Historical Newspapers   Lamar County, Alabama

Transcribed by Veneta Aldridge McKinney     Thanks Veneta.

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The Alabama Department of Archives and History



"Agriculture, Labor, The Mechanic Arts and Literature"

William R. Smith, Jr. & Co. Proprietor Two Dollars Per Annum. Payable in Advance

Volume II Vernon, Sanford Co, Ala. May 26, 1876 No. 15


JNO. D. MCCLUSKY, Attorney-At-Law and Solicitor in Chancery – Vernon, Alabama - will practice in Lamar and adjoining counties in the Federal Courts and in the Supreme Court of Alabama.

SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Alabama. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims.

EARNEST & EARNEST. W. R. EARNEST GEO. S. EARNEST, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Birmingham and Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of this Judicial Circuit.

THOS. B. NESMITH – Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.

NESMITH & SANFORD – T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.

WILLIAM R. SMITH, Attorney At Law. Tuskaloosa, Ala. Will give prompt attention to all businesses trusted to his care. Will practice in the Federal Courts, at Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.

J. H. TERRY, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Fayette C. H. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted him in the Courts of Sanford County – Chancery Circuit and Probate – and will attend the Circuit court promptly.


Dr. W. L. MORTON & BRO., A. L. MORTON M. W. MORTON. Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.

SID. B. SMITH, M. D. Surgeon & Physician. Vernon, Alabama, offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Office – at Pioneer office.

Dr. T. SPRINGFIELD, Detroit Alabama. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Detroit and vicinity. Office one door west of JNO. H. HAMILTON.



Panama, May 2. The steamship Honduras brings additional news of the war between Salvador and Guatemala. On April 12, a battle was fought at Apaneca. At dawn the Salvadorian troops were discovered in great numbers on the neighboring heights north of the village. The Guatemalans, under Gen. Felipe Cruz, prepared for battle. The entrenchments were all doubly manned. From the reserve a detachment of 250, under Col. Mendizabal, went out on the road to reconnoiter, while Col. de Leon, with another detachment of 250 men, proceeded on the left flank of the enemy. The Salvadorians opened fire on those two detachments with small arms and artillery, while Nuill, Saravia, and Molina attacked the three entrenchments or small redoubts of the Guatemalans. After two hours of fighting, Cols. Mendizabal and Lopez charged the enemy and put him to flight. Five prisoners were captured. Thirty-seven dead and a number of wounded were found on the field; 112 Remingtons, mules, horses, &c. fell into the hands of the victors. The Guatemalans lost one officer and five men killed.

On the 14th Gen. Cruz started in search of Gen. Francisco Menendez’s division of 1,000 men and overtook him at 10 a.m. at the village of Rio Frio. Fire was immersersely opened ---------. The Guatemalans were victorious. The mitraillense and all its cylinders of 300 shots each, with 30 Remingtons and 400 cartridges fell into the hands of the Guatemalans. The Salvadorians left thirty dead and many wounded on the field. Gen. Menendez in his flight left an elegant cable bell and his binocular field glass. The progress of the Guatemalans through the Department of Santa Ana (Salvador) was irresistible.

The Guatemalans steam transport Gen. Barrios landed a large force in the rear at La Union, which captured that place easily. Gen. Solaris, with some 1,000 Guatemalans, marched to San Miguel. Gen. Brioso (a former merchant of Panama) started from San Miguel with 1,600 Salvadorian troops, and at a place called Pasaquina awaited Solaris. At 2 p.m. on April 17, Gen. Solaris attacked Brioso, whose defense caused the Guatemalans, after four hours’ fighting, to waver; but Solaris and his officers stimulated the men and returned to the attack. On the 18th the fight was renewed. Solaris charging Brioso’s entrenchments while Gen. Garrillo guarded the military train with a reserve force. Brioso received reinforcements from San Miguel, and on the 19th the battle opened anew. At noon Gen. Emilio Delgado, with 100 of Miranda and Rascon’s Guatemalan division, arrived and took part in the fight. At 6 p.m. M. Miranda and Rascon, with 400 men, took up a position on the road to San Miguel, cutting off Brioso’s communication with the city, and intercepting and routing the reinforcements that were arriving from that place. At 2 p.m. of the 20th, Brioso, with Lonjino Sanchez and 200 men, forced through the Guatemalan lines and escaped, leaving his military train, with one cannon, one mitraillense, about 1,000 Remingtons, over 30 cases of cartridges, and several boxes of specie.

The Salvadorian Generals Delgado and Figuero are among the killed, and Sanchez and Molina among the wounded. The loss of men on both sides was great. The Guatemalans lost twelve officers and the Salvadorians about double the number. Miranda, ----, and Baraens were pursuing ---Salvadorians dispersed on all sides and ----had surrendered. The ----------the President of Salvador for a trace had been met with a demand for unconditional surrender. The Guatemalan army entered San Miguel on the 20th.


The Turkish city of Salonica, which lies at the head of the gulf of that name, in old Macedonia, some 300 miles west of Constantinople, was the scene of a terrible riot last Saturday, in which the French and German Consuls were murdered. It would appear that the cries of a Greek girl, who had just arrived at the railway station, and was about to be forced to become a convert to Mohammedanism, were heard by the American Consul, who chanced to be there. He at once interfered, and taking the girl under his protection, either sent her to the German Consulate, or escorted her in a carriage to his own.

The French and German Consuls, meantime, having learned of the occurrence, and being informed that the American, who is connected with them by marriage, was in danger, hastened to the mosque. There they were assailed by a ferocious mob of Turks, and killed, according to one account, with iron bars wrenched from the grating, and in the very presence of the Governor of the city, who, it is asserted by Ottoman Government, made every effort to save their lives. The version of the Porte, moreover, is that the whole disturbance was caused by the United States Consul’s taking the would-be convert by force from her Mohammedan friends for which purpose he had organized a band of 150 Greeks. The girl, they maintain, did not ----, nor object to the ceremony of conversion.

At this stage it is impossible to determine which version is the true one, but it is not improbable that our Consuls has been somewhat to blame, as he is a Greek, and of the 70,000 inhabitants of Salonica, 20,000 are Greeks. With so strong a minority to back him, he may have thought himself justified in resisting any attempt of the Turks to convert a Christian to their religion.

On the day following the riot, Echerif Pasha, the new Governor of Salonica, sailed for that port from Constantinople in a Turkish frigate, and by this time the harbor of Salonica is well filled with the war vessels of other nationalities. British, Russian, Austrian, and Italian men of war, French ironclads, and a German corvette have been ordered to sail at once for the disturbed city.

At the approaching conference of Prince Bismark with the Austrian and Russian premiers this outbreak will be discussed, and some scheme for united action will probably be adopted. This, however, will not lead, necessarily, to the destruction of the Turkish power in Europe, as the apologies and redress offered for the fanaticism of its subjects by the Ottoman Government will be accepted; but it is certain that every such event as this is most unfortunate for the Porte, and only serves to hasten that downfall which many believe to be inevitable.


A citizen of Williamson County, Mississippi, writes to the New Orleans Picayune of yesterday:

Woodville, Miss., May 14, 1876

About 11 o’clock on Thursday night, 11th inst., a mob of armed negroes, about thirty in number, surrounded a store in from of Mr. Perkins house, where they knew Mr. Ernestine lodged. They, under disguise of friendship, asked admission. Mr. Earnestine requested a negro boy who waited on him to open the door. As he opened it, on of the mob, supposing the door to be opened by Mr. E., fired and shot the negro in the left eye. Mr. E. seized his gun and sprang to the door, when, no less than fifty shots were fired, many of them taking effect in the breast and head of Mr. E. The deceased was an honest, respectable, law abiding citizen. He has been a merchant in the parish of West Feliciana for several years. A few nights previous to his death he, with several of his neighbors, whipped a negro man for stealing beef, which is the only possible provocation the negroes had for committing the brutal act. An indignation meeting was held by the citizens of West Feliciana parish and Wilkinson County, Miss., as the store was within a few yards of the State line. After a careful investigation and an impartial trial, which continued two days, the two leaders of the mob, Duncan Gaines and Ben King, were executed. The former confessed, after conviction that he and Ben were the captains in command of the mob, and that Gaines fired twice at Mr. Ernestine. During the investigation committees were appointed to arrest the perpetrators of the crime. The negroes determined that they should not be arrested, and collected about 150 strong, armed men. They fired upon the whites, and the latter returned, wounding three or four of the band. Some of the witnesses swore that a white Radical named Weber, and a negro named Swazie, both officials of Bayou Sara, were the instigators of the whole affair. Some of the blacks were as active and determined as the whites to find and convict the guilty parties.



The Executive Committee of the Amateur Rifle Club held a meeting yesterday afternoon, Col. Mitchell, the President, in the chair. The members present were Lieut. Col. Farwell, Major Holland, Messrs. George Crouch, G. S. Schermerhorn, and Robert Johnson. On motion of Col. Farwell a committee of three was appointed to issue a circular to the riflemen of the United States, inviting them to enter into the competitions for places on the team in the Irish-American match for 1876, which will take place immediately after the Centennial matches, between a team, which will be selected under the auspices of the Amateur Rifle Club. The conditions are as follows:

Eight men will constitute the team, and four others the reserves, and will be selected from the result of three competitions as follow:

Competition 1. Open to all native-born citizens of the United States; to take place June 20 and 21, 1876; fifty shots each day be each competitor; fifteen shots each at 800 and 900 years and twenty at 1,000 yards.

Competition 2. Open to the sixteen men making the highest aggregate scores in competition 1; to be shot on June 27 and 28; same number of shots and distances as competition 1, the twelve men making the highest scores in both competitions to constitute the team and reserves.

Competition 3. Open only to the team and reserves; to take place on July 11 and 12; conditions same as competition 1 the aggregate scores in this and the previous competition shall determine the order of merit of the several competitors.

The conditions in regard to the selection of captain, order of rifles, etc., are similar to the conditions governing the Centennial matches. The President appointed Lieut. Col. W. B. Farwell, Major Joseph Holland, and Mr. G. S. Schermerhorn. On motion of Col. Farwell, the President and Secretary were appointed a permanent Committee on Printing. The Secretary was directed to request Mr. Conlin to supply his patent scoring cards at the next competition for the "Geiger" badge, and Col. Farwell was appointed Executive Officer for that occasion. After some further routine business the meeting adjourned.

ARTICLE – "THE PACIFIC MAIL JOB" – from The St. Louis Republican

Richard B. Irwin, who distributed the sum of $750,000 among various needy people in and about Congress during the session of 1871-72, and gave some sensational testimony before the House Committee on Ways and Means during the last session of the XLIII Congress concerning the parties who were blessed with his largesses, is now standing trial in the New York courts. The investigation by the House committee, it will be remembered, has barren of any results except in so as it prevented Congress from continuing the half million annual subsidy for which Irwin had paid this $750,000. Indirectly, Mr. Irwin may be said, therefore, to have been the occasion of the company losing this yearly half million, and therefore the capitalists in the Pacific mail have turned upon him and are now turning to some manner to get even with him by procuring a criminal action against him for embezzling the aforesaid $750,000. There is something malicious and unfair in this thing, and though the public have no particular reason to sympathize with Irwin, the nature of his defense is pretty sure to carry them to his side. The case stands on the docket of the court, "The People vs. Richard B. Irwin," but it should really be "The Pacific Mail Company vs. The People." This would bring things a little nearer the truth than they are by the ingenious turn which Rufus Hatch and the other capitalists have given them. Irwin’s defense is that the sum alleged to have been stolen was used with the full sanction of the company. This is something the people regard as entirely true, and they will be thankful to Irwin if he shall prove its truth. It is not exactly the most interesting branch of the inquiry which should be made in regard to the acknowledged purchase, but it is none the less one that merits attention. Having failed to learn exactly who were bribed, we may very well see if we cannot find out at least who did the bribing. Rufus Hatch and his copartners in the Pacific Mail Company, who are so virtuously indignant over this "embezzlement" now were quite complacent about it until they lost their subsidy. It was only then they pretended to inquire into the disposal of the three-quarters of a million which President Stockwell and Secretary Irwin had drawn out of their treasury. If they had begun an action for embezzlement against either or both of these gentlemen, while in the enjoyment of their subsidy, there would have been much less question as to the sincerity of their motives. As it is, if they didn’t know all about how Irwin spent the $750,000, they should have known, and it is now entirely too late to deceive anyone by their hypocritical assumption of virtue. Let the action of the Pacific Mail Company vs. the People go on, and if Richard B. Irwin can only bring himself to tell the whole story, he can relieve himself of a good deal of the responsibility that rests on him in this matter. The preliminary examination in the case began on Tuesday last, and the progress of the suit will bear watching, since, as intimated, the testimony may be of importance. Perhaps if the bribers are once fairly bagged it will be possible to turn Irwin back on his tracks and trace up a few more of those who got his money than he has theretofore told of. Bell, King, Schoeaker, Dick Parsons and John W. Forney are the only notable people that were caught in last year’s dragnet, and it would greatly refresh the heart in these piping times of reform to learn a few more.

ARTICLE – "TYPICAL REPUBLICANS" –– from the Albany (N. Y.) Argus.

The leading candidates for the Republican nomination for the Presidency are Blaine, Conkling, Morton and Bristow. We name them in the order of the strength which it is assumed each will have on the first ballot in Convention, by those who have figured on the prospects. These candidates, therefore, are typical Republicans, deriving their strength from certain elements which commend them to their respective supporters.

Bristow is sustained on the alleged ground that among all the supporters of the Administration, he most strongly sympathizes with the popular demand for reform. He represents the class of men who are willing to reform the Government, if it can be done without hurting Grant or the Republican Party. He knows the right, but lacks the moral courage to pursue it. His intuitions are clear enough, but his instincts are essentially cowardly. He is sound enough in opinion, but weak and irresolute in action when his political associates are involved. Hence he is not wanted.

Morton represents the paralytic element in the Republican Party. There was a time when he had strength. And he wants to fight those old battles over again. He has no nerve for the contest against corruption, which is now being waged. If he ever gets on his feet at all, it is where he strives to wave the bloody shirt, or to defend usurpation, despotism, military domination and carpetbag rule. The cause he represents is emphatically repudiated by the people.

Conkling is the type of the loyal politician, the firm and unyielding supporter of everything done by Grant and the creatures of his power. He has never faltered in his party alliance. It is his proud boast that there is nothing in Grantism at which he could revolt. He can look without dismay up on rascalities innumerable, upon usurpations the most daring, and false policies the most ruinous. He defends them without blanching and is never so happy as when marshalling the Republican forces to the tune of the Rogues march.

Blaine has no sympathy with the weaknesses of Bristow, but he is as bold a defender of bayonet rule as Morton, and is as loyal to the corruptionists as Conkling himself. He represents the land-and-salary grabbing Congressional ring. He was the leader of the men who are responsible for the Credit Mobilier frauds, and the brood of infamies of which it is the type. He is the model Republican, thoroughly identified with and responsible for all its rottenness and chicanery, but not identified even by chance with any of the impulsive and fleeting reform movements which have had a sickly and speedy death within the Republican Party.

Bristow will have but little strength in the Convention. The element he represents, which is making an effort to reform the party, will be as fleeting as the breath of a puny infant for which the angels are in waiting. Morton is the Republican Party of a dead era, and is unable to comprehend or meet the issues of the living present. Conkling is Grantism personified, seeking by boisterous bravado to conceal the fact that the giant is smitten with death. Blaine is the embodiment of Congressional corruption, as Conkling is of Executive terrorism and wrong. They are but the two arms of the tyrant the people have determined to crush. They contend for supremacy, but neither presents a claim to popular sympathy from any moral quality. Neither embodies any idea or purpose or principle for which the people are now contenting. They are fighting each other, as to which one shall use the machinery of the government to perpetuate the wrongs of the past, and as an instrument for the division of spoils among their followers.

The Republican Party of candidates presents no subtle champion of administrative reform. Even the ---Unknown, in whose emptiness its had been hoped at one time to conceal the iniquities of the administration, as in a "Trojan horse" has faded from prophetic vision. The only question which interests the people is as to who among the avowed defenders of the corruptions and despotisms of the past shall be selected to lead the party which favors their continuance. Will it be Blaine, or will it be Conkling? Will it be the Ring which has been supreme in the White House, or the Ring which has robbed and rioted in the Capital? Hitherto, the rings have been held by the Ring Conkling represents; Blaine’s Ring receiving only that which the White House saw fit to grant. Now, Blaine moves on the White House, not to purify it but to establish therein the adroit and unscrupulous schemers he represents. On the other hand, Conkling struggles to perpetuate therein the men who have made it the scene of a high carnival of corruption.

The two elements have clutched for mastery before and ended by dividing the spoil. They are but the two wings of an army of desperadoes. Which corps commander shall be chosen as general of the entire army is matter of indifference. When the contest for leadership is ended, the two wings will unitedly struggle to prevent the inauguration of administrative reform in the nation.

ARTICLE – from Cour. Journal.

The trial of Lee and Dame for participation in the Mountain Meadow massacre of 1857 has been again postponed. It has now been nineteen years since this wholesale murder of unoffending emigrants was perpetrated, and it has been impossible to bring any of the criminals to justice on account of the preponderating Mormon influence over courts and juries in Utah. Lee and Dame have been under arrest some time, their complicity in the plot being pretty definitely ascertained, and, indeed, if justice was meted out, Brigham Young himself would suffer, for there is good evidence that he ordered Lee, then in charge of the "Nauvoo Legion" to intercept the emigrants and avenge the death of Elder Pratt, a Mormon apostle, who was killed by the husband of a woman whom he had seduced in Arkansas.


The cause of the aurora borealis now attributed by scientist to fine particles of iron constantly moving toward the sun. The friction of our atmosphere with this iron ignites it.


THE PIONEER. Vernon, Ala. Published weekly.

SMITH, MCMULLAN & CO., Publishers.

SID B. SMITH, M. D., Editor.

Friday, May 26, 1876


For Representative Sanford County: DANIEL WILLIAM HOLLIS


From every section of the State comes the cheering intelligence that our people are up and doing. County after county have held their several conventions, made their choice for Representative and set the ball in motion. We have made a good beginning, let us insure a good ending and a thorough triumph in August and November, by organizing Democratic clubs in every neighborhood and beat in the State – Open our doors and accept into our ranks those who have theretofore differed with us, but now desire a thorough reform in the administration of the Government.

Of the Republican candidates for President, the nomination of Blaine, Morton, Conkling or Grant will be equivalent to an endorsement of all the usurpations and corruptions of the present administration; that of Bristow might savor of reform, but his is a weak, puny chance, and meets with little sympathy from Republican officials, who virtually control the Republican party; the Independent movement is weak, too weak to challenge even a passing thought. Then how are the people, especially the interested ones, to bring about reform?

Reform can only be accomplished by a change – a thorough cleaning out – of the present administration, from the lowest to the highest. To do this, the people must necessarily rally to a party that offers some strength as an inducement to success. In the Democratic and Conservative Party we find the only inducement. In it we have the strength, the principles, and above all, the avowed determination of a thorough reform.

Let the people come together, lay aside past differences and personal animosities, and every man put his shoulder to the wheel. Every vote counts.


The "pure" wing of the Republican Party of Alabama, on Tuesday the 16th inst., nominated one Judge T. M. Peters, of Lawrence County for Governor.

Judge Peters, whilst on the Supreme Bench of this State, under a Republican regime, overruled a former decision of that tribunal against mixed marriage and made a new one in favor of the indiscriminate marriage of blacks and whites. A recorded miscogenationist and free-lover, he has no sympathy or use for the black man, save for his individual aims and purposes.

We, with the good citizens of this State, rejoice to see a party so corrupt, as the Republican party has proven itself to be, demoralized scattered to the four winds, by dissention in their own ranks.

What good or strength the name of such a man can add to any party – especially a wing of a party which asserts its intentions in the direction of reform, we fail to see, nor do we think that there is a Republican within the limits of this county so low, so forgetful of the mother which bore him as to cast his vote for a man whose character is so morally-----------.

The "pure" wing of the Republican Party of Alabama, on Tuesday, the 16th inst. nominated one J. J. Houston, of Perry county for Superintendent of Education. Houston is the man who entered into a written contract as to the distribution of the officers of Perry County in 1872.

The President has nominated Attorney General Pierrepont, to be minister to England, Secretary of War, Taft, to be Attorney-General and Don Cameron, son of Simon, to be Secretary of War.

The widows of the murdered Consuls, at Salonica, get $200,000.


Mr. F. W. BIRD, a leading Republican of Massachusetts, sums up the political situation in one short by comprehensive paragraph. He says: "It is my profound conviction that the worst Democrat whose nomination at St. Louis is possible is safer for the country, tan the best Republican whose nomination is possible at Cincinnati. The imperative, the solemn need of the country is a change of the National Administration. A new set of books must be opened at Washington. Every department of Government, from the White House to the Custom House, must be purified."

Attorney General Sanford has brought suit in the name of the State of Alabama, in the City Court of Montgomery, against Arthur Bingham, late State Treasurer, and his bondsmen. The amount claimed is one hundred thousand dollars. The count, after reciting the conditions of the bonds, &c., declares that they have been broken on various particulars and that there is a lien due the State by said Bingham as late Treasurer of about $69,000. The case will come up for trial at the next term of the Court, as writs have been served on most of the defendants.



Wednesday, May 19

Morton and his followers are not going to make any such capital out the Mississippi election as they had anticipated. Some secret sessions have been held in this city, and conflicting testimony has set the two wings of the Republicans by the ears. Senator Alcorn has not for some time been very cordially inclined toward Ames. it was doubtless with a knowledge of this that Ames, who was summoned before the committee, broke out in denunciation of Alcorn’s course, accusing him of treachery towards the blacks and disloyally to his party. He went on to show by inference that Alcorn had been mainly instrumental for the loss of Mississippi to Republican Party. The committee’s sessions are all secret, but it was made known to Alcorn that he was being made a scapegoat for Ames criminalities and inbecilities. He broke one in violent indignation, and denounced the committee for permitting an impeached and disgraced fellow like Ames to go before a star chamber to blacken the reputation of his better. The consequence is that Morton and his blood and bonds brood are considerably perplexed. The testimony of Alcorn will go to show that it was through the corruption and crime of Amex that the State was lost to the party, while Ames, who is by no means without a following, will show that Alcorn is the cause of all the mischief. When the facts are presented, the Amex-Alcorn rule in Mississippi will be proven the most cruel, rapacious, and criminal of any of the overturned States. Alcorn himself has been heard to boast, as good joke, of dressing up negro judges, who sat on a bench with a book up side down in their hands, deciding the gravest cases of equity. He was particularly merry about one decision where a tricked out negro, who could neither read nor write, affirmed away the property of a widow and a large family of young children. Against this atrocious outrage there was no appeal. When the committee get at work hundreds of cases of this character will be shown – Ames putting the blame on Alcorn, and Alcorn on Ames.


The motion to appoint a receiver of the "State Journal" in the case of Bard vs. Bingham, which had been postponed from Thursday, to give the defendant time to file his answer, came up before Chancellor Austill yesterday evening, and was again postponed until Monday evening, to give time to the defendant to file counter affidavits. But as a condition of granting the postponement, the Chancellor granted a temporary injunction against the defendant, enjoining and restraining him from publishing in said paper any article reflecting on the complaint, or commenting on the suit.


We have information that one of the most influential Radicals in this State, and who has the confidence of the powers that be, that Grant stands five chances to be nominated at Cincinnati to any other candidate’s three chances; that he is laying low, and will be nominated when Morton, Conkling, Blaine, Hayes, and Bristow see that neither of them can get the nomination and that he is playing his game for that purpose. Who is prepared to say that this is not so? If the parties named can’t succeed, they may yet unite on Grant.




We learn from parties who head the decision rendered by the Supreme Court in the Buckley impeachment case, that the court held that the act of the last Legislature providing for impeachment was passed as required by the Constitution, and was valid as to all offenses committed after its passage, and that the jurisdiction of the Circuit, City and Criminal Courts to remove from office sheriffs, clerks and other inferior officers, as provided in the act for all offences committed after its passage, was full and complete. But that the act in so far as it applied to offences committed before the adoption of the present Constitution was ex post facto and invalid; and that as to trials before the Supreme Court of original cases of impeachment against Judges of Probate and other officers of like grade, the act was unconstitutional, because it deprived the defendant of true right accused by the Constitution of being confronted by the witnesses against him. When the opinion was read, counsel for the prosecution stated that these tow points had not been argued at the bar, and asked a rehearsing of the case on these points, and the Court allowed them fifteen days in which to present the application for rehearing, after which the questions will be finally settled. When this is done we will publish the final opinion of the court at length or a full synopsis of it.


I offer for sale, my farm on the Buttahatchie River, four miles northeast of Moscow, known as the JARRETT old place, containing about 480 acres. 80 acres of which cultivable and under good fence, balance well timbered. Good House, stables, barns, orchard, spring, and the best stock range in the county. I will sell a bargain. Give me a call. JOHN R. KING.



At Chambers. April 22, 1876.

It is ordered by the Chancellor that the term of the Chancery Court for Sanford County for 1876, will be held on the fourth Monday in July, 1876, and may continue four days.

It is ordered that the Register give thirty days notice of said term by advertisement as required by law, and enter the order upon the minutes.

A. W. DILLARD - Chancellor Western Division

J. M. MORTON, Register



State of Alabama, Sanford County

Estate of ELIZABETH BLACK, deceased

This day came JOHN E. GRAVES, Administrator of said Estate and filed his application in writing praying for an order to sell certain Real Estate therein mentioned, for the purpose of a division among the heirs of said Estate, it is ordered that Monday the 3rd day of July be set for the hearing of said application when and where all parties in interest can contest the same if they see proper.

Given under my hand this the 11th day of May, A. D. 1876.

ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate.



J. H. ESTES, 51 Main Street Columbus, Miss. Wholesale & retail Grocer. Dealer in plantation supplies and commission merchant. Will be glad to see his old friends and will sell to them and the public at the lowest prices.



State of Alabama, Sanford County

J. J. WHEELER, Plaintiff

WM. BEASLY, Transferee




Under and by virtue of an execution to me directed by J. R. MCMULLAN, clerk of the Circuit Court, for said county I will, on Monday, the 5th day of June, next in front of the Court House door of said county, at Vernon, within the hours prescribed by law, expose for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property to wit:

The east half of lot No. 10 – in the town of Vernon county and state aforesaid. Said lot is sold as the property of JOHN R. KING, one of the above named defendants, to satisfy the said execution.

May 1st, 1876. S. P. KEMP, Sheriff


State of Alabama, Sanford County.

Under and by virtue of an execution issued from the office of the Circuit clerk of said county and State on the 1st day of May 1876, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, before the Court House door on the 1st Monday in June 1876 the following described real estate levied upon us as the property of D. J. MOLLOY, to wit: south half of s e qr. and s w qr of n e, and west half of n w qr. all in section 16 T15 R 15 to satisfy a judgement, rendered by said Court, on the 2 day of Oct. 1874 for $123.74 against W. H. DEROCHEMONT, D. J. MOLLOY and M. W. MORTON in favor of THOMAS J. OAKS and transferred to A. A. SUMMERS.

May 3rd, 1876. S. P. KEMP, Sheriff



I will sell on Monday the 12th day of June, 1876, and from day to day until all is disposed of at the Court House door in the County of Sanford, State of Alabama, during the legal hours of sale, the following described lands and town lots and other real property to satisfy the State and County taxes, penalties, fees and costs due and unpaid for the year 1875.

(Note: following is a list of names with property description. I will give the name but not the description)


G. W. WOODS, Tax Collector, Sanford County



M. H. HODGE with KILPATRICK & WILSON, dealers in groceries, Provis’ns, whiskies, plantation supplies, &c. Columbus, Miss.


J. POLLOCK & CO., Wholesale dealers in staple & fancy dry goods, notions, hosiery and hats. No. 6 South Water Street between Dauphin and Conti. Mobile, Ala.


For Bodine’s improved jonval turbine wheel, eureka smut machine. Mill machinery of all kinds, etc. Address to A. Matthews, Pittsboro, Miss.


WILLIAM L. JOBE – 81 Main St. Columbus, Miss. Dealer in watches, clocks, jewelry, sewing machines. Needles for all machines. Especial attention paid to repairing watches, clocks, jewelry, music covers, &c. All work warranted. Work left at this office will be forwarded.


State of Alabama, Sanford County




Under and by virtue of an order of Sale to me directed from Alexander Cobb, Judge of Probate in and for the County of Sanford and State of Alabama. I will on Monday the 1st day of May, 1876, proceed to sell to the highest and best bidder for cash, in front of the Court House door at Vernon, within the hours to wit: sw qr sec 18 T 16 R 16. Fract B and ne qr sec 19 & s ½ se ½ and nw ¼ sec 20 all in T 16 R 16 levied on as the property of the above named defendant. W. L. HAYS, also se ¼ of se ¼ of sec 9 & 8 ½ of se ¼ of sec 16 and nw …….sec 16 T 16 R 16 levied on as the property of D. J. LACY one of defendants. All said lands are situated in Sanford County.

S. P. KEMP, Sheriff, Vernon March 2, 1876.

The above sale is postponed until Monday the 5th day of June, 1876.

S. P. KEMP, Sheriff


Silver Plated Ware. Electro-plated table ware!!! And Ornamental artwork in great variety manufactured by the Meridian Britannia Company. 550 Broadway New York. The best plated spoons and forks are those silver-plated heaviest on the parts where necessarily the most wear comes, and bearing the trademark. 1847 – ROGERS BROTHERS--- N.B. – This great improvement in Silver plated spoons and forks is applied alike to each grade of plate. A 1, 3, and 12 oz, as ordered. Process and Machinery for manufacturing these goods are patented. The Extra or "standard plate" made by this company is stamped A1, simply, and is plated 20 per cent heavier than the ordinary market standard. First premiums awarded at all fairs where exhibited, from World’s Fair of 1852 to American Institute Fair, 1875, inclusive.


Notice to our friends and customers in Alabama. We are pleased to be able to inform you that we are prepared to store your cotton in our safe and commodious ware houses, and that we have every facility for your comfort and that of your teams. With our Ware Houses at the depot we have comfortable camp-houses, with sheds and feeding troughs. Every attention will be given our Alabama friends. CAPT. JOE GOODMAN has charge of the yard at Bank’s old stand, and CAPT. E. C. LEECH at Hale’s Warehouse. BANKS, HALE & CO. Columbus, Miss.


B. W. TARWATER, Vernon, Ala. (picture of boot) Made to order on short notice and reasonable terms. Pegged or sewed work. Fine or coarse work. Terms – cash.


Fruit, fruit, fruit. Supply your orchard gardens with fruits and flowers from the Nashville Commercial Nurseries of Nashville, Tenn. UNDERHILL, NEWSON & CO. Proprietors



Messrs. WHITE and BRADSHAW, agents. … Nurseries, … counties of Sanford, Pickens, Fayette, and …. counties. Give us your order.


A new "domestic" (sewing machine). A double-thread lock-stitch machine. Physicians recommend it as a machine that can be used without harm by any one, because it requires so little effort of any kind, it being the lightest-running machine in the world. It sews with great facility the lightest and finest as well as the heaviest and coarsest fabrics. Domestic Sewing Machine Co., New York and Chicago.


L. BREWER & CO. LEROY BREWER, THOS. DUGGAN, H. L. HOPPER, C. A. HARRIS. Wholesale Grocers. Dealers in Northern and western goods, retailers and dealers in domestic and imported wines and liquors, cotton factors …Agents for Orange Powder Works, Pratt’s Radiant and Castro Oil, California Gold Seal Wine….


Terms of Subscription

One copy one year $1.50

One copy six months 1.00

All subscriptions payable in advance

Rates of Advertising

One inch, one insertion $1.00

One inch, each subsequent insertions .50

One inch, twelve months 10.00

One inch, six months 7.00

One inch, three months 5.00

Two inches, twelve months 15.00

Two inches, six months 10.00

Two inches, three months 7.00

Quarter Column 12 months 35.00

Half Column, 12 months 60.00

One column, 12 months 100.00

One column, 3 months 35.00

One column, 6 months 60.00

Professional Cards $10.00

Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates.

Advertisements collectable after first insertion

Local notices, 20 cents per line.

Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten line, charged advertising rates.


County Court meets on the 1st Monday in each month.

Probate Court meets on 2nd Monday in each month.

Commissioner’s Court Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, May, August, and November.


(For Sanford and Fayette) J. C. KIRKLAND

(For Sanford and Marion) JAMES F. HAMILTON

County Officers

ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate

GEO. S. EARNEST, Solicitor

S. P. KEMP, Sheriff

J. R. MCMULLEN, Circuit Clerk

JAMES M. MORTON, Register in Chancery

JAMES W. WILSON, Treasurer

J. R. PENNINGTON, Tax Assessor

G. W. WOODS, Tax Collector

W. T. MARLER, Coroner




Masonic: Vernon Lodge, No. 389, meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 10 a.m.

I.O.O.F.: Moscow Lodge, No. 45, meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month, at night.

I.O.G.T: Vernon Lodge, No. 96, meets on Wednesday night of each week, at seven o’clock.


Representative – J. C. KIRKLAND

Probate, County and Commissioners courts meet same as in Sanford.

County Officers,

B. H. WILLIAMS – Judge of Probate

J. H. SANFORD, Solicitor

A. A. WALDON, Sheriff

M. M. BULL, Circuit Clerk

W. A. EDWARDS, Tax Collector

F. BULL, Tax Assessor





Representative – JAMES F. HAMILTON

Probate Court and Commissioner’s courts meet same as in Sanford.

County Officers,

J. D. TERRELL, Judge of Probate

Sheriff, ex officio Tax Collector, J. R. HUGHES

Solicitor, THOS. R. NESMITH


ALVIN M. JONES, Treasurer


J. W. GARDNER, Caledonia, Miss. Dealer in dry goods, groceries and general merchandise. The highest price paid for cotton and country produce.


Alabamians Notice! J. E. CARTER, of Caledonia, Mississippi will sell you groceries, dry goods, and family supplies of every variety as cheap as you can buy in Aberdeen or Columbus.


IKE SANDER’S MILLS. Isaac Sander’s Mill three miles south of Vernon is constantly turning out the very best quantity of meal and flour. Meal and flour always on hand at the lowest market price. Also promptest attention given to all orders for lumber and a good supply is kept on hand for sale. Give us a trial.


NATHAN BROS. Importers and wholesale dealers in old bourbon and rye whiskies, wines, liquors, cigars, tobacco and pipes. 82 Main Street. Opposite Columbus Banking and Insurance Company. Columbus, Miss. N. R. Merchants desiring their shipments from the West can have their orders filled at our Cincinnati House.

THE PIONEER. This paper is on file with Gen. R. Powell & Co. H Park Row, N. Y. Where Advertising Contracts can be made.

Vernon, Friday, May 24, 1876. W. R. SMITH, JR. – Local Editor.


We are authorized to announce CAPT. JNO. H. BANKHEAD as a candidate for Senator from the 12th Senatorial District, composed of Sanford, Fayette, Marion, and Franklin counties: subject to action of nominating convention. We are authorized to announce D. W. HOLLIS as a candidate to represent Sanford County in the Lower House of the Alabama Legislature – election in August.


To Franklin, Fayette, Marion, and Sanford Counties – composing the 12th Senatorial District:

-----said counties is hereby called of -----chairman of the Democratic Conservative Committee of those counties to convene in Pikeville, Marion county on Saturday the 10th June, 1876, for the purpose of nominating a Democratic candidate to represent the District in the State Senate. The counties interested are earnestly requested to send a delegate so that they may be fully represented. JNO. R. CLARK






Picnic tomorrow, if---

Wheat cutting.

Dewberries and plums.

Summyr fights opened. (sic)

Local at his post.

JUDGE COBB receiving new goods.

E. W. LAWRENCE’s new house nearly done.

BOB BURDINE, with J. W. ECKFORD & BRO. wholesale and retail druggists, will always be glad to see his friends from the country and assures then that their wants will receive his best attention.

E. W. LAWRENCE, JR. doing a splendid business with his galvanizing "sloo-shun".

EARNEST leaves Monday for the Magic City. He will be absent 2 or 3 months. Vernon will miss him sadly.

Dr. SMITH and S. J. SHIELDS, delegates to the State Convention, off for Montgomery, Dr. Smith will probably visit Mobile before returning.

COL. T. B. NESMITH fully domesticated at his new home. We trust he will become a fixture.

To their numerous friends in Sanford, Marion, and Fayette, J. W. ECKFORD & BROS. would say that they are now better prepared than ever to supply their wants. Drugs, medicines, paints, oils, fishing tackle, and an endless variety of such other fancy articles as are kept in a first-class drug store. All orders promptly attended to. Give them a trial.

JNO. H. BANKHEAD made a speech at Pikeville on the 20th inst.

BUCK WHITE will resume his school at Pine Springs on Monday the 20th instant.

Mr. D. R. GUTHRIE of Pine Springs has a new plan of breaking mules from jumping. Simply tie a tree chain around the neck of contrary stock. They soon lose their vaulting proclivities.

MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s father by the Rev. DAVID M. RUSH, on the 21st inst., Mr. B. F. REED to Miss GLO RUSH.

We are indebted to COL. B. NESMITH for a copy of the proceedings of the Democratic mass meeting at Pikeville held on the 20th.

Professor JAMES F. WHITE has a fine school at Bexar, Marion Co. His Vernon friends will ever rejoice in his prosperity.

We would suggest that DR. SMITH print a few circulars, stating his full business and the exact number of days, hours, minutes and seconds that will elapse before his return. This will be absolutely necessary if he wishes to satisfy inquiring minds.

Mr. ROBERTS, of Pine Springs Beat, an octogenarian, and one of Jackson’s men, died a few days ago. He was drawing a pension at the time of his death.

Mr. L. N. HENSON has sold the Henson Springs place to DR. WALDEN of Aberdeen. We learn that Dr. W. and family have moved over.

Rev. E. F. S. ROBERTS preaches at Crossville today.

Mrs. T. E. COOPER has snap beans in abundance.

CAPT. W. F. HAMILTON is farming five miles above Detroit.

Mr. JNO. R. KING advertises a very desirable farm for sale. The property advertised is situated on the Buttahatchie about 3 miles north of Moscow.

Professor GUYTON has retired, temporarily, as principal of the Military Springs Academy. Bad health.

Miss MATTIE COOPER will open a school at Crossville next Monday.

The District Conference of Tuskaloosa District will be held at Vernon, commencing on Saturday before the 1st Sunday in August. The opening sermon to be preached by the Rev. M. R. BRANDON, of Tuskaloosa.

Friend LUCIEN E. JONES of Mont. Calm passed through Vernon the other day.


University of Columbus. Columbus, Miss. T. C. BELCHER, A. M. President. Opens on the first Monday in October 1876. Board and tuition for the entire term of 10 months from $212 to $242. MILITARY SCHOOL. In order to meet the general demands of Education, as far as possible, shall organize a Military in connection with the University. Students will not be compelled to join the Military Department.


Detroit, Ala, May 15th, 1876

Mr. Editor:

It has been some time since "The Country North of Us" has had her say in your columns, and this brief communication is suggested, not from an overweening idea of the absorbing interest of any item it may contain, nor from a disposition to tantalize your readers by forcing my slack-jaw upon them, but from a simple and legitimate object: our section must not be ignored.

Our snug little village, the "chief manufacturing mart" of youthful Sanford, is just now passing through the crisis of dull times, nevertheless, the shrill whistle of Ray’s Factory and the lion like roar of Carter’s mill rocks, still reverberating o’er our hills and valleys, remind the hard-pressed, struggling yeomanry that "there’s life in the old land yet."

The Millville delegation to your County Convention returned. Our people are well pleased. Although heretofore "tooth and tow nail" against Convention we fully endorse your action and pledge to your nominee an unanimous support. You many say to aspiring Rads and Independents that there are no rations for them on this side of the Buttahatchie.

Wheat fields are suffering from rust. Crops, gardens, etc. in this vicinity, are unusually late, but the beautiful weather and evident energy of our back-bone, the farmer, inspire a lively hope that all will be well in the end.

In an affray last week between JAMES A. THOMPSON and J. F. KENDRICK, the latter was knocked down with a heavy timber, and is now in a state of utter unconsciousness. Some little hopes are entertained for his recovery, but it is feared at the expense of a complete mental wreck. The blow fractured and mutilated his skull in a terrible manner and an absolute dethronement of reason will probably follow. Kendrick at large.

A new capitalist has arisen among us in the person of Mr. B. Imagine the surprise of this community, who thought him penniless, when he gave in to the Tax Assessor of Marion, among his taxable property, $500 in surplus gold! Now, this youth lives in Sanford and I suggest that – Pennington assess him again. Mr. B. wants to marry a rich girl.

JOHN HAMILTON’s fine stallion, Burr, died very suddenly last night. This is a great loss to Mr. Hamilton. Burr’s premature decease awakened in this community the liveliest emotions of regret.

Mr. JAMES M. RAY is experimenting with German Millet and Chufa. JNO. II, still selling goods, while GREEN ---- out to the weary wayfarer his proportionate allowance of the "happy come."

I stepped in to see JAS. A. DAVIDSON & CO. the other day and found James at his post, transacting business most assiduously. There was also in the house a venerable gentleman, who I found to be a monomaniac on the subject of quizzing. Judging from my personal appearance he must have mistaken me for a city top or a commercial traveler. I was dressed in a handsome suit variegated homespun. A pair of red brogans adorned my southern extremities, while I was bounded on the north by a beautifully dilapidated beaver – relict of the 15th Centennial of Christ. The old gentleman opened his battery upon me at once. After a few moments of idle sparing I retired in dismay. Vowing vengeance, I determined that if I ever met that gentleman again I would present him a subscription to the Pioneer and turn him over to the tender mercies of the Daily Dotter. By the way, your D. D. passed through here on the 14th going North. If he halts this side of the Centennial Exposition Grounds you’re in luck. Mere anon.


A lady correspondent writes to know what nation furnishes the best domestics; in reply to which we would say that although we are not very well posted in such matters we feel we can safely pronounce in favor of our own country. Newark, N. J. furnishes the best. They are called the "Light-Running Domestic" are to be found at any office or agency of the "Domestic" Sewing Machine Company.


Pikeville, Ala. May 1st, 1876

Pursuant to a call from the County Executive Committee, a large number of the citizens of Marion County met in the Court House today.

THOS. B. NESMITH, Chairman of the County Executive Committee called the meeting to order, explained its objects and then announced that the meeting was ready for permanent organization by the election of proper officers. On motion, THOS. B. NESMITH was elected President, and DR. MARION H. MAY, Secretary. MEREDITH T. AKERS offered the following preamble and resolution: Whereas two important elections are to be held this year – one State, the other Federal.

Resolved 1st. That we consider that the good of our common country, the preservation of a white man’s government in our State and the safety of our State government, morally and financially, depend upon the success of the Democratic Party.

Resolved 2nd. That organization is necessary to such success; therefore, we will send delegates to the Democratic State Convention to the Democratic Convention for the 12th Senatorial District and to the Democratic Convention for the 6th Congressional District.

On motion, ALBERT J. HAMILTON, LEWIS F. MAY, JAS. R. HUGHES, ELISHA VICKERY were elected to represent Marion County in the Democratic State Convention.

ALVIN N. JONES, LEWIS F. MAY, JOHN A. POPE, AND M. T. AKERS were elected to represent Marion County in the Democratic Convention for the 6th Congressional District.

ELISHA VICKERY, LEWIS P. MAY, WILLIAM T. BISHOP were elected to represent Marion county in the Democratic Convention for the 12th Senatorial District.

Resolved, that our delegates to the State Convention are instructed to vote for the nomination of George S. Houston for Governor.

On motion, ELISHA VICKERY, W. T. BISHOP, M. T. AKERS, A. J. HAMILTON, AND M. H. KEY were elected the County Executive Committee for the next two years.

The Convention adjourned sine die.

T. B. NESMITH, President

M. H. KEY, Secretary


COLUMBUS MARBLE WORKS. Monuments, headstones and all kinds of stone work done at shortest notice. I use the best of marble, and warrant all my work, to de done in the best manner. I will furnish headstones, sizes and prices given below, at short notice:

6.0 by 2.0 by 0.2 $40.00

5.0 by 1.6 by 0.2 $30.00

4.0 by 1.4 by 0.2 $20.00

3.6 by 1.2 by 0.2 $15.00

3.0 by 1.0 by 0.2 $12.00

Name, birth and death engraved free. Footstones included. W. H. NEWLOND. Columbus, Miss. Oct 22, 1875.


S. P. MORROW with MOORE, COX & LEE. Dealers in groceries, provisions, whiskies, plantation supplies, staple dry goods, &c. No. 84 and 86 Main Street. Columbus, Mississippi.


ECLIPSE LIVERY STABLE– No. 100 Main Street. Columbus, Miss. The undersigned having purchased the entire stock of the Eclipse Stable is now prepared to accommodate all who may call on him. The stable, lots and stalls are in splendid order, and kept clean and neat. Special preparations made for drovers. Also, carriages, buggies, hacks, wagons, and saddles. Horses kept constantly on hand. Patronage solicited. R. A. COOK, Proprietor.


JOHN SNOW, Tuskaloosa ROBT. JEMISON, Pickens. J. SNOW & CO HARDWARE STORE. Tuskaloosa, Ala.

10 penny nails per keg $3.75

8 penny nails per keg 4.00

6 penny nails per keg 4.25

Red Axes .75

Seranton do. 1.00

Collins do. 1.00

Lightning Cross Cut Saws per foot .75

Steel Hoes .50

Sash per pair 1.50

8 x 10 glass .50

10 x 12 glass .60

Pad locks .15

knob locks .50

Sifters .20

Whitlemore Cotton Cards .50

Cartridges .40

Lead and shot .12 ½

Paints and oils, wagon materials, &c, &c, &c. at lowest prices


Awarded the highest medal at Vienna. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO. 591 Broadway, New York. (opp. Metropolitan Hotel). Manufacturers, reporters, and dealers in ___chromos and framas, stereoscopes and views, albums, graphoscopes, and suitable views. Photographic materials. We are headquarters for everything in the way of stereopticons and magic lanterns being manufacturers of the micro-scientific lantern, streo-panopticion, university stereopticion, advertiser’s stereopticon, artopticon, school lantern, family lantern, people’s lantern. Each style being the best of its class in the market. Catalogues of lanterns and slides with directions for using sent on application. Any enterprising man can make money with a Magic Lantern. Cut out this advertisement for reference. Headquarters for Dwights Soda, are at R. O. Harris’ where county merchants and others can be supplied by the Wholesale at 6 cents per pound. Aberdeen, Miss.


WATSON BROWN takes pleasure in calling the attention of his friends in the counties of Sanford, Fayette, Walker, Marion and Pickens, that he will be constantly on hand at D. M. RICHARDS & CO., wholesale and retail dealers in Staple and fancy groceries, country produce, &c. also connected with Winston & Harris, dealers in Hardware, and Harris, Hudson, & Co, dealers in Boots, shoes and hats. Thankful for past patronage he will again serve his friends to the best of his ability.





Estate of FRANCIS RAGER (sic), deceased.

By virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Sanford County, Alabama, I will as the administrator of the Estate of FRANCIS RIGER (sic), deceased, offer for sale to the highest bidder on the 1st day of July next, the following described real estate to wit: (land description) sec 19 township 14 range 15 said sale to be on the premises. Terms: one fifth cash, the remainder payable twelve months from date of sale. The purchaser will be required to give note with good and sufficient security for purchase money and a lien retained on the land until paid for.

JOHN G. HOLLADAY, Administrator of -------

May 11th, 1876


For your boots, shoe, and hats of all styles at reduced prices, call on B. R. HOWARD & SON, Aberdeen, Miss.


VICK’S flower and vegetable seeds are the best the world produces. They are planted by a million people in America, and the result is beautiful flowers and splendid vegetables. A priced catalogue sent free to all who enclose the postage – a 2 cent stamp. Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Garden is the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and four Chromo Plates of flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price 35 cts. in paper covers; 65 cts. Bound in elegant cloth. Vick’s Floral Guide. This is a beautiful quarterly journal, finely illustrated, and containing an elegant colored frontispiece with the first number. Price only 25 cts for the year. The first number for 1876 just issued. Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y.


When you go to Tuskaloosa, Remember E. SNOW & CO. where you can get the best cash bargains in dry goods’ shoes, hats, crockery, notions, sugar, coffee, powder, shot, tobacco, &c. &c. E. Snow & Co. will buy and pay cash for all kinds of furs, beaver, otter, mink, coon, &c. Be sure and see them.


Marvin’s are the best SAFE SCALES standard fire and burglar safes. Counter, wagon and track scales. Send for price list. Agents Wanted. MARVIN’S SAFE CO., 265 Broadway, New York. 721 Chestnut St., Phila.


Notice. Variety Store! A. MUNROE, Prop’r. in connection with his boot and shoe establishment has received a full stock of hardware, groceries, and general farm and family supplies which will be sold at the lowest cash figures. Motto – Quick sales with small profits. Proof of the pudding is in the eating." Give me a trial. Hats, boots, and shoes. Candies, oysters, sardines, tobacco, cigars, snuff, pipes, dye-stuffs, patent medicine, books, stationery, toys, and fancy goods. All of which he offers to sell very low for cash.


81 Commerce Street. Aberdeen, Miss. C. MORAWSKI, J.P. BEATTY, A. M. KUPFER. C. MORAWSKI & CO. confectioners, bakers, restaurateurs, retail dealers in whines, liquors, cigars, tobacco, pipes, toys, &c. Money saved is Money made, and we propose to save our customers money. Aberdeen, Miss.



J. M. MATTHENY, Aberdeen, Miss. has the best assortment of furniture south and will sell 20 per cent cheaper than you can buy south of Louisville.


THE PIONEER. Vernon, Ala. Published Weekly.

SMITH, MCMULLAN & CO., Publishers. SID B. SMITH, M.D., Editor

Friday, May 26, 1876


ARTICLE - "DAIRY FARMING"- from London Farmer

Of late years Britain has been indebted to American dairy farming for the introduction of many appliances calculated to save labor, as well as to keep dairy produce in good condition under circumstances adverse to this. Amongst other points, they have shown the value of cooling milk, to keep it for a longer time than would be the case if kept or sent to market under the old system. Messrs. Always and Sons, of 37 Chapel Street, Pentonville, London, exhibited a milk cooler under the name of Lawrence’s capillary refrigerator. Briefly described, this is made up of a series of little tubes, connected together worm or still fashion, but placed that, not circular, in sections; through these the milk to be cooled flows, being supplied by fillet at the top, and the tubes are surrounded with cold water, which is supplied at the lower part, and flows out at the upper part of the apparatus. The descending stream of milk meeting the ascending stream of water is rapidly cooled. The apparatus can be used in winter time when milk is required to be raised in temperature for churning, for butter making, or for cheese making, by using warm water in place of the cold. The cooling of milk immediately after it is drawn from the cow tends unmistakably to add to its keeping powers and the more suddenly the cooling is done the better, for recent investigations have shown that the --------------from its form takes up but little room – a great point in a dairy appearance.


---------will reward the worker------that will yield-----crops and say ten or fifteen per cent, per annum on the money invested is something to be desired. I propose to tell how all can have such farms.

A good crop of clover, plowed under about the time it gets its growth is known to be the best preparation in to reap a bountiful harvest. The large kind called pea-vine clover is the best for this purpose, because it gets a large growth. I have known fields which only had one crop plowed under that were rich for five years after.

Wheat has no better friend than clover. Men who take the first premium on wheat, who raises the largest crops, and who succeed are the men who raise clover. I know farmers who experimented with other grasses, and even manured but their yield was five bushels less to the acre than when clover was plowed under.

Most farmers impoverish their fields on the rest of the farm. It being so far to draw manure from the barn, the distant fields never get manured. It is all put on fields near the barn. Such fields should be sown to clover, and when it gets the growth, plow under, sow to wheat, seed down again and in ten years the back fields will be the richest. Farmers sometimes raise clover, but when the time comes to plow under it seems to them to be almost a sin. They call it a waste to plow under what would make so much hay. It is 25 percent cheaper than barn yard manure.

Clover takes its strength mainly from the air and subsoil. It has a long tap-root running down in the ground or subsoil to the depth of two or three feet, drawing for its support that which would be out of the reach of most other plants. When it decays --------strength need the surface, and the roots in decaying leaves the ground porous and in the best condition for a crop.

There are farmers with a keen eye for business who buy a farm that has been worn out, cheap, and in a few years will double its value by the use of clover, with the aid of what manure they can make. If the land is so poor that clover will not catch wheat will, and plow under and sow again, and so on. It will catch better the second time than the first.

Pea-vine clover is surer to catch the common clover, and will grow larger on poor land than most any other kind. It is somewhat like rye in this respect. It is therefore especially valuable to renew worn-out lands. It will prevent rich lands from becoming worn out. It is not only valuable for fertilizing purposes, but will compare favorably with other grasses for hay and pasture. If sown on rich land it will grow so large that if left on the ground, it will sometimes kill itself out. Some farmers harrow it before plowing, and then plow the sane way it was harrowed. With a heavy growth, a sharp plow and coulter and team enough, nothing pays the farmer better.

Why does one farmer succeed and another fail? It is because one has mature and well laid plans, does all his work in season, touches no side issues, gives his whole strength to his business, farms in earnest, and the other does not. With well laid plans, energetic farming pays.

G. L. Hulbert. Almount, Mich.


All that is needed to start a sheep ranch is two jackasses, two Mexican boys, one Mexican man, one sack of frijoles (Mexican beans), some coffee and a few extras, 1,500 ewes and twenty to thirty bucks, and a gun to kill game. The Mexican ewes, if bought in August will cost $1.50 to $1.65. A Mexican boy will cost $8 to $10 a month, and the man about ------frijoles three cents a pound – altogether the first year about $3,000. The ewes will yield from 1 1/8 to – pounds of wool, which will bring about 24 cents per pound, and then come the lambs, which will double the herd if properly taken care of. A man then has from his investment of $3, 500, 3,000 sheep, and upward of $900 from the sale of the wool.


J. H. ESTES, 51 Main Street. Columbus, Miss. Wholesale and retail grocer. Dealer in Plantation supplies, and commission merchant. Will be glad to see his old friends and will sell to them and the public at the lowest figures.


$12 day at home. Agents wanted. Outfit and free. True & Co., Augusta, Maine


$5 to $20 per day at home. Samples worth $1 free. STINSON & CO. Portland, Maine


Send 25c to G. P. ROWELL & CO., New York, for pamphlet of 100 pages, lists of 3000 newspapers, and estimates showing cost of advertising.


DACOVICH’S RESTRAURANT and lodging. 7 Royal Street. Mobile, Ala. Fish, oysters and game in season. The best the market affords. Lodgings – 50 cents. Visitors to Mobile will find that Dacovich fills the bill, in comfortable rooms had excellent cuisine. Give him a call.


GULF CITY HOTEL. Corner Water and Conti Sts. Mobile, Ala. This hotel, with its beautifully furnished rooms, and the best table the market affords, is undoubtedly the cheapest hotel in the South. Only $2.00 and $2.50 per day, according to room. W. C. MORROW, JR. – proprietor.


UNIVERSITY OF COLUMBUS. Columbus, Miss. T. C. BELCHER, A. M.-President. Opens on the first Monday in October 1875. Room and tuition for the entire term of 10 months from $212 to $242. Military School. In order to meet the general demands of Education, as far as possible, shall organize a Military in connection with the University. Students will not be compelled to join the Military Department.


The "philharmonic piano". This entirely new instrument possessing all the essential qualities of more expensive and higher priced Pianos is offered at a lower price than any similar one now in the market. It is durable, with a magnificence of tone hardly surpassed and yet can be purchased at prices and on terms within the reach of all. This instrument has all the modern improvements, including the celebrated "Agraffe" treble and is fully warranted. Catalogues mailed. Water’s New Scale Piano are the best made. The touch elastic, and a fine singing tone, powerful, pure, and even. Water’s Concerto Organs cannot be excelled in tone or beauty. They defy competition. The Concerto stop is a fine imitation of the human voice. Prices extremely low for cash during this Month. Monthly installments received: Pianos, $10 to $20; Organs, $5 to $10; Second hand Instruments, $3 to $5 monthly after first deposit. Agents wanted. A liberal discount to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, schools, lodges, etc. Special Inducements to the trade. Illustrated Catalogues Mailed. Horace Waters & Sons. 481 Broadway, New York. P. O. Box 3567.


The Weekly Sun, New York, NY.


For groceries, staple dry goods, and general merchandise, at low prices, go to W. F. FUTRELL’S cheap cash store. D. J. and F. W. CRIBBS. of Alabama will always be pleased to see their friends. Give them a call when you go to Aberdeen.


JAMES D. SHELL, Wholesale and retail druggist. Aberdeen, Miss. I respectfully invite country merchants, physicians and others who visit Aberdeen for the purpose of buying goods in my line, to call and examine my stock and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as I have a very complete assortment, which I propose to sell as cheap as the cheapest. My stock embraces everything usually found in a drug store, such as: drugs, medicines, paints, oils, dye-stuffs, soaps, perfumery, stationery, fine and common chewing tobacco, whisky of all grades, from $1.25 to $5.00 per gallon. Fine imported and domestic brandies and wines, &c. Please call and see me and I will make it to your interest to deal with me, by selling you the very best goods at the very lowest prices. Very respectfully, J. D. SHELL.


JOHN P. KRECKER. Gunsmith & locksmith. 81 Main St. Columbus, Miss. Keys made and fitted. Locks repaired. General assortment of gun material always on hand and is prepared to do work in his home with notice and dispatch. Guns, rifles, pistols and fine ammunition for sale. Terms – cash in every instance. ----JOHN P. KRECKER.


The matchless Burdett organs are made at Erie, Penn-send to Burdett Organ Works, Erie Pennsylvania, for circulars.



Are you going to paint? Then use the New York Enamel Paint Company’s Chemical Paint. Ready for use in white and over one hundred colors made of strictly prime while lead, zinc and linseed oil. Warranted to last twice as long as any other paint in the world, and is also much handsomer and cheaper than any other paint – has taken the first premiums of twenty of the Union, and is on one hundred thousand of the finest houses in the country. Specimen cards sent free. New York Enamel Paint Company, 104 Chambers Street, New York.


The Weekly Adviser. Montgomery, Ala. It is a large thirty six column paper filled with the latest news from all quarters of the globe, and containing matter deeply interesting to every Alabamian. The greatest contest since the formation of the American Government will take place next year. The Presidential election will decide wherever constitutional liberty is to survive, or Grant Imperialism is to take its place. The Advertiser will be found, as in the past, battling on the side of the people. Not only this but we are to have an election for Governor and State Officers, and the most determined effort will be made to defeat the Democratic candidates. We therefore, appeal to our Democratic friends to bestir themselves for the Advertiser. -----Send money in register letter, by Express or Post-office Money order. Orders for all kinds of Job printing, ------W. W. SCREWS, Montgomery, Ala.


MILITARY SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL – The coming session of this Institution opens on the first Monday in October 1875. Terms to suit the hard times. Board, including washing, lights, etc. only ---per month. Tuition. $1 ½, $2, 21/2, and $3 per month of 29 days. Board and tuition due at the end of each month. Young men engaged in or preparing for the ministry, admitted at half rates for tuition. For further particulars address Principal J. M. L. GUYTON, Sup’t Pub. Inst’n. Vernon, Sanford Co., Ala.


RAY & SON, --- Cotton, yarn. Detroit, Ala. Also dealers in general merchandise, which we sell at the lowest cash price. We buy all kinds of country produce at market rates and make a specialty of Hides and Cotton. We are manufacturing a first class tine of cotton yarn, which we guarantee full weight and count. We solicit order for yarn from members and country dealers. Ray & Son, Detroit, Ala.


J. N. GASTON. Columbus, Miss. He receives and keeps in stock a full and complete supply of first-class furniture, which he sells at the lowest cash figure! Also coffins of all descriptions.


GILMER HOUSE – A. M. KING, Prop’r. The only first-class hotel in the city.


J. L. MOSS & CO. Columbus, Mississippi, dealer in hardware, cutlery, nails, iron, stoves, and materials for house building, all sorts of wagon materials. Guns, pistols, and sportsman’s equipment. Also proprietors of Columbus foundry and machine shops.


JOHN P. ECKFORD’S – headquarters are with J. HENLE wholesale and retail liquor and tobacco dealer. Next door to Dan Richards. Columbus, Mississippi.



CRAWFORD HOUSE. Columbus, Miss. By MRS. RICHARDS is the place to get the best accommodations and cheap fare.


M. H. HODGE, with KILPATRICK & WILSON, dealers in groceries, provis’ns, whiskies, plantation supplies, &c. Columbus, Miss.


R. C. McLESTER. T. N. HAYS. J. A. MCLESTER. of MCLESTER, HAYS, & CO. Cotton buyers, dealers in groceries, dry goods and general merchandise. Northport, Alabama.


----_ALVIN, No. 85 Market Street. Columbus, Miss. Manufacturer and dealer in saddler, harness, sole and Upper Leather, at wholesale and retail. Wagons, farm and spring wagons, buggies and hacks of every description, which I will warrant in every respect and sell at the lowest cash price!


Call at W. V. FUTRELL’s Hotel and Restaurant if you would receive the best accommodations and politest attention.


ATLANTA PAPER MILLS, Atlanta, Ga. Book, news, wrapping paper, all sizes and weights. Office 43 Broad St. Atlanta. Refer to this issue as a Specimen of his paper.


"Old Hundred" – For the Centennial THE VERNON PIONEER, and Louisville Courier-Journal. We are now offering the two papers above mentioned for the small sum of $2.60 – two papers for but little over the price of one. Send us two dollars and sixty cents and receive your home paper with the Courier Journal, the best, wittiest, brightest and ablest City Weekly in the country.


MRS. A. R. HENWOOD, Aberdeen, Miss. Fashionable Millinery and dress making. Human hair a specialty.


50 dozen hog collars at $8.50 per dozen at A. STEWARTS’, Aberdeen, Miss.


CADY’S HORSE MANSION is the place to hire good teams and hacks and to have your horses fed when you go to the city. Give him a call. W. CADY Columbus, Miss.



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