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Sulligent, Alabama

Located in Lamar County, Alabama

Front Street Sulligent, Alabama March, 1890


Taken from The Vernon Courier, February 17, 1888

“Mr. R. F. Bankhead of Sulligent will run a hack regularly in a short time from Sulligent to Vernon and elsewhere as passengers may desire. He has a “tip top” three seated hack, all new and he has a fine span of mules that will be certain to “get there”.

We spent a few hours in the rapidly growing little town of Sulligent Tuesday. The merchants there, Messrs. M. A. Cobb, W. W. Ogden and Rush & Company are full of business. They are receiving their spring goods and selling all goods wonderfully low. A half dozen new buildings are being built, in fact the town has a live appearance.”


Taken from The Vernon Courier, Friday, March 2, 1888.

“Items from Sulligent, February 21 - with the exception of a few cases of mumps, the health of the people in this community is good.

Trade at Sulligent continues to hold her banner high, and of course the merchants are quite jolly being frequently made to feel that exhilarating glow which enlivens the business man in days of plenty. Our merchants are receiving their spring stock of goods which continues to come by the car load.

The new section houses at this place add considerably to the appearance of our already picturesque little town. By the way, we think we will get a depot before long.

Dr. R. J. Redden’s elegant new dwelling is receiving the finishing touch from the painter’s brush this week. The Doctor ere long will be a citizen of Sulligent - come on Doctor, wi will receive you with hearty welcome.

Mr. Bert Taylor is building for himself a neat little dwelling, he too will claim a citizenship at Sulligent, by and by.

Mr. Bankhead’s hotel will soon have been completed and the traveling man can soon find a home at Sulligent - a home commodious and pleasant.

Our new school is just finished and is now ready to receive the school. The school is in a prosperous condition and we are now ready to offer attention and comfort to as many pupils as will come. We continue to receive boarding pupils. We will soon be prepared to offer instruction and lessons instrumental music, which will add greatly to the interest of the school.

The present indications say forcibly Sulligent may well look forward to a bright future. Upheld by the strong arm of industry, energy and enterprise, supported by an extensive trade, clothed in the robe of good health and crowned with the spirit of good will to everybody. Sulligent is well prepared to be cradled in the lap of prosperity.

We have learned that Beaverton is to have a “switch” and probably a depot - three cheers for Beaverton. We hope those good people will get a depot. we can say of those people not withstanding their opportunities (like ours) have been somewhat limited, but they have always striven to get as near as possible the place where the “goose hangs highest” and should they be so fortunate as to get a depot, we will find them plucking the down from that good too. Yes, thrice welcome to Beaverton. We will be please to recognize you as our sister.

Well, I have been told that the wastebasket is often the fate of lengthy communications and if the good readers will pardon the redundancies and supply the ellipses, I will close.

More Anon.”


Taken from Sulligent Lightning, September 8, 1897.

“Sulligent has:

Two hotels,

No Saloons,

Nine Stores,

Two Churches,

Sociable People,

A Masonic Lodge,

Two Livery Stables,

Depot and Railway,

Three Cotton Yards,

A Population of 322,

Three Doctor’s Shops

A Watch Repair Shop,

Express and Post Offices,

Three Blacksmith Shops,

A $3,000 School Building,

One Grist Mill and Planer,

A Newspaper and Job Printing Office,

Fine Telephonic and Telegraphic Connection,

A Fine Teacher and Prospects for a Splendid School.”


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Barbara Woolbright Carruth

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