Historical Newspapers Lamar County, Alabama
Transcribed by Veneta Aldridge McKinney Thanks Veneta.
Microfilm Ref Call #373
Microfilm Order #M1992.4466
The Alabama Department of Archives and History
Volume III Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. May 25, 1877 No. 7
MCCLUSKY & MCMULLAN , JNO. D. MCCLUSKEY and JNO. R. MCCULLAN, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery – Vernon, Alabama - will practice in Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.
SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Alabama. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims.
THOS. B. NESMITH – Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.
NESMITH & SANFORD – T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.
EARNEST & EARNEST. W. R. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Birmingham and Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of this Judicial Circuit.
WILLIAM R. SMITH, Attorney At Law. Tuskaloosa, Ala. Will give prompt attention to all businesses trusted to his care. Will practice in the Federal Courts, at Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.
Dr. W. L. MORTON & BRO., A. L. MORTON M. W. MORTON. Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.
SID. B. SMITH, M. D. Surgeon & Physician. Vernon, Alabama. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Office – at Pioneer office.
The light running Domestic Sewing Machine is the best. Greatest range of work, best quality of work, the lightest to run, always in order. Domestic Sewing Machine Co. New York and Chicago. The Domestic Underbraider and Sewing Machine, the only perfect Braiding Machine known, costs but so $5 more than the Family Machine. The Domestic Paper Fashions are unexcelled for elegance and perfection of fit. Send 5 cents for an illustrated catalogue. The Domestic Monthly, a Fashion and Literary Journal. Illustrated. Acknowledged authority $1.50 a year with a premium. Specimen copy 15 cents. Agents wanted. Most liberal terms. Domestic Sewing Machine Co. New York and Chicago.
POEM – "WOMEN PREACHERS" – by Benjamin
Some country matrons far remote,
Are now designed to teach –
Selecting texts the prophets wrote,
They prove that dames may preach.
Religions truths they now explain
And questions queer debate;
They stamp their feet – of sin complain,
And all opposers hate.
They rival all in English lore!
These cultured country gawks,
With logic rare, the ne’r can bore
The wisest with their talks.
With all subjection one did say,
For women all man learn,
In silence they at home should stay;
Then to your spheres return.
Delivered at Centenary College. Jackson, Louisiana
By Prof. D. M. RUSH.
Earth, for example, one of these monumental kings, has been shown to consist of at least eight different elements, and it is highly probable that others will yet be found; water, the most abundant compound in all the sweep of organic and inorganic nature, has been resolved into two simple gases, which as regards their identity of recognition, are quite insignificant, having no properties which at all affect the sense; and air is know to be a mixture, chiefly of two gases, with a trace of a few other; while fire, in the present illumination of the science, is regarded as only the brilliant attendant of the chemical union of the oxygen of the atmosphere with the carbon and hydrogen of combustible bodies. Thus has chemical analysis forever excluded from the list of true elements, these so-called primary basis.
Chemistry, regarded as safely anchored on the plane of its present attainments, and viewed in the light of its own experiments, presents a most promising arena to the lover of scientific truth. If we can’t but a glance in retrospect of its recent strides, and give ear to the almost daily announcements of new revelations made from the book of nature, by the diligent cultivators in this field of science, we can not forbear anticipations of the most important consequences. Should its progress for the next quarter of a century only equal that of the last quarter, it must lead to results greatly affecting the interest and well being of the human family. But were its outlet but half so bright and auspicious as it is today, it would certainly be sufficiently promising to elicit an abiding and enthusiastic interest in this branch of proper education.
Let us contemplate, for a moment, Chemistry in its sphere of utility. We see it intimately connected with the grand kingdoms, the mineral, vegetable and animal. It probes these wonderful divisions of nature, fathoms them to their lowest depths, explains their long hidden mysteries, and thus, utilizes for man the hitherto useless possessions given him by a bountiful Providence. It tells him of the composition of the rock, the ingredients of the soil, the nature and growth of the forest, the constitutional elements of animal bodies. Indeed, it gives him an insight into almost all the transformations and metamorphoses which occur in the material world. Nor is it confined in its advances and conquests to these more tangible and palpable fields of victory, but it encounters and discloses many curious phenomena relating to the aerial regions. It promulgates to the delight of the inquisitive mind numerous interesting facts, linked with the gaseous envelop which surrounds out globe, and which we call atmospheric air. It has also deduced many satisfactory truths co-related with electricity, that most evasive of all the accompaniments of chemical change.
The arts are daily making heavy drafts on the chemical laboratory, and with each succeeding year, there accrues immense advantage to the various departments of these hand-maid (sic) of science, and the condition of society in general receives a corresponding elevation. In absence of the facts bequeathed to the world by chemical research, manufacture has extended its borders, enlarged its operations, utilized its products otherwise refuses, economized time and materials, and has thus placed in the universal market a supply of merchandise, which for variety, taste, quality, and cheapness is superlatively in advance of the productions of any proceeding age.
Chemistry has an important bearing in agriculture. It has opened up vast mines of wealth in this department of industry. By its delicate processes, it diagnoses the soil, determines the elements in which it is rich, and those in which it is poor, detects the absence of those necessary to productiveness, and thus teaches the planter how to clothe his barren fields with new fertility, and how to realize the maximum harvest with minimum expenditure.
It enters as a prominent factor in the science of medicine, to which it is almost daily contribution, and in many instances, it becomes indispensable to the success of the practitioner. It arms him with a thorough knowledge of the nature, action and reaction of the various drugs, their compatibility, or the reverse, when brought together under certain conditions, the effect that will follow when one is treated with another. It is thus he knows how to cancel the power of poison with its corresponding antidote, and to alleviate human suffering by the skillful employment of antithetic remedies.
Not the least interesting feature of this science are the wonderful and almost incredible facts which follow the analytical investigation of the grand trinity of kingdoms, mineral, vegetable and animal, considered either separately, or in that co-related unity in which they so beautifully manifested themselves in some of the complications of nature. We are especially struck with the wonders of nature, when we yield ourselves to the thrilling contemplation of those expositions made in the department of organic chemistry. There we come in contact with her organized structures, such as plants and animals whose chemical constitution presents some most remarkable peculiarities. Among these we notice first, that, though her organic products are multiplied almost "ad infinitum: yet they are all composed of the limited number of elements varying from two to four, with minute and changing qualities of a few others occasionally occurring. How this comes about is one of the mysterious facts brought to reality by chemical analysis. This diversity of character, stamped on nature’s work, is partly consequent to the different proportions in which there amazingly few elements are combined. All the ingredients of strychnine are found in a crust of bread, and it is an established fact, sugar contains the same elements as vinegar, not more, nor fewer. This fact, it would seem, might project a faint light on that very curious compound, the human disposition, which crops out in such amazing contrast in different individuals. In some it seems to have an excess of sugar, while in others, it savors pungently of vinegar.
What is stranger still, and at first view, really incredible, is the fact that many of these organic bodies of precisely the same elements combined in mathematically the same ratio, present properties diametrically opposite. The sugar from sweet milk and the acid from the sour, have the same constituents in identically the same proportions. Chemical research has thus led to discoveries as strange as the dream of the alchemist who believed that lead might be transformed into silver, and copper into gold.
It is seen in the case of iodide of mercury, that a mere touch is sufficient to produce motion and rearrangement of its atoms in smaller groups, and at the same time to change the color of the compound from yellow to red. For want of any other explanation more satisfactory, we are constrained to believe that such extremes of diversity in the character of these substances, is a result of different atomic arrangement. As an inadequate illustration of the multiplicity of arrangements that can be obtained from a few distinct parts of matter, we take a class of six boys and permute them, we find that they can be made to assume seven hundred and twenty different combinations taken all at a time, and this may be done, and allow each boy to stand on his own feet and support his own weight. But as nature has so far exceeded this numbering the infinitude of her organisms, with but half the number of elements, we must infer that, in her grouping, she has thrown them together in ever conceivable posture and in every possible mode of contiguity, without regard to the grace or comfort of attitude.
Chemistry as one of the coordinate branches of liberal education, takes rank with those studies best adapted to intellectual, aesthetically and moral development. It is a science characterized by mathematical precision, and by a wonderful unity of connection – the application or its laws in the accomplishment of its ends, is that of nature herself, and attended with infallible certainty and entire accuracy. I is a science of almost illimitable extent, it embrace within its province not only the entire range of organic and inorganic creation, as pertaining to sublunary existence, but it has, likewise, pushed its investigations so far as to determine, with perfect satisfaction, the composition in part, at least of the orb of day himself, and of those far distant worlds which dot the concave of heaven, and from whose discs the rays of light leaving thousands of years ago, have not yet kissed the earth’ thus within the last few years, has been inaugurated solar and stellar chemistry. The study of this branch of science, therefore, becomes one of the leading factors of mental expansion, and a powerful source of education considered either as a product or a process. It both trains the mind to logical thinking, and at the same time endows it with a rich fund of practical and available knowledge.
Literature, taste and the graces of life find a nursery of rare fertility in the legitimate results of chemical science. It is the basis of many of the fine arts, and of many beautiful conservatories of nature in which are to be found those scientific beauties, and perfections of symmetry, which are conducive to high artistic culture.
But the study of nature, as determined by the principles of Chemistry, is worthy of being pursued for aims much higher and more enabling than any already suggested. Nature is the temple of Jehovah, and her voice as heard in her music, is but the echo of Divinity himself, and the light of truth as operating from her revelations, is but the reflection of the divine Image. He speaks through all her works. We can trace the divine Hand in its mysterious manifestations throughout the entire government of the material universe. His glory is seen in the radiance of every crystal, the sparking of every gem and the bloom of every flower. Every atom has a dine relationship and is instinct with a life which the Creator has imparted. The laws that govern the minutest particles that lie inert at our feet, as well as those that control the grander revolutions of the heavenly spheres are but the expression of his will. "The reverent study of nature is therefore the study of Deity. Vague and unsatisfactory without the aid of another and unwritten revelation, it unfolds to the mind thus enlightened, new and exalting evidences of the infinite wisdom and beneficence of the Creator of the world."
In an address before the Connecticut State Teacher’s Association, the Hon. Charles Northend says:
There is no other particular in which a change so great and fraught with so much promise for good, has taken place as in that pertaining to the education of females. Fifty years ago it was not deemed essential to afford to girls any advantages for acquiring an education beyond the merest rudiments as taught in our common or district schools. It was not only felt that it was useless for them to study classics and higher mathematics, but it was also thought that they lacked capacity to pursue these branches. But a great change has taken place, both in public sentiment and public action, in relation to this subject. It has been full demonstrated that girls are every whit equal to boys in all branches of education. But not until very recently has anything like a collegiate course of instruction been open to young ladies. Our normal schools have trained thousands of them for the work of teaching – a work for which they possess admirable traits and qualifications. More and more are they coming to occupy important positions as teacher, and they will continue to prove a power for good and a blessing to the community.
To us of the present day it seems hardly possible that female education was ever so much neglected; but such was the fact, both in this country and in Europe. In the lifetime of Sidney Smith, that remarkable man wrote one of his most vigorous papers with the hope of awakening the interest of his countrymen in favor of the higher education of females. Now, who can estimate the immense good that will emanate from the establishment and support of such institutions as Vassar, Smith and Wellesly colleges.
Matters in Utah wear an ugly look. The saints appear to apprehend the indictment of Brigham Young for complicity in the Mountain Meadow massacre as a consequence of the testimony at the trial of the murderer John D. Lee. Possibly the indignation is more directly attributed to the execution of the said murderer and the developments which have convinced the world that Brigham and the leading saints of that time were accomplices of Lee and scoundrels of the vilest hue. Slow plodding justice, apparently asleep for thirty years, but at length looming up before them clothed in all the terrors of long dreaded retribution may also have something to do with historical movements. At any rate they are preparing for armed resistance, rash and absurd as such a course may appear. They are secretly arming and organizing openly and with activity. "Colonel" W. H. Dane, indicted for participation in the massacre, has issue the following order to his regiment of the "Nauvoo Legion:"
Regimental Order – No. 1
Headq’rs First Regiment, Iron Military District
Parowan, U. T., April 13, 1877
To -----, 1st Reg’t Infantry.
In Pursuance to orders – First, you are hereby directed to cause a muster drill and inspection of arms of your company, to be held on its respective parade ground on the 21st day of April, AD 1877.
Second – As far as your company is disorganized, or in a partial state of disorganization, you will cause an election of officers to be promptly held and the ranks to be filled without delay by enrolling all personal liable to military duty not now enrolled.
Third – You will make out the returns of the conditions of your companies as soon as possible and forward them to the headquarters of the regiment.
William H. Dane, Commander First Regiment
Joseph Fish, Adj’t I. M. Dist.
The shadowy villains are drilling at night some, it is said, even in the enclosures of Lion House, Brighams Young’s residence. The latter is reported, in a dispatch to the N Y Herald, as saying that "the Mormons, who have been driven so often and so far, will be driven no longer." This proposition to die in the last ditch, if agreeable to the Mormons, will suit the balance of the country, and ought to be accepted. Those impudent criminals who have so often defied the law and the government should be made to understand that they can do so no longer. Perhaps this would be as good a place as any to use the troops lately employed in the Southern States. – [ Ex.
ARTICLE – "THE STANDARD OF THE PROPHET" – from The Mont. Adviser.-
In the Seraglio is an old yellow rag that the faithful call the Sandjak Sheriff, or the sacred banner of the Prophet. It is claimed that it is made from a curtain which hung before the apartment of Ayesha, one of Mohammed’s wives. Ridiculous as the banner may seem in Christian eyes, to the Musselman (sic) it represents the faith of his fathers. It arouses, as nothing else can, all the fanaticism of his nature. No Mohammedan can resist it. "It is," says Mr. Moncure Conway, "a fact not universally known that it is a part of the Turkish creed that success in war is quite independent of numbers and weapons; that it depends solely on the will of Allah; and consequently it is the tradition of the Turkish Sultans in every case, whatever be the real ground of the quarrel, to assign a religious ground for each war. All other wars are technically unjust. Thus Suliman II, when he was defeated by the Germans, at once regarded it as an indication that Allah had not been interested in a which (sic) was not purely for his sake, and remedied the case by proclaiming that he undertook the war for no other cause but merely the propagation of the faith. Allah is believed very jealous on this point even when it is one of etiquette. In pursuance of the tradition, every Sultan on his accession visits the holy monument Eynbernarl, where the chief prelate gird him with a sword, using the words, "Go; victory is yours, but only yours from God." The present Sultan went through this ceremony with unusual solemnities. He and his people unquestionably feel that the fate of Islam is now in the balance.
The flag of the Prophet is to be unfolded beyond all question: the Softas-----inflaming the people who are already ready to die in defense of their faith; and the bloody and desperate war will be apt to include not only the Mohammedans of Turkey, but those of India, Egypt and Persia as well. In that case Russia would have to fight armies recruited from 200,000,000 of people, all ready to fling their life away in the service of their religion. Such a war is to be dreaded, but such a war has long been inevitable; and now that it has begun it should go on until the fate of Moslemism in Europe is finally and forever decided.
H. V. Redfield has this in a recent issue of the Cincinnati Commercial:
It has been remarked that very few who get into journalism start out with such intention. They drift in accidentally, and are promoted as they develop capacity. Money, wealthy parents and influence are of no sort of service in getting a young man a place on a newspaper. There is no business that is so entirely independent of all these considerations as this. A wealthy father can easily get his son a location to read law or medicine, or push him forward in almost any walk of life he may select, but he is utterly powerless to do anything for him in a journalistic way. To be sure he may buy a newspaper and set up his hopeful in that manner; but unless there is something in the youth called journalistic knack, a natural knowledge of what to write and how to write it, he will be a failure in that line, and all the money and influence of wealthy and perhaps powerful relatives will count for nothing.
Some fond parents educate their sons with especial view to making journalists out of them; but it is rarely that we hear of these young men after a few years. Meantime some scrub born among the hills, having nothing but a common school education, and the knowledge scraped up in a country printing office, will advance to the front rank in the profession. He has the journalistic knack, and forces recognition because he has it. He gets a place, not because he has wealthy parents to influence the proprietors of leading newspapers, but because he knows what to write and how to write it, and the editors take it because it is what they want. His articles go in because they supply a demand, while, perhaps, the elaborate essays of the pen of a man educated on two continents, with an especial view to journalism, are cast into the waste basket.
Young men just out of college, and with journalistic ambition, and who have had their essays passed upon by admiring relatives, and pronounced the production of genius, think if they can get a letter of introduction to the manager of some leading newspaper, they will forthwith find recognition in his columns. I don’t know how many applications by mail and in person I have had from young men asking me for a letter of "recommendation" as the editor of the Commercial. I never complied, because I know that these agencies are not worth five cents a peck toward getting into the paper. I tell the applicants to send along whatever essay and so forth they have on hand, and that a letter of introduction a mile long would not be of the least service influencing the editor to print what didn’t fill the bill. Recommendations from those known to the editor or "influence" of wealthy relatives of young men ambitious to shine in journalism are of no earthly benefit in this matter, unless indeed, the latter might furnish money to have the maiden efforts published as advertisements. But fame, at thirty dollars a column, is expensive. The majority of successful journalists drift into it from other walks of life, and perhaps the most of them up to the time they are eighteen or twenty years old had no thought in that direction.
THE PIONEER. Vernon, Ala. Published Weekly.
D. R. ALDRIDGE, Publisher. SID. B. SMITH, M.D. Editor & Proprietor.
The price of grain in the Northern and Western markets still has an upward tendency.
Mr. Hayes has issued a proclamation convening Congress in extra session, on the 15th day of October next. So far so good. American politics will now have time for a breathing spell.
In Oregon, every man who drinks has to take out a $5 license. It is a penal offense for any liquor dealer to sell a drink to an unlicensed person.
The Iowa Republicans, in their call for a State Convention, refuse to march to the music of progress and reform, but send out again the old wail for a revival of the military and proscriptive policy in the South.
The Prattville Manufacturing Company have negotiated the sale and shipped four car loads of their cotton goods to parties in Turkey.
An English company with large capital is now organizing for the purpose of shipping beef and mutton, live cattle and sheep direct from Norfolk, Va., to European markets.
On the new counterfeit 50 dollar National bank note, the signatures are engraved, and the charter number on the bill is 210 – on the genuine it is 376; the bill is a little smaller than the genuine and the paper thicker. The bill, in its general appearance, is well calculated to deceive.
The New York Times publishes an extract from a letter from Mr. Hayes to Garfield, before the Ohio Senatorial election, asking Garfield to withdraw from the Senatorial contest. Hayes then expressed his belief that Garfield’s election as speaker was probable and assured him of his willingness to do all in his power to accomplish that result. Upon the receipt of this letter Garfield withdrew from the Senatorial contest.
A terrible famine is prevailing in the Chili and Shantung districts of China. In a village visited by Europeans the inhabitants were putting an end to their sufferings by suicide, and in one family the father and mother buried their children alive, that they might not witness their agonies. The people have devoured the grass and the foliage of the tress. The efforts of the government and the priests have been insufficient to meet the needs of the famishing multitude. China is so densely populated and the facilities for internal transportation so inadequate that a failure of crops in any large section of the empire is sure to cause great suffering.
The legislature of Illinois has recently voted the sum of $50,000 for the purpose of procuring a statue of her great statesman, Stephen A. Douglas.
The grandest scheme, by far, yet on record, is that of Mr. Leon Lewis, of Penn Yan, N. Y., in the building of two grand trunk railway lines from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific. Mr. Lewis, well known in the literature world, and for the last ten years a regular contributor to the New York Ledger and other literary papers, no lays aside the pen of fiction and romance and will contest for the championship of the world as a railroad builder and projector.
Mr. Lewis’ project contemplates the building of the grand trunk lines of railway of some 1,000 miles length each. The line is to be called the Mexican Pacific is to go from the city of Yucatan, in the north-east corner of that State, via Merida, Campeachy and along the shore line of the Gulf of Mexico and terminating, by branch roads, at Vera Cruz, Orizaba and Acapulco, on the Pacific coast. The second route is to be called the Central American and is to commence at the same point and run a southwesterly course and terminating on the Gulf of Dulce on the Pacific coast, and about midway between San Juan and Panama.
Mr. Lewis purposes first building the Mexican Pacific road. His plan is an original and novel one. He wants no stock companies, partners, & c., as usual and, heretofore, necessary to all rail road projectors, but is able of his own individual means to build and equip the first hundred miles, which he purposes to do, he then gets a land grant of ten Mexican leagues on each side of his road from the several governments through which his road passes, and can issue his bonds, as each section of twenty miles of the road is completed, to raise the means for the completion of the road. But he relies mainly to raise the necessary means form the sale of lands, as they are opened up for settlement, by the penetration of the road. These lands are said to be the finest cotton, rice and cane lands in the world, while the unbroken forest is redolent with the perfumes of the most valuable spice wood, dye wood, mahogany, ship timber and lumber trees, and the various tropical fruits in vast profusion.
In an able article on the above topic the Chicago Times argues the impossibility of one people deriving any advantages of a permanent character format he disasters of others. Referring to the influence of war in Europe on the business and commercial interests of this country, it say, "what we learn more thoroughly in this country is best policy for one section, in the long run, is that which gives all others an equal chance to thrive. It is thus that more can be made out of steady gains of peaceful industry than from the sudden and special profits of war. We realize this, after a little experience. Fortunes were made during the late civil conflict of the United States, but the country as a whole, suffered immensely in all its interest; and many of these fortunes have since been lost by the reactions of the speculative spirit thus cultivated. A war breaks out in Europe. As we think of the demand which it makes for our breadstuffs and provisions, and for various military supplies, we begin to congratulate ourselves on the pecuniary benefit which America will receive. But the next time the father of a family goes to purchase a barrel of flour, he finds that he has to pay $2 more for it, on account of the new export demand, and when the mother buys new shoes for the children, she is told that because of the foreign war, leather has risen in value, and she must pay a higher price. And so the gain of a few in one direction is balanced by a loss of the many in another. [Ex.
St. Louis, May 21. Gen. Ord passes through here en route from Texas for Chicago to consult with Gen. Sheridan regarding the Mexican invasion from the Texas border. Officers accompanying Gen. Ord says Lerdo is making great efforts to reinstate himself, and there is much activity along the Rio Grande by his partisans. Gen Escobedo and Padre Vasques are his chief supporters. Lerdo evidently intends making the United States his base of supplies and operations until strong enough to make a stand in Mexico.
Chicago, May 22. Gen Ord arrived here from Texas last night and has passed most of the day in consultation with Gen. Sheridan upon affairs of the Mexican border. In view of the unsettled condition of this resulting from repeated revolutions and raids and the anticipated Lerdo expedition, Gen. Ord urged the property of the adoption of a new policy on the part of the United States authorities. He says that those marauders should be punished whenever found, and dealt with just as the Sioux are treated in the north. He wanted Gen. Sheridan to give him power to follow the lawless Mexicans across the border and not appeal to the Central Government, to which they owe no allegiance. It is asserted in military circles that his is to be the future policy of our Government, and the raids must cease. The United States troops are to be slightly augmented upon the Rio Grande, Gen. Ord remarked yesterday that the conservative people of northern Mexico favored the Lerdo movement, and many of the best classes are anxious for annexation to the United States.
Ex-Gov. Daniel H. Chamberlain of South Carolina, while in New York yesterday, was admitted to the bar of this State by Judge Davis. He brought a certificate, signed by Judge R. B. Carpenter, that he was admitted to the bar of South Carolina in 1868, and that his professional standing and moral character are good.
Gov. Chamberlain says that there is no Republican Party in South Carolina, and that there will not be any. An indication of the failure of Mr. Hayes’s policy was visible in the recent election in Chester. The Democrats carried the place by 700 majority, the same that the Republicans used to poll. The Republicans party is dead in the state because its organization has been destroyed. In the next state election there may be two parties, but if so, they will result from a division of the Democracy. As for Governor Wade Hampton, Mr. Chamberlain regards him as in advance of his party.
It is given out that a large number of Germans (Mennonites) living in the south of Russia are preparing to emigrate to the United States to avoid being drafted into the Russian army. These Germans are said to be in good circumstances, and propose to make the change solely on account of the war. There is also an emigration movement among the Poles, and an attaché of a foreign legation in Washington has written to an acquaintance in Augusta, Georgia saying that a large number of families of that nationality desire to settle in the South. The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle suggests that land be given them as an inducement to settle in that locality. The Southern people should be awake to the importance of securing the settlement of thrifty emigrants in their midst. Col. Cullman is in correspondence with parties interested in the above emigration movement, and Mr. Joseph Gotter, of this city, who sailed for Europe a few weeks ago, on a visit to his family and friends proposes to do what he can to induce the German Mennonites to turn them Alabamaward.
The New York papers come to us filled with heartrending accounts of the ravages of forest fires in the State of New York. The high winds from the flames sweep everything before them. Several thriving villages have been burned to the ground and completely destroyed. Scores and hundreds of families have been forced to abandon home and property and flee before the advancing flames. In one village alone, Clinton Mills, fifty-five families were driven out of their homes at night. The suffering and desolation can hardly be described.
In the Mosaic Mountains, in Pennsylvania, southeast of Seraton, timber lands, miles in extent have been swept by fire, but there are no villages or residences in the neighborhood.
Nearly two thousand acres of land in Norfolk County, Massachusetts, have been burned over, and much cut timber destroyed.
Great fires are raging in New Hampshire forests, and large quantity of wood burned. Several miles of the Portland & Ogensburg railroad have been destroyed.
Forest fires are also destroying much property in the eastern townships an Ottawa Valley in Canada.
In the woods around the city of St. John’s, N. B., and in the vicinity of the red granite works at St. George, N. B., heavy fires are prevailing.
This is a terrible record of horror and destruction. The loss of life and property cannot yet be ascertained.
The special correspondent of the New York Times, who has been travelling through the South says:
The expressions of leading newspapers can always be taken as fairly indicating popular opinion, feeling, and sentiment. And, as I have intimated, there is not in the cotton states today a leading newspaper that does not rejoice at the solidity of the Southern Democratic vote. And looking at the matter from a Southern standpoint, why should the vote referred to be divided? What have the Southern Democrats to gain by disorganization? It is not unusual for victorious armies to disperse. Great political parties only separate when they have been defeated. The Democrats of the South have been successful beyond their most sanguine expectations. They have triumphed where they anticipated disaster, and they would be more or less than human if they did not press forward to fresh victories and still greater conquests.
New Orleans, May 13
Packard’s letter to the New York Tribune, showing that five of the eight Tilden electors were legally elected, has created the greatest imaginable commotion among Republicans here, even though the Tribune containing the letter only arrived this morning. Packard’s intimate friends claim that he has documentary proof that will establish Tilden’s claim to the Presidency, and that he will produce it should Tilden so desire. The Returning Board’s members are in high dudgeon over Packard’s exposure of their feats at ground and lofty mathematical tumbling, and they swear vengeance upon him if he carries out his intimated threats. Some of the Custom house clique who have been opposed to Packard’s recommendation for Federal appointments claim he is worthy because Hayes is about to remove United States Marshal Pitkin and one or two more of Packard’s adherents, and that this course is taken to bulldoze Hayes.
State of Alabama, Lamar County
By virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Lamar County, Alabama, made on the 9th day of May 1877, I will, as administrator of the estate of BENJAMIN PENNINGTON, late of said county, deceased, on the 16th day of June 1877 expose to sale for one eighth cash and the remainder, on a credit of twelve months, at PENNINGTON MILLS, in said county, the following tract of land, to wit: …(land descr.)…Sec 15, T15, R 16. Said land includes the widow dower of which she will be entitled to during her life.
This 11th day of May, 1877.
H. T. HENSON, Pltff.,
Notary Public Court
April 28th, 1877.
In this case, this day came the plaintiff and moves the court for judgement against Deft. when it appeared that said attachment was executed by service upon F. M. LACY as garnishee, and also that defendant is a non-resident of this State. It is ordered by the Court, that Saturday the 23rd day of June next, be set for the final hearing of said case and that notice of said day be given by publication in the Vernon Pioneer, a newspaper published in said county, for three consecutive weeks prior to said 23 day of June next, notifying said defendant to appear and pleas answer or demur to plaintiffs demand, or judgement will be made final and said F. M. LACY be required to pay to said plaintiff the amount he answered &c.
Given under my hand the 28th day of April 1877
J. S. GUYTON, N. P., and ex-officio J. P.
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Under and by virtue of an execution to me directed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lamar County, I will in front of the Courthouse door at Vernon, within the hours prescribed by law, on Monday, the 4th day of June, 1877, proceed to sell to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described lands, to wit: …(land description)…Sec 15, T 17, R 14 lying, being situate in the county and state aforesaid, and levied upon as the property of C. K. COOK, Plaintiff, to satisfy a judgement rendered against him for cost of suit at the Spring Term of our Circuit Court 1877.
S. P. KEMP, Sheriff
May 1st, 1877
State of Alabama, Lamar County
vs sci. fa.
Under and by virtue of a fi. fa. to me directed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pickens County, I will on Monday the 4th day of June 1877 proceed to sell in front of the Court House door of Lamar County at Vernon, within the hours prescribed by law to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following real estate to with:…Sec 32, T 17, R 15, said lands lying, being and situate in the county of Lamar and State aforesaid, and levied on as the property of F. M. VAIL, one of the defendants. This the 1st day of May.1877.
S. P. KEMP, Sheriff
State of Alabama, Lamar County
vs sci. fa.
Under and by virtue of a fi. fa. to me directed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Pickens County, I will on Monday the 4th day of June 1877, in front of the courthouse door of Lamar County, at Vernon, within the hours prescribed by law, proceed to sell to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described property, to wit:…(land description)…all in township 17, range 15, said lands lying being situated in the county of Lamar and State aforesaid, and levied on as the property of J. A. DARR, one of the defendants. This the 1st day of May 1877.
S. P. KEMP, Sheriff
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Under and by virtue of a Venditioni Response to me directed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Lamar county, I will on Monday the 4th day of June 1877, in front of the Courthouse door of Lamar county, at Vernon, within the hours prescribed by law, proceed to sell to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described property, to wit: ….(land description)…Sec 36, T 14, R 16, lying, being and situate in the county of Lamar and State aforesaid, and levied on as the property of N. S. ADKINS, defendant to satisfy a judgement in favor of W. K. KIRK.
S. P. KEMP, Sheriff
May 1st, 1877
State of Alabama, Lamar County
vs. Attachment
Under and by virtue of a Venditioni Exponds to me directed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lamar county, I will on Monday the 4th day May 1877, in front of the Courthouse of Lamar county, at Vernon, within the hours prescribed by law, proceed to sell to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described property, to wit: …(land description)…Sec 36, T14, R16, lying being and situate in the county of Lamar and State aforesaid, and levied on as the property of N.S. ADKINS and P. E. ADKINS, defendants, to satisfy a judgement in favor of A. A. SUMMERS. This May 1st, 1877
S. P. KEMP, Sheriff
The State of Alabama, Lamar County
To all whom it may concern: Know ye, that I will make an application as the law provides, to His Excellency, Geo. S. Houston, Governor of the State of Alabama, for a pardon of the fine assessed against me at the Spring Term of the Circuit Court of Lamar County, 1877 for a negligent escape.
Vernon, May 1, 1877
State of Alabama, Lamar County
In Chancery, at Vernon, 9th Division West Ch. Division. In this cause it is made to appear to the Register, by the affidavit of complainants solicitor, that the said defendants, ALBERT ARMSTRONG, place of residence is unknown to affiant, and further, in the belief of said affiant, the defendant is over twenty-one years of age. It is therefore ordered by the Register that publication be made in Vernon Pioneer, a newspaper published in the town of Vernon, for four consecutive weeks, requiring him, the said ALBERT ARMSTRONG, to answer or demur to the bill of complaint in this cause by the 23rd day of May 1877.
JAS. M. MORTON, Register
Estray Notice! Taken up by W. C. CLEGG on the 24th of April 1877, and posted before B. A. BIGBY, Justice of the Peace for Lamar County, Alabama, one black mare mule, aged five years. The owner can come forward and prove property and pay charges, or she will be forfeited to the taker up. Given under my hand this the 4th day of May 1877.
ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate
TRI-WEEKLY HACK TO COLUMBUS. We would announce to the citizens of Vernon and Lamar county, that we have a splendid two horse hack with safe teams and careful driver, which we propose to run regularly with the mails, from this place to Columbus, Miss. Leaves Vernon on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Returns on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. We solicit from the traveling public a liberal share of patronage. Our charges for travel will be moderate. Give us a trial when you want to go to Columbus. FARRIS & WHEELER
FREEMASON’S MUTUAL Benefit Association, of Cincinnati, O. This is an Association for the benefit and relief of the widows and orphans of deceased members. For further information inquire of ANDREW MUNROE, Vernon, Ala
RAY & SON, Manufacturers and dealers in cotton yarn. Detroit, Ala. Also dealers in general merchandise, which we sell at the lowest cash price. We buy all kinds of country produce at market value, and make a specialty of Hides and Cotton. We are manufacturing a first class line of cotton yarn which we guarantee full weight and count. We solicit orders for yarn from merchants and country dealers. RAY & SON, Detroit, Ala.
O. F. B. SOCIETY – Of Chicago. All can protect their families by joining the Odd Fellow’s Benevolent Society and none should be without such protection. For further information apply to A. MUNROE, at Vernon.
The Trustees of the Vernon High School take pleasure in announcing that they have made an arrangement with Rev. W. B. GILLHAM to take charge of their Institution for the ensuing school year – to commence on the 1st Monday in November. Mr. Gillham’s long and successful experience as educator of the youth of both sexes warrant us in giving him our highest endorsement and soliciting for our School a liberal patronage. In view of the great stringency in money matters, a reduction has been made from the usual rates of tuition for the present year. We propose for the present year to have a first class English School, and when the patronage will justify, to add a teacher of ancient and perhaps modern languages. Our school will be divided into the following grades and rates per session of 5 months:
Alphabetical lessons, Spelling, First lessons in Reading, First lessons in Geography and Mathematical Tables. $7.50
Written or Practical Arithmetic, Eng. Grammar, Descriptive Geography, Orthography, Reading, Penmanship, First lessons in English Composition and History of the United States. $12.50
Algebra, Geometry, natural Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Astronomy, English Composition, Rhetoric, Rhetorical Reading, English Grammar completed, Logic and Universal History. $17.50
All tuition fees due on the admission of the pupil, and the payments to be made punctually each quarter (ten weeks) except the first which must be made by the 25th of December. No pupil will be admitted for a less time than the remainder of the session for which he enters, except by special notice at the time of admission. Board including fires, lights, and lodging from eight to ten dollars per month.
Music on Piano, per month $4.00
Use of Instrument per month 1.00
Vocal Music (science of per mo.) 3.00
A contingent fee of 50 cents will be charged each pupil for the purpose of keeping up fires, etc. For further particulars apply to: Trustees: J. D. MCCLUSKEY, ARTY A. SUMMERS, T. W. SPRINGFIELD, JASON GUIN, M. W. MORTON
The National Protective Association!! Zanesville, Ohio. Incorporated June 19, 1874 Is an Association of Individuals for the purpose of Mutual protection. A sliding scale of annual dues and assessments is adopted. All certificates of membership will guarantee to the representatives or heirs of deceased members in good standing, a sum equal to One Dollar from each surviving member. Any person, male or female between the ages of 18 and 20, in good health may become members of the Association. The fees and dues of this association are in proportion to age. For further information apply to ANDREW MUNROE, Vernon, Ala.
MUD CREEK ACADEMY. Male and Female. Lamar County Alabama (fifteen miles south of Vernon). The first Session of this Institution will open on the First Monday in November, 1876, and continue eight scholastic months. The number of students is limited to 30. Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $7 to $8 per month. Tuition $1 ½, $2, $2 ½, and $3 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. J. M. I. GUYTON, Co., Sup’t Ed. Vernon, Lamar Co. Ala. Or apply to Trustees: W. M. FORD, A. PRIDMORE, F. M. RICHARD, I. J. BARKSDALE, WM. RICHARDS.
Announcement. A select High School Male and Female. DR. B. F. REED, A. B. – Principal. This school is located at Pleasant Grove Church, in the vicinity of DR. W. H. KENNEDY’S Store, in the southeastern portion of Lamar County, at the intersection of the Tuskaloosa and Aberdeen and the Fayetteville and Columbus roads. The first session will open on the 30th of October and continue forty weeks. The number of students is limited to 25. Board, washing, and tuition only $12 per month. All students wishing to enter this school will be required to enroll their names for the entire term, and no allowance will be made for time lost by students except in cases of death or protracted sickness; and all students must give satisfactory evidence of their ability to profit by instruction and must have a good moral character.
Agents make $18 a day. Our large life like Steel Engravings of the Presidential Candidates. Send for circular. N. Y. Engraving Co. 35 Wall St. Box 3236, N. Y.
Terms of Subscription
One copy one year $1.50
One copy six months 1.00
All subscriptions payable in advance
Rates of Advertising
One inch, one insertion $1.00
One inch, each subsequent insertions .50
One inch, twelve months 10.00
One inch, six months 7.00
One inch, three months 5.00
Two inches, twelve months 15.00
Two inches, six months 10.00
Two inches, three months 7.00
Quarter Column 12 months 35.00
Half Column, 12 months 60.00
One column, 12 months 100.00
One column, 3 months 35.00
One column, 6 months 60.00
Professional Cards $10.00
Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates. Advertisements collectable after first insertion. Local notices, 20 cents per line.
Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten line, charged advertising rates.
County Court meets on the 1st Monday in each month.
Probate Court meets on 2nd Monday in each month.
Commissioner’s Court Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, May, August, and November.
ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate
S. P. KEMP – Sheriff
J. R. MCMULLAN – Circuit Clerk
JAMES M. MORTON – Register in Chancery
JAMES M. WILSON – Treasurer
J. F. PENNINGTON – Tax Assessor
G. W. WOODS – Tax Collector
W. T. MARLER – Coroner
Masonic: Vernon Lodge, No. 389, meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 10 a.m.
I.O.O.F: Moscow Lodge, No. 45, meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays in each month, at 7 p.m.
Vernon, Friday, May 25, 1877
We are authorized to announce D. J. MOLLOY as a candidate for County Treasurer at the election to be held in August next.
We are authorized to announce A. J. WHEELER as a candidate for County Commissioner – election next August.
We are authorized to announce L. M. WOFFORD as a candidate for Sheriff and Tax Collector for Lamar County – subject to primary election if held.
We are authorized to announce JAMES E. BLACKWELL as a candidate for Sheriff and Tax Collector for Lamar County – subject to action to the Democratic and Conservative Party.
We are authorized to announce CAPT. D. J. LACY as a candidate for Sheriff and Tax Collector of Lamar County, Alabama.
We are authorized to announce JOHN H. HAMILTON as a candidate for Sheriff and Tax Collector of Lamar County, Alabama.
We are authorized to announce JAMES MIDDLETON as a candidate for County Treasurer for Lamar County. Election in August.
We are authorized to announce E. M. VAN DIVER as a candidate for County Treasurer, election to be held in August next.
We are authorized to announce F. M. RICHARDS as a candidate for Sheriff and Tax Collector for Lamar County, election in August.
We are authorized to announce M. W. LLOYD as a candidate for Sheriff and Tax Collector for Lamar County, subject to action of the Democratic and Conservative Party.
We are authorized to announce H. W. MILLER as a candidate for Sheriff and Tax Collector for Lamar County, subject to action of the Democratic and Conservative Party.
We are authorized to announce W G. RICHARDS as a candidate for County Commissioner 1st District. Election in August.
We are authorized to announce HOUSTON HANKINS as a candidate for Sheriff and Tax Collector for Lamar County, Ala.
We are authorized to announce JAMES H. COOPER as a candidate for the office of Sheriff and Tax Collector for Lamar County.
I take this method of informing my friends throughout the county that I am a candidate for Treasurer for Lamar County. My physical condition is such that I will not be able to make canvas of the county. But, if elected, I promise my fellow citizens to be on hand, at any and all times, at Vernon, and to personally discharge the duties of the office. D. V. LAWRENCE.
We are authorized to announce J. E. PENNINGTON as a candidate for Tax Assessor for Lamar County. Subject to the action of the Democratic Party.
We are authorized to announce W. W. PURNELL of Beaver Creek as a candidate for Tax Assessor for Lamar County at the ensuing August election.
We are authorized to announce HENRY HILL as a candidate for Treasurer for Lamar County – Subject to the actions of the Democratic and Conservative Party.
We will take wheat or other country produce, at the prevailing market price, in payment for subscription. We ask our friends who are in arrears for subscription or otherwise to remember the printer when harvest time comes. Deliver the amount you owe us in wheat, at its cash value, to this office, Sander’s. Morton’s, or Cansler’s Mills – we shall expect it or you.
A public debate tonight
JUDGE COBB made a trip to Columbus this week.
The Vernon Debating Club is still in a thriving condition.
Soft and mellow sunshine in abundance this week.
Corn and cotton, though small, looks well.
Wheat and oats look promising in every portion of the county, although, rust is reported to be on wheat in certain localities, but not serious.
While in Columbus last week we heard of a heathen that lived in five miles of Vernon that never heard nor seen anything of the celestial light of the PIONEER, till a gentleman of Pickens county enlightened his benighted soul. Now, we had no idea that there was a man in the county that was so blind to the great source of light and information that is now established at Vernon.
A country green horn appeared at the coquetting grounds and inquired if they were playing (R)ol(ie)hole.
While in MISS B. A. BOX’S garden last week, she showed us some Mexican English peas. They are a real curiosity, they have blades that closely resemble oat blades, instead of leaves, and the stems are similar to those of a goober pea. They came from a relative of hers who lives in Mexico.
We have received a copy of the "People’s Weekly" published at Aberdeen, Miss. Mr. E. P. THOMPSON, editor. It is gotten up with taste and nearly printed.
MR. BRYANT COBB, of Madison County, visited our sanctum this morning. Mr. Cobb is one of the old landmarks of North Alabama, and although some 82 years of age, is apparently as hale and hearty as a man of fifty. Is the brother of the late HON. W. R. W. COBB, a statesman of antebellum times, and is the father of our esteemed Judge of Probate.
We call attention to the new poem "Women Preacher" on the first page. We can’t quite agree with the sentiment it contains, although, it may be owing to the fact that it seems to have been written by a crusty old Bach. But it contains an idea that women have no right to preach. Now that idea must have come from some jealous circuit rider who was afraid that females might crowd his profession. The idea that women have no right to preach is perfectly ridiculous, why it is a conceded fact by all ministers that thousands of men are going to hell daily. Well, it need no argument, if a woman can save a soul by preaching – let her preach.
SUMMERS is always finding something new in his Ad. He now swears he never had Zozodont in his house, for he has looked for it all over his shelves and Websters Dictionary, and couldn’t find it. We looked and found – well, a full stock of Harter’s Worm Candy. Come all ye plum-eaters and buy a box.
"If," exclaimed Mr. Pecksniff, extending his right hand, in which gracefully reposed a yellow bandana handkerchief. "If I should say that the light-running Domestic Sewing Machine is not the best manufactured, would it be te-rew?" And when Mr. Pecksniff picked himself up at the bottom of the stair in a very dilapidated condition, he determined to abandon the propounding of conundrums and even decided not to return to that sewing circle for his bandana.
An armful of pleasure – hugging your sweetheart.
The Lamar County Medical Association meets at 10 am on Monday next. A full attendance of the Physicians of Lamar and the adjoining counties is requested.
JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery, notifies W. S. CLARK, a non-resident, to come and call his wife’s hand, by the 30th day of June next, or forever after hold his peace.
COL. BROWN wants it stated that a man who plays croquet all day and don’t go home for his dinner, and doesn’t attend to his business either, is not a good citizen.
An accident occurred near Mr. MIDDLETON’S last Sunday evening. While out buggy-riding some portion of the buggy gave way and MRS. JEFF MOLLOY fell out in front of the buggy and the wheels instantly ran over her – passing directly over her body. Fortunately, she was not seriously hurt.
We were pleased to receive a call on Wednesday evening from Mr. DON ALDRIDGE, publisher and local editor of the "Vernon (Ala.) Pioneer" – Columbus Democrat
We have had the pleasure of a visit from MR. DON ALDRIDGE, of the Vernon Pioneer, an attendant at the Decoration ceremonies. We had failed to notice until yesterday that Mr. A. has become publisher and local editor of our Alabama neighbor – Columbus Independent.
MR. ALDRIDGE, Business Manger of the Vernon Pioneer, was in town yesterday. He says the last thing he saw when leaving Vernon was the merchant who bought the oysters in Columbus swearing he could whip any man connected with the Pioneer office. We fear Columbus has lost a customer. – Columbus Index.
Loafers Sale. I will have the Bailiff of Vernon bear, to auction off at highest bidder in front of the courthouse door, on the 9th day of June 1877 all the loafers of Vernon, viz: Capt, First Lieut., Second Lieut., Corporal and Coroner. This 23 of May 1877. A. L. GUIN
I am prepared, through J. M. MORGAN & SON, of Columbus, Miss, to advance supplies to farmers to make and complete their crops by being well secured. All who need assistance will call and let’s have a talk. ALEXANDER COBB. Those indebted to me, either at the store, office, or mill, will please call and settle. A. COBB.
State of Alabama, Lamar County
In Chancery at Vernon, Lamar County, Alabama.
In this cause it is made to appear to the Register, by the affidavit of the complainant, ELIZABETH CLARK, that the said defendant, W. S. CLARK is a non-resident of this State and that his particular place of residence is unknown to complainant, and further that in the belief of complainant the defendant is over 21 years of age, it is therefore ordered by the Register that publication be made in the Vernon Pioneer, a newspaper published at Vernon, for four consecutive weeks requiring him, the said W. S. CLARK to answer or demur to the bill of complaint in this cause by the 30th day of June or in thirty days thereafter a decree pro confesso may be taken against him.
Done at office, this the 24th day of May 1877.
I will sell for taxes owed for 1876 on the 18th day of June 1877 before the courthouse door of Lamar County, Ala, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. the following lands, viz:
JOHN R. KING – (land description)…T13, R14 and T13, R15. Tax and costs $17.05.
Owner unknown
PETER SMITH’S estate. T13, R14. Tax and costs $4.50.
Owner unknown
LOUIS POLLARD’S estate – T16, R15. Tax and costs $2.80.
C. L. HILL – T17, R15. Tax and costs $4.90
ALFRED POE’S estate – T17, R15. Tax and costs $9.25.
Vernon, Ala, May 7, 1877. G. W. WOODS, Tax Collector
The PIONEER Job Department is newly replenished and we are prepared to execute all kinds of job work such as cards, posters, circulars, blanks, minutes, mortgage deeds &c. Send in your orders. We work the Cheapest! Address Pioneer, Vernon, Ala.
The Old Reliable! has now in stock the largest assortment of General Merchandise ever brought to this market. Dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, glassware, crockery, hardware, tinware, drugs, medicines, etc. In fact, everything the people want from Calomel to Zozodont. I am taking State Obligations at par. Hereafter I sell for Cash or Credit. Parties indebted to me must come forward immediately and settle, else I must go to see them. A. A. SUMMERS
How to Paint. Painters and property owners desiring pure, good material, should use or stipulate for the use of HARRISON Bros & Co’s "town and county" ready mixed paints. Pure white and 40 different shades, entirely ready for use. Beautiful, durable and economical. Made from Pure material. Tested on thousands of buildings. Handsome and permanent. No waste or loss of time in mixing. Do not crack or peel. Cheaper and better than any other paint. Free from objectionable ingredients generally used in so called "chemical" paints. Sample cards on application. Consumers of paints preferring stock in old past form should use or stipulate for use of Harrison’s pure white lead, oldest brand in the country. Whitest, finest and best. Harrison’s Sylvan Green, exquisite in tint, unrivaled in body, and of never fading shade. Harrison’s standard colors. Umbers, siennas, ochres, blacks, vermillions, blues, and yellows, unequalled for strength and fineness. Best and finest made. Order these brands from your dealer. Take no other. For sale (wholesale only) at 115 Fulton Street, New York. Centennial medals awarded for superiority of Harrison’s Bros.& Co’s paints.
Established 1856. DART & REYNOLDS (A. A. DART) Builders of Light Carriages, New Haven, Conn. Manufacture work expressly for the southern market, and from long experience are thoroughly acquainted with the requirements of the country. The work itself used in every Southern State is its recommendation, and renders a detailed description unnecessary. We also manufacture the celebrated Dexter Buggy, Now on Exhibition at the Centennial. The best, easiest and most durable vehicle in existence. For circulars, & c. apply as above.
LEROY BREWER, THOS. DUGAN, H. L. HOPPER, C. A. HARRIS – L. BREWER & CO., Wholesale grocers. Dealers in Northern and Western Goods. Retailers and dealers in domestic and imported wines and liquors. Also Cotton Factors and Commission merchants. Agents for Orange Powder Works, Pratt’s Radiant & Astral Oil, California Gold Seal Wine. N. Schaeffer’s Lard and Candles, S. Davis Jr. & Co. Diamond Hams, Blackwell’s Durbam Smok’g Tobacco. Corner of Commerce and St. Louis Streets, Mobile, Ala.
THE PIONEER, Vernon, Ala. Published Weekly.
D. R. ALDRIDGE, Publisher
SID. B. SMITH, Editor & Proprietor
ARTICLE – "EDUCATED FARMERS" – Scientific American
If we were asked to point out any special fact as denoting beyond all others our rapid progression in learning and in civilization, we should select the strong tendency everywhere manifest to abolish empiricism in all pursuits of life. It is not very long ago that the physician administered his remedies blindly, and knew less of the functions of the heart than does his modern descendant of the spleen and gall bladder. Meteorology, most fickle of all sciences, based as it is on the most changeable of all things, the weather, has within very few years made marvelous strides. And we are certainly advancing to a point when it will be as easy to foretell the rain and storm of tomorrow as to remember the fine weather of yesterday. Even cookery is no longer to be the science in which accurately compounded ingredients under constantly varying conditions as are supposed by some pleasant fiction to yield invariable results. For has not a college been endowed to educate our future "chef’s de cuisine?" Thumb rules in every trade are now scouted by intelligent working men. The world has shaped itself into a gigantic point of interrogation. "Why?" is the question of the hour, and faith in things earthly is confined only to those who, like the deluded partisan of Keely and others of his irk, mistake the ignorance of that which is possible for belief in that which is not.
Of all the sciences, none within recent years has so quickly emancipated itself from the fogs of empirical conjecture as that of agriculture. Up to the end of the last century even, people believed that air, water, oil and salt were the sources of plant nutrition. Wallerius, Bergmon, Pullisy, David, De Sausure, and Sprengel contributed discovery after discovery, investigation after investigation, but their work was scattered and little known outside of their laboratories. It was reserved for the genius of Liebig to unite all these fragments of truth. But it was not until 1840 that he produced his great work, "Chemistry in its application to agriculture and physiology" and thus gathered in concrete form the materials which are the basis of a great and rapidly growing science. It is hard to realize that agricultural chemistry has found its application for but twenty-six years, so clearly are its benefits before us in tangible form. But, on the other hand, this only serves to indicate to us how vast must be the results yet to come, when agriculture, through the instrumentality of its knowledge, shall have become in its turn, as exact as its sister sciences, and as susceptible of being taught and learned in the same manner as they. And to attain this much-desired end, our schools and colleges, under the guidance of far seeing men, are doing splendid work.
The production of seed is an exhaustive process, and, as a rule, its completion is signalized either by the death of the plant, if an annual, or by a temporary suspension of the process of growth, if a biannual or a perennial. The immediate end of which Nature has sustained it has been attained. If we are cultivating it for seed, our object is the same and we should not interfere with nature’s processes. But if, as in the case of okra, the cucumber, and the summer squash, we make use of the immature fruit and desire to increase and prolong its production, we must carefully cut off, before maturity all that is procured, whether we can make use of them or not, so as to encourage an abnormal production. Also, where a root or a bulb is the object of cultivation, as in the Irish potato or the onion, we should remove the flower stems. If seeds are desired, certain plants should be set apart for the production and the earliest and best fruit be allowed to ripen. The same rule applied to the flower garden. If we desire continued bloom, the plants must not be allowed to mature seed. [Ex.
GRAFF’S Improved POTASH or LYE. The Best Family Soap Maker. Depot, 104 Reade Street, New York.
The New American Sewing Machine. Simplest & Best. Agents Wanted. No. 177 W 4th St. Cincinnati, O.
G. W. COX. Columbus, Miss. Dealer in all kinds of French, China, Glass, and earthenware. Fruit Jars, a specialty. Also, an elegant assortment of Best Silver Plated knives, forks, spoons, &c. At prices below any other offered in the market. Call and see him.
CRAWFORD House. Columbus, Miss. By Mrs. RICHARDS. Is first class –cheap fare – always call.
CRAWFORD’S Baking Powder. An improved article for making light and healthy bread, biscuit, cake, rolls, cornbread, griddle cakes, puddings, dumplings, and pastry of every description. It is the cook’s favorite and is warranted perfectly pure and superior to anything of the kind in the market, for healthfulness and strength, producing at all times the most delicious cookery. It is stronger and cheaper than any other baking powder, and is the most economical, convenient, reliable, and nutritious. Please ask your grocer for it and give it a trial. Put up in all sized packages and always warranted. Full weight, full strength, full measure. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Samples and price list will be sent to the trade, on application. Crawford & Cline. 176 Furon Street. New York.
Welded Steel and Iron Triple Flange Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. Patent inside bolt work and hinged cap. No safe complete without it. W. H. TERWILLIECER, No. 34 Maiden Lane. Near William St. New York.
To Consumptives. The undersigned having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. parties wishing the prescription will please address, Rev. E. A. WILSON, 104 Penn St., Williamsburgh, New York.
PIMPLES – I will mail (free) the recipe for preparing a simple Vegetable balm that will remove Tan, Freckles, Pimples, and Blotches leaving the skin soft, clear and beautiful. Also instructions for producing a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Address. BEN. VANDELF & CO. Box 5121, No. 5 Wooster St. N. Y.
Errors of Youth. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will for the sake of suffering humility, send free to all who read it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience can do so by addressing in perfect condition. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St. New York.
Agents make $18 a day. Our large life like Steel Engravings of the Presidential Candidates. Send for circular. N. Y. Engraving Co. 35 Wall St. Box 3236, N. Y. $12 a day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and TRUE & CO. Augusta, Maine. Send 25c. to G. P. POWELL & CO., New York, for Pamphlet of 100 pages, lists of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising.
Notice to our friends and customers in Alabama. We are pleased to be able to inform you that we are prepared to store your cotton in our safe and commodious Ware Houses, and that we have every facility for your comfort and that of your teams. With our Ware Houses at the depot we have comfortable camp-houses, with sheds and feeding troughs. Every attention will be given our Alabama friends. Our wagon yard has been improved and fitted in the most thorough manner. Good cabins, good stables, good fencing. In short, every arrangement has been made that business tact could suggest for the comfort of Campers. CAPT. JOE GOODMAN has charge of the yard at Bank’s old stand, and CAPT. E. C. LEECH at Hale’s Warehouse. BANKS, HALE & CO. Columbus, Miss, Aug 17.
DACOVICH’S RESTAURANT! AND LODGINGS. 7 Royal Street. Mobile, Ala. Fish, oysters and game in season. The best the market affords. Lodgings – 50 cents. Visitors to Mobile will find that Dacovich fills the bill, in comfortable rooms and excellent cuisine. Give him a call.
Heed the Words of Advice. Tutt’s Pills. Cure sick headache. Require no change of diet. Are purely vegetable. Never gripe or nauseate. is not continued to this country, but extends to all parts of the world. A clear head, elastic limbs, good digestion, sound sleep, buoyant spirits, fine appetite are some of the results of the use of Tutt’s Pills. 18 Murray Street. New York.
THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE was awarded the First Premium at the Centennial Exhibition 1876 and has always carried off the highest honors wherever exhibited. A compact, simple, durable, light running and efficient "lock switch" machine. Adapted to the wants of everybody. The Home Sewing Machine was perfected---years since the aid of the best invention-------Warranted for five years. Live agents wanted in localities where we are not represented. Send for prices, and sample of work done on the home, or call at any of our offices. JOHNSON, CLARK, & CO. 30 Union Square, New York: 564 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 111 ½ Second Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 141 State Street, Chicago, Ill.; 21 South 5th Street, St. Louis, Mo.; 17 New Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal.
GULF CITY HOTEL. Corner Water and Conti Streets. Mobile, Ala. This Hotel, with its beautifully furnished rooms, and the best table the market affords, is undoubtedly the cheapest Hotel in the South. Only $2.00 and $2.50 per day, according to room. W. C. MORROW, JR. – Proprietor.
W. H. CLOPTON & SON, Wholesale and retail Grocers and dealers in family supplies. 78 Commerce Street, Aberdeen, Miss. We keep the largest and best stock on market and sell at bottom prices for cash.
Have you tried SIDDALL’S MAGNETIC SOAP? For use in summer and winter. Makes clothes clean, sweet and very white without boiling or scalding. No rough hands! No yellow clothes! No wash boiler! No steam in the house! Guaranteed under $50 penalty not to injure clothes and superior for Toilet and Shaving. Sold at stores or a family package will be sent, express charges prepaid on receipt of One dollar and Fifty cents. One reliable dealer wanted at every prominent point, as Agent, with whom a liberal arrangement will be made. Address F. H. SIDDALL, 106 Market Street, Phila.
Barnes’ Patent Foot Pedal Machinery, Circular and Scroll saws, Lathes, etc. Fancy Wood and Designs. 10 different machines suited to the wants of mechanics and amateurs. Men, boys and ladies are making from $3 to $10 per day using them. Old styles thrown aside when these machines are known. Lumber from ½ to 3 ¼ inches thick hard or soft wood can be ripped by man power at the rate of from 125 to 600 feet per hour, line measure!!! Thousands of them now in use. The Velocipede Scroll Saw for miscellaneous work is admitted by all to be the jolliest little machine in the business. Say what you read this in and send for our 48 page illustrated catalogue. Free. W. F. & John Barnes, Rockford, Winnebago Co., Ill.
Perfection attained at Last. A trial will insure its popularity everywhere. WHITE SUTTLE SEWING MACHINE……White Sewing Machine Co, 358 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O. Agents Wanted.
T. G. BUSH, R. D. HUNTER, A. P. BUSH, JR. – T. G. BUSH & CO. – Wholesale Grocers. No. 51 and 53 North Commerce Street and 9 and 11 St. Louis Street. Mobile, Ala. Prompt and careful attention given to filling orders from a distance. Mr. C. C. WILLIAMS, is with this house and solicits the patronage of his friends in Alabama and Mississippi
W. KELLERMAN. Manufacturer and dealer in guns, rifles, pistols. Aberdeen, Miss. Breech-loaders a specialty. Muzzle-loaders converted into breech-loaders, at short notice and low figures. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. All work guaranteed.
ORIGINAL GOODYEAR’S RUBBER GOODS – Vulcanized rubber in every conceivable form. Adopted to Universal use. Any article under four pounds weight can be sent by mail. Wind and Water Proof garments a specialty. Our cloth surface coat combines two garments in one. For stormy weather it is a neat and tidy overcoat. By a peculiar process the rubber is put between the two cloth surfaces, which prevents smelling or sticking even in the hottest climates. They are made in three colors – Blue, Black, and Brown. Are light, portable, strong, and durable. We are now offering them at the extremely low price of $10 each. Sent post paid to any address upon receipt of price. When ordering, state size around chest, over vest. Reliable parties desiring to see our goods, can send for Trade Journal giving description of our leading articles. Be sure and get the "Original Goodyear’s Steam Vulcanized" fabrics. Send for illustrated price-list of our celebrated Pocket Gymnasium. Address carefully, Goodyear’s Rubber Curler Co. 697 Broadway, P. O. Box 5156, New York City.
Silver Plated Ware. Electro-plated table ware and Ornamental art work in great variety manufactured by the Meridian Britannia Company. 550 Broadway New York. The best plated spoons and forks are those silver-plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the trade mark. 1847 – ROGERS BROTHERS--- N.B. – This great improvement in Silver plated spoons and forks is applied alike to each grade of plate. A 1, 3, and 12 oz, as ordered. Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are patented. The Extra or "standard plate" made by this company is stamped A1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent heavier than the ordinary market standard. First premiums awarded at all fairs where exhibited, from World’s Fair of 1852 to American Institute Fair, 1875, inclusive.
Begin the New Year with a paper from the State Capitol. The year 1877 will be marked by more important events than any of its predecessors. The Montgomery Advertiser as heretofore will be devoted to the Democratic and Conservative cause, and will be aspiring in its efforts to uphold good government in the State and Union. It is ordered at the following rates:
One copy daily – 1 year $10.00
One copy Daily – 6 months 5.00
One copy Weekly – 1 year 2.00
Twenty copies Weekly – 1 year 35.00
Thirty copies Weekly – 1 year 45.00
Postage included. An extra copy will be sent to every person getting up a club. Send money be Registered Letter, Express or Money Order. Address all letters to W. W. SCREWS. Montgomery, Ala.
New Cash Store! LOUIS ROY Dealer in Dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, &c. 69 Commerce Street. Aberdeen, Miss. J. H. TYRONE is with this house and will be glad to see his Alabama friends
B.T. GIFFORD. Dealer in Watches & Jewelry. 105 Commerce Street, Aberdeen, Miss. Celebrated Elgin watches. Stem winding American and Geneva Watches. Spencer’s Diamond Spectacles. Seth Thomas Clocks, Engraving initials on goods sold free of cost. Watch, clocks, and jewelry repairing done in best manner and warranted.
A Dealer wanted in every town in the South for the celebrated WEED SEWING MACHINE. The easiest learned, lightest running, most durable and popular Machine made. Received the highest award at the Centennial. Special inducements offered. Address. Weed Sewing Machine Co. No. Canal Street, New Orleans.
GILMER HOUSE. A. M. KING, Prop’r. The only first class Hotel in the city.
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