Historical Newspapers Lamar County, Alabama
Transcribed by Veneta Aldridge McKinney Thanks Veneta.
Microfilm Ref Call #373
Microfilm Order #M1992.4466
The Alabama Department of Archives and History
Volume IV Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. June 28, 1878 No. 8
FRANCIS JUSTICE. Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama. Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.
SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Alabama. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims.
JNO. D. MCCLUSKEY, Attorney At Law and Solicitors in Chancery – Vernon, Alabama - Will practice in Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.
GEO. A. RAMSEY, Attorney At Law, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the various courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to Supreme Court and U. S. District Court’s business.
EARNEST & EARNEST. W. R. EARNEST and GEO. S. EARNEST, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Birmingham and Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of this Judicial Circuit.
NESMITH & SANFORD – T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.
THOS. B. NESMITH – Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.
WILLIAM R. SMITH, Attorney At Law. Tuskaloosa, Ala. Will give prompt attention to all businesses trusted to his care. Will practice in the Federal Courts, at Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.
DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., A. L. MORTON and M. W. MORTON. Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.
SID. B. SMITH, M. D. Surgeon & Physician. Vernon, Alabama. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Office – at Pioneer office.
P. X. SMITH, Manufacturers and dealer in guns, rifles, pistols. Caledonia, Miss. Chicken gaffs made to order. Gun and lock repairing done at short notice and at low figures. Second hand guns, pistols and country produce taken in exchange. All work warranted.
The Improved Remington Sewing Machine, 1. Makes a perfect lock stitch, alike on both sides on all kinds of goods. 2. Runs light, smooth, noiseless and rapid. 3. Durable – Runs for years without repair. 4. Will do all varieties of work and fancy stitching in a superior manner. 5. Is most easily managed by the operator. Length of stitch may be altered while running, and machine can be threaded without passing thread through holes. 6. Design simple, ingenious, elegant. Forming the stitch without the use of cogwheel gears, rotary cans or lever arms. Has the automatic drop feed, which insures uniform length of stitch at any speed. Has our new thread controller, which allows ease movement of needle bar and prevents injury to thread. 7. Construction most careful and finished. It is manufactured by the most skillful and experienced mechanics at the celebrated Remington Armory, Ilion, N. Y. Attention is called to our greatly reduced prices. 8. The No. 2 Remington for manufacturing and family use has been recently improved, and I s offered to the public with the assurance that it will give entire satisfaction. Armory: Ilion, N. Y. Principal Office: 281 and 283 Broadway, New York
Each thin hand resting on a grave,
Her lips apart in prayer,
A mother knelt and left her tears
Upon the violets there,
O’er many a road or vale and lawn,
Of hill and forest gloom.
The reaper death had reveled in
His fearful harvest home.
The last unquiet summer shone
Upon a fruitless fray:
From yonder forest charged the Blue,
Down yonder slope the Grey.
The hush of death was on the scene,
And sunset o’er the dead,
In that oppressive silentness,
A pall of glory spread;
I know not dare no question how
I met the ghastly glare
Of each upturned and stirless face
That shrunk and withered there,
I knew that Willie wore the Blue,
That Harry wore the Grey.
I thought of Willie’s clear blue eyes,
His wavy hair of gold,
That clustered on a fearless brow
Of purest Saxon mould;
Of Harry with his raven locks,
An eagle glance of pride;
Of how they clasped each other’s hand,
And left their mother’s side,
How hand in hand they bore my prayers
And blessings on the way –
A noble hearted beneath the Blue,
Another ‘neath the grey.
The dead with white and folded hands,
That hushed our village homes,
I’ve seen laid calmly, tenderly,
Within their darkened rooms,
But here I saw distorted limbs,
And many an eye aglare
In the soft purple twilight of
The thunder-smitten air.
Along the slope and on the sward,
In ghastly ranks they lay,
And there was blood upon the Blue,
And blood upon the grey.
I locked and saw - his blood and his –
A swift and vivid dream
Of blended years flashed o’er me, then
Like some cold shadow came
A blindness of the eye and brain –
The same that seizes one
When men are smitten suddenly,
Who overstate the sun –
And while blurred with the sudden stroke
That swept my soul, I lay
They buried Willie in his Blue,
And Harry in his Grey.
The shadows fall upon their graves,
They fell upon my heart
And through the twilight of my soul,
Like dew the tears will start;
The starlight completely silent
And lingers where they rest,
And hopes revealing starlight falls
And sinks within my breast.
They will not ask in yonder Heaven
Where smiles eternal day,
Why Willie went to wear the Blue,
Why Harry wore the Grey.
In ’52 there wasn’t a likelier fellow on the line than George Kirke. He was the son of a poor man, and his mother was dead. His father was a confirmed invalid of the rheumatic order, and George played the dutiful son to him in a way that would astonish the young men of today.
Somehow, nobody knew exactly how, George had managed to pick up a good education, and he had polished it off, so to speak, by a two years’ course at a commercial college, which they tell me is a school where they teach people something as is practical, and not them Greek roots and Latin folderols that is drilled into young men’s head in our universities.
Kirke began on the Stony Hill railroad when he was about twenty-one or two years old. First he was a brakeman. This railway business is a regular succession, and generally speaking, a man has to work his way up. It ain’t often that he gets right up to the dignity of a conductor at one step, with the chance to pocket ten-cent scripts, and with the privilege of helping all the good-looking and well-dressed ladies out of the cars, and letting the homely ones, with babies and bandboxes in their arms, stumble out as best they may.
George did his duty so well that he was soon promoted to fireman, and after he had learned the workings of the machine he was made engineer and given an engine.
I tell you, sir, your true engineer – one as is out and out for the business, and feels his responsibility, takes as much pride in his engine as the jockey does in his favorite horse, and would sit-----(torn)---neglect his sweetheart, to ----(torn)---sses and filigrees of his------could see your face.-------
---------man wanted------re’s generally-------every paying job.-------been waiting for-----was mad------a brakesman-------on the road ----like end it------really---longed to him, yet he was a quarrelsome, disagreeable fellow, with independence enough to have set an emperor up n business and still have had some left.
When Jack realized that George had got the inside track of him, his anger was at a white heat. He cursed Kirke and cursed the company, and old Whately, the superintendent, and thing generally, until it seemed a pity that there was not something else to curse, he was in such a fine cursing humor.
There was more than one thing which made John Holliday down on George Kirke. George had been his rival in many respects, and particularly where the fairer part of creation was concerned. George was a great favorite with the girls, for he was handsome and generous and good natured, and Jack was sarcastic, and always on the contrary side, and the girl’s avoided him, as they always should such a man.
We always expected that ill would come to George from Jack’s bad blood against him, and we warned him more than once, but he always laughed, and reminded us of the old saw that "barking dogs seldom bite," which is true in the main.
I was at Golosha, the northern terminus of our road, looking after some repairs on a defective boiler, and I was going down to New York on the 7:50 train – Kirke’s train.
About seven there came a telegram from old Whately, whose summer residence was nearly midway between Golosha and New York, and the old heathen had not yet forsaken it for the city. The telegraph operator came into the engine house where Kirke was at work – for he was always at work – and read it to him. Kirke made a note of it in his pocket-book.
"Pay train on the line. Will meet you just west of Leeds, at 10:15. Shut on to the siding at Dering’s. Cut and wait. WHATLEY."
Kirke’s watch hung on a nail beside the clock. It was a fancy of his always to hang it there when he was off a train, so that he could make no mistake in the time.
He glanced at the clock, and from it to his watch. Both indicated the same hour – 7:15.
"7:15," said Kirke, meditateingly, "and we leave at 7:50, and the pay train meets us at Dering’s Cut at 10:15. Scant time to make the run in this thick weather, but it must be managed."
And he turned away to give some brief orders to the fireman.
Jack Holliday was there – he had been strolling in and out of the room for the past half hour, smoking a cigar and swearing at the bad weather. His train did not leave until near midnight so he had plenty of time to swear.
We all went to the door and took a look at the weather, and unaminously voted it duced bad, and then we walked up and down the platform and smoked our after supper cigars, and by the time we were through, it was time for the train hands to be getting into their places. Both the clock in the engine room and Kirke’s watch indicated 7:40.
Kirke was putting his watch in his pocket as he said: "Garth, are you going with me on the Flyaway?"
"No, than ye" said I, "I get enough of that sort of thing in my everyday life. I am going to do a little swell business tonight and take passage in the palace car. Want to rest my back. Goodnight to ye, and hold in well round Rocky Bottom curve. The road bed’s a little shaky."
"Aye, aye, sir!" responded Kirke, and swung himself to his position on the Flyaway.
The bell rang – I scrambled to my compartment in the Pullman, and felt horribly out of place among the silks and broadcloths and smells of musk. But I was in for first class, and made the best of it so effectually that five minutes after Gibson, who fancies he owns all creation because he has got a silver coffinsplate on his breast with "Conductor" on it, had shouted "All aboard!" I was sound asleep.
What occurred in the other quarters to affect the fate of Kirke’s train I learned afterward.
Old Whately, the superintendent of the road, as I guess I have already said, had a country residence in Leeds, on a mountain spur, which commanded a view of the surrounding country for more than a score of miles. The line of the railroad could be distinctly seen in each direction fifteen miles, and Whately was wont to say his lookout was worth more to the safety of trains than all the telegraph wires on the line.
Whately was a rich old buffer, kind enough in his way, but sharp as a ferret in looking after the road hands, and determined that every man should do his duty.
He had but one child, a daughter, and Floss Whately was the belle of the country. She was brave, beautiful, and spirited, and more than once when her father had been away, had she assumed the responsibility of directing the trains, and she had always acquitted herself with credit.
Old Whately was very proud of her, as he had a right to be, and he kept all the young fellows at a distance, until it was said that he intended keeping his daughter single till the Czar of all the Russians came on to marry her.
This night in November, old Whately and Floss were out on the piazza of their country home, peering through the gloom and fog for the Golosha train, which was nearly due.
"It’s devilish strange it doesn’t come in sight!" said Whately, lying down his night glass in disgust. "It is hard on to ten now! They ought to show their light round Spruce Pond by this Time!"
"You telegraphed them, father? You let them know the pay train was on the road?" asked Floss.
"To be sure. And good heavens! There is the headlight of the pay train now! See! Not ten miles away, and running like the devil, as it always does!"
He pointed with trembling finger down to the valley gorge, where, far away, a mere speck in the gloom, could be seen a light scarcely moving, it seemed, but those anxious watchers knew it was approaching with lightning speed.
Father and daughter looked at each other.
The truth was evident. For some reason the train from Golohsa was ten minutes behind time, and it would not reach the siding at Derring’s Cut until the pay train had passed beyound on to the single track! And then? Why, to read under the head of "Appaling Railway Disaster!" and a few more hearts would be rendered desolate, and a few more hearts would be made to mourn.
Father and daughter looked at each other in dismay.
"Is there time?" asked the old man tremblingly.
"Selim can do it," said Floss quickly. "If I can reach Leeds five minutes before the train – yes, two minutes – all will be well. Do not stop me father!" as he laid his hand on her arm.
"But you must not go! It is dark and dismally lonely! No, Floss!"
"I shall go, father! Selim knows only me, and you could not ride him. I have ridden darker nights. And he is the only horse in the stable! Don’t you remember? The others were sent to town yesterday."
Before old Whately could stop her, she had ordered the hostler to saddle Selim, and she was already buttoning on her riding habit with rapid nervous fingers.
The horse came pawing to the door. Floss sprang into the saddle, leaned down and kissed her father’s forehead.
"Pray Heaven to speed me!" She cried hoarsely, and touching the horse with her whip, he bounded down the sharp declivity.
It was raining steadily now, and the gloom was intense, but Selim was used to the road, and he was sure-footed, and his rider courageous. She urged him on at the top of his speed, up hill and down, through Pine Valley, and over Pulpit Hill, and then she struck up the smooth road which stretched away to Leeds, two miles, and straight as an arrow.
She could see the headlight on the pay train far down the valley, distinctly now, and to her excited fancy it seemed but a stone’s throw away. She even thought for a moment that she heard the grind of the wheels on the iron track, but no! It was only the sighing of the wind in the pines.
On and still on she went. Selim seemed to fly. One might have fancied that he knew his mistress was on an errand of life and death. The lights of the station were in view – nay, she even saw the station master’s white lantern as he strolled up and down the platform – the white lantern which was to signal the approaching train – to tell them to go one, for all was well. On to their doom!
She dashed across the railway track, flung the reins to an amazed bystander and striking the white lantern from the hand of the astonished official, she sized the ominous red lantern from its hook, and springing upon the track, waved------eth of the -----.
Two sharp, short whistles told her that her signal was seen, and a moment later the train came to a stop, and the officers rushed out to learn what it all meant.
Floss told them in a few brief words, and one of the men at the station went forward to confer with the train form Golosha, which had not yet been telegraphed form the next station beyond.
The man waited fifteen minutes before Kirke’s train slid on to the siding and it was then known that but for the decision of one young girl, the two trains would have collided four miles beyond Derrin’s Cut.
When told the story Kirke looked at his watch.
The man from the station looked at his.
Kirke’s was ten minutes behind time!
You want to know how it happened. Certainly you must have guessed. Halliday did it. A man was found the next day who confessed to have seen Jack tampering with the time pieces in the engine house that night, but he had thought nothing of it, he said.
Jack? Oh, he left town, and was last heard of in Australia. His little game was not a success.
A few months later, Kirke was married to Floss Whately, for being ten minutes behind time.
A year ago, without at all basing its predictions on the needs of war times in Europe; the World ventured to show that America was likely to become very soon the chief source of a supply of horses which the Continent and England were to especially seek here. The shadow of war between England and Russia has probably led to the somewhat speedier fulfillment of this prediction than the World looked for. For the past six months last past English agents have been busy in Canada, in northern New York and in Kentucky and Tennessee buying up horses of an excellent quality suited for cavalry mounts, for service, for the Transportation Corps. Many of these horses have been forwarded to New York, and on the sailing days of almost any transatlantic steamers, except the fast shops of the White Star Line and the Cunarders, may be seen on the wharves in process of shipment. Some of the steamer lines – notably the Anchor and National – have especially fitted up stables in their vessels on the orlop deck and between decks and carry as may as one hundred horses at a time. The average steamer load is between 40 and 70.
The secret of this sudden increase of traffic which is not wholly new is no secret at all. England does not, leaving war out of the question, breed horses enough to supply her domestic wants, and it long ago became a mere question of the readiness of America to seize the opportunity to supply her. France was drawn upon recently until her surplus was apparently exhausted, and now, when the expeditious equipment of her armies in question, England comes here to buy. It is probable that within the last two months 2,000 horses have been shipped to Liverpool, London and Glasgow from this port. Very likely the increase of "tramways" or horse-railways in the United Kingdom accounts for some part of this growing trade, but there are indications that the prospect of war has given it an impetus. It is certainly rather more natural that we should ship horses to Great Britain than beef to her butchers and cotton prints to Manchester, but the recent development of the exportation of horses is not the less interesting on that account. It should be noted that the Allen (Canadian) line of steamships has carried out more horses recently than all the New York lines together. Recent newspaper paragraphs reported that all these horses were branded with the broad arrow, but the report has been contradicted. None of the horses recently shipped from New York were thus branded. Lately some of them have been marked with a T in white paint – which may be a private mark or may possibly mean "Transportation Corps."
It will easily be conceived that an extensive private enterprise for the importation of horses into England would be on many accounts preferable in time of war or threatened war to direct purchase by Government agents, especially if there be any thing debatable about the construction of the neutrality laws. But apart from that the newspaper press of England has recently been full of comment upon the scantiness and high prices of horses. To put the case briefly, horses worth $100 to $150 in the market here fetch $350 on the other side, which certainly leaves a large margin above the cost to transshipment for profits of a private enterprise. A very great awakening to this state of figures is announced in the advertising of the London papers, and some of the lordliest names in the kingdom, including a great number of military men in high rank, eleven Lieutenant-Generals, one Brigadier-General, six Major-Generals, five plain Generals, and innumerable Colonels are to be found among the patrons as possible subscriber to the capitalism of ‘The British Empire Horse Supply Association" now newly formed which has some pretty profits being shown, not only in the way of sales to the Government, but in sales for domestic use.
Before commending to the ----- the extremely aristocratic nation------ this venture in horse trading, -----wholesale character makes as -------mate as inoffensive as a speculation in cable stock, it will be well to set forth in detail the objects of the British Empire Horse Supply Association. They are given in a recent number of the Court Circulars as follows:
The inadequacy of the supply of good sound horses throughout the United Kingdom, and the consequent high prices ruling, have for some time engaged the serious attention of the public and Parliament. The demand however naturally increases, whilst the supply home breed horses cannot for many year, if ever, meet the demand. To remedy this scarcity by drawing upon the unlimited supplies which exist in American and Canada, this association proposes ultimately to establish a line of large and fast ocean-going steamers, especially fitted for the trade calculated to make the passage from the ports of Quebec, Montreal, New York, Boston, and Norfolk (Va) to Southampton in twelve days. With a view, however, to thoroughly test the scheme, the association will in the first instance utilize the existing line of steamers, or charter vessels as may be required.
The horses of Canada and the -----States of American, especially----those of Kentucky and Illinois, ----are now to be found in great number ---are large powerful, well shaped----standing animals possessing fine natural trotting action with great ----stance and stamina, and are ably suited for every description of w---. Such horses, between five and s--- years old, fresh from the bred--- hands, and broken to saddle --- as shown by the Statistical---turns Department of Agricultural—Washington, United States Army----------more a head will get them to the ports of shipment.
By the last census there were, irrespective of Canada 9,332,000 horses in the United States, against 2,762,000 in Great Britain. In Illinois alone there were 1,059,000, and during the civil war this State maintained twenty regiments of cavalry in the field, besides selling 60,000 horses to the government at prices going from 17 to 25. Since 1870 the numbers have multiplied at the rate of 50,000 per annum.
In America and Canada there is little or no demand for the better class of stout saddle horses, and in Kentucky are to be found some of the finest weight-carrying hunters in the world. Many of these horses distinguished themselves in the hunting field last season. Arrangements will be made to condition the imported horses, in the vicinity of Southampton. This association proposes to establish a deport for the sale of horses in the vicinity of London.
The capital of the association is $200,000, or $1,000,000 in shares of $25. It has yet entered into no contract or agreements. The advertisement describes the enterprise as being formed under the distinguished patronage of the noblemen and gentlemen in the following list, a number of whom have intimated their intention of subscribing towards the capital.
"Pray, madam," said a young romantic looking gentleman, addressing the daughter of a bookseller, whom her father had deputied to stop in the shop just while he went next door (an amiable creature – about the age of sweet sixteen) "May I ask you if you have ‘Ten Thousand a Year’?" "No, sir," she simply but sweetly replied, letting her finely lashed eyelids fall – "no, sir; but father says he’ll settle this house on me; that, though, don’t rent for more than four hundred a year!" The young book buyer had missed to die a larfin, as Sam Slick says.
The geese of Maine are -----trained that no two of them------at the same kernel-----One takes the cob----kernels.
SID B. SMITH, Editor and Publisher
Friday June 28, 1878
Democratic Conservative Ticket
For Governor – RUFUS W. COBB
For Secretary of State – WILLIM W. SCREWS
For Treasurer – ISAAC H. VINCENT
For Attorney General – HENRY C. TOMPKINS
For Superintendent of Education – LEROY F. BOX
For State Senator – 12th District- WILLIAM A. MUSGROVE of Fayette County
For Representative – I H. SANDERS
About five hundred bills were passed by the last Congress and only two bills were vetoed by the President.
HON. RUFUS COBB, the Democratic nominee for Governor, is a native Alabamian. He was born in Ashville, St. Clair County, and is now 52 years of age.
On and after July 1st all postmaster of the fourth class will be paid their commissions upon the amount of stamps cancelled in their offices – oath being made to such cancellation, and the system of payment of commissions upon stamps, through which an enormous swindle in the aggregate has been perpetrated, will be abolished.
An Omaha special says that General Crook returned yesterday from Chicago, after a conference with General Sheridan on the Indian Question. Army officers believe the situation to be very critical and some do no hesitate plainly to say that its present numbers cannot put down the Bannock insurrection, to say nothing of the anticipate troubles with Sitting Bull and other Indians.
The eleventh plank in the platform of the Iowa Republicans begins thus: The Republican party challenges scrutiny as to the administration of the public funds. Well, it may says the New York World, so long as it can keep custody of the books, accounts, vouchers, papers and letters in every department of Washington. One little incident in the Potter investigation has already shown how easily those who have held such documents can slip any particular paper from a file or elaborately fail to find it.
The addition of the name of WILLIAM A. MUSGROVE, of Fayette County as the nominee of the Democracy of the 12th District, for State Senator, finishes up our ticket for the present campaign. MR. MUSGROVE is so well known to the people of this section, both as a legislator and a citizen that he needs no mention at our hand, save that his nomination by the Pikeville Convention has given more satisfaction to the ---than any nomination ever before made by the Democracy of this section and will be supported almost unanimously be the people of this county. With MUSGROVE in the Senate, and SANDERS (BIG IKE) in the House, this county will have two so true and representative men as ever trod the legislative halls of Alabama.
Some of the citizens of Lamar County, Alabama have issued a platform of public grievances based upon personal issues, and are trying by this means to organize an opposition to the Democratic organization. The grievances, as per platform, are frivolous and reflect no credit upon the heads of ---- of the projectors, and the result of their work will end, as it should, a merited defeat. An opportunity is ---- every one to assist in the selection of delegates to a convention, or --- for office, and if through ----, indifference, or relative---- strength, we fail to secure our preference it speaks badly for us to go to work enlisting the defeated minority, and allying with the opposite party, seek to break down through defeat the organization to which we are attached. The experiences of the ten years succeeding the war should have taught us a lesson relative to the necessity of organization, and the exclusion of personal political thrift to the general good. At this time there will be but one political organization having at heart the welfare of the people and that is the organized Democratic party. It may commit error, and grievous ones, but there is no safety in flying to the opposition to rectify them. Family broils are best settled among the family themselves; and local differences can be better settled in the party than out of it. We suspect our platformers across the line only issued their pronouncements to repeat history – VIDE the proclamations of the three tailors: "We the people of England-----" from Smith’s Weekly
The delegates to the 12th Senatorial District was called to order by DR. SID B. SMITH, chairman District Executive Committee, at 11 am by calling THOS. B. NESMITH to the chair as temporary chairman.
On motion, DR. SID B. SMITH was requested to act as temporary secretary. On motion, the delegates proceeded to come forward and enroll their names as follows:
W. P. JACK moved that a committee of five be elected as a Committee on Credentials.
MR. ALLEN moved to amend that the chair appoint the committee from the counties of Fayette, Lamar, and Marion. Amendment carried by raising vote of 16 for to 4 against. Original motion as amended carried by rising vote of 14 for to 2 against.
The chair appointed M. C. MARTIN, of Marion, D. J. LACEY, of Lamar, G. LEGG, of Fayette, L. C. SHIRLY, of Fayette, and S. CAUDLE, of Marion. The Committee retired. On motion the Convention adjourned pending the report of the committee.
Convention called to order at 1 p.m. The committees reported as follows:
To the Delegates of the 12th Senatorial Convention:
Gentlemen. – We the Committee on Credentials, appointed by your honorable body, beg leave to report the following gentlemen are entitled to seats in this Convention:
We further recommend that the delegates present cast the entire vote of the county which they represent, under the following apportionment: Fayette-5, Franklin – 5, Lamar – 6, Marion 4.
Respectfully submitted.
M. C. MARTIN, Ch’n Com
W. P. JACK called for a division of the question, and requested leave to make a statement. The chair ruled the adoption of the report of the committee in order and debatable. W. P. JACK proceeded to address the Convention against the adoption of the committee in so far as the seating of the delegates from Franklin is concerned. J. E. WILSON, of Franklin, then proceeded to address the Convention in favor of seating said delegates. MR. ALLMAN, of Franklin, also addressed the convention in favor of seating the said delegates from Franklin as reported by the committee. All three of the gentlemen presented proofs, &c. to sustain their different positions. W. P. JACK again addressed the Convention, and closed the argument.
W. B. Jack called for a division on regards Franklin, and report of the Committee so far as Fayette, Lamar and Marion being concerned, adopted. The chair ruled the adoption of the report of the committee as regard the county of Franklin to be in order. DR. MARTIN moved on a substitute in lieu of the report of the committee, that each of the contesting delegates be allowed to cast 2 ½ votes. Ruled Out of Order. Question recurred upon the ---tion of the report of the committee by a rising vote of 8 for to 6 against.
On motion, the temporary chairman and temporary secretary were elected as permanent chairman and secretary of this convention. On notion, the delegates were seated by counties. The chair ruled the nomination of a candidate for Senator for the 12th Senatorial Distinct to be in order. On motion, the two-thirds rule was adopted. The names of WM. A. MUSGROVE, of Fayette, SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, of Lamar, M. L. DAVIS, of Lamar, WOSLEY M. SMITH, of Franklin were placed in nomination……(Election results given)……. The name of W. M. SMITH was withdrawn, and by leave, Mr. Smith proceeded to address the Convention.
The name of S. J. SHIELDS was withdrawn and on motion the nomination of WM. A. MUSGROVE was made unanimous. On motion the chair appointed the following committee to notify Mr. Musgrove of his nomination D. J. LACY, DR. MARTIN, G. LEGG.
WM. A. MUSGROVE addressed the Convention. CAPT. SHIELDS and COL. M. L. DAVIS made short and patriotic addresses. A motion of thanks were kindly extended to the President and Secretary for their services.
On motion, moved and adopted that the chairman of the various County Executive Committees be the Executive Committee of this District, and that SID B. SMITH, of Lamar County, be the chairman of said committee.
State of Alabama, Lawrence Beat, May 4th, 1878. Justice Court
vs. with attachment
A. B. BLACK, garnishee in this case, this being the day appointed for the hearing of the attachment in the above entitled case, when the garnishee came forward and made answer, and it appearing to the Court that the defendant, THOMAS BLACK, is a non-resident of this state, and that Carnersville, Lincoln County, Arkansas is his post office. It is ordered that notice of this proceeding attachment and levy upon the defendants property be given to the said defendant by publication in the Vernon Pioneer, a weekly newspaper published at Vernon, Lamar County, for four consecutive weeks before the 6th day of July 1878 at which time the said THOMAS BLACK is notified to appear at the office of J. E. GRAVES, a Justice of the Peace in and for said county of Lamar, to plead or demur to plaintiff’s demand, or judgement will be rendered against him, and garnishee required to pay plaintiff the amount found in his hand belonging to said defendant. It is further ordered this case be continued till the 6th day of July 1879. Given under my hand this day the 8th day of May, 1878 J. E. GRAVES, J. P.
R. C. MCLESTER, T. N. HAYES, J. A. MCLESTER. MCCLESTER, HAYS, & CO., Cotton buyers and dealers in groceries, boots and shoes, hats, dry goods and general merchandise. Northport, Alabama.
The Old Reliable! Has now in store the largest and most attractive stock of Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to this marker. The Department of Dress goods contains every novelty of the season, consisting of Plain and Fancy Dress goods, white goods, domestics, prints, etc. The Ladies and Misses Department of hosiery, corsets, fine shoes, hats, straw goods, trimmings, etc. cannot be excelled. The Department for Gents is supplied with full assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, latest styles of hats, underwear dress shirts, furnishing goods, boots, shoes, etc. The Grocery Department contains a full line of staple and family groceries; also a full line of crockery, glassware, woodenware, tinware, hardware, drugs, medicine, etc., etc., etc. No trouble to show goods; so call and examine my stock. Terms – Cash or credit. Special inducements to cash customers. A. A. SUMMERS
At the Old Pioneer Office will be found a full line of Dry goods, boots, Hoes, hats, Glassware, Woodenware, tinware, Family Staple and Fancy Groceries. I have resumed business at my old stand and will be pleased to have customers to call and price goods before buying elsewhere. I sell at bottom prices for cash. JESSE TAYLOR, Vernon, Ala.
LITTLE WILKINSON, & CO. Late Paregrove, Little & Co. Wholesale Grocer’s. 48, 50, and 52 North Commerce Street. Mobile, Alabama.
LIVE OAK SALOON. JOHN T. BURROW & Co., Prop’r. Vernon, Alabama. Have in stock and will keep on hand a full assortment of whiskies, brandies, and wines, form the purest and best to cheapest grades. Tobaccos – chewing and smoking – cigars, snuts, etc. etc. While "warming up" the inner man, we will also keep on hand a full assortment of substantial such as: oysters, sardines, crackers, etc. MR. L. S. CASH will be behind the counter and will attend to the wants of his many friends upon strictly CASH terms.
HYDE, SHATTUCK & CO. Manufacturers of Breech Loading Shot Gun, Revolvers and Pistols, gun implements. Extra heavy guns for long ranges a specialty. Cut this out and send for Catalogue and price list, enclosing 3-cent stamp. Hatfields, Hampshire Co, Mass.
Are you going to paint? Then use Miller Bro. Chemical Paint. Ready for use in white and over one hundred different colors made of strictly pure white lead, zinc and linseed oil chemically combined warranted much Handsomer and cheaper and to last twice as long as any other paint. It has taken the first premium at twenty of the state fairs of the Union and is on many thousand of the fine houses of the country. Address. Miller Brothers, 22, 31, & 33 St. Clair Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Sample cards sent free.
New Patent Self-Acting Cow Milker M’rg Co. Everyone who owns a cow should have one of our wonderful milkers. Sent free to any part of the United States on receipt of $2. Send for our illustrated Pamphlet on the cow, containing sectional views of a cow’s tests and bag dissected and scientifically explained, by Drs. White and Wilson of this city. Sent free to any address. Geo. F. King, President. Office, 575 Broadway, New York.
VERNON PIONEER, Vernon, June 28, 1878
The Voters of Lamar County at the solicitation of my friends, I hereby announce myself as a Candidate to represent the people of Lamar County in the lower house of the next General Assembly of Alabama. Election 1st Monday in August. W. A. BROWN
We are authorized to announce I. H. SANDERS as the Democratic and Conservative nominee, to represent the County of Lamar in the Lower House of the next General Assembly.
We are authorized to announce WM. A. MUSGROVE of Fayette, as the Democratic and Conservative nominee, to represent the 12th Senatorial District in the Alabama State Senate, for the ensuing term of four years. Election the 1st Monday in August next
Blackberries are ripe. Within another week peaches and roasting corn will be plenty.
King Cotton is having a hard time roughing it with Monster Grass.
Hares are canned in California. Here they are preserved in butter.
JUDGE COBB and his son WILL were in Columbus this week.
The indomitable COL. KIM has gone to Buttahatchie on a fishing exeunt.
It is a good rule never to forget the kindly deeds which others do to you.
Beautiful days have come again, and the farmer once more looketh happier.
MR. BUD POE, of Tupelo, Miss has been visiting relatives and friends in the city.
DR. JOSEPH RUSH with M. W. HATCH, Columbus, is visiting at his father’s house.
Charity toward the weakness of human nature is a virtue which we demand in others.
The School Board did a wise thing in retaining PROFESSOR GILLHAM for another year.
MORTON’S MILL was somewhat damaged by the recent high waters, necessitating the stoppage of the mill for a few days.
The ink-slinger of this department of the Pioneer claims to having caught the largest fish of the season. Next.
Hate not. It is not worth while. Your life is not long enough to make it pay to cherish ill wind or hard thoughts toward any one.
FAY HANKINS was in town Saturday. The hot weather does not reduce him in flesh at parties as he still kicks the scales at about 350 pounds.
By accident, MR. JOHN BURROWS struck his leg against the corner of a box in his grocery Tuesday evening, severely injuring the limb above the knee.
DR. W. A. BROWN announces himself in this manner of the Pioneer as the People’s candidate for a seat in the lower house of the next General Assembly of the State of Alabama.
Although CAPTAIN SHIELDS was beaten by a few votes at the Pikeville Convention in the race for the Senatorial candidacy, the same pleasant smile pervades his countenance as of yore.
‘Tis sad to see the roses face ‘neath the chilly breath of winter, but sadder still to leave unpaid the bill you owe the printer. For flowers as fair as the cheerful spring, as fresh and sweet again will bring; but the printer who so kindly trusted, is left to cuss and bust disgusted.
MR. SAMUEL BURNS has laid on our table the first cotton bloom of the season. "Sam" is an honest planter; different from a few other parties we know of who were going to present us with a hollyhock, passing it off on us as a cotton bloom, just because we were raised in a country where cotton cannot be grown and having, as a matter of course, never been introduced to these beautiful cotton blooms.
The Vernon Pioneer learns that D. R. ALDRIDGE is local editor of the West Alabamian. MR. ALDRIDGE is not, nor never has been local editor of the Alabamian. He was employed as a compositor in this office, but on account of bad health he was compelled to give up his situation, and left us on last Saturday morning for his home near Military Springs, Lamar County. {West Alabamian. "We got our information from a friend of Mr. Aldridge’s, who told us that he had received a letter stating that he (Aldridge) was engaged as local editor on the above named paper
An incident occurred to DR. M. MORTON the other day which taxes that gentleman’s vim and energy far more than the game of croquet which he is wont to play so well. The Dr. was going to see a patient at the house of MRS. MUNROE, and upon entering the yard, was attacked by the noble mastiff Frank, who was proceeding to make mince meat out of the son of Lisuiapius. But the Dr. Knew what he had to deal with when he went there, and was prepared, and soon put Frank hors du combal with a ponderous can he carries with him. DR. MORTON suffered no injuries from the attack of the ferocious canine other than being somewhat scared, and he now cries Brave! wherever the name dog is mentioned in his presence.
(Note: Article is badly torn) SHERIFF LACY’S boarding house is fastly filling up. Only a few days ago and there was not an occupant of the county jail, now----play checkers with their nose------one white and three freed -----is a boy of about eighteen-----durance vile for stealing ---the blacks is a male, ar----the other two females ---and laughter , incarcerated----to poison. The name of ‘Fightin’----known far and near, and when in---bad moods is a ---to any who----. She became famed ---when she whipped De------swag lawyer but used to ---nce that time she has been ---- in every instance----successful. above was put in type Fightin’---Laughter have been released, and –five as to--, ready to put in---cranium that has---- the P. B.
MR. WILL SMITH, of Smith’s Weekly, Columbus, gave us a call this week.
The farmers of West Lamar are offering money, meat, corn and flour for farm work.
DR. G. C. BURNS tenders his professional services to the people of Vernon and vicinity in the way of an ad in this issue.
MR. WILSON GILMORE is the first to enjoy eating the delicious watermelon this season. He has them in his garden rich, ripe, and juicy.
MOSE, the Negro confined in the county jail says he would rather be at work in the cotton field than be confined in a gloomy cell and that he’s so tired of restin’
A good rain is very badly needed. The growing crops are being parched up, and if there is not a fall of rain soon the farmer will have another item to add to his long list of complaints.
MESSRS. JOHN AND GREEN BANKHEAD paid Vernon a visit during the week. JOHN has been on a prospecting tour through the State of Texas and returns expressing golden opinions of that country.
The many friends of MRS. DR. SMITH and children will be glad to learn that they have returned from their protracted visit to Mobile and Greensboro. MRS. SMITH reports a delightful time spent among friends and relatives. She and the children are in excellent health.
The Vernon High School will be opened for the beneficiaries of the Public School Fund, on Monday, the 1st day of July. The public examination of the pupils of the school will be conducted at the Academy on Thursday and Friday, the 18th and 19th days of July. All the friends of education solicited to attend.
The HON. WILLIS BREWER, Democratic nominee for Auditor of State, and the HON. W. W. SCREWS, the nominee for Secretary of State, will address their fellow citizens of Lamar County at Vernon on Saturday the 12th day of July next and at Fayette on Monday the 15th.
The smiling countenance of the HON. G. W. HEWITT, our efficient Congressman, very unexpectedly beamed in upon us this morning. COL. HEWITT has spared neither time nor pains to serve his constituency and has made many warm friends in our county. The Colonel left for Fayette at 10 o’clock, but will meet his constituency on the stump in July next.
Godey’s Lady’s Book for July is at hand, and is looking as neat and cheerful as a new made pin. The fashion plates and patterns of this number is even more beautiful and artistic than ever, and are alone of great value to every housewife, not to speak of its interesting and entertaining literary department.
AMOS and AARON PENNINGTON, who reside near Vernon, are brothers. Aaron’s wife is Amos’ first cousin. Aaron married Amos’ daughter, who was his niece and the daughter of his cousin. Aaron was Amos’ brother-in-law. Now will some one explain the relationship of their children.
MISS REBECCA MIDDLETON having tired of town life has gone to the country to rusticate for a time.
Owing to the non-arrival of the Western mail Thursday, and the irregularity of other mails, our exchanges are few in number, and this issue of the Pioneer does not contain the ver latest news, which it would otherwise. These mail matters should be looked into by the proper parties.
Why will you suffer with a shaking Chill or a burning fever, when 2 does of Cuban Tonic, the Great West Indies Fever and Ague Remedy will stop the Chills and Fever, while one bottle will cure them up for years. Try it.
The HON. G. W. HEWITT will address the people the following times and places:
Jasper, Walker County Monday July 15th.
Blantons’ Store, Walker County, Tuesday July 16th
Sheffield, (Cole’s Old place), Fayette County, Wednesday July 17th
Fayette C. H., Fayette County, Thursday July 18th
John Ervin’s, Fayette County, Friday July 19th
Pearce’s Mill, Marion County, Saturday July 20th
Toll Gate, Marion County, Monday July 22nd
Bexar, Marion County, Tuesday July 23rd
Millville, Lamar County, Wednesday July 24th
Moscow, Lamar County, Thursday July 25th
Sizemore’s Precinct, Friday July 26th
Vernon, Lamar County, Saturday July 27th
Old Millport, Monday July 29th
Stafford Mills, Tuesday July 30th
Carrollton, Wednesday July 31st
Palmetto, Thursday August 1st.
The Board of Permanent Trustees of Vernon High School met at the Court House in Vernon, Saturday June 15th, 1878. Present J. D. MCCLUSKEY, President, JASON GUIN, M. W. MORTON, ALEX. COBB, A. A. SUMMERS, Trustees. On motion THOS. B. NESMTIH. was requested to act as Secretary.
On motion, Resolved that the next session of the Vernon High School shall commence at the expiration of the present session and that PROF. W. B. GILLHAM continue the same upon the same terms as heretofore.
Resolved, that the publisher of the Pioneer be respectfully requested to publish these proceedings.
An authentic narrative, embracing an account of several years travel and adventure in the West, by J. H. Beadle. A most attractive feature of this work consist of the romantic tales of Western life and adventure which makes up about two thirds of the book. The author has fully succeeded in his aim to both interest and instruct, and competent critics declare this book the most finished work on the Far West. Our young friend MR. C. C. HOLLADAY, of Moscow is the agent for this work, and we bespeak for him a liberal patronage.
Employment for ladies and gentlemen at home. Our attention has been called to some new and labor saving cooking utensils recently invented. One of which, the Universal Weight and Measuring Utensil for weighing flour, sugar, and butter, and measuring molasses, milk and all kinds of liquids used in cooking, entirely superseding expensive scales. The Patent Centennial Cake Pan, the best and most convenient Cake Pan ever made, and which every housekeeper will have when they see its advantages over all others. Also, the Kitchen Gem, a plated wire boiler to hang inside of an ordinary pot, for boiling all kinds of vegetables, eggs, etc. which, when done, can be removed at once perfectly dry without lifting the heavy sooty pot off the stove. These goods are sold exclusively through agents to families, and offer a splendid opportunity to some reliable lady or gentleman canvasses of this county to secure the agency for a very profitable business. For terms, territory, etc. write to J. E. Brown & Co., No. 242 Elm Street, Cincinnati, O.
Office of the Democratic and Conservative Executive Committee Lamar County. June 28th, 1878.
To the Democratic and Conservative Voters of Lamar County:
By virtue of the authority vested in us, we hereby call a Convention of the Democratic and Conservative party of Lamar County, to assemble at the Court House at Vernon at 12 o’clock M., on Tuesday, the 6th day of August next, (the day after the election), for the purpose of selecting 6 delegates to represent the County of Lamar in the 6th Congressional District Convention to be held at Fayette C. H. on Wednesday the 14th day of August.
You are therefore requested to meet in Beat Convention at your respective voting places on Monday, (State election day) the 5th day of August next, and select your delegates to the said Convention under the following apportionment: Town Beat, 9; Lawrence’s, 8; Sizemore’s, 2; Brown’s, 8; Henson Springs, 2; Millville, 5; Pine Springs, 3’ Moscow, 10; Betts, 7; Wilson’s, 5; Trulls, 3; Strickland’s, 3; Steins’s, 2; Millport, 3; Vail’s, 2.
By order of the Committee.
SID B. SMITH, Ch’mn.
NOTICE – The Vernon High School
As will be seen from the proceedings of the Board of Trustees published in another column, the Vernon High School will commence its 3rd annual session immediately after the close of the present session.
Despite the hard times, and not a little augmented by prejudice and indifference, this institution is slowly but surely making its way to an useful efficiency; and we hope it will continue onward and upward until it becomes one of the landmarks of our thrifty little village.
The scholarly qualification, the long and successful experience as an educator of youth, the age and moral integrity of PROF GILLHAM, eminently qualifies him for the position of principal of such an institution.
We hope our neighbors and county men will give this institution a careful thought and due consideration when selecting a school for their children, as we feel assured that with their assistance and patronage, an institution for the education of our youth can be built up in Vernon that will be second to none in the State. All that is required is concert of action which will secure a liberal patronage from those interested in the well being and education of their children.
DR. G. C. BURNS Vernon, Ala., offers his Professional Services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity.
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Under and by virtue of a venditioni exponas to me directed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lamar County, I will expose for sale at the Court House door, in Vernon, within legal hours to the highest and best bidder for cash on Monday the 6th day of May 1878, the following described property to wit: …(land descr)…sec 3, T16, R 16, lying, being and situate in the county aforesaid, and levied upon as the property of SARAH A HAYS and H. P. HAYS, to satisfy a judgement in favor of THOMAS MOLLOY , for the amount of seventy-five dollars and fifteen cents, with interest and cost of suit.
This the 4th day of April
D. J. LACY, Sheriff.
Sale postponed to 1st Monday in June.
Sale postponed to 1st Monday in July.
Southern Standard. Pat. March 19, ’78. Only $4 each. The cheapest, most durable and efficient Press ever constructed. Adapted to either hand, horse or steam power. For particulars, address: G. W. Soule, Norton, Miss. Prest. Southern Standard Press Co.
Madison Dispensary. 201 S. Clark St., Chicago, Ill. Dr. Bigelow, having 30 years experience treats Sexual and chronic diseases of both sexes safely, surely, privately. Nervous Debility from sexual abuses or excesses, producing impotency, pimples on the face, &c., rendering marriage in proper , can be positively and permanently cured. Will warrant every case. Pamphlet 35 pages. 5 cents. His Marriage Guide or Sexual Pathology, 230 pages, illustrated, containing much that was never before published, Price 50 cents. Letter confidential. Female Pills, $5, Extra Strong $10. Send 50 cents for sample rubber goods &c. by Express.
Best business you can engage in. $6 to $20 per day made by any worker of either sex, right to their own localities. Particulars and samples worth $5 free. Improve your spare time at this business. Address, Stinson & Co., Portland, Me.
Bring your job printing to the Pioneer. We print all kinds of blanks, deeds, mortgages, law briefs, cards, tags, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, note heads, statements, poster work. We propose to do all kinds of job printing as neat and as cheap as any city, either North or South, and our work is equal to any. When you want any kind of job printing done, please don’t fail to examine our specimens before going elsewhere.
Beautiful Concert, Grand PIANOS, ORGANS, Price $1600, only $425. Superb Grand Square Pianos, price $1100 only $255. Elegant Upright Piano, price $800 only $155. New Style upright Pianos $112.50. Organs $35. Organs 12 stops $72.50. Church Organs 16 stops $390 only $115. Elegant $375 Mirror Top Organs only $105. Buyers come and see me at home if I am no as represented, railroad fare paid both ways and Piano or Organ given free. Large Illst. Newspaper with much information about cost of Pianos and Organs sent free. please address Dan’l F. Beatty, Washington, N. J.
New Rich Blood! Parson’s Purgative Pills make New Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent by mail for 8 letter stamps. I. S. Johnson & Co. Banger, Me.
To Advertisers. Geo. P. Rowels & Co.’s Select list of local newspapers. Many persons suppose this list to be composed of cheap, low priced newspapers. The fact is quite otherwise. The catalogue states exactly what the papers are when the name of a paper is printed. In full fact type, it is in every instance the best paper in the place when printed. In capitals, it is the only paper in the place. When printed in roman letters, it is neither the best nor the only paper, but is usually a very good one, notwithstanding. The list gives the population of every town and the circulation of every paper. It is not a cooperative Mst. It is not a cheap list. At the foot of the catalogue for each state the important towns, which are not covered by the list are enumerated. It is an honest list. The rates charged for advertising are barely one-fifth the publishers schedule. The price for one inch four weeks in the entire list is $6.95. The regular rates of the papers for the same space and time are $3, 135.35. The list includes 2970 newspapers of which 163 are issued daily and 307 weekly. They are located in 825 different cities and towns, of which 22 are state capitals, 326 places of over 5000 population and 411 county seats. Lists sent on application. Address. Geo. P. Rowell & Co. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Sprade Strret, Printing House Square) N, Y.
Dr. Butt’s Married Life. No. 12 N. Eighth St. St. Louis, Mo. Who has had greater experience in the treatment of the sexual troubles of both male and female than any physician in the West, given the number of his long and successful practice has two new works just published entitled The Physiology of Marriage and The Private Medical Adviser. Books that are really guides and self-instructors in all matters pertaining to manhood and womanhood, and supply versions fell (sic ?). They are beautifully illustrated and in plain language easily understood. The two books embrace 545 pages and contain valuable information for both married and single, with all the recent improvements in medical treatment. Read what our home papers say: "The knowledge imparted in Dr. Butt’s new works is in no way of questionable character, but is something that everyone should know. The youth, the victim of early indiscretion, the man, otherwise healthy may be, but with wanting vigor in the prime of life, and the woman, in misery from the many ills her sex is heir to: - St. Louis Journal. Popular Prices – 60 cents each Both in one volume $1, in cloth 25 cents extra. Sent under seal on receipt of price in money or stamps.
The remedy of the 18th Century Barham’s Infallible PILE CURE. Manufactured by the Barham Pile Cure Co., Durham, N. C. It never fails to cure Hemorrhoids or piles, when a cure is possible. Price List and bona fide testimonials furnished on application.
The Needham Musical Cabinet. This new and wonderful Instrument enables any one, whether understanding music or not, to play any desired melody or harmony, sacred or secular, from the most plaintive dirge to the most lively dance music. It possesses a mechanism of marvelous simplicity requiring but the intelligence of a child to manipulate, yet capable of reproducing without limitation the musical compositions of the past, present and future. The execution is faultless, strict in melody, harmony, and rhythm, and the instrument is eminently adapted for Sunday Schools, prayer and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases where good, correct music is required, and no musician is at hand to perform. Address, E. P. Needham & Son, Manufacturers. 143, 145 & 147 E. 235 St. New York.
Agents wanted for the Pictorial History of the World. Embracing full and authentic accounts of every nation of ancient and modern times and including a history of the rise and fall of the Greek ad Roman Empires, the growth of the nations of modern Europe, the middle ages, the crusades, the feudal system, the reformation, the discovery and settlement of the New World, etc. It contains 672 fine historical engravings and 1200 large double column pages, and is the most complete history of the World ever published. It sells at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see way it sells faster than any other book. Address, National Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Opium and Morphine habit cured. The Original and only adequate cure. Send stamp for book on Opium Eating to W. B. Squire, Worthington, Green Co. Ind.
LEROY BREWER, THOS. DUGAN, H. L. HOPPER, C. A. HARRIS – L. BREWER & CO., Wholesale grocers. Dealers in Northern and Western Goods. Retailers and dealers in domestic and imported wines and liquors. Also Cotton Factors and Commission merchants. Agents for Orange Powder Works, Pratt’s Radiant & Astral Oil, California Gold Seal Wine. N. Schaeffer’s Lard and Candles, S. Davis Jr. & Co. Diamond Hams, Blackwell’s Durbam Smok’g Tobacco. Corner of Commerce and St. Louis Streets, Mobile, Ala.
Thorough-bred Hogs & Poultry. I have a few very choice pair of pure-bred chickens for sale, viz: Light and Dark Brahmas, Buff and Partridge Cochins, White and Brown Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, Grey Dorkings, Houdans, Golden Polish and Black Spanish from the "best strains" in the country – Snow White rabbits and guinea pigs. Also breeder of Berkshire Pigs. From imported stock. Prices reasonable. Correspondence solicited. Address W. T. Johns, Nashville, Tenn.
The Trustees of the Vernon High School take pleasure in announcing that they have made an arrangement with Rev. W. B. GILLHAM to take charge of their Institution for the ensuing school year – to commence on the 1st Monday in October. Mr. Gillham’s long and successful experience as educator of the youth of both sexes warrant us in giving him our highest endorsement and soliciting for our School a liberal patronage. In view of the great stringency in money matters, a reduction has been made from the usual rates of tuition for the present year. We propose for the present year to have a first class English School, and when the patronage will justify, to add a teacher of ancient and perhaps modern languages. Our school will be divided into the following grades and rates per session of 5 months.
Alphabetical lessons, Spelling, First lessons in Reading, First lessons in Geography and Mathematical Tables. $7.50
Written or Practical Arithmetic, Eng. Grammar, Descriptive Geography, Orthography, Reading, Penmanship, First lessons in English Composition and History of the United States. $12.50
Algebra, Geometry, natural Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Astronomy, English Composition, Rhetoric, Rhetorical Reading, English Grammar completed, Logic and Universal History. $17.50
All tuition fees due on the admission of the pupil, and the payments to be made punctually each quarter (ten weeks) except the first which must be made by the 25th of December. No pupil will be admitted for a less time than the remainder of the session for which he enters, except by special notice at the time of admission. Board including fires, lights, and lodging from eight to ten dollars per month.
Music on Piano, per month $4.00
Use of Instrument per month 1.00
Vocal Music (science of per mo.) 3.00
A contingent fee of 50 cents will be charged each pupil for the purpose of keeping up fires, etc. For further particulars apply to: Trustees: J. D. MCCLUSKEY, ARTY A. SUMMERS, T. W. SPRINGFIELD, JASON GUIN, M. W. MORTON
MUD CREEK ACADEMY. Male and Female. Lamar County Alabama (fifteen miles south of Vernon). The first Session of this Institution will open on the First Monday in October 1877, and continue eight scholastic months. The number of students is limited to 30. Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $7 to $8 per month. Tuition $1 ½, $2, $2 ½, and $3 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. J. M. I. GUYTON, Co., Sup’t Ed. Vernon, Lamar Co. Ala.
$2500 a year. Advice, energetic agents wanted on our Grand Combination Prospectus for 150 Distinct Publications and 100 styles of Bibles and Testaments. Representing Agricultural , Biographical, Historical, Religions and Miscellaneous works of universal inter. A novel feature in canvassing! Sales made from this Prospectus when all single books fail. It contains something to suit every taste and fancy. We are also offering special inducements on our Premium Family Bibles. English and German. Protestant and Catholic. Awarded Superiority over all others for their invaluable aids and superb binding at the Grand Centennial Exposition 1876. Also general and local agents wanted on our the most comprehensive, reliable, and accurate history of the great contest between the Russian and the Turk. With its 800 elegant engravings maps, and plans the most showy desirable and useful book now published. Liberal terms. Particulars free. Address Jon Potter & co. Publishers. Philadelphia
JOHN B. GILLMORE. Blacksmithing and woodwork. Vernon, Ala. Having employed two experienced blacksmiths, BEN BARLOW AND WASH BONMAN for the ensuing year, I am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing, wood work horse-shoeing mending and repairing etc. in first-class order and with dispatch.
The undersigned, desirous of closing out his business in this section offers for private sale the property known as the "MOSCOW FLOURING MILLS" These Mills have a good run of patronage, a good healthy situation, and every convenience for grinding and wool carding. A number one Fin Head and Cotton Press together with 64 acres of good farming lands. Good terms. Easy payments. Apply early to T. G. CANSLER, Moscow, Ala.
SID B. SMITH, M.D. – Editor and Publisher
Friday June 28, 1878
The Chinaman’s weak spot is white sugar. He’ll pass over jewelry to steal cut-loaf.
How is it engineers have a weigh of complaining about the scale on their boilers?
"Beauty and booty" was the cry of the young man, who kissed the young girl and was kicked by her father.
A St. Louis man will bet $500 that no human being has a soul. He images that a person’s soul should be visible as a red nose, and he has always resided in St. Louis
Two little girls were comparing progress in catechism study. "I have got to original sin" said one. "How far have you got?" "Oh, I’m beyond redemption" said the other little girl.
The editor of the Bangor Commercial says the word "girl" is not found in the Bible, which seems to show that he never read that blessed book.
An old Methodist preacher going around among the members of his congregation, came across an old lady in spectacles. "Do you love the Lord?" he asked. "Well, Parson, I ain’t got nothin" agin him."
In Swedish Lapland the mosquitoes ---more veracious the further ---ron go, and a traveller say ----y bit him "on the verge of -----" In New Jersey they -----bite you on the nap of the -----.
------mishaps will happen. A pious -----of Newburg was recently-----when his elbows and head---through the bottom of the -----nd he was extricated with-----oulty. It must have been -----tonies chair.
-------saloon keeper became------ rance agita-----to reform; so----"Owing to the ------all fifteen cent-----after be sold for ten cents.
"Oh, here’s a red car!" exclaimed a southern Illinois youth at a recent corn husking bee, "and there’s another!" replied the pretty girl at his side as she gave him a stinging box alongside the head when he tried to kiss her.
An exchange says that stoves are a modern invention and that Franklin was one of their earlies advocates. (sic) He evidently does not know that one hundred and fifty years before that the Pilgrims had a ship stove on a rock at Monhegan.
The rising youth feels the need of an Invention that will instantaneously absorb a lighted cigar, and save him the trouble and danger of putting it in his coat pocket when he unexpectedly meets either of his parents.
A shoemaker with one eye complained that one of his lamps did not burn. One of his shopmates, who is a genuine son of the Emerald Isle, with astonishment exclaimed, "Faith,---do you want with two lamps? -----ven’t but one eye?"
-----, gentlemen, certainly, of course," said a polite clothier, :if you want a pair of pants, step right into my pantry; if a vest, walk right into my vestry; and if a coat – here, Jacob, show these in the coterie. This way, this way, gentlemen.
Paul Aprill, of New York, was arrested for obtaining a valuable clock from Lizze Kratzy, under false pretenses. It was rather an unreasonable spectacle to see Aprill March to a police court under the care of an August policeman.
His wife caught him with his arms around the hired girl’s neck but his courage, even in this trying extremity, never forsook hi. "I suspected some one of stealing the whisky or the preserves, Jane, for some time and you know her breath would have told if she was the guilty party."
Dr. Hall’s Electric Belts. For the cure of all nerve diseases, without the less derangement of the patient’s habits or daily occupation. This appliance exacts powerful and beneficial influence throughout the whole frame is applicable to either sex, and afford instantaneous relief in the following diseases: Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Lumbago, General Deidilty, Headaches, Dizziness, Impotency, Spermatorrthea, Sexual Exhaustion, Self Abuse, Premature Decay. These belts are the result of the most profound research and experiment in Electrical ---- which permeates the whole frame, and ----- the suffering parts with its---influence. This current assimilates ---- to the Nervous fluid than anything known to Medical Science – hence its ----a s a curative agent. Most especially is the application of Electricity in this form, beneficial to those disorders arising from youthful indiscretion, sexual excess or kissipations (sic) of any kind, whereby the procreative powers are lessened and impotency threatened. No false delicacy or sense of shame should preserve the sufferer, subject to sleepless nights, nightmares, dreams palpitations, of the heart, neuralgia, dimness of sight and other symptoms of nervous debility, applying to the undersigned to the undersigned for relief. These Belts are light, perfectly flexible, and easily adjusted, all of which, together with their cheapness, renders them superior to any other form for the application of Electricity, medicinally. 50,117 of these belts were sold in Europe in the year 1876. Electricity is Life. And no remedy can be compared to it for the treatment of Impotence and loss of nervous vitality. This Belt is recommended by the most eminent physiologist of this country and Europe. Ingenious, wonderful – d death blow to the old system of drugging – London, Eng. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Hall’s Electric Belt and consider it one of the greatest blessings to mankind that has been put before the public. Dr. De Barr – Paris. ….Dr. James Hall & Co., 219 West 30th Street, New York.
DR. TUTT’S EXPECTORANT is the best genial balsam ever used by sufferers from pulmonary diseases. It is composed of herbal products, which have a specific effect on the throat and lungs; detaches from their cells and irritating matter; causes it to be expectorated, and at once checks the inflammation which produces the cough. A single dose relives the most distressing, soothes nervousness, and enables the sufferer to enjoy quiet rest at night. Being a pleasant cordial, it tones the weak stomach, and is specially recommended for children. What others say about Tutt’s Expectorant. Had Asthma Thirty years……TUTT’S PILLS ….. TUTT’S HAIR DYE indorsed.
$200,000. Greatest. In order to clear out our stock of very superior Gold-plated Jewelry valued at over $200,000. We will send as below, 20 pieces, all warranted gold-plated, for $1.00. 1 pair gold stone sleeve buttons. 1 pair engraved sleeve buttons. 1 set pointed studs, 1 set amethyst studs, 1 wedding ring……..Take your choice. The entire lot of 20 pieces sent post paid for $1.00 or any 8 pieces you choose for 50 cents. Now is the time to make money. These can easily be retailed at $10.00. F. Stockman, 27 Bond Street, N. Y.
Graff’s Improved Potash or lye is the best family soap maker. Warranted as Represented! Ask your grocer for it! Dept 104 Reade Street, New York.
$7.50 Saved. Buy the improved Victor Sewing Machine. It is so simple in construction and runs so easily that a child can operate it. It has the straight, self-settling needle, our improved shuttle, with a perfect tension, which does not change as the bobbin becomes exhausted. All the wearing points are adjustable, and it combines every desirable improvement. Every machine is sent our ready for use, after being thoroughly tested. Notwithstanding the great reduction in prices we continue to use the best material and exercise the greatest care in the manufacture. Victor Sewing Machine Co. Principal Office Middleton, Conn.
ORIGINAL GOODYEAR’S RUBBER GOODS – Vulcanized rubber in every conceivable form. Adapted to Universal use. Any article under four pounds weight can be sent by mail. Wind and Water Proof garments a specialty. Our cloth surface coat combines two garments in one. For stormy weather it is a neat and tidy overcoat. By a peculiar process the rubber is put between the two cloth surfaces, which prevents smelling or sticking even in the hottest climates. They are made in three colors – Blue, Black, and Brown. Are light, portable, strong, and durable. We are now offering them at the extremely low price of $10 each. Sent post paid to any address upon receipt of price. When ordering, state size around chest, over vest. Reliable parties desiring to see our goods, can send for Trade Journal giving description of our leading articles. Be sure and get the "Original Goodyear’s Steam Vulcanized" fabrics. Send for illustrated price-list of our celebrated Pocket Gymnasium. Address carefully, Goodyear’s Rubber Curler Co. 697 Broadway, P. O. Box 5156, New York City.
For the campaign. Vernon Pioneer. The Best advertising medium in West Alabam and East Mississippi. Subscribe now. State and congressional, the meeting of the general assembly, state and county. Affairs will be specifically important and interesting throughout the entire year. Every beat in the county should get a club for us supporting their county paper. Improvements. We have a new hand at case and will soon have our new dress, head, &c., when we purpose to publish the neatest and most interesting paper in the State.
Welded Steel and Iron Triple Flange Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. Patent inside bolt work and hinged cap. No safe complete without it. W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 34 Maiden Lane. Near William St. New York.
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