Lamar County Kin


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James M. Morton

From The Lamar Democrat , December 20, 1899. “ Mr. James M. Morton, Register in Chancery, died Friday Night at 9 o’clock. He had been confined to his room for more than a month from paralysis, during which time he sustained two other slight strokes, the last of which proved fatal. Mr. Morton was in his 70th year and was reared in this county. He became active in public affairs in the early sixties and served as postmaster at Morton’s Mill during the civil war or until the town of Vernon was established, when the post office was moved here, where he continued to serve as postmaster for several years.

When Lamar County was formed, he was appointed Register in Chancery, which position he held continuously until the day of his death. His predominating characteristic was his fidelity to trust his State, his friend and his people were his all, and he never refused to give generously to every public and charitable cause, but saying nothing to others about his good deeds, and declining to accept thanks from those he favored. He more truly kept his left hand from knowing what his right hand did than any one in Vernon. In private as well has public life, he was modest, genial, tender and timid to offend. He possessed not a single quality that gives him artificial or predunctory friends, and there is a great wave of sorrow in this community for the loss of this excellent citizen. The final exercise took place from the residence Saturday evening and the body was deposited in the vault in the Odd Fellows cemetery at 4 p.m. to await the sounding of the last trumpet which shall call all nations to the judgment bar of God.”

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