Lamar County Kin
| Monroe County Kin Courtesy of Deloris Raines George Raines George was born 1858 in Walker Co ala to Hiram Raines and his 1st wife Phoebe A [unknown] He had 2 brothers James born 1856 and Newton born 1862. He had 1 half brother Hiram Heil b 1872 and 1 half sister Mary Jane b 1876. His Mother Phoebe died bt 1862-1870 and his father Hiram married AdelineAseneth Abbott. On the 1870 census George was living with his brother James and his wife Charlotte Mooney Raines. In 1880 he married Charlotte's sister Mary Jane Mooney. By 1893 they were in Nettleton Ms.Monroe Co. Their children were: [1]Earl c born 1884. Married----------- Children-------- [2]Johnnie born 1883, Married Minnie L.--------she was born 1890 children: (a) Thomas Earl, born 1911[correction] found 1910 census today ] shows he was 1 yr and 2 months old in June, 1910] married Ina Brown, they had 3 sons. [b] Ralph Married Donna---. He was killed by a drunken driver. Children _______ {c] John Thomas born---- [d] Robert born --- married Helen ---- children ------ He owns a Bowling Center in Jasper Ala. Thomas Earl owned Raines Construction Co in for many years. He died January 14 2001, and Ina died -----. They are buried in the ----------cemetery.
[4]Wm Elbert was born October 5, 1892 .He married his cousin, Annie Mae Mooney .They had one adopted daughter, Edith Dean. He served in WW1 w/ 115th Inf. Div. Annie was born May 8, 1899 . Her father was Isaac Peter Mooney. William Elbert died July 7, 1964 Annie died February 2, 1972. They are buried in the New Prospect Cemetery in Walker Co Alabama. [4]Cora born June 1889 married ?Shelton. She died 1924 and is buried in the New Prospect Cemetery in Walker County, Ala. Children are unknown. [5]Nellie Lela born May, 1887 married? Fewell . She died 1922 and is buried in The New Prospect Cemetery in Walker County, Alabama. Children unknown. George died 1898 and is buried in New Prospect Cemetery in Walker County, Alabama. 1900 Monroe County, MS. Census Mary Raines age 36 John age 17 Oct., 1882 William, age 8Oct., 1892 Nellie J., b May, 1877 Eittie M., born June 1899[ this was cora]
Mary married Ira Lennard Chism ca 1903 in Monroe County, MS. In 1920 they were in Prairie County,. Calhoun Ark as: Ira Chism age 55 born Ms. Mary J. age 54 born Ala Lillian [dau] age 14 b Ms. Bonnie [Dau] age 12 b Ms. They moved to White County, El Paso, Ark., where Mary died on February 4, 1944. He died there in 1937 and both are buried in the Grissard Cemetery there. They had 3 daughters: Dolly Bonnie born 1908 in Ms. Lillian married ??Graham born 1905 in Ms. Pernie married ?? Woods If you have additonal information or questions email Deloris Return to "Just Across the Line" Page Owned by Barbara Woolbright Carruth |