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Businesses in Sulligent


By: Barbara Woolbright Carruth


Taken from the Sulligent News dated April 30, 1936.

Business Comments

Maddox Motor Company Ford V 8

William Jumper Groceries

Kate’s Beauty Shoppe

Ralph Jackson                            Taxi

J. E. Metcalfe                             Stock is Complete

Mayes Barbershop

Hollis Dry Cleaners

Ike Strawbridge                           Western Meat & Grocery

Bagwell’s Service Station

Williams Drug Store Ice Cream

Greer’s Market                          K C Steak & Staple Groc.

M. L. Buckley & Son         Hardware, Paints, Fertilizer

McKenzie Drug Company

Hill’s Barber Shop

Harris & Hayes                            Tasty, Toasty Sandwich Shop

J. H. Stuckey                             House of 1000 Bargains

Murphy’s Hatchery                      100 Eggs 5 cents

Strand Theater

Pyron’s Cafe                               Good Food 25 cents

Wood Shoe Shop

Marcelle Beauty Shop                 Winnie Coleman

Sulligent Cotton Oil Company         Now is the time to feed meals and hulls to all Livestock

Hollis Bros Bonded Warehouse       Cotton Weighing and Storage

Gilliam’s Garage                             Wrecker Service

Yellow Front Store                          Low Prices

Bank of Sulligent                              Safe & Conservative

W. L. Hill                                          Use Gilster Best

Bill’s Sandwich Shop                          Drinks, Cigars, Cigarettes & Candies, Paul Jackson, Prop.

Dave Fine                                           The Star Store Wash Pants, Shoes, Hats, Hose

Hall Chevrolet Company                      New or Used

Otto Priddy                                          Perfection Mattress, & Springs

Stokes Service Station                         Standard Products.

Alton Hollis                                          Wholesale Dealer for Planters Peanuts

Arcade Variety Store                            Mens Sox 25 Cents while theylast 10 Pair

F. Ogden & Son                                   We Sell Merchandise, We Want You Satisfied

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This site is owned by Barbara Woolbright Carruth.






















Inside Metcalfe’s Store, early Sulligent. Left to Right Will C. Evans and Ed Metcalfe. Building owned by Mr Evans and store by Mr. Metcalfe. Picture courtesy of Gail and Kay Evans. Date picture taken unknown