 

Barbara Woolbright Carruth meets with Lamar County Genealogical & Historical Society Promoting Lamar County Images of America Book

Left to right:  Dianne Woods, Jenny Carruth, Evelyn Oakes, Barbara Carruth, Reabon Walker, Terry Gosa


Book may be ordered from Arcadia Publishing Company.

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