Historical Newspapers Lamar County, Alabama
Transcribed by Veneta Aldridge McKinney Thanks Veneta.
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The Alabama Department of Archives and History
AGRICULTURE, LABOR, THE MECHANIC ARTS AND LITERATURE."Volume II Vernon, Sanford Co, Ala. Feb 23, 1877 No. 45
JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney-At-Law and Solicitor in Chancery – Vernon, Alabama - will practice in Lamar and adjoining counties in the Federal Courts and in the Supreme Court of Alabama.
SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Alabama. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims.
EARNEST & EARNEST. W. R. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Birmingham and Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of this Judicial Circuit.
THOS. B. NESMITH – Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.
NESMITH & SANFORD – T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.
WILLIAM R. SMITH, Attorney At Law. Tuskaloosa, Ala. Will give prompt attention to all businesses trusted to his care. Will practice in the Federal Courts, at Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.
J. H. TERRY, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Fayette C. H. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted him in the Courts of Sanford County – Chancery Circuit and Probate – and will attend the Circuit court promptly.
Dr. W. L. MORTON & BRO., A. L. MORTON M. W. MORTON. Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.
SID. B. SMITH, M. D. Surgeon & Physician. Vernon, Alabama, offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Office – at Pioneer office.
Dr. T. SPRINGFIELD, Detroit Alabama. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Detroit and vicinity. Office one door west of JNO. H. HAMILTON.
When you go to Tuskaloosa remember E. SNOW & CO. where you can get the best cash bargains in dry goods; shoes, hats, crockery, notions, sugar, coffee, powder, shot, tobacco, &c. &c. E. SNOW & Co. will buy and pay cash for all kinds of furs, beaver, otter, mink, coon, &c. Be sure and see them.
Silver-plated ware. Electro-plated tableware and ornamental art work in great variety manufactured by the Meriden Britannia Company. 550 Broadway, New York. The best plated spoons and forks are those silver-plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the Trade Mark. 1487 – Rogers Brothers – XII. NB. This great improvement in Silver-plated spoons and forks is applied alike to each grade of plate, A 1, 8, and 12 oz, as ordered. The process and machinery for manufacturing these goods are patented. The extra or "standard plate" made by this company is stamped A1, simply, and is plated 20 percent heavier than the ordinary market standard. First premiums awarded at all Fairs where exhibited, from World’s Fair of 1852 of American Institute Fair 1875 inclusive.
KEYSTONE PRINTING INK CO. Manufacturers of printing inks, (books & news black a specialty) 17 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia, PA. Our inks are of a superior quality, being made from the best ingredients and under the personal supervision of a practical printer and pressman, therefore we will guarantee every pound of ink sold to be of a superior jet black, quick drying, and entirely free from setting-off. Our prices are from 30 to 50 per cent lower than any other inks manufactured in the United States. A trial of sample keg will convince any printer that has been paying nearly double what he should for his inks in times past. Put up in kegs and barrels to suit purchasers. Keystone Ink CO. 17 North Fifth Street. Philadelphia, Pa.
A Select High School MALE & FEMALE. Dr. B. F. REED, A. B. – Principal. This school is located at Pleasant Grove Church, in the vicinity of DR. W. H. KENNEDY’S Store, in the southeastern portion of Lamar County, at the intersection of the Tuskaloosa and Aberdeen and the Fayetteville and Columbus roads.
The First Session will open on the 30th of October and continue forty weeks. The number of students is limited to 25.
Board, washing, and tuition only $12 per month, All students wishing to enter this school will be required to enroll their names for the entire term, and no allowance will be made for time lost by students except in cases of death or protracted sickness; and all students must give satisfactory evidence of their ability to profit by instruction, and must have a good moral character.
THE NEW YORK SUN 1877. The different editions of THE SUN during next year will be the same as during the year that has just passed. The daily edition will on weekdays be a sheet of four pages and on Sundays a sheet of eight pages or 56 broad columns. While the weekly edition will be a sheet of eight pages of the same dimensions and character that are already familiar to our friends.
The SUN will continue to be the strenuous advocate of reform and retrenchment, and of the substitution of statesmanship, wisdom, and integrity for hollow preference, imbecility and fraud in the administration of public affairs. It will contend for the government of the people by the people and for the people, as opposed to government by frauds in the ballot box and in the counting of the votes, enforced by military violence. It will endeavor to supply its readers – a body not far from a million souls – with the most careful, complete and trustworthy accounts of current events and will employ for this purpose a numerous and carefully selected staff of reporters and correspondents. Its reports from Washington, especially, will be full, accurate and fearless. And it will doubtless continue to deserve and enjoy the hatred of those who thrive by plundering the Treasury, or by usurping what the laws does not give them, while it will endeavor to merit the confidence of the public by defending the rights of the people against the encroachments of unjustified power.
The price of the daily Sun will be 55 cents a month or $6.50 a year post-paid, or with the Sunday edition $7.70 a year. The Sunday Sun alone, post paid, $1.20 a year. The Weekly Sun, eight pages, with 56 broad columns will be furnished at $1 post paid.
The benefits of this large reduction from the previous rate for the Weekly Sun can be enjoyed by individual subscribers without the necessity of making up clubs. At the same time, if any of our friends choose to aid in our circulation, we shall be grateful to them, and every such person who sends us ten or more subscribers from one place will be entitled to a copy for himself without charge. Address. The Sun, New York City
TOM C. OLIVE, Fayette C. H., Ala. CITY BAR & RESTAURANT. Keeps on hand at all times a choice supply of wines, liquors, cigars and tobacco. Oysters, sardines and crackers. Give us a call.
Washington, Feb 12 – House –
After a spirited and earnest debate this morning upon the decision of the Electoral Commission with respect to the vote of Florida, the House decided by a strict party vote that the find of the Commission was not correct, and that the Tilden electors had been elected in that State. The Clerk of the House was directed to inform the Senate of the action of the House, and which was ready to receive that body for the purpose of proceeding with the count. The Senate having appeared, Vice-President Ferry caused the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House to declare what action the respective Houses had taken in regard to the decision of the Commission. This having been done the President of the Senate declared that both houses not having concurred in setting aside the decision of the Commission, the vote of Florida would be counted for Hayes and Wheeler.
The votes of Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, and Kentucky were also counted for the respective candidates.
Representative Springer had prepared objections to counting the vote of George D. Charffee, an Illinois elector, held office when he cast his vote, but he was informed that a case equally as clear from Louisiana would be presented to the Commission, and he would thus obtain a decision by the Commission and afterwards by the two houses. It was feared that the Senate might refuse to sustain the objection, and thus influence the Commission; hence, Mr. Springer, by advice and approbation of his friends, withheld the objection.
When Louisiana was reached the President of the Senate handed to the teller, three certificates, two of which were in favor of the Hayes electors, and one in favor of the Tilden electors. There was also a certificate, which the Vice-President said he had received by mail, purporting to cast eight votes of Louisiana for Cooper and Cary. The reading of the certificate created much amusement, the electors all being named John Smith, distinguished from each other by the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 and by the letters A, letter B, and "let her rip." The Vice-President asked and obtained unanimous consent to suppress this certificate, which was manifestly bogus and a burlesque.
Senator McDonald, of Indiana, rose and submitted an objection to the Hayes and Wheeler certificates. The objection was based on the ground that the Hayes and Wheeler electors had not been duly elected, but that their election had been certified by Wm. P. Kellogg, who claimed to be, but in fact was not the Governor of the state of Louisiana; and because the Returning Board of said state was without jurisdiction, for the reason that the laws of Louisiana conferred no power on the Returning Board to canvass or compile the votes; since they constituted but four of the five persons required by law; since those four were of the same political party; and since there was a vacancy in said board which the four had refused to fill; because the four members of the returning board had full knowledge that a true compilation of the votes would have shown that the Tilden electors had been duly elected; because said board had offered to sell the vote of Louisiana and because A. B. Levisee and O. M. Brewister, of the Republican electors, held offices of trust under the government of the United States at the time of their appointment as electors. The objection was signed by Senator McDonald, of Ind., Stevenson, of Ky., Saulsbury, of Delaware, and Bogy, of Mo., and by members Jenks, of Penn., Gibson, of La., Ellis, of La., Morrison, of Ill.
Gibson, of Louisiana, also sent up objections to the Hayes and Wheeler certificates. First, the Government of Louisiana was not Republican in form; second, no canvass was made on which the certificates of election were issued; third, any alleged canvass of the votes was an act of usurpation, fraudulent and void; fourth, some of the electors were ineligible by the law of Louisiana and were disqualified from acting as electors, as they were holding State offices, Kellogg being acting as de facto Governor, Jeffroin as Supervisor of Registration for the parish of Point Coupee, Marks as District Attorney, and Burch as a member of the State Senate and a member of the Board of Control of the State Penitentiary, an administrator of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, and Treasurer of the School Board of East Baton Rouge; fifth, because Jeffroin was especially disqualified by the 13th section of the act of the Legislature of the 24th of July, 1874, which provides that no supervisor of registration shall be eligible to any office at that election, and because Jeffroin was at the last election supervisor of registration for the Parish of Point Coupee. This objection is signed by Senators Saulsbury, McDonald and Kelly; and by Representative Jenks, Tucker, Gibson, Field, Levy and Egbert.
Wood of N. Y. submitted further objections to the Hayes and Wheeler certificates on the ground that the electors were not elected as provided by the legislature.
Howe of Wisconsin submitted objection to the Tilden and Hendricks certificates on the ground that there was no evidence that these electors had been appointed in such a manner as the legislature directed, while there was evidence conducive in the law that neither of them had been so appointed on the ground that there was no evidence that McEnrey was Governor of Louisiana in the year 1875, while there was conclusive evidence that Kellogg was during 1876, and until several years prior thereto Governor of that state, and was recognized as such by the Judicial and Legislative Departments of the government of the United States.
The presiding officer – "Are there further objections to the vote of Louisiana?" After a pause, "there being no objection all the certificates from that State, with the papers accompanying the same, together with the objections, will now be submitted to the Electoral Commission for judgement and decision. The Senate will now withdraw to its chamber." The Senate thereupon withdrew and the curtain fell on the third act of the Joint Convention.
The Electoral Commission was called to order at 4 o’clock and received the certificates and accompanying papers in the Louisiana case, Field, Campbell, Trumbell, Carpenter, Merrick, Hoadly, and Green, counsel for the Democrats, and Evarts, Matthews, Shellabarger and Stoughton for the Republican, appeared. Senators McDonald and Representative Jenks will appear as objectors on the part of the Democrats and Senator Howe and Representative Shellaburger on the part of the Republicans.
The Cunard Steamship Line, which for many years has been a leading Transatlantic passenger carrier, has had extraordinary success during its career. Since the organization of the company, the Cunard steamers have made over four thousand voyages, sailing more than twelve millions of miles, and carrying two millions of passengers. They have done this without losing a single life, or having any harm to happen to a single letter in the mails, which they have regularly carried.
A suit has been pending in the Circuit Court at Richmond, Va., involving the question as to the burning of a certain portion of that city when evacuated by the Confederate forces on April 3, 1865. The suit is brought by gentleman named Graham, against the Mutual Assurance Company, of which John Marshall was the first President, to recover the amount of a policy of insurance on a building burned in this fire. During the pondency of this suit repeated efforts have been made to get the testimony of prominent Confederate officers as to who ordered the burning of the various tobacco warehouses in the city, which caused the extended conflagration. A few days ago counsel on both sides entered into a written agreement to the effect that the tobacco warehouses were fired by order of General Ewell, who acted under the direct orders of Gen. Lee, and that the latter acted under the authority of an act of the Confederate Congress, providing for the burning of all tobacco or cotton at points where they were likely to fall into the hands of the enemy.
A great change in life is like a cold bath in winter; we all hesitate to make the first plunge.
ARTICLE – "INFORMATION AS TO QUAILS" – from The Louisville Commercial
The Indiana Legislature has a bill pending to prohibit the shooting of quails for five years. We hope it will be amended, for though the quail is a friend to the farmer, there may be too much of a good thing.
Each pair of quails produce an average of ten chicks per year – many, in favorable seasons, hatch out sixteen in a brood, and then hatch a second brood. If we estimate only the small number of 500,000 quails in Indiana to start with (though there are probably ten times that number) and take ten per year as the produce of each pair, the figures will simply be stupendous, and we present them to the Indiana legislature for consideration:
First year, total 1,000,000
Second year, total 18,000,000
Third year, total 108,000,000
Fourth year, total 648,000,000
Fifth year, total 3,888,000,000
We would have to station an army along the Ohio River to prevent an invasion of Kentucky after these birds had eaten everything visible in Indiana. There wouldn’t be a bug left in that state, and the birds would require grain to live upon. Estimating a gill per day for each bird, it would require about fifteen million bushels per day to feed them. We enter our protest in advance, and shall demand, if Indiana does pass that law, that the state shall raise the grain to feed the birds, and put up a bird net three hundred feet high along the Ohio, to keep their inhabitants from invading Kentucky.
We can stand a law protecting them for two years, but beyond that period we must demand a halt.
ARTICLE – "COL. GORDON’S RETURN" – from The New York Tribune
After an absence of two years in the interior of Africa, Col. Gordon reached Cairo on his way back to England on the first of last December. The task assigned him was the opening of a practicable commercial highway from that city to the Albert and Victoria Lakes. Sir Samuel Baker, who proceeded him, had been compelled to fight his way back from the extreme point reached in the interior of Gondokoro, and had left the newly explored country in a disturbed state. Col. G. has succeeded in pacifying the hostile tribes, and has established a line of posts, 50 to 100 miles apart, from Khartoum to Gondokoro, and thence to the Albert Lake. The communication was so far perfected that English papers were received with tolerable regularity in seven weeks from the date of publication.
The pathway to the heart of the Continent thus secured is by no means perfect. As the Nile approaches the equator it becomes a morass. Readers of Sir Samuel Baker’s narrative of his expedition will remember his graphic description of the utter disappearance of the river in a tangled mass of weeds and grass. Col. Gordon had, as did his predecessor, to cut his way through with infinite pains. At Dafili, 160 miles from the Albert Lake, he encountered a series of rapids, three miles in length. His little steamer was taken to pieces and carried around this obstruction. From this point to the lake no serious difficulty was met.
The commercial value of this route was proved by Col. Gordon himself, whose trading in ivory, if the dispatch to the London Times be correct, "enabled him to pay all the expenses of his province, including the pay of his men, his officials, and himself, and to bring back a surplus to the Egyptian treasury." The country is poor in food supplies, the natives raising no more than suffices for their wants. To establish the connecting links on land where the waterways fall will require time and the pacification of the native tribes.
Col. Gordon, in this long journey, has shown himself a skillful diplomatist as well as a bold explorer. There were no Europeans in his force, so many of his soldiers were left to garrison posts that the number taken with him was necessarily small. Yet he maintained order, arbitrated the disputes of quarreling natives, and did much to repress slave trading. If he has not solved the problem of commerce with the lake region of Africa by way of the Nile, he has at least simplified the elements of the problem, and has prepared the way for farther advances of civilization into this remote region.
To this day a sort of fanciful value attaches to the magnificent gold mohur, so soft that it could be bent by the fingers or scratched by the nail. While the silver sicca rupee long held its ground against the company’s rupee with its slight admixture of alloy. The practice of having coins and ornaments of absolutely pure gold and silver had its good as well as its bad side. No doubt the trinkets were easily defaced, and the coin quickly injured by friction. But that the native of India have always found it convenient to convert coins into tangles and noserings, or to exchange these latter for coin at will, and with the minimum of loss. A Hindoo ryot (sic) has but to carry a bag of silver to a jeweler, and on paying the cost of labor he procures its transformation into anklets and armlets for his wife and daughter, possibly in some rare instance of bucolic ostentation, into silver tires for the wheels of his ox-cart. He has no doubt of the substantial value of the property, which he thus oddly invests. For in India it is not as with us at home, where jewelry is so dear to buy and so cheap to sell; where costly rings and bracelets are with difficulty disposed of at the most alarming sacrifices, and where many a reduced gentlewoman has listened with semi-incredulous indignation to the contemptuous estimate by which Messrs. Sharp and Pinchbeck gauge the worth of the "family pearls" - hereditary gems which she had been from infancy accustomed to regard as second only to those of royalty itself. The Hindoo customer knows that his pure gold and pure silver will always command their just price, while he learns the selling value of a ruby or an emerald with at least approximate accuracy.
ARTICLE – "A SOUTHERN COTTON FACTORY" – from St. Louis Republican
The six-month’s history of the Piedmont cotton factory in Greenville County, South Carolina is an interesting illustration of what thrift, economy and good management will accomplish in the way of profits, under very unfavorable circumstances. The company was organized in the summer of 1873, as unpropitious a time for embarking with capital in new enterprises as could be selected. Notwithstanding the break down of industry and trade in the face of that year, it steadily adhered to its undertaking, and erected a four-story building, 100 feet square, for a factory, stocked a portion of it with the most effective improved machinery and made all necessary preparations for manufacturing. It did not get to work until July last, and the exhibit it now gives is that of only six months work. The net profits have been $12,680; and the balance left after paying interest and all other charges is $9,674. What the capital of the company in the report does not state, but if it be $120,000 it has in six months earned profits of 10 percent. It has consumed 764 bales of cotton averaging 432 pounds, and made 953,226 yards of cloth, sheetings, and shirtings. Its goods have been introduced not only in the neighboring towns of South Carolina, but into New York and Baltimore, where they are classed as the best of the kind made in the United States. The company is so encouraged by the result of its six months that it is preparing to fill one floor of its building, now vacant, and thus tax it to its utmost capacity, confident that a factory that can yield profits in such unfavorable times as the present has its success assured. It is run by water-power, being located in a region where that power is abundant and cheap.
PAYMENT IN NIGGERS – from Raleigh (N. C.) Observer
Some time since a distinguished citizen of North Carolina was in New York, and in conversation with a somewhat pompous bank officer, the latter asked him if North Carolina would pay the State debt. "Yes" was the reply, "she is able to pay it, and she is going to do it." "What" said the banker, "will she pay the whole debt, old and new, at par?" "Yes" replied the North Carolinian. "How?" asked the bank officer. "She will pay it in negroes valued at 1,000 each." "Ah, but we have freed your negroes." "But" retorted the North Carolinian, "we’ve got your money for our bonds." Some people think this is about the only way in which our State debt will be paid.
THE PIONEER, Vernon, Ala.
This paper is on file with Geo. R. Rowell & Co. H Park Row, N. Y. where advertising contracts can be made.
Published Weekly.
SMITH, MCCULLOUGH & CO. Publishers; SID B. SMITH, M. D. – Editor
Friday, Feb. 23, 1876 (note: date is wrong – should be 1877)
We are informed that by an act of the last General Assembly, the name of this county has been changed from Sanford to Lamar, in honor, we presume of a LUCIUS QUINTIUS CURTIUS LAMAR, who lives somewhere in the State of Mississippi.
We have, as yet, failed to get hold of a copy of the Bill, making the change; but have sent to Montgomery for it, and will publish it for the information of our San—Lamarites, as soon as received.
If, as the Advertiser suggests, the House of Representatives should declare that there has been no election of a President by the Electoral Colleges under the forms of law, and should proceed, as provided by the Constitution, to elect a President, what would be the result!
The House would elect Mr. Tilden, and at the same time, the Senate and the eight radicals of the Electoral Commission would declare Mr. Hayes to be lawfully elected President. Both these gentlemen would endeavor to enforce their claims. The country, for a short time, would present the spectacle of two Presidents, with a possibility of much bloodshed – in other words, the country would be thoroughly Mexicanized.
Mr. Hayes, backed by the present organized machinery of the Federal Government would be in a position to speedily enforce his claims, however wrongfully or fraudulently obtained.
On the other hand, Mr. Tilden, whom the people believe to have been elected, will have no organized backing – nothing, save the declaration of a defunct House of Representative, to sustain him in the enforcement of his claims.
While the South would gladly aid him by every means in her power in the enforcement of his rights, and the perpetuation of a popular form of Government, she is powerless, unaided, to render him, or even herself, any very great assistance.
The conduct of the past campaign was entrusted entirely to the hands of Northern Democrats, and upon their shoulder must rest the responsibility of its failures. The South – the private in the ranks – has relied and obeyed implicitly this leadership. The campaign was prospect to an almost successful termination – the enemy driven to the last ditch, the Democracy holding the drop, with victory already in their grasp. And yet, upon the fire of the first picket gun, our leaders change tactics – the drop is removed and the victory is lost.
For the House to declare Mr. Tilden elected, after the grand mistake it has made, would be suicidal. It has but the one recourse, and that is "by a resort to parliamentary tactic, to give the question back to the people and let them solve the problem by a new election."
As a government, we stand upon a magazine already loaded and primed. Let the House of Representatives take no action that will bring the two candidates into active or implied hostilities. Else the mine will be sprung – full rein given to the passions of the people, and the government will go to pieces amidst a deluge of blood.
Washington, Feb. 16
The Commission, by a vote of 8 to 7, decided that no evidence can be received in the Louisiana case except the Electoral certificates. Numerous propositions were made to take various kinds of evidence, but all were rejected by a vote of 8 to 7. Commissioner Payne moved to allow counsel one hour’s time, but counsel declined, and the Commission resumed its secret session with a view of reaching a final decision tonight.
The following are the resolutions acted on by the Commission: Mr. Hoar submitted the following: "Ordered that the evidence be not received."
Mr. Abbott offered the following as a substitute: "Resolved, That evidence be received to show that so much of the act of Louisiana establishing the Returning Board for that state is unconstitutional, and the acts of the said Returning Board." This was rejected by the following vote: Yeas – Abbott, Bayard, Clifford, Field, Hunton, Payne, and Thurman. Nays – Bradley, Edmunds, Frelinghauser, Garfield, Hoar, Miller, Morton, and Strong.
Mr. Abbott offered another substitute as follows: "Resolved, that evidence will be received to show that the Returning Board of Louisiana at the time of canvassing and compiling the vote of that state at the last election in that state was illegally constituted under the laws establishing it, in this, that it was composed of four persons of one political party instead of five persons of different parties." This was rejected by the same vote.
Abbott then offered another substitute: "Resolved, That the Commission will receive testimony on the subject of the frauds alleges in the specification of counsel for the objectors to certificates 1 and 3." This too was rejected by the same vote.
Mr. Abbott then offered a fourth substitute: "Resolved that testimony tending to show that the so called Returning Board of Louisiana had no jurisdiction to canvass the votes for electors for President and Vice-President is admissible." It was rejected by the same vote.
Mr. Abbott offered a fifth substitute which was rejected by the same vote, which was as follows: "Resolved, that evidence is admissible that the statesmen’s and affidavits purporting to have been made and forwarded to said Returning Board in pursuance of the provision of Section 26 of the election law of 1862 alleging riot, tumult, or intimidation and violence at or near certain polls and in certain parishes were false and fabricated and forged by certain disreputable persons under the direction and knowledge of the said Returning Board; that said Returning Board, knowing the said statement and affidavits to be false and forged, and than none of such statements and affidavits were made in the manner or form or within the time required by the law, did knowingly, willfully, and fraudulently fail and refuse to canvass or compile more than ten thousand votes cast, as is shown by the statement of the votes made by the Commissioners of election."
Mr. Hunton offered a sixth substitute, as follows: "Resolved, That evidence be received to prove that the votes cast and given at the said election on the 7th of November last, as shown by the return made by the Commissioners of Election for the said polls and voting places in said State, have never been compiled nor canvassed, and that the said Returning Board never even pretended to compile or canvass the returns made by the State Supervisors of Registration." This was also rejected by the same vote.
A seventh substitute was offered by Mr. Bayard, as follows: "Resolved, That no person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States is eligible to be appointed an elector and that this Commission will receive evidence tending to prove said ineligibility as offered by counsel for objectors to certificates Nos. 1 and 3." Rejected by the same vote.
Justice Field offered the eighth and last substitute, as follow: "Resolved, That in the opinion of the Commission evidence is admissible upon the several matters which the counsel for objectors to certificates numbered one and three offer to prove." This was also rejected by the same vote, and the question on the original order submitted by Mr. Hoar came up , viz, that the evidence offered be not received.
Mr. Payne moved to strike out the word "not", but the motion was rejected by the same vote.
The vote on the original order was then taken, and it was adopted. Order was then taken, and it was adopted by the following vote: Yeas – Bradley, Edmunds, Frelinghayser, Garfield, Hoar. Miller, Morton, and Strong (8). Nays – Abbott, Bayard, Clifford, Field, Hunton, Payne, and Thurman (7).
After the conclusion had been reached by the Commission, Counsel were admitted and the above resolutions were read by the Secretary. The Commission is now in secret session. There is little doubt of resuit.
Immediately after the doors were closed Mr. Morton submitted a resolution declaring that the votes of the Hays and Wheeler electors of Louisiana should be counted, and also assigned reasons there for which are understood to also cover the case of Oregon and South Carolina. His resolution was adopted by a vote of 8 to 7.
Justices Miller and Bradley and Representative Abbott were then appointed a Committee to draft a report for presentation to Congress, and at 6:15 the Commission took a recess to 7 o’clock.
The following is Morton’s resolution: "Resolved, That the person named as Electors in certificate No. 1 were the lawful electors of the state of Louisiana, and that their votes are the votes provided for by the Constitution of the United States, and should be counted for President and Vice-President.
Justice Field then moved that an hour be allowed to counsel on either side for further argument.
Mr. Garfield said the time allowed by the original order had been exhausted and he objected to a further extension.
Mr. Morton suggested that counsel be consulted about the subject. He would vote against the motion unless counsel desired it. Mr. Evarts expressed a willingness to let the case stand as it now stood.
Judge Campbell said that as the Commission had excluded the evidence they had nothing to add to the argument presented.
On motion of Mr. Hoar the doors were then closed and the Commission resumed its secret session. The Commission remained until 8:57 p.m. when, on motion of Mr. Edmunds, an adjournment to 7 p.m. tomorrow was ordered. The Louisiana report has been signed by the 8 and will be presented to the joint session tomorrow.
The report is to the following affect. The Electoral Commission, having received certain certificates and papers purporting to be the certificates and papers accompanying the same of the electoral vote of the state of Louisiana and the objections thereto, report that it has already considered the same and has decided and does hereby decide that the votes of W. P. Kellogg, O. H. Brewster, etc. named in the certificate of W. P. Kellogg, Governor of said state, which votes are certificate by said persons, as appears by the certificates, submitted to the Commission as aforesaid, and marked number one by said Commission and herewith returned are the voted provided for by the Constitution of the United States: and that the same are lawful to be counted as therein certified; namely, 8 votes for R. B. Hayes of Ohio for President, and 8 votes for W. A. Wheeler of the State of New York for Vice President. They also decide and report that the 89 persons first before named were duly appointed electors by said State of Louisiana.
The ground of this decision stated briefly, is substantially as follows: That it is not competent to go into evidence allude as to the papers opened by the President of the Senate in the presence of the two houses to prove that other persons than those regularly certified by the Governor of the State of Louisiana in and according to the determination and declaration of their appointment – in other words to go behind the certificates of the Governor so far as it is founded upon the action of the Returning Board.
The Commission could not receive any evidence to show that any elector was ineligible the day of November, the day of the election, on the ground that it was not essential to show that he was ineligible on the day when he cast his vote in the Electoral College; and the fact appears that the alleged ineligible electors, Brewster and Levisee, were chosen to fill vacancies caused by their own absence from the College, and there was no allegation of ineligibility when they cast their vote.
New Orleans Feb 15. State Senate.
Two men called at the door of the State House today, and asked for Packard. One claimed to be an ex-Federal officer, and the other to be a discharged soldier. They were brought to the head of the stairs when one, claiming to be the correspondent, named Welden, of the Philadelphia Press, desired to see Gov. Packard. He was sent in, and found Packard seated at this desk and talking to Judge Bormenan. Weldon took a vacant chair at Packard’s left and asked, "When can I see you?" Packard turned and found a pistol pointed at his head. He struck the pistol down, and it was discharged, the ball taking effect in Packard’s knee. Packard knocked Weldon down, when several drew their pistols and fired, wounding Weldon seriously but not fatally. The man who shot Packard says his name is Henry Welden, of Philadelphia, where he has a mother and sister. Weldon says he had four persons associated with him, but they flinched. The man who came with him to the head of the stairs was arrested.
No blood was drawn by the bullet fired at Packard, and he received only a slight bruise. Weldon, who claims to be the son of a Lutheran minister in Pennsylvania, replied, "Only Patriotism."
The Electoral Commission Bill was agreed to in the joint committees and passed by Congress for the purpose of examining into the votes of those States from which duplicate returns were received. Except for this purpose it never would have become a law. In the arguments made by the members of the committees which prepared the bill, it was expressly stated that this Commission would investigate and truly adjudicate between these several certificates. Thus both the terms of the bill and the arguments of its supporters showing that this was its purpose, induced its passage by the House.
Four of the Radical members of the Commission were member of the Joint Committee. Three of them made arguments in the two Houses which secures its passage, the chief of which was that the truth would be ascertained by due investigation. Indeed, Mr. Edmunds, with a view to fixing the powers of the commission in this respect beyond dispute, offered an amendment to the bill providing that the commission should have power to investigate matters connected with the certificates and then voted against his amendment which received only one vote in the Senate.
On this understanding the Democrats of the Senate and House supported the Bill with great unanimity. Only one Senator and eighteen Representatives voted against it.
But now the commission refuses by a party majority of one, including the three members of the joint committee, to investigate any of the facts connected with the returns submitted to them. They refuse to discharge the only duty entrusted to them. They decline to set in accordance with the requirements of the bill and the understanding on which it was passed.
This leaves the matter precisely as if they had refused to accept their appointments and had never had any existence as except in name, they never did have. Their decision rendered without any attempt to comply with the terms of the law under which they were constituted, cannot be received by the people as judgement.
Under these circumstances the duty of the House of Representative is clear. The Constitution devolves upon the House of Representative the duty of electing a President in case any candidate fails to receive a majority of the electoral votes. Under the law, they must therefore determine when the contingency arrived for them to act.
The House has already declared that the votes of Florida did not belong to Mr. Hayes. The same determination will no doubt be made in the case of Louisiana. And these declarations are declarations of fact, supported by abundant evidence.
If the House is honest in these declarations, it follows that there has been no election by the electoral colleges under the forms of law, and it must so declare the fact to be. Then in accordance with the Constitution, the House of Representatives must proceed to elect a President for the term commencing March 4, 1877. This is its plain duty – a duty which its members owe to the people they represent, the Constitution, and to the country. If true to the high trust confided to them, they will discharge this duty like men.
The New York World, in commenting on the decision of the Electoral Commission in the Florida case says:
The decision can only be accurately described in Mr. Evart’s own words as a plain attempt to supercede the sovereignty of the people by a government of judges incapable of the judicial temper and unequal to the great trust reposed in them by a people weary of partisan strife, and slow to believe that the virtues of patriotism and public honesty have clean gone out of their public servants.
The trustees of the Colored Orphans Asylum in South Carolina applied to Chamberlain for funds with which to sustain their institution. But none were forthcoming. Then they applied to Gen. Hampton. He refused their application on the ground that they did not address and had refused to recognize him as Governor. Now they find how absurd it is to acknowledge a Governor who has no other title or right to office except that derived from the presence of Federal bayonets. So they reconsidered their action, acknowledged the authority of Gov. Hampton and demanded the sum due by the State. Gov. Hampton immediately sent them a check for an amount sufficient to satisfy their present demands.
The Alabama Investigating Committee have commenced the examination of witnesses going as far back as 1874, as well as 1876. Judge F. M. Wood, examined on Saturday last, being the first Democrat so far. They are working hard to find a pretext to throw out Gen. Morgan.
It is a singular fact that the Democratic party and the more honest Republicans, have lost all confidence in the Electoral Commission. [Ex.
State of Alabama, Sanford County
Under and by virtue of an order of sale to me directed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Sanford County, I will on Monday the 5th day of March, 1877, in front of the court house door, of Sanford County, within the hours prescribed by law, expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following property lying, being and situated in the county of Sanford and State of Alabama to wit: …(land description) …..Sec 5, township 13, Range 14. Said land is sold as the property of the above named defendant.
S. P. KEMP, Sheriff
State of Alabama – Sanford County
W. H. DEROCHMONT, et. al.
Under and by virtue of Five Fi. Fa’s to me directed by Alexander Cobb, judge of Probate in and for said county and state, I will on Monday, the 5th day of March 1877 in front of the Court House door of said county, within the hours prescribed by law; expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to wit: The w. half of lot 32 in town of Vernon levied on as the property of G. C. BURNS, also ….(land description)….sec 20 T 14 R 15 levied on as the property of J. G. HOLLADAY, also … (land description) levied on as the property of JOHN R. KING and sold to satisfy said fi-fas. S. P. KEMP, Sheriff
Jan 30th, 1877
Sewing Machine Sales. The Singer. The most popular machine in the world. Victorious over all opposition…….. Agents wanted. For terms apply to me at the post office, Vernon, Sanford County, Ala. F. W. BROWN, Agent, for Singer Manufacturing Company
PAT WOOD BOX STOVE POLISH PASTE. Try a box of this and you will use no other.
When you go to Aberdeen call on B. R. HOWARD & SON for cheap boots and shoes. They are selling lower than any house in the State. You can get a man’s shoe for $1.00, Men’s brogans $1.00 to $2.50. Good Boots $2.50 & $3.00. They have on hand now the largest and most complete stock ever carried to Aberdeen. It will pay you just to see such an immense quantity of coats and shoes together.
Estate of JAMES HARRIS, col’d, dec.
State of Alabama, Sanford County
Probate Court, Special Term, Jan 26th, 1877.
This day came GEO. S. EARNEST, Administrator of said estate, and filed his application in writing and under oath, praying for an order to sell certain real estate therein named, whereupon it is ordered by the court that Wednesday, the 21st day of March, 1877, be the day set for the hearing of said application, when and where all parties in interest can come forward and contest the same if they see proper.
Given under my hand this the 26th day of January, 1877.
ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate
Letter of Administration were this day granted to the undersigned upon the estate of JAMES HARRIS, col’d deceased. All persons having claims against said estate will present them to me for payment within 18 months or they will be barred – and all persons indebted to said estate will come forward and make immediate settlement.
This the 18th day Jan. 1877.
Estate of WM. PENNINGTON, dec’d.
State of Alabama, Sanford County
By virtue of an order of sale issued from the office of the Judge of Probate of Sanford County and State Alabama I will offer for sale on the premises on Saturday, the 24th day of February, 1877 the following real estate to wit: …(land description)…Township 15, Range 15 as the lands of WM. PENNINGTON, deceased, late of said County will be sold in lots to suit purchasers, and will be sold for one-eighth cash the balance on 12 month credit with note and good security.
This the 31st day of January, 1877.
Estate of W. A. WIILLIAMS
State of Alabama, Sanford County
In the matter of the final settlement of THOMAS MOLLEY, Administrator of the Estate of W. A. WILLIAMS, Deceased, this being the day set for said settlement when it appearing to the court that notice had not been given as required by law, it is ordered by the Court that this settlement be continued until the 27th day of February, 1877, and that said notice of continuance and order for final settlement be published in the Vernon Pioneer for three consecutive weeks prior to said settlement, notifying all persons interested of said day, that they may contest the same if they see proper.
Given under my hand this Feb 1st, 1877.
ALEX COBB, Judge of Probate
State of Alabama, Sanford County
Under and by virtue of two Fi. Fa’s to me directed from the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Sanford County and State of Alabama, I will proceed to sell to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Court House door of said county, within the hours prescribed by law, on Monday the 5th day of March 1877 the following described property, lying being situated in the county of Sanford and state aforesaid to with…(land description)…sec 22, T 13, R16 as the property of TILMAN IRVIN and the ….sec 7, T13, R15 as the property of D. I. GUTHRIE to satisfy said Fi Fa’s.
S. P. KEMP, Sheriff
Jan’ry 26, 1877
FREEMASON’S MUTUAL Benefit Association, of Cincinnati, O. This is an Association for the benefit and relief of the widows and orphans of deceased members. For further information inquire of ANDREW MUNROE, Vernon, Ala.
Terms of Subscription
One copy one year $1.50
One copy six months 1.00
All subscriptions payable in advance
Rates of Advertising
One inch, one insertion $1.00
One inch, each subsequent insertions .50
One inch, twelve months 10.00
One inch, six months 7.00
One inch, three months 5.00
Two inches, twelve months 15.00
Two inches, six months 10.00
Two inches, three months 7.00
Quarter Column 12 months 35.00
Half Column, 12 months 60.00
One column, 12 months 100.00
One column, 3 months 35.00
One column, 6 months 60.00
Professional Cards $10.00
Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates.
Advertisements collectable after first insertion
Local notices, 20 cents per line. Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten line, charged advertising rates
County Court meets on the 1st Monday in each month.
Probate Court meets on 2nd Monday in each month.
Commissioner’s Court Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, May, August, and November.
(Cut out)
Masonic: Vernon Lodge, No. 389, meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 10 a.m.
I.O.O.F.: Moscow Lodge, No. 45, meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, at night.
I.O.G.T: Vernon Lodge, No. 96, meets on Wednesday night of each week, at seven o’clock.
Representative – J. C. KIRKLAND
Probate, County and Commissioners courts meet same as in Sanford.
County Officers,
B. H. WILLIAMS – Judge of Probate
J. H. SANFORD, Solicitor
A. A. WALDON, Sheriff
M. M. BULL, Circuit Clerk
W. A. EDWARDS, Tax Collector
F. BULL, Tax Assessor
Representative – JAMES F. HAMILTON
Probate Court and Commissioner’s courts meet same as in Sanford.
County Officers,
J. D. TERRELL, Judge of Probate
Sheriff, ex officio Tax Collector, J. R. HUGHES
Solicitor, THOS. R. NESMITH
ALVIN M. JONES, Treasurer
IKE SANDER’S MILLS. Isaac Sander’s Mill three miles south of Vernon, is constantly turning out the very best quantity of meal and flour. Meal and flour always on hand at the lowest market price. Also promptest attention given to all orders for lumber and a good supply is kept on hand for sale. Give us a trial.
O. F. B. SOCIETY – Of Chicago. All can protect their families by joining the Odd Fellow’s Benevolent Society and none should be without such protection. For further information apply to A. MUNROE, at Vernon.
W. F. HAMILTON, takes pleasure in making known to his friends in Sanford, Fayette and Marion counties that he is now located at Aberdeen, Miss. and will be found at ROY & BRO’S. well known and popular establishment. Ready at all times to look after their interests, and sell them bargains in dry goods, clothing, hats, boots, shoe, &c. &c. Our winter stock, just received, is full and complete. Do not fail to call on ROY & BRO. when in Aberdeen.
Barnes’ Patent Foot Pedal Machinery, Circular and Scroll saws, Lathes, etc. Fancy Wood and Designs. 10 different machines suited to the wants of mechanics and amateurs. Men, boys and ladies are making from $3 to $10 per day using them. Old styles thrown aside when these machines are known. Lumber from ½ to 3 ¼ inches thick hard or soft wood can be ripped by man power at the rate of from 125 to 600 feet per hour, line measure!!! Thousands of them now in use. The Velocipede Scroll Saw for miscellaneous work is admitted by all to be the jolliest little machine in the business. Say what you read this in and send for our 48 page illustrated catalogue free. W. F. & John Barnes, Rockford, Winnebago Co., Ill.
NATHAN BROS, Importers and wholesale dealers in Old Bourbon and rye whiskies, wines, liquors, cigars, tobacco and pipes. 82 Main Street, Opposite Columbus Banking and Insurance Company, Columbus, Miss. N. B. merchants desiring their shipments from the West can have their orders filled at our Cincinnati House.
Vernon, Friday, Feb. 23, 1877
W. R. SMITH, JR. – Local Editor
We are authorized to announce D. J. MOLLOY, as a candidate for County Treasurer, at the election to be held in August next.
We are authorized to announce D. V. LAWRENCE as candidate for County Treasurer at the election to be held in August next.
Precious peach trees blooming.
Only 15 candidates on docket for Sheriff.
SOLICITOR NESMITH started on his rounds.
MUNROE visiting Columbus in the interest of his several Insurance agencies.
Mr. S. P. GOODWIN lost a valuable cow this week, from poison.
D. J. MOLLOY makes his proclamation this week. Read it.
"BOO" LAWRENCE wishes to become County Treasurer.
A Debating Club has been organized at Military Springs with COL. THOS. W. YATES as President.
A Mr. POLLARD was shot and instantly killed by a Mr. DARR, last week. The killing occurred near the Lamar and Pickens county line. We have not learned the particulars.
Indications are that we will have a very light vote this fall. Every second free-holder will be a candidate.
Read the ADVERTISEMENT of Good Year’s Rubber Goods. A good thing to kill the chills with.
Some of our young men seem to be particularly interested in the Vernon school. Perhaps they had best matriculate.
The young men composing the Vernon Debating Club are prosecuting their exercises with a vim. There is no telling how many Ciceros this organization. (sic)
Our handsome bachelor friend, JOHN H. RAY, Esq. of Detroit, was in the village this week. Glad to see him.
PROF. SMITH, the Penman, is now engaged with his second school at Detroit. He gives, we understand, unbounded satisfaction.
The printer has one opportunity to prosper. This occurs on the 29th of February, annually, except Leap Year.
Fayette C. H. boasts the possession of a jeweler.
Mr. T. O. BURRIS, of Fayette C. H. was married on the 12th inst. to Miss DOTTIE WILSON, of Carrolton.
As the members of the Returning Board in Louisiana are appointed for life, and the Electoral Committee decided that neither Congress nor any one else can go back of their return there will be but one thing left to do, and that is to hang Wells and his companions to the nearest tree. It ought to have been done two years ago. – Norwalk (Conn) Democrat.
The light running Domestic Sewing Machine is the best. Greatest range of work, best quality of work, the lightest to run, always in order. Domestic Sewing Machine Co. New York and Chicago. The Domestic Underbraider and Sewing Machine, the only perfect Braiding Machine known, costs but so $5 more than the Family Machine. The Domestic Paper Fashions are unexcelled for elegance and perfection of fit. Send 5 cents for an illustrated catalogue. The Domestic Monthly, a Fashion and Literary Journal. Illustrated. Acknowledged authority $1.50 a year with a premium. Specimen copy 15 cents. Agents wanted. Most liberal terms. Domestic Sewing Machine Co. New York and Chicago.
Cut this out. One stalk of Barden’s White Flour Seed Corn, with 5 to 12 ears on the stalk, free to every agent to show the people that it is no humbug. This corn is a new variety and will produce, on good soil, as high as 100 bushels to the acre. It is what every farmer wants and will buy. Active Agents can make from $150 to $250 per month taking orders. Send $1 for sample bag of this corn, with terms, instructions, &c. which will be sent prepaid by mail. Now is the time to procure the Agency for your county. Send money by Post office Order of Registered letter. HUNT & CO. Chattanooga, Tenn.
ORIGINAL GOODYEAR’S RUBBER GOODS – Vulcanized rubber in every conceivable form. Adopted to Universal use. Any article under four pounds weight can be sent by mail. Wind and Water Proof garments a specialty. Our cloth surface coat combines two garments in one. For stormy weather it is a neat and tidy overcoat. By a peculiar process the rubber is put between the two cloth surfaces, which prevents smelling or sticking even in the hottest climates. They are made in three colors – Blue, Black, and Brown. Are light, portable, strong, and durable. We are now offering them at the extremely low price of $10 each. Sent post paid to any address upon receipt of price. When ordering, state size around chest, over vest. Reliable parties desiring to see our goods, can send for Trade Journal giving description of our leading articles. Be sure and get the "Original Goodyear’s Steam Vulcanized" fabrics. Send for illustrated price-list of our celebrated Pocket Gymnasium. Address carefully, Goodyear’s Rubber Curler Co. 697 Broadway, P. O. Box 5156, New York City.
To the several Justices of the Peace and Notaries Public in and for the county of Lamar who have appeals and order of sale under execution from your courts, returnable to the Circuit Court, you will please send them in before the 4th Monday in March, with a complete transcript of your records, so that your papers will be in due form for Final Record after rendition of Judgement in Circuit Court. Respectfully. J. R. MCMULLAN, Clerk, Cir. Ct.
Farmers and Planters subscribe for Our Home Journal and Rural Southland for the year 1877. It is the oldest and leading Weekly Agricultural paper in the South; contains everything of value suitable to Southern Agriculture such as cotton, sugar, rice, tobacco, corn, wheat, rye, oats, peas, the grasses, silk, ramie, moss, potatoes, turnips, cabbage, etc. The raising of all kinds of stock for the South; the culture of all kinds of fruits, peaches, pears, apples, etc; it contains a choice department for the family circle; gives all news in condensed form. The paper is printed from clear, new type, and contains sixteen pages of valuable matter every week. The subscription price is $2.50 per year, postpaid, $1.50 for six months, or 25 cents a month in advance. Address. Our Home Journal & Rural Southland. New Orleans.
State of Alabama, Sanford County
Justice Court, January 26th, 1877.
W. K. KIRK, Plaintiff
J. W. RODGES, Defend’t
In this case this day came the Plaintiff and it appearing from the papers that the Defendant had not been legally notified also from information that the defendant was a non-resident of the State. It is ordered by the court that notice be given by publication in the Vernon Pioneer a newspaper published in said county notifying said Defendant to appear at a court to be held by me on the 10th day of March next and plead, answer or demur, or judgement will be made final. JAS. P. YOUNG, J. P.
Begin the New Year with a paper from the State Capitol. The year 1877 will be marked by more important events than any of its predecessors. The Montgomery Advertiser as heretofore will be devoted to the Democratic and Conservative cause, and will be aspiring in its efforts to uphold good government in the State and Union. It is ordered at the following rates:
One copy daily – 1 year $10.00
One copy Daily – 6 months 5.00
One copy Weekly – 1 year 2.00
Twenty copies Weekly – 1 year 35.00
Thirty copies Weekly – 1 year 45.00
Postage included. An extra copy will be sent to every person getting up a club. Send money be Registered Letter, Express or Money Order. Address all letters to W. W. SCREWS. Montgomery, Ala.
Errors of Youth. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will for the sake of suffering humility, send free to all who read it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience can do so by addressing in perfect condition. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St. New York.
To Consumptives. The undersigned having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. parties wishing the prescription will please address, Rev. E. A. WILSON, 104 Penn St., Williamsburgh, New York.
PIMPLES – I will mail (free) the recipe for preparing a simple Vegetable balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples, and Blotches leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful. Also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address. BEN. VANDELF & CO. Box 5121, No. 5 Wooster St. N. Y.
A dealer wanted in every town in the South for the celebrated Weed Sewing Machine. The easiest learned, lightest running, most durable and popular machines made. Received the highest award at the Centennial. Special Inducements Offered. Address, Weed Sewing Machine Co. No. 182 Canal Street, New Orleans
Application to sell land.
State of Alabama, Sanford County
In the matter of the estate G. B. DARNEL, late of said county, dec’d, this day came JAMES P. YOUNG, administrator of said estate, and filed his application in writing and under oath praying for an order to sell certain lands therein described –when. It is ordered by the Court that the 10th day of March next be a day set for hearing and passing upon the same, when all parties in interest can come forward and contest the same if they think proper.
Given under my hand this 20th day of January, A. D. 1877.
ALEX. COBB, Judge of Probate
The Old Reliable. Has now in stock the largest assortment of general merchandise ever brought to this market. Dry goods, clothing, boots & shoes, hats & caps, glassware, crockery, hardware, tinware, drugs, Medicines, etc. In fact, everything the people want from Calomel to Zozodont. Hereafter I sell exclusively for CASH. parties indebted to me must come forward immediately and settle, else I must go to see them. A. A. SUMMERS.
Bargains!!! STEWART’S Extensive stock of Saddlery at cost! Aberdeen, Miss. I have concluded to close out my entire stock of saddlery, the largest in North Mississippi, if not in the State at cost. I advise my friends and the public generally to call immediately as this is no humbug; I mean to say. I have a large and well selected stock of boots and shoes which I will sell as low as the lowest, according to quality, as I do not intend to keep anything but the best of Goods. Boots and shoes made to order. The highest market price paid for Hides and Furs. A. STEWART.
Established 1856. DART & REYNOLDS (A. A. DART) Builders of Light Carriages, New Haven, Conn. Manufacture work expressly for the southern market, and from long experience are thoroughly acquainted with the requirements of the country. The work itself used in every Southern State is its recommendation, and renders a detailed description unnecessary. We also manufacture the celebrated Dexter Buggy, Now on Exhibition at the Centennial. The best, easiest and most durable vehicle in existence. For Circulars, & c. apply as above.
Are you going to paint. Then use Miller Bros. Chemical paint. Ready for use in White and over one hundred colors made of strictly prime white lead, zinc. and linseed oil. Warranted to last twice as long as any other paint in the world, and is also much handsomer and cheaper than any other paint – has taken the First Premium at twenty of the State Fairs of the Union, and is on many thousand of the finest houses in the country. Specimen cards sent free. MILLER BROTHERS, 100 Water Str. Cleveland, Ohio.
LEROY BREWER, THOS. DUGAN, H. L. HOPPER, C. A. HARRIS – L. BREWER & CO., Wholesale grocers. Dealers in Northern and Western Goods. Retailers and dealers in domestic and imported wines and liquors. Also Cotton Factors and Commission merchants. Agents for Orange Powder Works, Pratt’s Radiant & Astral Oil, California Gold Seal Wine. N. Schaeffer’s Lard and Candles, S. Davis Jr. & Co. Diamond Hams, Blackwell’s Durbam Smok’g Tobacco. Corner of Commerce and St. Louis Streets, Mobile, Ala.
The Pioneer, Vernon, Ala. Published Weekly.
SMITH, MCMULLAN & CO., Publishers. SID B. SMITH, M. D., Editor.
Friday, Feb 23, 1877.
ARTICLE – "DUST FOR ANIMALS IN WINTER" – from The Prairie Farmer
The almost indispensable necessity of an ample supply of dust for animals in winter is understood by very few stock growers. All sorts of animals delight in a dust bath. Chickens who have easy and continual access to it will never be troubled with vermin, either in their houses or on their bodies. Cattle delight to stand in a dusty road scraping it up with their fore-feet and flinging it all over their backs. The cheapest and most effectual care for live on cattle is to scatter a quart of perfectly dry dust along the spine, from the horns to the tail. In winter, when they cannot get it, many animals become covered with vermin. The writer has a rain tight wagon shed, with strips eight inches wide nailed close to the ground on three sides, into which a dozen wheel barrow loads of dust are half placed every fall. Here the poultry delight to wallow and rolling the sun. It is also kept and used on all the other stock at stated intervals, and no vermin of any sort is ever seen on any of them. This is at once the most certain remedy for these pests while the stock thrived by being supplied with what they crave, and what in a state of nature they would surely supply themselves with, but which they cannot when retrained and tied up in yards and stables.
ARTICLE – "PROFITS OF RAISING SHEEP" – from The Huntsville Advocate
We have long advocated the policy of North Alabama farmers making less cotton and turning more attention to the raising of stock. Indeed, we think that many would make more money by converting their lands into stock farms, and devoting themselves exclusively to the raising of horses and mules, horned cattle, sheep and hogs. We note with pleasure any step in this direction that comes to our knowledge. Yesterday we met our respected countryman, MR. JACOB W. BATTLE, and in conversation about his farming operations, he told us that, last February, he bought 23 head of sheep at $3 a head, with 13 lambs thrown in – total cost $69. Now, he has 56 head, with a prospect of 5 or 6 more by the middle of next month. He has sold 125 pounds wool clippings, unwashed, at 26 cents pound, amounting to $32.50. The shearing of this year and last will aggregate $79.30 – in other words paying the original cost of the sheep and $10.20 over. The total cost of keeping the sheep a year he estimates at $10.50. So that will start the second year with his sheep paid for; and the future increased clippings, less than 35 cents per head for keeping them a year will be clear profit. The wool, unwashed, brings 26 cents, and washed 33 cents a pound. His sheep are a cross of the Southdown and Cotswold on the common breed. He has procured a full blood Southdown ram. He says the Southdowns will thrive on what the common breed would starve.
An interesting addition to the development of species is to be found in a recent experience of her majesty’s customs officers in London. There arrived in the port from Hamburg a nice little bottle of harmless appearance containing about half a gallon of a mysterious liquid. This liquid, on analysis, was found to be nothing less than pure nicotine, and must, say the chemists, have been extracted from something over a ton of tobacco sweepings, duly moistened with alcohol. The purpose of the importers, though not expressed, was pardonably presumed to be the transformation of considerable quantities of the humble cabbage into the fragrant leaf of Havana – a change which it is pretty well known that useful vegetable not unfrequently undergoes when, as Mr. Earwin would say, "under domestication." The commissioner of customs, it seems, after taking out a sample for their museum, politely returned the precious consignment to Hamburg where, or rather at the neighboring city of Bremen, it will no doubt be profitably, if hardly beneficially, utilized.
The Trustees of the Vernon High School take pleasure in announcing that they have made an arrangement with REV. W. B. GILLHAM to take charge of their Institution for the ensuing school year – to commence on the 1st Monday in November. Mr. Gillham’s long and successful experience as educator of the youth of both sexes warrant us in giving him our highest endorsement and soliciting for our School a liberal patronage. In view of the great stringency in money matters, a reduction has been made from the usual rates of tuition for the present year. We propose for the present year to have a first class English School, and when the patronage will justify, to add a teacher of ancient and perhaps modern languages. Our school will be divided into the following grades and rates per session of 5 months:
Alphabetical lessons, Spelling, First lessons in Reading, First lessons in Geography and Mathematical Tables. $7.50
Written or Practical Arithmetic, Eng. Grammar, Descriptive Geography, Orthography, Reading, Penmanship, First lessons in English Composition and History of the United States. $12.50
Algebra, Geometry, natural Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Astronomy, English Composition, Rhetoric, Rhetorical Reading, English Grammar completed, Logic and Universal History. $17.50
All tuition fees due on the admission of the pupil, and the payments to be made punctually each quarter (ten weeks) except the first which must be made by the 25th of December. No pupil will be admitted for a less time than the remainder of the session for which he enters, except by special notice at the time of admission. Board including fires, lights, and lodging from eight to ten dollars per month.
Music on Piano, per month $4.00
Use of Instrument per month 1.00
Vocal Music (science of per mo.) 3.00
A contingent fee of 50 cents will be charged each pupil for the purpose of keeping up fires, etc. For further particulars apply to: Trustees J. D. MCCLUSKEY, ARTY A. SUMMERS , T. W. SPRINGFIELD, JASON GUIN, M. W. MORTON
MUD CREEK ACADEMY. Male and Female. Sanford County, Alabama.
(Fifteen Miles South of Vernon.) The first Session of this Institution will open on the First Monday in November 1876, and continue Eight Scholastic Months. The number of students is limited to 30. Board, including Washing, lights, etc., from $7 to $8 per month. Tuition $1 ½, $2, $2 ½ and $3 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. J. M. L. GUYTON. Co. Sup’t Ed. Vernon, Sanford Co, Ala. Or apply to Trustees W. M. FORD, A. PRIDMORE, F. M. RICHARDS, I. J. BARKSDALE, WM. RICHARDS
Have you tried SIDDALL’S MAGNETIC SOAP? For use in summer and winter. Makes clothes clean, sweet and very white without boiling or scalding. No rough hands! No yellow clothes! No wash boiler! No steam in the house! Guaranteed under $50 penalty not to injure clothes and superior for Toilet and Shaving. Sold at stores or a family package will be sent, express charges prepaid on receipt of One dollar and Fifty cents. One reliable dealer wanted at every prominent point, as Agent, with whom a liberal arrangement will be made. Address F. H. SIDDALL, 106 Market Street, Phila.
VISSCHER & HALL’S CONCENTRATED POTASH. Warranted equal to any Potash in the market and far superior to concentrated lye for all purpose for which it is used. Put up in one pound cans, convenient for use in families for make hard and soft soaps and for cleaning purposes generally. Directions for making soap, etc accompany each can. For cleaning Type, Presses, machinery, paints, softening water, washing tins and fruit trees in the spring, it is unequalled for excellence and convenience of package. For sale by Grocers and druggist everywhere. Visscher & Hall’s INSECTICIDE & DISINFECTANT POWDER is invaluable for the destruction of the potato bug, cotton worm, grasshoppers, mice, rats, roaches, insects and vermin of all kinds. It is harmless to men and animals and far cheaper than Paris green for the destruction of vermin. It is also invaluable as a DISINFECTANT, purifying the air in hospitals and sickrooms, and destroying the foul odors of sinks, cellars stables, &c. Put up in one pound cans. For sale by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. VISSCHER & HALL, Manufacturers. 96 Wall Street, New York.
FREEMASON’S MUTUAL Benefit Association, of Cincinnati, O. This is an Association for the benefit and relief of the widows and orphans of deceased members. For further information inquire of ANDREW MUNROE, Vernon, Ala.
B.T. GIFFORD. Dealer in Watches & Jewelry. 105 Commerce Street, Aberdeen, Miss. Celebrated Elgin watches. Stem winding American and Geneva Watches. Spencer’s Diamond Spectacles. Seth Thomas Clocks, Engraving initials on goods sold free of cost. Watch, clocks, and jewelry repairing done in best manner and warranted.
New Cash Store! LOUIS ROY Dealer in Dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, &c. 69 Commerce Street. Aberdeen, Miss. J. H. TYRONE is with this house and will be glad to see his Alabama friends.
The National Protective Association!!! Zanesville, Ohio. Incorporated June 19, 1874. Is an Association of Individuals for the purpose of Mutual Protection. A sliding scale of annual dues and assessments is adopted. All certificates of membership will guarantee tot he representatives or heirs of deceased members, in good standing, a sum equal to One Dollar from each surviving member. Any person, male or female between the ages of 18 and 60, in good health may become members of the Association. The fees and dues of this Association are in proportion to age. For further information apply to ANDREW MUNORE, Vernon, Ala.
Oh! Carry the News! Why Look Here! WATSON BROWN is back at his old place in the big boot and shoe and hat house. J. REINACH & SON, 79 Market Street. Columbus, Miss. Sign of the Big Boot and Hat. You can’t miss the place. Watson’s is always there and will be glad to sell you anything in the Boot or Shoe line. He can fit and suit you from four baby shoe to the largest shoe at lower prices than any other house.
T. G. BUSH, R. D. HUNTER, A. P. BUSH, JR. – T. G. BUSH & CO. – Wholesale Grocers. No. 51 and 53 North Commerce Street and 9 and 11 St. Louis Street. Mobile, Ala. Prompt and careful attention given to filling orders from a distance. Mr. C. C. WILLIAMS, is with this house and solicits the patronage of his friends in Alabama and Mississippi.
BURRIS & BRO. General Dealers in dry goods, groceries and plantation supplies a very large stock of boots and shoes, hats, queensware, glassware and hardware. Will pay the highest market price for all kinds of furs. W. T. MARLER of Sanford County will be found with us, give him a call. We will make a double effort to please you. 49 Main St. Columbus, Miss.
Notice to our friends and customers in Alabama. We are pleased to be able to inform you that we are prepared to store your cotton in our safe and commodious Ware Houses, and that we have every facility for your comfort and that of your teams. With our Ware Houses at the depot we have comfortable camp-houses, with sheds and feeding troughs. Every attention will be given our Alabama friends. Our wagon yard has been improved and fitted in the most thorough manner. Good cabins, good stables, good fencing. In short, every arrangement has been made that business tact could suggest for the comfort of Campers. CAPT. JOE GOODMAN has charge of the yard at Bank’s old stand, and CAPT. E. C. LEECH at Hale’s Warehouse. BANKS, HALE & CO. Columbus, Miss, Aug 17.
RAY & SON, Manufacturers and dealers in cotton yarn. Detroit, Ala. Also dealers in general merchandise, which we sell at the lowest cash price. We buy all kinds of country produce at market value, and make a specialty of Hides and Cotton. We are manufacturing a first class line of cotton yarn which we guarantee full weight and count. We solicit orders for yarn from merchants and country dealers. RAY & SON, Detroit, Ala.
WILLIAM L. JOBE, 81 Main St.-Columbus, Miss. Dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry. Sewing Machines. needles for all machines. Especial attention paid to repairing watches, clocks, jewelry, music boxes, &c. All work warranted. Work left at this office will be forwarded.
Agents make $18 a day. Our large life like Steel Engravings of the Presidential Candidates. Send for circular. N. Y. Engraving Co. 35 Wall St. Box 3236, N. Y. $12 a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and TRUE & CO. Augusta, Maine. Send 25c. to G. P. POWELL & CO., New York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, lists of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising.
J. L. MOSS & CO. Columbus, Mississippi. Dealer in hardware, cutlery, nails, iron, stoves, and materials for house building, all sorts of wagon materials, guns, pistols, and sportsman’s equipment. Also proprietors of Columbus Foundry and Machine Shops.
GILMER HOUSE. A. M. KING, Prop’r. The only first-class Hotel in the city.
GULF CITY HOTEL. Corner Water and Conti Streets. Mobile, Ala. This Hotel, with its beautifully furnished rooms, and the best table the market affords, is undoubtedly the cheapest Hotel in the South. Only $2.00 and $2.50 per day, according to room. W. C. MORROW, JR. – Proprietor.
JOHN P. KRECKER. Gunsmith & Locksmith. 81 Main St., Columbus, Miss. Keys made and fitted, locks repaired. A general assortment of gun material always on hand and is prepared to do work in his line with neatness and dispatch guns, rifles, pistols, and fixed ammunition for sale. Terms – cash in every instance. Persons desiring anything in my line are earnestly requested to give me a call. JOHN P. KRECKER.
DACOVICH’S RESTAURANT! AND LODGINGS. 7 Royal Street. Mobile, Ala. Fish, oysters and game in season. The best the market affords. Lodgings – 50 cents. Visitors to Mobile will find that Dacovich fills the bill, in comfortable rooms and excellent cuisine. Give him a call.
Best in the World. BLEATCHLEY’S HORIZONTAL ICE-CREAM FREEZER (Engley’s Patent). For saloons, hotels, families, or ice cream manufacturers, in the economy and perfection of its work is entirely unequalled. The closed head will save ice enough in one season to pay for the machine. The tub requires but one filling to freeze. Sizes 3 to 4 (quarts). When in town to the Big Exhibition come and see us or send for descriptive circular and price list. Very liberal arrangements made with the trade. The machines can also be seen at the Centennial Exhib. Agricult’l Hall, Cor. Aisles 9 and N, Column Letter 0, No. 10. C. G. BLATCHLEY, Manuf’r. 500 Commerce Street, Philadelphia.
THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE was awarded the First Premium at the Centennial Exhibition 1876 and has always carried off the highest honors wherever exhibited. A compact, simple, durable, light running and efficient "lock switch" machine. Adapted to the wants of everybody. The Home Sewing Machine was perfected---years since the aid of the best invention-------Warranted for five years. Live agents wanted in localities where we are not represented. Send for prices, and sample of work done on the home, or call at any of our offices. JOHNSON, CLARK, & CO. 30 Union Square, New York: 564 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 111 ½ Second Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 141 State Street, Chicago, Ill.; 21 South 5th Street, St. Louis, Mo.; 17 New Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal.
For Bodine’s improved JONVAL TURBINE WHEEL EUREKA SMUT MACHINE and Mill Machinery of all kind, etc. Address JNO. A. MATTHEWS, Pittsboro, Miss.
Perfection attained at Last. A trial will insure its popularity everywhere. WHITE SUTTLE SEWING MACHINE……White Sewing Machine Co, 358 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O. Agents Wanted.
J. H. ESTES. 51 Main Street. Columbus, Miss. Wholesale and retail Grocer. Dealer in plantation supplies, and Commission Merchant. Will be glad to see his old friends and will sell to them and the public at the lowest figures.
W. KELLERMAN. manufacturer and dealer in guns, rifles, pistols. Aberdeen, Miss. Breech-loaders a specialty. Muzzle-loaders converted into breech-loaders, at short notice and low figures. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. All work guaranteed.
Powder, shot, and caps, wholesale and retail by J. W. ECKFORD & BROS. Aberdeen.
JOHN S. WHITE of Lamar is with S. SELIG, wholesale and retail dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, and hats and gents’ furnishing goods. 55 Market Street, Columbus, Miss. Will pay highest Market price for cotton.
(Torn)…West of Meridan, Aberdeen, Miss. Hollowware and stoves of all kinds kept on hand. Special attention given to roofing, cattering, repairing of stoves and tin ware. Satisfaction given in all work or sales. My motto is "Quick Sales and Small Profits" Terms – Cash on delivery of goods or completion of work. T. J. BRANNAN.
VICK’S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS are the best the world produces. They are planted by a million people in America, and the result is beautiful flowers and splendid vegetables. A priced catalogue sent free to all who enclose the postage – a 2 cent stamp. VICK’S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and four Chromo Plates of flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 35 cts. in paper covers; 65 cts. Bound in elegant cloth. VICK’S FLORAL GUIDE. This is a beautiful quarterly journal, finely illustrated, and containing an elegant colored frontispiece with the first number. Price only 25 cts for the year. The first number for 1876 just issued. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y.
W. H. CLOPTON & SON, Wholesale and retail Grocers and dealers in family supplies. 78 Commerce Street, Aberdeen, Miss. We keep the largest and best stock on market and sell at bottom prices for cash.
A new hair tonic worth having. It is the best. WOOD’S IMPROVED HAIR RESTORATIVE, is unlike any other, and has no equal. The improved has new vegetable tonic properties; restores grey hair to a glossy natural color; restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; restores, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; removes dandruff, humors, sealy eruptions; removes irritation, itching and scaly dryness. No article produces such wonderful effects. Try it, call for Wood’s Improved Hair Restorative and don’t be put off with any other article. Sold by all druggists in this place and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied at manufacturer’s prices by C. A. COOK & Co. Chicago, Sole agents for the United States and Canadas, and by WHEELOOK, FINDLEY, & CO., New Orleans.
WOOD PUMPS. Blatchly’s standard Cucumber and Grafton Co's Pumps, with copper linings old and new styles, and all valuable improvements. Manufacturing facilities greatly increased; stock and assortment large, prices small. When in town to the big Exhibition, call and see us or send for catalogue with prices and terms. C. G. BLATCHELY, Manuf’r. 506 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. These pumps can be seen at Centennial Exhib. Agric’l Hall, Cor. Aisles 9 & N, Column Letter 0, No. 10.
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