Lamar County Kin


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Andrew J. Lowry

Andrew J. Lowry, was one of the first young men to take up Arms- when the Civil War broke out.

He was a member of Co. I, 14th Miss. Reg. Under Capt. J. Sholson.


The following was written by Preston Cox in the 1920's or 1930's.  Eileen (Harrison) Gann, niece of Mr. Cox, copied and submitted to this site.  Thanks Eileen!!!!


"When the Civil War broke out, Andrew J. Lowry was among the first of the young men of his native

State of Mississippi to take up his Arms. He was born on the State Line of Miss. and Alabama, near

Gattman, Mississippi.  He was in the battle of Fort Donelson- After participating in the battle of Iuka,

went to Vicksburg, and went through that trying siege, which let him out of the War for good.


He caused to be raised, the first Union Flag that was raised,  in that part of the country after the Civil War.


It was on the following occasion, that it come about: on the 4th of July 1865, there was to be a brand or 

barn dance at Irvin’s Ford, on the Buttehatchie River, he caused his oldest sister to make a small Union

 flag to raise there that day. There that day . . he gave this flag to his first cousin to raise.

There were threats made against the perpetraters of that affair, but it amounted to nothing more than

 the with-drawal of the Confederate sympathizers to another grounds, and there under the stately

groves of trees at Irvin's Ford, the dance went on 'till night fall'. when the crowd dispersed to

 their homes.


The Irvin Ford takes its name from distance relatives of the writer, who lived on either side of the

 Buttehatchie River, near where Gattman, Miss. now stands and many of the Lowry and Irvin relatives now

 live at or near Gattman.


Preston Cox

Sulligent, Ala.

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