New Rails Being Laid
Taken from The Lamar Democrat, January 17, 1900 , a reprint from The Birmingham News. “New Rail being laid between Birmingham and Memphis. The Kansas City, Memphis & Birmingham railroad is making great improvement in its roadway between Memphis and Birmingham, and the work will be continued until it has been finished between the two points named.
Superintendent J. H. Sullivan, whose headquarters are in Memphis, was in the city last night and this morning looking over the business of the road at this point, and gave some information concerning the improvements that are proposed and which are already in progress.
All bridges and trestles will be filled in wherever possible, says Mr. Sullivan, one half mile of trestling having been completely filled during the past year, and between four and five miles, since the work was begun a couple of years ago. The road is laying a seventy-five pound steel rail in the place of the sixty-pound rail in order that faster and heavier trains can be handled. The work started at Ensley and is being worked westward. Now the gang is between Cordova and Jasper, something like forty miles having already been put down. It is intended to put the seventy five pound rail all the way to Memphis.
More sidings are being put in to accommodate large shippers, especially in Walker County. At the Chicksaw mines and around Cardova the road is laying many side tracks. Superintendent Sullivan was asked concerning the story that the Kansas City, Memphis & Birmingham railroad was after the East & West Alabama railroad and concerning the report that Lee Higgins & Co., of Boston, were working on a deal to get control of that line. He replied very deliberately: “I do not know any more than what I have seen in print,” said he, “and I cannot tell you how much truth there is in any of the publications. If it is true that Lee Higgins & Co., of Boston are interested in the East & West Alabama railroad and making efforts to reorganize it, I might believe the Kansas City, Memphis & Birmingham railroad is interested also, but I must say I have seen a denial of the story. Officially I have heard nothing concerning the stories published. I do know that the Kansas City, Memphis & Birmingham railroad is doing excellent business and we are improving our roadway, right along. I can say nothing as to relations with the Southern Railway, the Seaboard Air Line or any other road. Our arrangements at present seem to be very amicable and I can see no reason for a desire to change.”
Superintendent Sullivan is a great believer in the Birmingham District. He reiterates his keen interest in the welfare of the districts and predicts its becoming one of the greatest territories in the country.”
In this same issue of The Lamar Democrat there was an announcement for opening Shiloh School. “ A First Grade School will be opened at Shiloh, November 6, 1899 and continue five months under the direction of L. F. Dorroh, and a competent assistant. Tuition will range from$1 to $2 per month. Students can get good board at $6 per month.
The school is situated in one of the most enlightened and refined communities in the country. It is entirely free from malicious vices. Parents wishing to send their children from home to school could not do better than patronize this school. For further particulars write J. E. Stokes, T. D. Jackson or Dr. T. B. Woods, Bell, Ala.”
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