Historical Newspapers   Lamar County, Alabama

Transcribed by Veneta Aldridge McKinney     Thanks Veneta.

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The Alabama Department of Archives and History




Volume III Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. Feb. 6, 1878 No. 36


FRANCIS JUSTICE. Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama. Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.

SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Alabama. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims.

JNO. D. MCCLUSKEY, Attorney At Law and Solicitors in Chancery – Vernon, Alabama - Will practice in Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.

GEO. A. RAMSEY, Attorney At Law, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the various courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to Supreme Court and U. S. District Court’s business.

THOS. B. NESMITH – Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.

NESMITH & SANFORD – T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.

EARNEST & EARNEST. W. R. EARNEST and GEO. S. EARNEST, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Birmingham and Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of this Judicial Circuit.

WILLIAM R. SMITH, Attorney At Law. Tuskaloosa, Ala. Will give prompt attention to all businesses trusted to his care. Will practice in the Federal Courts, at Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.



DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., A. L. MORTON and M. W. MORTON. Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.

SID. B. SMITH, M. D. Surgeon & Physician. Vernon, Alabama. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Office – at Pioneer office.



JOHN S. WHITE, of Lamar County, Alabama with Hudson, Humphries & Hudson, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps, &c. South East Corner Main and Market Streets, Columbus, Mississippi.


JOHN P. ECKFORD. Is still at his old place (next door to DAN RICHARDS) and sells Whisky, Tobacco, &. at rates to give satisfaction to all. He invites his friends to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere.


"The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose."

The Crescent trails in the dust. The power of the Musselmen (sic) is broken – broken never to be restored. The "sick man" is dead, or if not dead, has fallen into a feebleness as fearful and fatal as death itself.

As this juncture – in the midst of the happening of wonderful events, arises a question of thrilling interest; what is to become of the ancient home of the patriarchs? Will Israel return to the land of his fathers?

Some months since it was stated that a Jewish Rabbi in Cincinnati had petitioned the Czar to cede the Holy Land to the Jews in order that they might there erect a Republic and enjoy a government of their own. The learned Rabbi was premature in his petition, but he only foresaw it, the inevitable and resistless march of events the downfall of the Ottoman power. He saw that the day was drawing nigh when the voice of the Emperor of all the Russias would be potent upon the fate of the land to which the heart of Israel through the long dreary ages has turned with longing and affection. "We wept when we remembered Zion." "If I forget thee O, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning."

Weary with their long wanderings in the world, with what a joy must the faithful of Israel dream of returning and rebuilding the waste places of Zion and inhabiting again the land made sacred by glorious memories. Notwithstanding the blight of the Muslim that has so long rested upon it, the Holy Land has made a wonderful advancement within the last seven or eight years. An unusual influx of Jews – especially from Russia and England, the building of roads and churches and schools, the tilling of land long abandoned to desolation, show the Holy Land to strange contrast with the melancholy decline and decay in other portions of the Porte’s dominion.

A correspondent of a religious paper in Charleston writing from Palestine a few months ago declared that he verily believed the Jews were already returning to their ancient home – such numbers did he see coming in from all parts of Europe, but especially from Russia. In one village where he tarried he said that such was the demand for dwellings and such the activity in building, that the sound of the saw and the quick rap of the hammer were to be heard the livelong night. Lands long deserted were being cultivated and old roads rebuilt along which, only a short while since, for a fear of the wild Bedouins, a traveler unless well guarded, would not venture to go.

It is stated upon good authority, that there are today no less than two hundred Protestant churches in Palestine and 7,800 children in Protestant schools. There is also a confidence in tides to real estate long unknown.

Very early in last year a London correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial in writing to the latter journal said:

The keen instinct of the Jews has forefelt what is coming. I wrote you some time ago that a remarkable emigration to Palestine was going on among that people, and that the signs of it were observable in many closed Jewish homes in London. A traveler who has just returned here writes in today’s Times that he found the region from Dan to Beersheba crowded with emigrants from all parts of the world. Whatever may have caused the gathering of the Jews to Palestine the fact is certain. And the traveler who has remarked it no doubt represents the hope he found among them in his intimation that England might well assist in the restoration of Jerusalem and the foundation there of a Jewish republic, or either liberal government. The proposition is one likely to spread like wildfire. The average orthodox Christian world will at once recognize the Divine hand stretched forth to fulfill prophecy, and any amount of money could be raised here for such a purpose.

It will be remembered by some of our readers that some years ago, a distinguished divine of Alabama, in a lecture in this city, declared it to be his opinion that the Suez Canal project would sooner or later open for Egyptian cotton into Palestine and that the river Jordan would afford the water power to put in motion the spindles needful to spin all the cotton Egypt could produce, and that in the hands of "Israel restored", Palestine would become a great manufacturing country. The fertile valleys would again blossom as the rose and the little hills clap their hands for joy!"

The world is moving as never before in the midst of great events. In the political as well as in the scientific world, what wonders we witness! In what rapid succession invention follows inventions and event succeeds event! "A nation shall be born in a day" and need we wonder if now the God of Jacob shall, in mercy, remember the remnant of his "chosen people: - a remnant who for nineteen long centuries have wandered as strangers upon the face of the whole earth? The day may indeed be at hand when they shall again behold the glory of Lebanon, and delight in the excellency of Carmel and Sharon! "For God will build the cities of Judah, that they may dwell there and have it in possession. The seed also of his servants shall inherit it, and they that love his name shall dwell therein.

ARTICLE – "TAX SALES" – from Hayneville Examiner

In order that our patrons may be advised about the mode and effect of tax sales in future, we give in brief the duties of officers under the new law. By the 1st of March the collector files with the judge of probate a list of lands, with the owner’s names on which taxes are unpaid. The judge issues a notice to each owner to appear and show cause why his land should not be sold for taxes. If the owner appears and shows a good cause, why his land shall not be sold, for instance, that the taxes have been paid, or that he has personal property subject to taxes, the costs are adjusted against the assessor or collector; if no good cause is shown a decree is rendered for a sale of the lands in the same mode as has heretofore been usual.

We advise our reader not to let their lands sell for taxes now, relying on the fact that tax titles in Alabama have heretofore been so worthless, as all sales in future will be made under a decree of a court of competent jurisdiction after the owner has had his day in court to set up his defenses, and the title ought to be as good as that of a purchaser at a sheriff’s sale. We think the new law is a good one, and that hereafter all the taxes will be paid on lands. Lowndes has lost annually from $1000 to $2500 county taxes bid in by the state and never redeemed. The new law on the subject of sales was partly copied from that of Georgia and Illinois.


From all the facts that have come to our knowledge, after a thorough examination into all its bearing, we venture the opinion that there is not such a red-taped, one-sided, and partial court organization known to the current times as that which is, perhaps by irony styled the southern claims commission. They have evidently seated themselves squarely upon the position that a claim when presented from the unfortunate section known as the south means nothing more than a beggarly demand, The commission is not wholly responsible for the contracted view which it has taken of all claims brought before it. Congress has imposed certain arbitrary lines within which a claimant must contrive to place himself before he can stand even the shadow of a chance of having his claims favorably considered.

We have before us the seventh general report of the commissioners of claims, appointed under the act of March 3rd 1871.

From this table it appears that the whole amount disposed of in the 1,659 cases reported is $5,761,106.27, of which $434.638.48 is allowed, and $5,326,467.79 disallowed. Surely, here is a wide discrepancy between what was asked and what was given. We know of widows and orphans who had no hand in promoting the war, and whose ages, sex, disposition, or surroundings rendered it impossible for them to contribute aid to the confederate cause; and yet their valid claims against the government for army necessities now rest in pigeon holes of the commission with endorsement of "rejected" or "deferred," the latter meaning substantially the same with the former.

It is idle to say that if the policy of paying claims is once begun it would bankrupt the government to pay them. They are limited. Those of them which are right should be paid. Southern congressmen should not let valid southern claims be neglected without a protest. These claims which are based upon straw, or unsupported by such rights as hold good in a hostile country in times of war should be rejected. It is not our purpose to urge the payment of indiscriminant claims. Let the just ones be paid!

ARTICLE – "THE CAUSE OF THE PRESENT HARD TIMES" – from Jefferson Independent

From the granite hills of New England, from the commercial centers of the prairies of the great West, from the golden coast of the Pacific, and from our own loved South-land the same wail is heard. And not only in our own country is distress and poverty felt, but over the dark blue ocean from the rich and wealthy cities of Europe, for centuries the abode of accumulated wealth comes the same cry of distress. That which produces such general distress must be something which affects all classes of men, of every nation and clime. Over production is one of the causes assigned. A too general use of labor saving machinery is said to have thrown labor out of employment, and the products are more than can be consumed. But this should not affect the hardy farmer who cannot produce corn and meat enough to feed the hungry, nor cotton enough to clothe the ragged millions. And yet he feels the hard times as much as anyone. Too much unproductive capital invested in railroads and unprofitable enterprises is said by some to be cause of hard times. But unproductive capital can affect only those who have made unfortunate investments. Speculation in property and securities too extravagant a degree is said to have produced this crisis. But what one man loses in speculation another gains. Gamblers of every kind and degree while they do not increase the general wealth do not consume the wealth of a nation. The utmost they lose is their time. A general want of confidence is ascribed as the cause, Nay! It is not the want of confidence in man, it is a want of confidence in the ability of an honest, industrious prudent man to so mange his affairs as to be able certainly to repay both principle and interest. Why is no labor, no enterprise certain to produce a profit? There can only be one answer. It is because the prices of all commodities have for several years been falling. A commodity worth a given sum today may tomorrow be worth less. There is no basis for solid calculation. Prices are by the relation existing between money and other things. Money is constantly appreciating in value. Commodities are constantly falling. Manufactures prefer to close up and to wait for better times. The laborer is deprived of his support. An army of three millions of houseless, moneyless wanderers over run the country. The strong man’s muscles are paralyzed. His skilled labor is useless. However industrious or prudent a man may be, or whatever may be his employment, unless he is a salaried officer he can do no more than make a hard support for himself and family. Shrinkage in the volume of many produces its inevitable consequences. The recoinage of the money in 1696, when the mutilated currency was temporarily withdrawn from circulation produced the same distress upon the English people. Rome, at the beginning of the Christian era reveled in wealth and abundance of money. At the close of the tenth century money was scarce and poverty and ignorance oppressed the people. Science, arts, commerce, wealth and human freedom disappeared. And not until Venice and Genoa amid whose magnificent houses smothered the last sparks of liberty and whose merchants had long been celebrated for their intelligence and enterprise - not until they had established the banks of Venice and Genoa were the shackles stricken from the limbs of humanity, and hope and enterprise hurried mankind from the dark ages into the sunlight of civilization and progress. The energizing of the New World, quickened the march of progress aroused the dormant energies of the Old World, and filled the great ocean with the white fails of commerce, interchanging the products of both worlds and carrying wealth and liberty and knowledge and wisdom to all. If we would start again upon a career of enterprise and profit we must have more money. Let us have the silver dollar again.


Did you ever pause and contemplate that particular and peculiar phase of human nature developed by the existence schoolboy when release from study and discipline – when school is out and he is on his way home.

Ordinarily humanity, when released from the toils of the day, is prone to seek rest and relaxation. The boy scorns all such effeminate ideas. He is composed of but three parts – legs, arms, and yell and the yell are the biggest part of him. His legs and arms have been kept in irksome compulsory quietude all day, and now must be exercised. His voice has been seething and swelling in him for hours and must have vent.

As soon as he is clear of the schoolhouse steps he stops and deliberately yells a yell that is earsplitting, but which has no more object meaning or direction than the midnight vociferation of a mule, and yet it appears at a full run with his arms flying about like the scintillation of a pin-wheel. He is no respecter of persons and is utterly indifferent as to whether he runs down a smaller boy, spins an aged citizen three times around or mashes a girl’s hat over her eyes in his headlong career.

"Mercy on us! If that boy was only mine, I’d---" but just then her own boy flies past, falls over a dry goods box, bounces up and kicks at another boy and is chased across the corner before she can get the "You Robert!" with which she intends to annihilate him, out of her astonished throat.

There is but one thing that has a soothing effect on a boy when he is on the way home from school. He can see his old man further than Prof. Hall can see a hay stack with his telescope, and the moment that parent dawns upon his vision he becomes as proper as a model letter-writer and the nearly modulated voice with which he wheedles the author of his being out of a nickel on the spot is a lesson for future ambitious savings bank and passenger railway presidents.

The amount of racing, jumping, pulling, and hauling and howling that a school boy can concentrate into a transit of two squares is positively astonishing, and the pre-natural coolness and quietude with which he takes his red race and panting breath into the kitchen and asks if supper ain’t most ready is a human conundrum that calls for unqualified admiration.


from The Expositor by SAMMIE MUNROE

The leading paper of this place

Has published with its ease and grace,

A highly compliment to us

Above the non de plume of S.

Now all of us can surely guess

Who writes above the letter S.

And now to him we each must pay

A handsome tribute for his lay

His lay was sung with thoughts divine

With love for all of human kin

And unto him we owe a due

That’s to read his "Weekly" through.


Persons who patronize papers should pay promptly for perculiarary prospects of the press have peculiar power in pushing forward public prosperity. If the printer is paid promptly, and his pocketbook kept plethoric by prompt paying patrons, he puts his pen to paper in peace, he paints his pictures of passing events in more pleasant colors, and the perusal of his paper is more pleasure to his people. Pastet his piece of proverbial philosophy in some place where all persons can perceive it. Be please else to ponder upon it thyself, patiently and perservingly, and profitably, and persistently practice its precepts perpetual.


It is almost impossible to wash ink stains out of clothing, but if you use the same ink to mark a name on a boiled shirt it will disappear in two weeks.


The following story is told by the REV. J. HYATT SMITH:

"We stopped at Syracuse New York for dinner. You remember the railroad depot, centrally situated, with its eastern and western entrance, which are exactly alike, as much as the two ends of a car. After we had dined the depot master informed me that we had fifteen minutes to spare before the departure of the next train. This, thought I, will give me an opportunity to see the city and a glorious chance for a smoke, provided a clergyman could be tempted into such a worldly and tasteful amusement. I sauntered forth, and after an absence of exactly fifteen minutes, having enjoyed a delightful and soothing stroll I was leisurely returning, watch in hand, when to my astonishment I beheld the train moving slowly out of the other end of the depot and increasing in speed at every pull of the gigantic locomotive.

Here indeed was a call which admitted neither correspondence nor delay: There was no time for taking it into consideration.

So, without conferring with flesh and blood, I put like a sky rocket with a double fuse. For a moment, I thought I was gaining ground, although I knew that I was losing wind. I was encouraged to race by sundry helpful fellows who kept crying out as I passed "Go it gaiter!" "Pluck boy!" "Ho ain't lift – oh no!" and well-meaning and benignant exhortations. Though they intended perhaps to help me over of course, I found that the more they shouted the less I was inclined to run, and more decidedly did the locomotive make its way against me.

To give up the chase, to submit to the chagrin of being left, to lose my party and my passage, meet with disappointment, not to meet my friends – all this was bad enough. But the thought of encountering all the way back the depot that line of interested individuals who, with their cheering exclamations, had so feelingly encouraged me on my outward journey – this was the bitterest pill in this unexpected dose.

But it must be done. So, tapering off gradually, I gave up the contest, and if I could find him, the depot master, whose blandering statements were the cause of all my trouble. Without search that individual advanced to meet me with bland recognition of a fact that nobody could well delay:

"Well, you got left did you?"

I replied with the resentment of a silencing eye. If I looked as I tried to look, my photograph at that instant would hardly be chosen to grace an album gallery of "eminent divines."

Several bystanders seeking information asked, with a show of confidential interest in my case, in what wise the thing had happened; and others wishing to point a moral, advised me to be on hand a little earlier the next time.

With returning breath relief and words coming together, and I squarely charged the railway official with all blame. I spoke of his incompetence in no measurable terms, recalling how, after I had placed my party in the car, he had assured me that there was full seventeen minutes to spare before the train went out, "while here, " said I with a triumphant exhibition of my watch, "the seventeen minutes are even now barely up, and yet the train has gone clear out of sight."

After no little hot talk had shot back and forth, with the usual variations and I final peerations of "you did" and "I didn’t" "you’re another" etc. I asked him if I would be risking another chance of being left if I depended on him to give me the exact hour of the next eastern bound train.

"Eastern?" exclaimed he.

"Yes, Eastern." I exclaimed with a decidedly upward and rising inflection.

"Why," quoteth he, "the train you have been chasing with such good luck wasn’t the eastern train, but the western express.

With much interesting confusion and excitement I stammered out: "Then where in Joppa is the eastern train?’

"Why, there it is", replied he, "just getting underway at the other end of the depot, leg it or you’ll lose that."

If ever I made quick time I made it then. I felt as if I was all legs. One glance, however, at the rear door of the last car as I was nearing it came near being too much for me.


THE PIONEER, Vernon, Alabama. Published Weekly.

D. R. ALDRIDGE, Publisher. SID B. SMITH, M. D., Editor and Proprietor

Feb. 6, 1878


To organize a system of schools throughout the county would give an impulse to our educational interests that we never can otherwise secure. We will venture to suggest a plan and if school men can show a better one, we will gladly hear from them.

Have a county High School located say, at Vernon. From this point, let schools be organized all over the county. Establish such relation between this High School and each school in the county, that it shall constitute a Primary and Preparatory branch of the High School.

Having done this, have a board of managers, men qualified in every respect for the business, in each school district, whose duty it shall be to keep up the school organization in their own location, and on no account to allow the schools to become disbanded, when from any cause, the duties of the school can no longer be continued, let them announce a "Vacation" to a certain day.

A committee of the ablest teachers of the county should be selected, whose duty is should be to prescribe a course of text books, from a speller up to the highest branch, and books from this course only should be taught in the schools. And it might add much to the interest of pupils if some such committee would endorse the qualification of teachers so far as the propose to teach. And further, more efficient teachers might be secured, if the local boards of managers were to require each applicant to bring such certifications from such committees, What if teachers do complain! The people have a right to protect themselves from imposition.

Two benefits arising from such a plan as this are incalculable. First, the fact of organization gives a feeling of power to carry forward its purposes. Feeling that we can educate, we will educate. Next, as education does not consist in the number of facts which we have learned, but in the training of the mind to think methodically, we would, by this plan, secure the best means for leading out the youthful mind form the Primary to the highest grade, we shall have a regular progression adapted to the capability of the pupil. Again, we would have teachers, all giving justunction (sic) under the same general plan and general discipline, so that a pupil, in passing from one school to another, would lose no time in getting acquainted with the new methods of the new teacher, and when a new teacher is employed he would not have to spend from one third to one half of his time in correcting errors of his predecessor, or reducing the pupils to his own ideas of teaching, but could at once take up the classes where they left off and proceed with the work.

Adopt such a plan, and we shall no longer hear that each teacher requires a different set of class books. Hundreds of dollars would be saved to the patron in this way, and hundreds more by transferring the books of the elder children to the next younger as they need them.

This question of schools and school discipline is one in which both patron and teacher are alike interested, and we should like to hear the views of some of them.



Increased Revenue Promise. Telegraphic news from The Register.

Washington, Jan. 30

The Committee on Ways and Means have completed their tariff bill, and it covers fifty-five printed pages. The general principles on which the tariff bill are based are reduction and simplification, and with sections directly looking to an enlargement of our foreign trade. The schedules and classification of the present tariff are followed. A slight reduction is made, averaging about twenty percent of the present rates on the entire list, though in wine, brandies, whiskeys and other articles of like character, there is no reduction. There are no compound duties, the rates being either specific or ad valorem. There is no free list – every article that is not dutiable is admitted free without specification or enumeration. The present number of articles in the tariff laws is reduced to about five hundred, all told. In this bill changes have been made from ad valorem to specific duties wherever practicable. It is claimed that this bill will reduce the cost of collection from $7,250,000 to less than $3,000,000. The bill proposes to raise $154,946,000, while it is estimated by Treasury experts upon the average imports for the past six years, that only $138,000,000 were collected last year.


Today the State Treasurer will commence to pay the ordinary expenses of the State government in Federal currency. This marks an era in the financial history of the State. It has been now nearly twelve years since anything else than our "State money" could be used to pay those who labored in public service. "Horseshoe" and "Patron money" were the best that any public servant could hope to get, and these, as is well know, were sometimes away down in the sixties and seventies. Under the present prudent and vigilant administration the faith of the people in State money has grown to complete confidence and Horseshoe and Patton in their hands, are now quite as valuable and serviceable every way as the greenbacks themselves. That the Treasury should be able to handle greenbacks in payment of any warrant that may be presented, is certainly a most gratifying fact. We heartily congratulate the people upon this happy advancement of their State from the dismal condition into which it languished at the date of the final departure of recklessness, mismanagement and dishonesty from the sear of government.

To the Governor and his able associates who have labored faithfully in the public service, this glorious deliverance must be peculiarly gratifying.

ARTICLE – from Mont Adv.

Mr. Buckner, chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, has prepared an important bill bearing upon the financial problem which he has introduced in the House. If provides for the calling in of national bank circulation and substituting therefore treasury notes, receivable for all dues to the Government, including custom duties, convertible into a four per cent, gold bond, the face of the note to bear the inscription: "The United States is indebted to bearer $__." This bill further provides for the issue of these notes to an amount equal to the sum total of national bank notes now in circulation, which is about $316,000,000.


Col. Walter H. Taylor, Gen. Lee’s Adjutant General has published a book entitled, "Four Years With General Lee." General Lee himself it is well known intended to write a statement of facts connected with his campaigns, but his death left it either untouched or incomplete. Col. Taylor’s work is done in pursuance of a duty to his commander and to history. We judge from a long review in the New York Evening Post that it is not a mere attempt to make a book, but a conscientious statement of factors by the only man now qualified to make such a statement understandingly. The Post which is deservedly high authority, pays it a compliment as a dispassionate statement of facts, based on official reports preserved at Washington.


Messrs. Dun. Barlow & Co., the well-known commercial agency, have issued their annual circular for 1877. According to the figures presented, the failures in the United States for the year 1877 are 8,872 in number, being 220 less than for 1876, in which year they were 9,092. The total liabilities for 1877 are stated as $198,669,000, as against $191,117,000 in 1876 or barely $500,000 less.

ARTICLE – from Mobile Register

The Mobile Register favors Hon. J. A. Billups, of Pickens, for Secretary of State. – Exchange.

No it doesn’t. The Register paid Mr. Billups a deserved eulogy; but it has also spoken words of eulogy for W. W. SCREWS, ESQ. and CAPT. JAMES CROCK, and other good men who are candidates for Secretary. The Register is the advocate for no one for nomination.

The Birmingham Independent is for Capt. J. McKee Gould, of Green, for Auditor.

From Jan 1st to 11th, 141 tramps were registered at police headquarters in Montgomery.

The Marengo Journal recommends Major Ellis Phelman, of Birmingham, for Secretary of State.

The Birmingham Iron Ages alludes to Hon. R. W. Cobb as "the next Governor of Alabama"

Hon. John T. Heflin, of Talladega, is spoken of for Governor.

The Scottsboro Herald favors Gen Pope Walker for U. S. Senator.

The Scottsboro Fellow-Citizen is for Gen. Pope Walker for the United States Senator.


There is a new phase of the Louisiana question which looms up before either country. It seems that J. M. WELLS, T. C. ANDERSON, L. M. KENNAR, and G. CASSANAVE, the members of the late Returning Board, were arraigned before the Superior Criminal Court on information filed against them by District Attorney, Finney, by direction of the grand jury for the crime of forgery. The accused made through their counsel a separate effort to have the case transferred to the Federal Court. Their crime having been committed in the interest of the present Federal Administration, they hoped that the Federal courts would sympathize with their cause, and perhaps, permit them to escape the clutches of the law. Judge Whitaker, however, very properly refused the application for a transfer of the case from the State to the Federal courts, and was about to proceed to a trail when it was found that the accused parties had forfeited their bonds and fled from justice. These events transpired Friday, the 25th ult.

Friday night it was rumored that the accused had taken refuge in the Customhouse, which President Hayes has placed in charge of one of them, T. C. Anderson. This rumor was on Saturday confirmed, and Mr. James Houston, the Criminal Sheriff of the parish of Orleans, with the proper papers, proceeded to the Customhouse, found where the fugitives were secreted, and was about to arrest them, when one of the deputies of the United States, Marshal Warzburger, arrested him, subsequently forfeited the arrest by a warrant issued by a United States Commissioner on the affidavit of either Anderson himself or one of his retainers, charging that Sheriff Houston was interfering with the Collector of the Port in the discharge of his duties, and attempting to break in the doors of the Customhouse.

Marshall Wharton and his deputy have as far as possible evaded the responsibility for this outrage upon one of the highest civil officers of the State of Louisiana, by taking shelter behind the United States District Attorney, George S. lacey, under whose advice and direction they claim to have acted. The Commissioner immediately released Sheriff Houston on his own recognizance, but Wells, Anderson, Kenner and Casshaye remained within the walls of the Customhouse, refugees from justice, refusing to obey the mandates of the court. The building was gilled with and guarded by sailors, belonging to the United States revenue vessels, under command of T. C. Anderson, on the criminals and fugitives, and acting Collector of the Port of New Orleans.

Now it remains to be seen whether the State can arrest a criminal who flies to a place owned by the Federal Government. This question arose not long since in the case of a negro fugitive from justice who secreted himself in the Government barracks at Newport, Kentucky. The officer in charge at first refused to deliver him up to the State authorities, but upon reflection receded from his position and obeyed the State mandate.

It was in New Orleans that General Jackson was fined by a State Court for acts committed at a time when he had placed New Orleans under martial law. He bowed to the authority of the court and paid the fine, but now in that same city, in a period of peace, we find a Federal officer shielding a fugitive from justice and defying the warrant of the State. The duty of the Federal Government is so plain on the premises that we forbear comment, felling certain that the action of the Customhouse officer will be abandoned either voluntarily by that office or under instructions from Washington.


The Arabian Sugar Cane was brought to American during the World’s Fair at Vienna, in 1873. It will yield double that of any other quality ever grown in this country. The stalks grow on an average of 12 to 14 feet high, and from 4-5 ½ inches in circumference. The syrup made form it is of the very finest quality. Also a good quality of sugar can be made from it. We have sent this seed to every State in the Union, and returns from it are highly satisfactory. Agents are wanted to canvass in every county and take orders for these and other seeds. A sample package of the Arabian Sugar Cane Seed containing enough to plant 1 – 8 of an acre, and special terms to agents, with my Seed Catalog for 1878 will be sent to any address on receipt of Fifty Cents. Instructions for planting and cultivating are printed on every package. Address, W. S. Tipton, Cleveland, Tenn.


DR. L. F. SHELTON, Dentist. Will remain in Vernon but two weeks longer. Parties needing work in his line should call at once.


GILMER HOUSE – A. M. KING, Prop’r. The only first class hotel in the city.


THE SUN. 1878 NEW YORK. As the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions, The Sun would remind its friends and well-wishers everywhere, that it is again a candidate for their consideration and support. Upon its record for the past ten years it relies for a continuance of the hearty sympathy and generous co-operation which have hitherto been extended to it from every quarter of the Union. The Daily Sun is a four page sheet of 28 columns, price by mail, post paid, 55 cents a month, or $6.50 per year. The Sunday edition of The Sun is an eight-page sheet of 56 columns. While giving the news of the day, it also contains a large amount of literary and miscellaneous matter specially prepared for it. The Sunday Sun has met with great success. Post paid $1.20 a year. The Weekly Sun. Who does not know The Weekly Sun? It circulates throughout the United States, the Canadas, and beyond. Ninety thousand families greet its welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide, counselor, and friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural and literary departments make it essentially a journal for the family and the fireside. Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid. This price, quality considered makes it the cheapest newspaper published. For clubs of ten, with $10 cash, we will send an extra copy free. Address Publisher of The Sun, New York City.


The New American Sewing Machine. Simplest & Best. Agents Wanted. No. 177 W 4th St. Cincinnati, O.


Tutt’s Pills. A Noted Divine Says they are worth their weight in gold. Read what he says…..What is Queen’s Delight! Read the Answer….Nature’s own remedy…..Dr. Tutt’s Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight…..Healthy Solid Flesh……..


The Old Reliable! Has now in stock the largest assortment of General Merchandise ever brought to this market. Dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, glassware, crockery, hardware, tin ware, drugs, medicines, etc. In fact, everything the people want from Calomel to Zozodont. I am taking State Obligations at par. Hereafter I sell for Cash or Credit. Parties indebted to me must come forward immediately and settle; else I must go to see them. A. A. SUMMERS


LITTLE, WILKINSON & CO., Late Haregrove, Little, & Co. Wholesale Grocers, 48, 50, and 52 North Commerce St., Mobile, Alabama.


THE MILLER BRO CUTRLERY CO. and US Steel Shear Co. Manufacturers of Patent Pocket Cutlery, and Solid cast steel shears and scissors. The only manufacturers in the world of pocket cutlery, with covering secured by screws. None but the best English Pocket Cutlery Steel. used, and every knife and pair of scissors warranted. The temper and cutting qualities of both knives and scissors are carefully tested. Great care is taken to maintain and increase the well-earned reputation which this company has attained, as the leading American Cutlery. In harmony with the verdict of customers the Centennial Exposition awarded Medals and Diplomas for the greatest excellence in quality and finish or these goods. THE MILLER BROS. CUTLERY CO., West Meridan, Conn.


Notice to our friends and customers in Alabama. We are pleased to be able to inform you that we are prepared to store your cotton in our safe and commodious Ware Houses, and that we have every facility for your comfort and that of your teams. With our Ware Houses at the depot we have comfortable camp-houses, with sheds and feeding troughs. Every attention will be given our Alabama friends. Our wagon yard has been improved and fitted in the most thorough manner. Good cabins, good stables, good fencing. In short, every arrangement has been made that business tact could suggest for the comfort of Campers. CAPT. JOE GOODMAN has charge of the yard at Bank’s old stand, and CAPT. E. C. LEECH at Hale’s Warehouse. BANKS, HALE & CO. Columbus, Miss, Aug 17.


A Dealer wanted in every town in the South for the celebrated WEED SEWING MACHINE. The easiest learned, lightest running, most durable and popular Machine made. Received the highest award at the Centennial. Special inducements offered. Address. Weed Sewing Machine Co. No. Canal Street, New Orleans.


C. T. GIFFORD, dealer in watches, clocks, spectacles, silver plated ware jewelry, &c. Watches, clocks, &c. repaired in the best manner and warranted. 18-carat gold engagement and wedding rings from $4.50 to $11. Call and see my stock. Sign of the Golden Eagle, No. 105 Commerce Street, Aberdeen, Mississippi.


CRAWFORD’S Baking Powder. An improved article for making light and healthy bread, biscuit, cake, rolls, cornbread, griddle cakes, puddings, dumplings, and pastry of every description. It is the cook’s favorite and is warranted perfectly pure and superior to anything of the kind in the market, for healthfulness and strength, producing at all times the most delicious cookery. It is stronger and cheaper than any other baking powder, and is the most economical, convenient, reliable, and nutritious. Please ask your grocer for it and give it a trial. Put up in all sized packages and always warranted. Full weight, full strength, full measure. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Samples and price list will be sent to the trade, on application. Crawford & Cline. 176 Furon Street. New York.


R. A. HONEA & SON Wholesale and retail grocers. Aberdeen, Miss. Have on hand and are constantly receiving the largest and best assortment of Family and Fancy Groceries ever brought to this market.


THE PIONEER. Vernon, Wednesday Feb 6, 1878

Terms of Subscription

One copy one year $1.50

One copy six months 1.00

All subscriptions payable in advance

Rates of Advertising

One inch, one insertion $1.00

One inch, each subsequent insertions .50

One inch, twelve months 10.00

One inch, six months 7.00

One inch, three months 5.00

Two inches, twelve months 15.00

Two inches, six months 10.00

Two inches, three months 7.00

Quarter Column 12 months 35.00

Half Column, 12 months 60.00

One column, 12 months 100.00

One column, 3 months 35.00

One column, 6 months 60.00

Professional Cards $10.00

Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates.

Advertisements collectable after first insertion

Local notices, 20 cents per line.

Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten line, charged advertising rates.


County Court meets on the 1st Monday in each month.

Probate Court meets on 2nd Monday in each month.

Commissioner’s Court Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, May, August, and November.




ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate

D. J. LACEY – Sheriff

W. G. MIDDLETON– Circuit Clerk

JAMES M. MORTON – Register in Chancery

D. V. LAWRENCE – Treasurer

J. E. PENNINGTON – Tax Assessor

G. W. WOODS – Tax Collector

W. T. MARLER – Coroner




Masonic: Vernon Lodge, No. 389, meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 10 a.m.

I.O.O.F: Moscow Lodge, No. 45, meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays in each month, at 7 p.m.


R. C. MCLESTER, T. N. HAYES, J. A. MCLESTER. MCCLESTER, HAYS, & CO., Cotton buyers and dealers in groceries, boots and shoes, hats, dry goods and general merchandise. Northport, Alabama.


NATHAN BROS, Importers and wholesale dealers in old bourbon and rye whiskies, wines, liquors, cigars, tobacco and pipes. Columbus and Aberdeen, Miss. N.B. Merchants desiring their shipments from the West can have their orders filled at our Cincinnati House.


At Bottom Prices. In order to place the PIONEER within the means of everyone, we offer the following club rates from now until court week:

For a club of Five - $6.00

For a club of Ten - $10.00

Cash in Advance. Let our friends bestir themselves and help us put our paper in every household in the county. Those who are indebted to us for past subscriptions and desire to continue for this year can pay up old scores at the same rates, by making immediate settlement.

Special attention is directed to the ad of Jas. Vick, seedman, Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Vick is in every respect reliable and his seed are always up to the mark. Give him a trial.

On last Monday night, a young man by the name of REESE, while on his way home from Fayette C. H. rode into an old well, near MUSGROVE’S Store. His horse fell clear to the bottom, about fifteen feet, while fortunately for him, the foot hung in a root and jerked him from his saddle – suspending him about four feet from the top. He received no injuries but the horse was killed.

MESSRS. THOMS. DUGGAN and H. H. HOPPER, of Messrs. L. Brewer & Co., Mobile, died in that city on the same day. Mr. Duggan had been quite sick for some time and his death was not unexpected. Mr. Hopper died at his desk while in discharge of his duties.

Don’t fail to read the non-residents notice of A. T. & S. G. YOUNG vs FOSTER HARRIS and vs THOS. HARRIS.

A large lot of Mississippi made Wa—ns just received by J. W. FRENCH, the cheapest and best in the market.

MR. ALBRITIAN MCDANIEL, living in Strickland’s Beat, this county has arrived at the ripe old age of 84, and is hale and hearty. Mr. McDaniel is now living with his second wife, MRS. NANCY MCDANIEL, aged 64. Has resided near the same place for 45 years, has had 23 children, 19 of whom are living, 115 grandchildren and 45 great grandchildren.

One wicked man still in existence – only the other night he called at our office and wished that he had a 400,000 pound cannon to turn loose at some rowdies who were firing a pistol on the streets.

Women never make apologies.

CAPT. MCCLUSKY gave a fine lecture at the Academy on last Friday evening. A lecture will be given of every Friday evening at the Academy.

The results of the election on last Saturday was 45 votes cast – 23 for no prohibition and 22 for prohibition.

There was some pretty deep felling over the election on last Saturday – some felt so deep that they have not been able to walk since.

Court will commence on the 3rd Monday in March

MR. MORRIS WOODS, of Lowndes County, Miss. spent a few days in town last week.

A compliment to Smith’s Weekly may be found on first page.

DR. MCLANE and MISS JUAN MCLANE are spending a few days in town with their brother-in-law, COL. NESMITH.

CAPT. JON. H. BANKHEAD gave us a quite pleasant call on last Monday.

MR. JESSE TAYLOR showed us a 12 ½ cent piece in silver the other day that was coined in 1776, but it was badly worn and abused that nothing else could be deciphered except the date.

MR. J. E. JORDAN has gone into the soap business and has a legal right to sell receipts in Lamar County, Ala. and Monroe and Lowndes counties, Miss.

MR. MART MORTON has gone to Eufaula to attend a session of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows.

A regular "spiritual" tramp in town.

No tigers in this part of the country.

The Life Preservers met in town last Monday.

NOTICE. Physicians in this county who have not already done so should come forward and get their certificates of practice. The Board of Censors meet on the 1st Monday in March next, and will hear and decide all applications. By order of the Board. SID B. SMITH, Secretary.


Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magazine. Each number contains thirty-two pages of reading, many fine wood cut illustrations, and one colored plate. A beautiful garden magazine, printed on elegant paper, and full of information. In English and German. Price $1.25 a year; five copies $3.00. Vick’s Catalog –300 illustrations, only 2 cents. Address – James Vick, Rochester, N. Y


This is an old saying, and one which is greatly relied on for the truth it contains. Though it is as true as the "needle to the polar star." yet it is usually misunderstood, misapplied and made to mean the exact reverse of what it does. Many apply it to persons who are of a rambling disposition and are never still at a place long enough to gather up any property. But, in this day of advancement, it must be applied to the ever wide awake and energetic men who are pushing and keeping up with the train of progress. To those who seize on the latest and best improvements for making life easy and agreeable to making. Those who live still and make no improvements but rely on the old way, soon become old fogies with the moss of ignorance so firmly rooted on the backs that time will hardly wear it off.

ARTICLE – "Better Times"

The long hoped for days have come at last. The people of Lamar have learned by past necessity and present experience that it pays to live at home. That it pays to raise corn, potatoes and wheat and beef, mutton, and pork. That there is a demand for home products, is a fact that by the force of past necessity has demonstrated itself to the people at home and abroad. For the past fall and winter our home markets have been stuffed with beef and mutton. More that $2500 worth of beef from the east and north-eastern portion of this country has been shipped to New Orleans, by MESSRS. WEBSTER AND HANKINS, and sold at remunerative prices. Though dark may be the ----, our day is upon us, the coming spring will smile on our prosperity. Our business affairs will be straight by spring, our present surplus property will be in such a condition that we can use it to the best advantage. All we need is energy and patience, and all will be right.


State of Alabama, Lamar County

Justice Court in Betts Beat, Jan 19th, 1878.

A. T. & S. G. YOUNG

vs attachment



In this case, this being the day to which was appointed for the hearing of the attachment in the above entitled case, when the garnishees came forward and made their answer, when it appearing to the court that the defendant is a non-resident of said State, it is ordered by the court that this case stand continued till the 3rd Saturday in March 1878 at which time THOMAS HARRIS is hereby notified to appear at the office of J. P. YOUNG, J. P., to plead answer or demur to plaintiff’s demand or judgement will be rendered against him, and the garnishees will be required to pay plaintiffs the amount found to be in their hands belonging to debtor.

Given under my hand 19th Jan. 1878

F. L. MOORE, J. P.


By virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Lamar County, Alabama I will sell on the 22nd day of Feb 1878, at the late residence of AMOS COOPER, deceased, late of said county on a credit taking notes with security payable 1st day of Jan 1879, the following real estate belonging to the estate of AMOS COOPER, deceased, viz: (land descr) T12, R14, west Lamar Co. Ala.

Jan 20, 1878. G. S. EARNEST, Adms, estate Amos Cooper, deceased.


When you go to Aberdeen in search of hardware, take our advice and call on W. FRENCH, Aberdeen, Miss.


S. C. MUNGER. 89 Market Street, Columbus, Mississippi. "Headquarters of East Mississippi and West Alabama for "The Old Reliable" Milburn Wagon. Has on hand a full stock of carriages, buggies, hacks, road and spring wagons, &c. &c. Also, a complete stock of saddles, bridles, harnesses, whips, collars, hams, trace chains, back bands, &c, &c. Call and examine my stock and see for yourself that I will sell cheaper than you ever bought such goods in Columbus. All work warranted.


State of Alabama, Lamar County

A. S. & S. G. YOUNG

vs. attachment


Justice Court, Betts Beat, Jan 16th, 1878

JAMES HARRIS is the garnishee.

In this cause this being the day appointed for the hearing of the attachment in the above entitled cause when the garnishee came forward and made his answer and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the defendant is a non resident of said State, it is ordered by the court that this case be continued till the 3rd Saturday in March next, at which time said FOSTER HARRIS is hereby notified to appear at the office of J. P. YOUNG, J. P., in said Beat, to plead answer or demur to plaintiff’s demand, or judgement will be rendered against him and the garnishee will be required to pay over to plaintiff’s the amount found in his hand belonging to debtor.

Given under my hand this Jan 19, 1878.

F. L. MOORE, J. P.


State of Alabama, Lamar County

In Circuit Court, Fall Term, 1877


vs attachment


Came the plaintiff by THOS B. NESMITH, his attorney, and it appearing to the Court that the defendant is in this attachment is a non resident of this State and that Jack’s Creek, Henderson County, Tennessee, is his post office, it is ordered by the court that the Clerk of this Court cause a notice of the pendency of this attachment, and the levy of the same on his property to be advertised four successive weeks in the Vernon Pioneer, a newspaper published in Vernon, this county, and that a copy of said published notice be sent by mail to the defendant.

A copy of the minutes,

W. G. MIDDLETON, clerk.


State of Alabama, Lamar County

In Circuit Court, Fall Term, 1877

JESSE L. WALKER, adm’r of the estate of G. W. MITCHELL, deceased,

vs attachment


Came the plaintiff by THOS B. NESMITH his atty and it appearing to the court that the defendant in this attachment is a non-resident of this state, and that Columbus, Lowndes county, Mississippi, is his post office; it is ordered by the court that the clerk of this court cause a notice of the pendency of this attachment and the levy of the same on his property to be advertised four successive weeks, in the Vernon Pioneer, a newspaper published at Vernon, this county, and that a copy of said published notice be sent by mail to t he defendant.

A copy of the minutes



By virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Lamar County, State of Alabama, I will as administrator de bonis non, of the estate of JAMES METCALFE, deceased sell on Saturday the 23td day of Feb 1878, on the premises of the following described property: (land desc)… sec 17, and all that part of the n ½ of said sections 17 and 18 lying south of the Aberdeen road all in T 12, R14 of said county at public venue (sic) for cash.

Said lands have a well improved farm thereon. Sale within legal hours.

WILEY S. METCALFE, adm’r de bonis non


In Chancery at Vernon, Lamar County, Ala.




In this case it is shown by affidavit of GEO. S. EARNEST, Solicitor in Chancery for complt., that the said SALLIE BLACK is over twenty-one years of age; a non-resident of the State of Alabama that her post-office is Caledonia, Lowndes County, Mississippi. It is therefore ordered that publication be made in the Vernon Pioneer a newspaper published in Lamar county, Alabama , for four consecutive weeks, requesting the said SALLIE BLACK to answer or plead to the Bill before Saturday the 2nd day of March 1878, or within 30 days thereafter a decree pro confesso may be rendered against her.

Done at Office this 28th day of Jan. 1878.

J. M. MORTON, Register


State of Alabama, Lamar County

Probate Court, 27 day Dec. 1877

Estate of ELIZABETH BLACK, Deceased.

This day came JOHN E. GRAVES the administrator of said estate, and filed his statement, accounts, vouchers and evidences for final settlement of his administration. It is ordered that the 11th day of February 1868 (sic – should be 1878) be appointed a day on which all persons interested can appear and contest the said settlement, if they think proper.

ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate


Saddles and Harness of the best make and material at your own price, at J. W. FRENCHs, Aberdeen, Miss.


Welded Steel and Iron Triple Flange Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. Patent inside bolt work and hinged cap. No safe complete without it. W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 34 Maiden Lane. Near William St. New York


Make home happy. A plentiful supply of Good reading and beautiful pictures will do it. The Cincinnati Weekly Star. A fine eight page paper, with 48 full columns, cost only $1.00 per year (we pay postage). And is the largest, brightest, and best paper published for the money. It is independent in politics, gives all the news, and bespies much other good reading, every number has three or four excellent original or selected stories. Every subscriber also receives a copy of the beautiful engraving, "The Poor, the Poor Man’s friend" size 21 x 33 inches, and a copy of the Star Illustrated Almanac. 25 cents extra must be sent to pay expense of packing and mailing premiums. Our inducements to agents, always the most liberal in the field, are now greater than ever. We want every club agent in the country to communicate with us before commencing work. To any person desiring to get up a club, we will send a sample copy of the picture and a canvasser’s outfit for 25 cents. Specimen copy of paper free. Send for one before subscribing for any other. The Star, though in no sense a party paper has always been a vigorous advocate of the rights of all the States, and was among the first to urge the justice of local government in the South. Persons to whom we have already sent the picture. The Poor, the Poor man’s Friend; by saying so can have in its stead another excellent engraving, of same size, which we have secured for this purpose. Paper without picture, One dollar. The Star. 230 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. Make home pleasant


LEROY BREWER, THOS. DUGAN, H. L. HOPPER, C. A. HARRIS – L. BREWER & CO., Wholesale grocers. Dealers in Northern and Western Goods. Retailers and dealers in domestic and imported wines and liquors. Also Cotton Factors and Commission merchants. Agents for Orange Powder Works, Pratt’s Radiant & Astral Oil, California Gold Seal Wine. N. Schaeffer’s Lard and Candles, S. Davis Jr. & Co. Diamond Hams, Blackwell’s Durbam Smok’g Tobacco. Corner of Commerce and St. Louis Streets, Mobile, Ala.


Thorough-bred Hogs & Poultry. I have a few very choice pair of pure-bred chickens for sale, viz: Light and Dark Brahmas, Buff and Partridge Cochins, White and Brown Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, Grey Dorkings, Houdans, Golden Polish and Black Spanish from the "best strains" in the country – Snow White rabbits and guinea pigs. Also breeder of Berkshire Pigs. From imported stock. Prices reasonable. Correspondence solicited. Address W. T. Johns, Nashville, Tenn.



The Trustees of the Vernon High School take pleasure in announcing that they have made an arrangement with Rev. W. B. GILLHAM to take charge of their Institution for the ensuing school year – to commence on the 1st Monday in November. Mr. Gillham’s long and successful experience as educator of the youth of both sexes warrant us in giving him our highest endorsement and soliciting for our School a liberal patronage. In view of the great stringency in money matters, a reduction has been made from the usual rates of tuition for the present year. We propose for the present year to have a first class English School, and when the patronage will justify, to add a teacher of ancient and perhaps modern languages. Our school will be divided into the following grades and rates per session of 5 months.


Alphabetical lessons, Spelling, First lessons in Reading, First lessons in Geography and Mathematical Tables. $7.50


Written or Practical Arithmetic, Eng. Grammar, Descriptive Geography, Orthography, Reading, Penmanship, First lessons in English Composition and History of the United States. $12.50


Algebra, Geometry, natural Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Astronomy, English Composition, Rhetoric, Rhetorical Reading, English Grammar completed, Logic and Universal History. $17.50

All tuition fees due on the admission of the pupil, and the payments to be made punctually each quarter (ten weeks) except the first which must be made by the 25th of December. No pupil will be admitted for a less time than the remainder of the session for which he enters, except by special notice at the time of admission. Board including fires, lights, and lodging from eight to ten dollars per month.


Music on Piano, per month $4.00

Use of Instrument per month 1.00

Vocal Music (science of per mo.) 3.00

A contingent fee of 50 cents will be charged each pupil for the purpose of keeping up fires, etc. For further particulars apply to: Trustees: J. D. MCCLUSKEY, ARTY A. SUMMERS, T. W. SPRINGFIELD, JASON GUIN, M. W. MORTON


MUD CREEK ACADEMY. Male and Female. Lamar County Alabama (fifteen miles south of Vernon). The first Session of this Institution will open on the First Monday in October 1877, and continue eight scholastic months. The number of students is limited to 30. Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $7 to $8 per month. Tuition $1 ½, $2, $2 ½, and $3 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. J. M. I. GUYTON, Co., Sup’t Ed. Vernon, Lamar Co. Ala.


The Russio-Turkish War. Agents Wanted for this comprehensive, superbly illustrated history of the present momentous struggle in the East. Its accurate maps, plan and many elegant engravings are a special feature. It gives a graphic history of each country, with historic and descriptive sketches of the primitive manners, picturesque customs and domestic life of the Contestants. Describes the dreadful massacre of Christians in Bulgaria; the Frightful Turkish Atrocities in other places; the uprising of the masses in Herzegovina. It gives the Stirring battles and thrilling incidents of the war, and is the most fascinating and exciting work of the age. Agents are sure of prompt and ready sales. Prospectus books now ready. Also agents wanted on our grand combination prospects representing 150 Distinct books. Universal interest. It includes Agricultural, biographical, historical, religious and miscellaneous works, with size, title and description of each book. Specimen pages and specimen illustrations, sales made from this prospectus when all singe books fail. Also our fine family Bibles, English and German, Protestant and Catholic. With invaluable illustrated aids and superb bindings, Nearly 100 styles. Superior to all others and indispensable to every family. Particulars free. Address, John E. Potter & C., Publishers, Philadelphia.


W. T. COOPER of Lamar County, Alabama with H. C. GOODRICH, Dealer in all kinds of stoves, tables, tin and woodenware, china, glass, and crockery ware. Will sell cheaper than any house in the city. Mr. Cooper will be glad to have his friends to call on him at No. 59, Main Street, Columbus, Mississippi.


THE PIONEER, Vernon, Ala. Published Weekly.

D. R. ALDRIDGE, Publisher. SID B. SMITH, M. D., Editor & Proprietor.


The deepest artesian well in the world is now in progress at Pesth, and has already reached a depth of 951 meters, 3,118 feet. The well at Paris, which is 547 meters in depth has hitherto held the first place in such achievements. The work is carried on at the expense of the city, which has granted a sum equal to 40,000 pounds for the purpose with the intention of obtaining an unlimited supply of warm water for the municipal establishments and public baths. The water at present issuing has a temperature 161 degrees Fahrenheit, and the operations will be continued until that of 173 degrees Fahrenheit is obtained. About 175,000 gallons of the liquid stream out daily and rises to a height of 35 feet. This amount will not only supply all the wants of the city, but is expected to convert the surrounding district into a sort of tropical garden, to the constant evolution of heat. Since June last the boring has penetrated through 200 feet of dolomite, and the proceeding strata passed through have supplied a number of interesting facts to the geologist, which have been notices from time to time in the Hungarian academy of sciences. The difficulties to be overcome have given rise to many highly ingenious engineering devices, such as a method for driving nails, at the enormous depth above mentioned, and more, the means of drawing them (by magnets) of getting off and pulling up broken tube, and above all, a valuable mechanical apparatus by means of which the ----rising from the well is used as a motive power , driving the drills at a rate of speed double that previously imputed from the mouth of the well.


Dr. Hall’s Electric Belts. For the cure of all nerve diseases, without the less derangement of the patient’s habits or daily occupation. This appliance exacts powerful and beneficial influence throughout the whole frame is applicable to either sex, and afford instantaneous relief in the following diseases: Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Lumbago, General Deidilty, Headaches, Dizziness, Impotency, Spermatorrthea, Sexual Exhaustion, Self Abuse, Premature Decay. These belts are the result of the most profound research and experiment in Electrical ---- which permeates the whole frame, and ----- the suffering parts with its---influence. This current assimilates ---- to the Nervous fluid than anything known to Medical Science – hence its ----a s a curative agent. Most especially is the application of Electricity in this form, beneficial to those disorders arising from youthful indiscretion, sexual excess or kissipations (sic) of any kind, whereby the procreative powers are lessened and impotency threatened. No false delicacy or sense of shame should perseve the sufferer, subject to sleepless nights, nightmares, dreams palpitations, of the heart, neuralgia, dimness of sight and other symptoms of nervous debility, applying to the undersigned to the undersigned for relief. These Belts are light, perfectly flexible, and easily adjusted, all of which, together with their cheapness, renders them superior to any other form for the application of Electricity, medicinally. 50,117 of these belts were sold in Europe in the year 1876. Electricity is Life. And no remedy can be compared to it for the treatment of Impotence and loss of nervous vitality. This Belt is recommended by the most eminent physiologist of this country and Europe. Ingenious, wonderful – d death blow to the old system of drugging – London, Eng. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Hall’s Electric Belt and consider it one of the greatest blessings to mankind that has been put before the public. Dr. De Barr – Paris. ….Dr. James Hall & Co., 219 West 30th Street, New York.


A Great offer for Holidays. We will during these hard times and the holidays dispose of 100 New pianos and organs of first class makers at lower prices for cash, or installments, than ever before offered. Waters Pianos & Organs are the best made, warranted for 5 years. Ill. Catalogs mailed. Great inducements to the trade Pianos – 7 octaves, $140.; 7 ½ Octaves, $150, Organs, 2 stops $48, 4 stops $53, 7 stops $55,,, In perfect order, not used in a year. Sheet music at half price. Horace Waters & Sons, Manufacturers and Dealers, 40 East 14th Street, New York.


Pianos. Retail price $900 only $250. Parlor organs, price $375 only $195. Paper free. D. F. Beaty, Washington, N. J.


Marsden’s Pectoral Balm. The great remedy for coughs, colds, and consumption. Finlay & Thompson, New Orleans, La. Sole Agents. For sale by all druggist.


Healthful, practical. A family friend. The light running DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE. Double thread, lock stitch. Automatic self-adjusting tension and take-up. Conical steel bearings and compensating journal. It does not fatigue. It does not make you nervous. Light running, noiseless. None run it but to love it. None know it but to praise. The Domestic is the most desirable and efficient machine made for these reasons: It is made of the choicest materials and by the best workmen. It is the simplest in construction and most reliable in its notion. It requires almost no adjusting, and yet does every variety of work. It is noiseless, rapid, and will outwear any other machine. It is the easiest running of machines, and saves muscle and nerves which are more valuable than money. It has never failed to give perfect satisfaction. Every machine warranted. Physicians recommend it for its light-running and noiseless qualities. Send for a copy of "How to Choose a Sewing Machine". Domestic Sewing Machine Co. New York. "Domestic" Paper Fashions. The most stylish and best fitting, in endless variety. Send 5 cents for large illustrated catalogue of 1000 styles. Domestic Monthly. An instructive and entertaining illustrated magazine of fashion, polite literature, and art. $1.50 a year, with premium. Specimen copy, 15 cents. Domestic Sewing Machine Co, Home office. Broadway and 14th St., New York


$200,000. Greatest. In order to clear out our stock of very superior Gold-plated Jewelry valued at over $200,000. We will send as below, 20 pieces, all warranted gold-plated, for $1.00. 1 pair gold stone sleeve buttons. 1 pair engraved sleeve buttons. 1 set pointed studs, 1 set amethyst studs, 1 wedding ring……..Take your choice. The entire lot of 20 pieces sent post paid for $1.00 or any 8 pieces you choose for 50 cents. Now is the time to make money. These can easily be retailed at $10.00. F. Stockman, 27 Bond Street, N. Y.


Graff’s Improved Potash or lye is the best family soap maker. Warranted as Represented! Ask your grocer for it! Dept 104 Reade Street, New York.


Watches! Jewelry! Romaine Gold, so extensively worn in Paris was first discovered in 1870, by a celebrated French chemist Mons. E. Be Lainge, who manufactured it into jewelry, for five years sold it to the leading jewelers of Paris for Solid Gold. In 1875, when his secret became know, ten of the manufacturing jewelers established a stock company, with a capital of $10,000,000 for the purpose of manufacturing Romaine Gold jewelry and Watches. With this immense capital, and the aid of improved machinery they have been enabled to produce all the latest patterns of jewelry at less than one-tenth the cost of Solid Gold, and of a quality and color which makes it impossible even for experts to detect it from the genuine. We have secured the exclusive agency of the United States and Canada for the sale of all goods manufactured from this metal, and in order to introduce them in one most speedy manner, have put up assorted sample lots as given below, which we will sell at one-tenth the retail value until January 1st, 1878………Remember this offer only holds good until Jan 1, 1878. After that time we shall sell only to Jobbers and Wholesale dealer and anyone wishing our goods will then have to pay full retail prices. Romaine Gold is the best, and in fact, the only imitation of genuine gold made, being the same in weight, color and finish and all our goods are made in the latest gold patterns. Will guarantee satisfaction in every instance or refund money. Send money by P. O., Money Order, or Registered letter. At Our risk. No goods sent COD unless at least $5 accompanies the order. Address plainly, W. F. Evan & Co, Sole Agents for U. S. and Canada, 95 & 97 South Crark Street. Chicago, Ill.


$7.50 Saved. Buy the improved Victor Sewing Machine. It is so simple in construction and runs so easily that a child can operate it. It has the straight, self-settling needle, our improved shuttle, with a perfect tension, which does not change as the bobbin becomes exhausted. All the wearing points are adjustable, and it combines every desirable improvement. Every machine is sent our ready for use, after being thoroughly tested. Notwithstanding the great reduction in prices we continue to use the best material and exercise the greatest care in the manufacture. Victor Sewing Machine Co. Principal Office Middleton, Conn.


$777 is not easily earned in these times, but it can be made in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. $66 per week in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over $20 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other business. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and $5 outfit free. Address at once. H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine.


THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE was awarded the First Premium at the Centennial Exhibition 1876 and has always carried off the highest honors wherever exhibited. A compact, simple, durable, light running and efficient "lock switch" machine. Adapted to the wants of everybody. The Home Sewing Machine was perfected---years since the aid of the best invention-------Warranted for five years. Live agents wanted in localities where we are not represented. Send for prices, and sample of work done on the home, or call at any of our offices. JOHNSON, CLARK, & CO. 30 Union Square, New York: 564 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 111 ½ Second Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 141 State Street, Chicago, Ill.; 21 South 5th Street, St. Louis, Mo.; 17 New Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal.


Perfection attained at Last. A trial will insure its popularity everywhere. WHITE SUTTLE SEWING MACHINE……White Sewing Machine Co, 358 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O. Agents Wanted.


New Cash Store! LOUIS ROY Dealer in Dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, &c. 69 Commerce Street. Aberdeen, Miss. J. H. TYRONE is with this house and will be glad to see his Alabama friends.


The Southern Argus. An Agricultural, Political, News, and Literary paper, a fearless home rule and white rule organ, is devoted to the promotion of Southern interests in general, and Alabama interests in particular, and to these ends is independent of rings, cliques and combinations of all kinds, holding men as nothing, but looking lonely to the general good through honest policy. Bright, live, newsy and fresh, it is the paper for the farm and the fireside, the home and the family circle. It is the journal of the people, not of the politicians – an organ of the toiling masses – a fearless and vigilant critic of the office holders. It is admittedly one of the best papers in the South, and is also the cheapest. Single copies to any address, postage paid by the publisher, $1.50 a year, five copies, one year, $5.00; ten copies, ordered at one time, sent to the same or to different post offices, for $10 and an extra copy for the person making the club. Address. ROB’T MCKEE, Selma, Ala.


DR. J. D. RUSH- with M. W. HATCH, Dealer in drugs, medicines, and chemicals, paints, oils, varnishes, &c. Pure wines and liquors for medicinal use. Also – fine linens of tobacco, cigars, dye stuffs generally. Medicines genuine, and of the best quality. Cor. Main and Market Streets, Columbus, Miss.


GOLD – Great chance to make money. If you can’t get gold you can get greenbacks. We need a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and best illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports making over $150 a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All agents make money fast. You can devote your time to the business or only spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. No one who engages fails making great pay. Address "The People’s Journal" Portland, Maine.


Fifty Cents! Fifty cents will pay for the Chicago Ledger, the best story paper in the United States from July 1st 1877 to January 1st, 1878. The Ledger is a large 48 column weekly paper handsomely printed and ably edited. Send your orders in time to get the first number of the New Story, which begins the last week in June. Remember, only fifty cents for the best paper in the United States, six months, postage paid. Address The Ledger, Chicago, Ill.



Errors of Youth. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will for the sake of suffering humility, send free to all who read it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience can do so by addressing in perfect condition. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St. New York.




W. KELLERMAN. Manufacturer and dealer in guns, rifles, pistols. Aberdeen, Miss. Breech-loaders a specialty. Muzzle-loaders converted into breech-loaders, at short notice and low figures. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. All work guaranteed.


ORIGINAL GOODYEAR’S RUBBER GOODS – Vulcanized rubber in every conceivable form. Adapted to Universal use. Any article under four pounds weight can be sent by mail. Wind and Water Proof garments a specialty. Our cloth surface coat combines two garments in one. For stormy weather it is a neat and tidy overcoat. By a peculiar process the rubber is put between the two cloth surfaces, which prevents smelling or sticking even in the hottest climates. They are made in three colors – Blue, Black, and Brown. Are light, portable, strong, and durable. We are now offering them at the extremely low price of $10 each. Sent post paid to any address upon receipt of price. When ordering, state size around chest, over vest. Reliable parties desiring to see our goods, can send for Trade Journal giving description of our leading articles. Be sure and get the "Original Goodyear’s Steam Vulcanized" fabrics. Send for illustrated price-list of our celebrated Pocket Gymnasium. Address carefully, Goodyear’s Rubber Curler Co. 697 Broadway, P. O. Box 5156, New York City.



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This page owned by Barbara Woolbright Carruth, Sulligent, Alabama.  All information on these pages is furnished for the free use of those who are  researching their family history. Any commercial use, or other electronic posting of any files/pages without the consent of the MS B or donor of material is prohibited.