Historical Newspapers Lamar County, Alabama
Transcribed by Veneta Aldridge McKinney Thanks Veneta.
Microfilm Ref Call #373
Microfilm Order #M1992.4466
The Alabama Department of Archives and History
Volume IV Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. May 3, 1878 No. 3
FRANCIS JUSTICE. Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama. Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.
SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Alabama. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims.
JNO. D. MCCLUSKEY, Attorney At Law and Solicitors in Chancery – Vernon, Alabama - Will practice in Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.
GEO. A. RAMSEY, Attorney At Law, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the various courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to Supreme Court and U. S. District Court’s business.
EARNEST & EARNEST. W. R. EARNEST and GEO. S. EARNEST, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Birmingham and Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of this Judicial Circuit.
NESMITH & SANFORD – T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.
THOS. B. NESMITH – Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.
WILLIAM R. SMITH, Attorney At Law. Tuskaloosa, Ala. Will give prompt attention to all businesses trusted to his care. Will practice in the Federal Courts, at Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.
DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., A. L. MORTON and M. W. MORTON. Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.
SID. B. SMITH, M. D. Surgeon & Physician. Vernon, Alabama. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Office – at Pioneer office.
P. X. SMITH, Manufacturers and dealer in guns, rifles, pistols. Caledonia, Miss. Chicken gaffs made to order. Gun and lock repairing done at short notice and at low figures. Second hand guns, pistols and country produce taken in exchange. All work warranted.
The Improved Remington Sewing Machine, 1. Makes a perfect lock stitch, alike on both sides on all kinds of goods. 2. Runs light, smooth, noiseless and rapid. 3. Durable – Runs for years without repair. 4. Will do all varieties of work and fancy stitching in a superior manner. 5. Is most easily managed by the operator. Length of stitch may be altered while running, and machine can be threaded without passing thread through holes. 6. Design simple, ingenious, elegant. Forming the stitch without the use of cogwheel gears, rotary cans or lever arms. Has the automatic drop feed, which insures uniform length of stitch at any speed. Has our new thread controller, which allows ease movement of needle bar and prevents injury to thread. 7. Construction most careful and finished. It is manufactured by the most skillful and experienced mechanics at the celebrated Remington Armory, Ilion, N. Y. Attention is called to our greatly reduced prices. 8. The No. 2 Remington for manufacturing and family use has been recently improved, and I s offered to the public with the assurance that it will give entire satisfaction. Armory: Ilion, N. Y. Principal Office: 281 and 283 Broadway, New York
The battle in Congress is now over the Tariff Bill reported by Mr. Fernando Wood. The Democratic side of the House aided by free trade republicans will not permit Congress to adjourn until that matter is disposed of. The South and West are especially interested in a remodeling of the tariff, and although Mr. Wood’s bill is in many respects defective and oppressive it can be amended in the course of its passage. With all of its defects it is infinitely preferable to the existing tariff. Very few people stop to think of the important and the immediate bearing of the tariff upon themselves. The farmer, whose whole mind is bent on his agricultural pursuits, has neither the time nor opportunity to investigate the influence of the tariff tax on his household expenses; it is a fact, however, that every article he uses is either directly subject to a tariff tax or enhanced by the tariff.
Let us enumerate these burdens. The farmer’s house in the South, pays a tax of 35 per cent on the paint it is painted with; of 90 per cent on his window glass; of 35 percent on the nails; of 53 percent on the screws of 30 percent on the door locks, of from 35 to 40 percent on the hinges; of 35 percent on the wall paper; of from 60 to 70 percent on his carpet; f 40 percent on his crockery; of 88 percent on his iron hollow ware; of 35 percent on his cutlery; 40 percent on his glass-ware; of from 35 to 40 percent on the linen he uses in his household; of 51 percent on the common castile soap he uses; 48 percent on the starch. When he goes into his stable, barn or workshop, he will find that he pays 35 percent on the iron he uses; 35 percent on the halter-chains; 45 percent on the files and rasps he uses; 47 percent on the buck saw; 38 percent on the hand saw; 35 percent on any sheet-iron he may require. On his medicines he pays 20 percent; on the quinine pills he swallows, 20 percent; on blue pills, 40 percent, and 40 percent on any medical preparations. The female portion of his house cannot even go into hysteria without paying a tax of 20 percent on asafetida that may be required to quiet their excited nerves. On his sugar he pays a tax of at least 60 percent. As for the clothing he and his family uses, I enumerate the tax separately: On his wool hat he pays from 60 to 80 percent; on his fur hat from 45 to 60 percent; on his leather for his boots and shoes, 25 percent; on his suit of woolen clothes some 55 percent; on his hosiery 35 percent; on his wife’s and daughter’s common alpaca dress he pays 55 to 70 percent; on spool thread 70 percent, and on the needles 35 percent.
Mr. Wood’s committee has not undertaken to reform all the abuses of the present tariff. Though fully conscious of the necessity of effecting many radical changes sooner or later, they were content with a simplification of methods of accessing the duties, changing the phraseology, so as to the proper duty to be levied, a large curtailment in the number of articles to be assessed for duty, and engrafting upon the law important provisions looking to a more liberal commercial intercourse with foreign nations.
The changes proposed are designed to be the foundation for a permanent measure, comprehending new principles and a lopping off of the complications and contradictions now existing in the present law.
The bill reported has but one list so-called, and that is the dutiable one. It has no compound rates, the duties being either ad valorem or specific, and the latter as far as practicable. It comprises two hundred and forty-seven classes of article, and five hundred and seventy-five articles against the large number comprised in the present law. It has no free list as such; all articles not enumerated and specifically named are to be admitted free. In lieu of the duties now levied on the cost and charges added to the original cost or value of the articles imported at place of production or export, which has been the source of so much litigation between the Government and the importers, the bill fixes an allowance of five per cent, equally applicable to all merchandise coming in under the ad valorem principle. It levies a discriminating duty of ten per cent additional upon all merchandise imported from and the growth and production of any country which discriminated against the United States in the administration of our products to their ports.
This provision is not intended as retaliatory, but is designed as an inducement to those foreign countries whose treaty stipulations prefer other nations to our own to make commercial regulations with us which shall place us upon equally favorable footing. The bill in this, and in its general scope and tender, looks to an enlargement of our foreign commerce, not only in its navigation, but also in facilities for the profitable sale of American grown products of every character. Another and important provision is that which proposes to establish manufacturing bonded warehouses, and the benefit of drawback upon all exported goods containing any foreign material subject to duty. It is designed to encourage the exportation of American manufactured products of every character, by affording them the raw material free of duty so that they can compete with any other like manufactures in the markets of the world. It is only necessary to afford our people an equal chance with all others in order to prove to foreign nations that we are equal if not superior to them in our manufactures. The bill will materially reduce the cost of collecting the customs revenue. The official report of the Secretary of the Treasury for 1877 (page 4) gives the cost of collecting the revenue from customs as $6,501,037.57. It is safely claimed that the simplification, together with the curtailment of the number of dutiable articles and the abolition of the free list, will reduce this sum at least 15 percent.
Another considerable saving will be gained in the authority given to the Secretary of the Treasury to consolidate the collection districts, now the source of a large and unnecessary outlay’ many of them are kept up at several thousand dollar’s expense without producing any return whatever in the way of duties collected. It is estimated that the saving in these two items is 20 per cent, which will be equivalent to $1,300,000.
Some apprehensions have been entertained that the reduced rates proposed will cause a loss of revenue. There is no necessity for fear on this account. The removal of the ambiguities of the present tariff and the easy and speedy liquidation of entries which will follow will operate as much to increase the importation, as the proposed reduced rates will cause loss of revenue.
The many obstructions now existing in entering goods in the customhouses and of speedily ascertaining the amount of duty to be paid, will, under the new system, be very much if not altogether removed.
A merchant will know in advance the exact amount of duty to be paid, which will facilitate commerce, and the Government will collect the duty without delay or litigation. Those who are not familiar with the present machinery used in the collection of duties will be slow to believe the great losses to the Treasury, which are constantly occurring in consequence. It has been estimated that the Government loses from 10 to 15 percent of the amount it should collect.
The losses occurring be evasions of the law, collusion with officials, and smuggling, will, if the reforms proposed by carried out, be much lessened, and the opportunity for frauds and the demoralizing effect upon Government officers prevented.
ARTICLE –" A New Exodus Begun"
Charleston, April 21.
After weeks of delay the bark Azor, for Bopora, Liberia, carrying the first shipload of Negroes whom the Exodus Association has bid to arise and get them out of the land of Egypt, sailed today, full of passengers. While she laid at her dock thousands of Negroes have swarmed upon and about her, and the whole race has talked of but little but her approaching departure. She has made several false starts, stopping one day to return forty-nine stowaways, all members of the Exodus Association, but not entitled to a passage on the Azor’s first trip; Friday again she would have sailed in the evening had not the officers discovered aboard of her packed away in the berths, 130 more who could not await their turn. The want of money was also a considerable impediment. Yesterday, however, all the arrangements were completed, and at about 8 o’clock this morning the Azor was towed out to sea by the tug Wade Hampton. She was accompanied to the bar by two harbor steamers crowed with black excursionists, while the battery and wharves were thronged with thousands of Negroes showing and waving hats and handkerchiefs. The Azor carried 250 passengers, about one-fifth of whom are young children. The crew, as well as the passengers, are Negroes, only four white men being aboard – Captain Holmes, his two mates, and Alfred B. Williams, of the News and Courier, who goes out to chronicle the adventures of the little colony on the trip and after their arrival at their destination in the interior of Liberia. The Azor is clipper built and is said to be very fast, having been originally built for the slave trade. Captain Holmes expects to reach Monrovia in twenty days.
This curious exodus thus begun was conceived in the Spring of 1877 by George Curtis and H. S. Bouey, two intelligent Negroes who met as members of the same jury in Charleston. Curtis is a native of British Guiana, and suggested the organization of the Exodus Association. The sought the Rev. B. F. Porter, pastor of the Brown Morris Church, and asked his advice. He favored the scheme, and was subsequently elected President of the Association. At about the same time Prof. Haseley, a native African lecturer, came to Charleston and devoted all his zeal and energy to the scheme. On the 4th of July a very large meeting was held at the Brown-Morris Church, at which a number of addresses were made and shape given to the project. This was the first public meeting held in relation to the exodus in the South. On the 26th of July, the anniversary of the Independence of Liberia, a "grand rally" took place, beginning at the Rev. B. F. Porter’s Church and ending at Hempstead Mail, where there was assembled fully 7,000 colored people. It was at this gathering that the idea of a joint-stock steamship company was first mooted by the Rev. B. F. Porter, who was at that time the President of the Liberian Exodus Association.
The indications of the ascendancy of New Orleans in the commerce of the Gulf grow very vivid, as it is at the direct outlet of the West, and by means of the jetties will soon become a safe and cheap port.
It is about 720 miles from Galveston, Texas, across the Gulf to Vera Cruz, which is one of the most southerly ports of the Gulf – in the pocket of it, indeed and about 500 miles from the American boundary line, at the mouth of the Rio Grande. Vera Cruz is about 320miles from Compeche, the opposite and somewhat more northerly part of Yucatan. The Gulf is a little over 500 miles wide between Yucatan and the delta of the Mississippi River. There are a great number of Yucatese in New Orleans. At Vera Cruz appears the only railroad on the Gulf outside of the United States, which climbs the mountains of the City of Mexico, and sends a branch off to Pueblo, in all 292 miles; anther branch, 61 miles, runs from a point on the main stem near Vera Cruz to Jalapa. To these 353 miles of railroad add about 50 miles around Mexico City and the gross length is little over 400 miles, or about as long as from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh. Mexico actually needs railroads, and has not the capital to build them. The Vera Cruz and Mexico Railroad began with English engines and cars, but they have been partly superseded by American locomotives and carriages. The railroad offices are in London, and a board of ten directors, elected by the stockholders, control the road. Only $7,600,000 of stock was originally issued, but that was found to be mere bagatelle. The stock and bonded debt of the Mexican Railroad now aggregate namely $38,000,000; it earned $700,000 net the first year, and collected $385,000 in passenger fares, and carried 125,000 tons of freight. The fair from Vera Cruz to Mexico, 216 miles is $16 first class; $12.50 second class, and $7.25 third class. The freight charges for the same distance are abut $75 a ton for foreign goods. The railroad is subsidized and the Government agrees to pay it $600,000 yearly for twenty-five years. This will make the liberal subsidy of $14,000,000.
Among the signs of the times is revived business on the American Panama Railroad, which earned 15 percent in 1877 and had nearly $2,000,000 of business, clearing a full million, notwithstanding it relayed 500 tons of steel rail and thousands of lignum vitoe ties. This railroad carries 22,000 passengers between the two oceans every year. The coffee and sugar business is now first rate in Central America, amounting in freights over the isthmus to 234,000 bags of coffee and 23,000 bags of sugar wholly from Central America, a general increase of 150 percent. They carried 120,000 bags of cocoa from Ecuador and 17,000 tons of dry goods.
In India, elephants are extensively used in building public works. Their great strength and intelligence make them valuable assistants to bridge builders and stone masons. Some are used for moving large stones and timber into proper position; others are employed as masons –"mason elephants" is their technical name. These place large stones on a wall and move them with their trunks until they are on a level.
Gen. L. P. Walher has been invited to deliver the annual address before the literary societies of Howard College at the commencement in June.
There was a slight frost at Gadsden on the 12th.
A good Templars festival at Troy netted $112.
There are 11 deputy U. S. Marshals in Montgomery.
There is but one prisoner in the Green County Jail.
Dr. E. B. Collins, of Decatur, has been very sick.
Demopolis will elect a Mayor and Councilmen may 6th.
There have been a few cases of measles in Tuskaloosa.
The Montevallo coal mines have closed for a short time.
The Eufala Times is for Hon E. S. Shorter for Governor.
Montgomery has received 101,000 bales of cotton this season.
There is a balance of $904.69 in the Conecuh county treasury.
The Montgomery firemen has their celebration the 17th inst.
The Presbytery of Tuskaloosa meets in Birmingham, May 2d.
Rev. Dr. Gwaltney, of Marion, preached in Montgomery Sunday.
The Alabama Press Association meets in Montgomery, May 27th.
Bishop Wilmer gave $100 to the new Episcopal Church in Scottsboro.
The Jasper Mountain Eagle supports Hon. Lewis M. Stone for Governor.
The Episcopal ladies of Eutaw gave a "package party" that netted $136.70.
M. J. Mickle has been appointed postmaster at Roanoke, Randolph County.
Sidney Walker, of Cullman County, was fined $100 for slandering a young lady.
In Gadsden, on the 13th, Larkin D. Rumsey was shot and killed by Charles Potter.
In Talledega, C. W. Stringer was reselected Treasurer, and C. W. Riggs, Marshal.
Gen. Shelley has introduced a bill in Congress to establish a "signal station" at Marion.
The Calhoun county grand jury found sixteen true bills and only one of them for felony.
The Methodist Sunday School, at Trinity, Morgan County, will have a celebration May 4th.
Miss Ella Thornton, of Talladega, while at a picnic at Reynold’s Mill had an ankle broken.
The next meeting of the North Alabama Presbytery will be held in Decatur October 10.
The Democrats of Sumter hold beat meetings May 15th and their county convention May 21.
The salary of the Mayor of Demopolis has been increased to $400, and that of the Marshal to $600.
Etowah County pays a tax of 90 cents on the $100, and is falling in debt from $300 to $500 per year.
Col. Lewis M. Stone has been appointed chairman of the Lee Monument Association for Pickens County.
A reward of $500 is offered for the arrest of Weedman, who recently murdered Henry Runn, at Stevenson.
The ladies of the Tuskaloosa Memorial Association will have a strawberry and ice cream festival May 3rd.
The Baptist ladies at Macon station will give a supper at the Alabama Central Railroad depot on the 2d of May.
The rewards offered for the apprehension of Dr. R. U. Palmer, the murderer of Salisbury, aggregate about $1500.
Mack Smith, a brother of Wm. G. Smith of Turkeytown, Cherokee County was drowned on the 27th ult., near Athens, Ala.
Col. J. W. A. Sanford, of Montgomery will deliver the next annual address before the literary societies of the State University.
James A. Coady, of Pickens County is 97 years old, and recently walked eighteen miles from his residence to Carrollton.
The Democrats of Franklin County will have a mass meeting at Russellville, May 18th to appoint delegates to the State and district conventions.
Col. Lowe of Huntsville; Gen. O’Neal of Florence, and Judge Moore, of Tuscumbia are candidates for the Congressional nomination in Gath’s district.
Mr. Joseph Henderson, a brother of Mr. Thomas Henderson, one of the editors of the Talledega Mountain Home died in Allenton, Wilcox County, last week.
Office of the Democratic and Conservative Exec. Committee of Lamar County.
Vernon, March 20th 1878
To the Democratic and Conservative Voters of Lamar Co.
By virtue of the authority vested in us, we hereby call a convention of the Democratic and Conservative party of Lamar County, to meet at the Court House, at 10 am in Vernon, on Monday, the 13th day of May 1878, for the following purposes:
To elect 6 delegates to represent the county of Lamar in the State Democratic Convention, which meets in Montgomery on Wednesday, the 29th day of May next.
To select 6 delegates to represent the county of Lamar in the 12th Senatorial District Convention, if one called.
To select an Executive Committee for Lamar County, for the ensuing term of two years.
To nominate a candidate to represent the County of Lamar in the Lower House of the next General Assembly.
You are therefore urgently requested to meet in beat conventions, at your respective voting places, on Saturday the 11th day of May, for the purpose of selecting your delegates to the County Convention under the following apportionment:
Town Beat, 18 delegates; Lawrence 6; Sizemore, 4; Browns, 6; Henson Springs, 6; Millvill, 10; Pine Springs, 6; Moscow, 20; Betts, 14; Wilsons, 10; Trulls, 6; Stricklands, 6; Steins, 5; Vails, 4; Millport, 6. The various beats are requested to take up a collection, at their meetings, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of delegates to the State Convention and to send up such collections by their delegates.
By order of the Committee,
SID. B. SMITH, Chairman.
12th Senatorial District April 17, 1878
To the Democratic and Conservative Voters of the 12th Senatorial District
By virtue of the authority vested in us, as the Executive Committee for the 12th Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Lamar, Franklin, Fayette, and Marion, we hereby call upon the voters of the Democratic and Conservative party of said District to meet in Convention on Monday, the 17th day of June next, at Pikeville, Marion County, for the purpose of nominating a candidate to represent the said 12th Senatorial District for the ensuing term of four years.
Each county will be entitled to the same number of delegates as to the Sate Convention.
SID B. SMITH, for Lamar Co.
J. E. WILSON, for Franklin Co.
S. H. DARDEN, for Fayette Co.
M. T. AKERS, for Marion Co.
ARTICLE – "THE FEMALE REFORMER" – from The New York Times.
It is a scientific fact that the peculiar species of women popularly known as the female reformer is unusually thin and bony. Whether the advocacy of reform has a direct tendency to develop bones, or whether women who are congenially bony become reformers because they are shut out from the ordinary pleasures and pursuits of plump and pretty women, has never been satisfactorily ascertained. Galen expresses the opinion that "reform is bred in the bone", meaning thereby, that an excess of bones develops a desire for reform; while, on the other hand, Paracelsus insists that "when a woman troubleth her mind concerning affairs beyond her comprehension, her flesh wasteth and her bones wax large." It is conceded by anatomist and chemists that the bones of eminent female reformers contain an excess of phosphorus, and it has been asserted that if the elbow of Mrs. Swisshelm is briskly rubbed against a piece of sand paper, it gives out a bluish flame accompanied by phosphoric acid. It is not, however, necessary at this time to decide upon the cause of the intimate association between bones and female reformers. It is enough simply to remind the public that the more earnestly a woman may advocate female suffrage and trousers, the more closely may we expect to find her approaching the general weight and appearance of a human skeleton.
SID B SMITH, M.D. – Editor and Publisher
Friday May 3, 1878
Before another issue of the Pioneer can be distributed throughout the county our beat meetings will have been held and delegates selected to the County Convention.
So we take this occasion to again urge upon the voters of the Democratic party of Lamar the necessity of a thorough and harmonious organization of the party for the coming campaign, which can be effected only by a general turnout of the voters of the party ticket to their respective beat meetings – there to take an active part in its deliberations and in the selection of delegates.
Every voter desires the success of his vote; the success of the party with which he votes and affiliates. How can this success be secured except by party unity and harmonious organization! And how is this party unity to be effected except by the action of the voters themselves at the beat, where an interchange of views can be had and a delegate learn the wishes of those he is to represent?
That the Beat is the place to commence the work and lay the foundation of party organization none can deny. Here the voters themselves, interested in the welfare and success of their party, meet together and council as to the best means to secure their aims and select the best to carry out their views. Here, in this instance, you are to select delegates who are to be the instruments in the selection of State officers and members of the General Assembly for the next term. And, in order to secure the success for the party, is it not necessary then that the voters themselves should take an active and personal supervision over the primary or beat organizations, and in the selection or delegates?
Our system of government, being a government of the people, is purely a government of majorities, to which all parties bow.
The right of party organization is not only a right that belongs alike to all parties, but is used by all parties, and party conventions the usual and most successful method of organization. Such conventions, when called, are not, and should not be in the interest of, or for the benefit of any particular individual or candidate, but for the exclusive benefit of the party calling it.
Many of the disorganizing influences and dissentions which arise in the party ranks during a campaign are attributable mainly upon the negligence or failure of the voter to attend his beat meetings and taking an active part in the primary organization of his party. Hence, the necessity that every man, who feels an interest in the selection of his candidate, in the success of his party and party principles, should attend his beat meetings.
Then let us have a general turnout at the various beats, on the 11th, and make such a selection of men as delegates whose actions will meet the respect and support of the entire party.
Serious disturbances are again reported from the Rio Grande. These disturbances are repeated so often and at periodic intervals, that they no longer bear the imprint of civilized government, and can only originate in the brain of the Indian. We think that Congress should adopt some immediate and stringent measure for the better protection of life and property upon our Texas borders. An ultimatum should be laid down. Mexico should be required not only to indemnify our citizens for all damages done to person and property, but also to abolish its "Free Zone" and to pay the cost of maintaining the U. S. army along the Rio Grande, whose employment there is rendered necessary by these disturbances and unlawful incursions.
No Regular Ticket, But Independents in Alabama
Washington, April 24
The Republican Congressional Committee is holding meetings and getting ready for the next canvass. The secrets of the committee are guarded with uncommon care, but it is known that a thorough reorganization is to be made. Especial attention is to be given to the South, particularly Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. The Republican Party in those States is thought to have elements of vitality left, and everything possible will be done to stimulate it. In close districts in Louisiana and Mississippi the committee will not advise the nomination of a Republican ticket, but suggest the "independent" candidates be encouraged to run, for whom the colored vote should be cast. This plan is strongly recommended by leading Republicans, in at least two districts in Louisiana, one in Mississippi, two in Alabama, and one in Georgia.
They think South Carolina is a hard nut to crack, and will not waste much money or time in it. The committee however has great hopes of Louisiana. From reports made to it, the opinion is that the Republicans have a fair change to carry two of the districts that are now Democratic, besides holding the one they have. The Administration is informed that there is great dissatisfaction among certain Democratic leaders at the course of things, and that a judicious use of the money and some patronage would be such a split as would be beyond healing.
As had been said, it is not the policy of the Republicans to nominate straight out men of their own party, when the result is at all doubtful, but the foment disagreements among the Democrats and cast their votes for the candidate with whom a confidential understanding will be considered. No particular effort will be made to carry the legislative districts in the States named, but everything will be concentrated on the election of Independents, who will vote with Republicans whenever they are needed.
The Tuskaloosa Times speaks encouragingly of the present condition and prospects of the University of Alabama as follows: "The University is now in a more encouraging condition than it has been this season. The sanitary state of the corps is good; their deportment is unexceptional; and they seem to be studying with great earnestness. All things predict successful examinations and interesting exhibitions at commencement. The ability of the Faculty and management of the Institution should command the consideration of the patrons of learning in the State, so that the catalogue may be larger next session than ever before.
According to the Elmira (N. Y.) Advertiser, nine out of every ten poor houses in the State are so managed that paupers fare worse than hogs in a good farmer’s pen. The sick die without attention, the dead are buried like brutes; and children are taught profanity, obscenity and vile wickedness.
The somewhat singular announcement is made that the Negroes are to hold a convention in Charlotte, N. C., on the 16th of September next, the object of which is to petition the lawmaking powers of the country to restore the whipping post for stealing and other grievance. Stephen McCorkle, a colored man is at the head of the movement, and he says there will be delegates from several of the Southern States.
San Francisco, April 28
It is reported by parties who claim to be in the plot that in the anticipation of the breaking out of hostilities between England and Russia a movement is on foot to fit out a privateer to prey on British commerce. Letters of marquee from the British Government are already here in blank waiting for the declaration of war. Negations are under way for the purchase of one of a number of steamers now laid up in Almada Creek. Capt. Waddell, late of the wrecked Pacific mail steamer City of San Francisco, formerly in command of the Rebel privateer Shenandoah, is mentioned as the probable commander and Capt. Lapidge, late of the Pacific mail service is named as one of the officers. From other sources it is learned that the Russian corvette Craysse, now lying in position, is prepared for instant action, and the object of her long delay here is to obtain the earliest possible news of the outbreak of hostilities and at once to proceed to sea and lie in wait for the British vessel bound to this port. It is understood that with the exception of the corvette Opala, and the small gunboat Rockett, at Victoria, and the frigate ship which is supposed to be somewhere in the neighborhood of Panama, there is not a single British was vessel on the North Pacific to interfere with the designs of the Russian cruiser, and it is possible that vessels at Victoria would be detained there for defensive purposes.
The decline of American shipping is due the fact that the navigation laws exclude the purchase of foreign-built ships, and the tariff includes the purchase of the material most largely needed to build American ships. The Bureau of Statistics has published a table of the exports and imports of the United States from 1821 to 1877, showing what percentage of the exports and imports were carried during these years by United States vessels and what by vessels of foreign nations. The table is one that is very instructive, and sheds a good deal of light upon a matter which it to us of great commercial interest. It has been the habit of many journalists and public speakers to ascribe the loss to our ocean carrying trade to the depredations of the Alabama and her consorts, and the consequent transfer of American vessels to foreign owners during the progress of our civil war. It will surprise many to learn that although these causes accelerated the decline in our ocean carrying trade they did not produce it. The transfer of the trade from America to foreign bottoms had been going on for many years before 1861, and the process was so steady and uniform – making due allowance for tribal fluctuations – that even if there had been no war between the North and South the ultimate result would not have been very different from what it is now. Senator Blaine entirely misstated the case when, in his speech before the tariff demonstration at Chester last week, he claimed that the Alabama and Admiral Semmes were responsible for the decadence of our shipping. Everything else has gained renewed growth since 1864 why has not the shipping? If the causes assigned by the Maine Senator are the true causes, why does the decline continue thirteen years after the causes themselves have ceased to exist? It is twenty years since the panic and prostration of 1857, and it is thirteen years since the Confederate cruisers swept the high seas – and in this time the trouble, instead of growing lighter, has grown heavier. We have not even begun to regain our lost supremacy on the seas. The statistics to which we allude prove conclusively that the steady decline of our ocean carrying trade from 1826 to the present time must be due to other causes than our civil war, and that even the lighter tariff of the years that preceded the war had no perceptible effect in checking the downward progress. As the skill of our American shipwrights has never been called in question, or their ability to build as stout and as fleet ships and at as little cost as the ship builder of any other nation, it is obvious that the loss of our carrying trade cannot be attributed to heavier cost of vessels or to defective workmanship. The causes of the decay of the American mercantile marine must therefore be looked for elsewhere. The principal of these were the gradual substitution by foreign ship owners, and especially by England, of steam for sails and of iron for wood. The quicker passages made by ocean steamers and the general regularity in their time of arrival and departure not only facilitated commercial exchanges, but their shorter passages compensated for the increased charges for freight. Wooden sailing ships could not compete with them. These ocean steamers were afloat and active before American ship owners realized the revolution that was taking place in the mercantile marine, and iron became the material out of which those steamships were built so long before American shipwrights were prepared to abandon wood, or which we had such superior abundance, or had the machinery requisite for working in that department in iron, that it is only recently they have entered into competition with the builders on the Clyde. That our American builders will yet, under a proper tariff, successfully compete with them, there can hardly be a doubt.
We have been watching with deep interest, says the Mobile Register, the constantly increasing activity of the friends of aspirants to Gubernatorial honors. We notice that the question of locality seems to be considered on of weight in the contest. On that ground, to say nothing of other reasons, East Alabama can certainly present the strongest claims. Cobb from the North, Langdon from the South, Stone from the West and Barnes from the East; was for some time the list; but no Hon. Eli Shorter looms up. And while we have always admired him, we think he stands no chance for the nomination himself, and injures the chances of other gentlemen who are leading him in the race. It seems to us as the matter now stands that the race is between Langdon, Cobb and Barnes, with the chances in favor of Barnes, because East Alabama and that part of the State controlled by Mr. Shorter will likely support Mr. Barnes. Then, too, there is a strong influence brought to the support of East Alabama’s candidate growing out of the Senatorial fight. If it turns out that North and South Alabama will have to compromise, (the antagonism is chiefly between those two sections) then we think that they will choose Mr. Barnes. So, all things considered, we believe East Alabama stands a fair chance to give the State her next Governor.
Slowly, but with a considerable degree of certainty, says a contemporary, the negotiations over the Eastern question are bringing about a complication that will infallibly result to arrange a compromise are not proving very successful. Russia is unwilling to submit all the points of the San Stefrno Treaty to the proposed Congress, and England insists that none of the cover exclusive Russio-Turkish questions. Over this obstacle, the negations bid fair to, sooner or later, come to a stand-still. In the mean-time, both Russia and England are preparing for war most earnestly and actively. At the present it looks somewhat as if Austria would be found upon England’s side, although Russia is straining every nerve to isolate England. An uncertain element in the situation is Turkey. The government apparently inclines towards Russia, while the army, which still contains 90,000 veterans, and the people are pro-English. Both Russia and England are, as a natural consequence, distrustful of Turkey.
ARTICLE - from Montgomery Advertiser
An extraordinary financial event in a small way, is the appreciation of the greenback in San Francisco above gold, for small payments. The San Francisco Bulletin says that but for a fear of some kind of paper expansion greenbacks would soon pass into circulation in California. They have for some time been more valuable there than subsidiary silver. Greenbacks have been sold for 3 percent, premium in silver. As the premium on gold, at the same time, as based on subsidiary silver was only 240 percent, it follows that on small transactions greenbacks are more valuable than gold. This appreciation has restricted the use of the notes in post office circles, subsidiary silver being used instead, so far as possible. The operation results in sending this coin to the office of the sub-treasurer, and thus relieving the market from a portion of the heavy discount. The late appreciation in subsidiary character in San Francisco, and the discount is now smaller than it has been in over two years.
R. C. MCLESTER, T. N. HAYES, J. A. MCLESTER. MCCLESTER, HAYS, & CO., Cotton buyers and dealers in groceries, boots and shoes, hats, dry goods and general merchandise. Northport, Alabama.
The Old Reliable! Has now is store the largest and most attractive stock of Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to this marker. The Department of Dress goods contains every novelty of the season, consisting of Plain and Fancy Dress goods, white goods, domestics, prints, etc. The Ladies and Misses Department of hosiery, corsets, fine shoes, hats, straw goods, trimmings, etc. cannot be excelled. The Department for Gents is supplied with full assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, latest styles of hats, underwear dress shirts, furnishing goods, boots, shoes, etc. The Grocery Department contains a full line of staple and family groceries; also a full line of crockery, glassware, woodenware, tinware, hardware, drugs, medicine, etc., etc., etc. No trouble to show goods; so call and examine my stock. Terms – Cash or credit. Special inducements to cash customers. A. A. SUMMERS
GEORGE W. RUSH. Dealer in dry goods, boots, shoes, hats, glassware, woodenware, tinware, family staple, and fancy groceries. Having purchased the entire stock of MR. JESSIE TAYLOR, I will continue the business at his old stand. MR. G. C. BURNS, and the REV. T. W. SPRINGFIELD, will be found behind the counter, where they will be pleased to serve their friends in prices and quality of goods to defy competition.
LITTLE WILKINSON, & CO. Late Paregrove, Little & Co. Wholesale Grocer’s. 48, 50, and 52 North Commerce Street. Mobile, Alabama.
LIVE OAK SALOON. JOHN T. BURROW & Co., Prop’r. Vernon, Alabama. Have in stock and will keep on hand a full assortment of whiskies, brandies, and wines, form the purest and best to cheapest grades. Tobaccos – chewing and smoking – cigars, snuts, etc. etc. While "warming up" the inner man, we will also keep on hand a full assortment of substantial such as: oysters, sardines, crackers, etc. MR. L. S. CASH will be behind the counter and will attend to the wants of his many friends upon strictly CASH terms.
HYDE, SHATTUCK & CO. Manufacturers of Breech Loading Shot Gun, Revolvers and Pistols, gun implements. Extra heavy guns for long ranges a specialty. Cut this out and send for Catalogue and price list, enclosing 3-cent stamp. Hatfields, Hampshire Co, Mass.
Are you going to paint? Then use Miller Bro. Chemical Paint. Ready for use in white and over one hundred different colors made of strictly pure white lead, zinc and linseed oil chemically combined warranted much Handsomer and cheaper and to last twice as long as any other paint. It has taken the first premium at twenty of the state fairs of the Union and is on many thousand of the fine houses of the country. Address. Miller Brothers, 22, 31, & 33 St. Clair Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Sample cards sent free.
THE PIONEER. Vernon, May 3, 1878.
MISS AGNES SUMMERS left this week on a visit to friends in Columbus, Miss.
There was another heavy rain this afternoon, accompanied by a shower of hail. Severe and destructive wind and hail storms are reported from various portions of the State.
We hear of some rust in wheat, but on the whole, the crop is represented as unusually promising
Perpetual motion has been discovered in Vernon. It is the game of croquet.
MRS. SAMUEL SHIELDS has gone to visit friends and relatives in Aberdeen, Miss.
The incorporated pitchers have suspended specie payment. The dollars have been called in.
COL. THOS. B. NESMITH, Solicitor of the 3rd Judicial Circuit, has returned, after an absence of several weeks, attending the different Courts in the District.
MR. THOMAS MARLER and his lady spent the first of the week in Columbus, attending the wedding of MR. GEO. S. EARNEST and MISS ADA SMITH.
The festive William goats who were wont to gladden the aged eyes of Uncle Kim with their sportive gumbols, now rendezvous at Moscow. Let us have peace.
LITTLE BEATTY SMITH, son of MR. AND MRS. DR. SMITH, of the Pioneer, while riding in a buggy at Mobile, was thrown from the vehicle, breaking his collar bone.
MR. GEORGE EARNEST and lady have taken up their residence at the Hotel de Lawrence. Uncle Ned gave them a grand blow out Wednesday, in the shape of a splendid dinner.
COLLECTOR WOODS will from the door of the Court House on Monday the 6th of May within the hours prescribed by law, for cash, sell the lands on which the taxes have not been paid.
From the amount of squawking some of the young ‘uns have been giving vent to during the last few days, we would suppose that the rod, in the hands of the paternal ancestor, was the cause of all this infantile outburst.
ORANGE BLOSSOMS – At Columbus, Miss., on the 30th of April, MR. GEORGE S EARNEST, of Vernon and MISS ADA SMITH, of Columbus, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. We tender our congratulations to George and his fair bride, and wish them an eternal honeymoon of happiness.
MR. JOHN T. BURROW has just received a large and choice stock of wines, liquors, brandies, &c, also a full line of eatables, such as oysters, sardines, crackers, cheese, &c. The debonair Stephen is behind the counter, and is ever ready and willing to attend to all who may call.
Those wanting or needing anything in the tailoring line, or patterns, would do well to call upon MR. R. A. GAINS, who proposes to remain in Vernon a few weeks longer. Mr. Gains is an A1 tailor and cutter. His terms are unusually reasonable, and his work has given satisfaction to those who have patronized him.
SHERIFF LACY will expose for sale, at the Court House door, in Vernon, within the hours prescribed by law, to the highest and best bidder, for cash on Monday, the 6th of May, one fine gold watch, open face, English lever, together with one hair safety chain with gold trimmings. This will be a good chance for some one to purchase a splendid watch, as it has been pronounced by competent judges as of a superior make.
Don’t forget to attend the beat meetings on next Saturday.
He’s been to Columbus again. Returned late Tuesday evening, and was caught crawling into his office through the back window, about daylight, Wednesday morning.
Fayette County sends JOHN B. SANFORD, A. A. WALDEN, HOLLAND M. BELL, GUSTAVUS LEGG, and W. A. MUSGROVE as delegates to the State Convention.
The people should build a railroad from here to Columbus, if for no other reason than that of The Pioneer getting its paper more regular. Within the last three weeks we have been disappointed no less than half a dozen times in not receiving it; so gentlemen, if you do not construct a railroad very soon, we will get mad, and will build a miniature one for our own special use.
The Mobile Register says the first of the Sipsey steamers landed at the Wharf yesterday, bringing a cargo consisting of cotton and staves. She had on board a sample of the coal from the Sipsey River coal fields, which compares favorably with the best coals in the market. A second boat will arrive in a few days, loaded with his coal, and consigned to Danner & Co., of our city.
Good news to Drovers. MR. W. J. NORTHINGTON, who resides one and a half miles southwest of Millville, or what is know as the Wolfe Road (the direct route from Russellville, Ala to Aberdeen and Columbus, Miss) intends to make extensive arrangements for the accommodation of drovers for the coming season. Mr. Northington is one of our best and most reliable citizens, and we cordially commend him to the notice of our friends from Tennessee and Kentucky.
This morning, MR. JEFF. MOLLOY, while sawing some stock, at Morton’s Mills, was caught or thrown under the sash, which holds the saw, and after being dragged up and down by the movement of the saw three times was thrown down into the water below. Mr. Molloy is terribly bruised, but the extent or probable result of his wounds are not yet known. We extend him and his family our sympathy in the misfortune.
Our thanks are due the HON. G. W. HEWITT, our attentive and active representative in Congress, for continued favors. Col. Hewitt is not only a great favorite with the Pioneer, but is highly appreciated by the people of Lamar.
Office of the Democratic and Conservative Exec. Committee of Lamar County.
Vernon, March 20th, 1878
To the Democratic and Conservative voters of Lamar County:
By virtue of the authority vested in us, we hereby call a convention of the Democratic and Conservative party of Lamar County, to meet at the Court House, at 10 am in Vernon, on Monday, the 13th day of May 1878, for the following purposes:
To elect 6 delegates to represent the county of Lamar in the State Democratic Convention, which meets in Montgomery on Wednesday, the 29th day of May next.
To select 6 delegates to represent the county of Lamar in the 12th Senatorial District Convention, if one called.
To select an Executive Committee for Lamar County, for the ensuing term of two years.
To nominate a candidate to represent the County of Lamar in the Lower House of the next General Assembly.
You are therefore urgently requested to meet in beat conventions, at your respective voting places, on Saturday the 11th day of May, for the purpose of selecting your delegates to the County Convention under the following apportionment:
Town Beat, 18 delegates; Lawrence 6; Sizemore, 4; Browns, 6; Henson Springs, 6; Millvill, 10; Pine Springs, 6; Moscow, 20; Betts, 14; Wilsons, 10; Trulls, 6; Stricklands, 6; Steins, 5; Vails, 4; Millport, 6.
The various beats are requested to take up a collection, at their meetings, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of delegates to the State Convention and to send up such collections by their delegates.
By order of the Committee,
SID. B. SMITH, Chairman.
12th Senatorial District April 17, 1878
To the Democratic and Conservative Voters of the 12th Senatorial District
By virtue of the authority vested in us, as the Executive Committee for the 12th Senatorial District, composed of the counties of Lamar, Franklin, Fayette, and Marion, we hereby call upon the voters of the Democratic and Conservative party of said District to meet in Convention on Monday, the 17th day of June next, at Pikeville, Marion County, for the purpose of nominating a candidate to represent the said 12th Senatorial District for the ensuing term of four years.
Each county will be entitled to the same number of delegates as to the Sate Convention.
SID B. SMITH, for Lamar Co.
J. E. WILSON, for Franklin Co.
S. H. DARDEN, for Fayette Co.
M. T. AKERS, for Marion Co
Inflamed with piscatorial enthusiasm, three fishers, late yesterday evening, tempted the "boskey mazes" of Yellow Creek Swamp. Embowered in the green wood, intent upon their sport, amid the croaking of bullfrogs and the serenade of the profanity inspiring mosquito, they heeded not the deep shades of night that settled upon them in Cimmerian darkness, and sat silent and watchful, occasionally drawing out a luckless cat, amid a silence that was only broken by an occasional fervid ejaculation, as an over zealous mosquito probed them to the quick with his ever ready lance. But one of them, whose cuticle would vie in toughness with that of the rhinoceros that browses by Limpopo’s turbid wave, scorned his tiny assailants, and seemed impervious to everything, except the influence of the drowsy god. Seated upon a knoll that beetled over the racing water, he had been watching his cork, until soothed by the lullaby of the nocturnal insects, his heavy eyelids closed; his head swayed gently forward and back; his jaws relaxed, and from his nasal caverns issued the usual anthem of snores which heavy slumberer are wont to sing to Morpheus. Each moment his swaying increased, until equilibrium suddenly forsook its throne, and there was a short, sharp snort – a sudden splash – a loud yell – which had certainly an unmistakable touch of agony, as the icy waters overwhelmed him. A wild scramble for terra firma amid sputtered oaths, and he is once more upon Mother Earth, and wide awake. Such an utter stranger had water been to his person heretofore, that its exhilarating effects became at once evident, and seemed to lend wings to his imitation. He at once concocted a marvelous fish story, and dwelt in glowing terms upon the size and strength of the monster cat that had pulled him, like a feather, into the water, and was ------for his loss, upraiding his ill luck with eloquent strain. His companions listened, and smile a smile of incredulity, and set about framing a narrative of the event, which, when narrated to the villagers of Vernon, would impart to them at least a part of their own appreciation of it. At last the fish ceased biting, and our fishers, under the guidance of the one who had been so unexpectedly inundated, started on their homeward way. But our friend of the fisherman’s luck seemed to still be in a dazed and demoralized condition. And so intent was his mind upon his visit to the homes of fish, that he would invariably turn up at the scene of his disaster. After leading his companions through tangled jungles, where the treacherous vine either sportively entwined itself about their legs in a manner that was strongly suggestive of a somersault, or spitefully dealt them scratches upon their wearied faces, that extracted the choicest anathema that could adorn the vocabulary of invective.
Finally, wearied with hopeless efforts to thread the labyrinth of woods briers ad vines, they went into camp in the primeval wilds, and after a comforters bivouac, entered Vernon this morning, with appearance that suggested everything else but the consciousness of having a good night’s sport. Two of them, at least were of the opinion that the only silver lining to the cloud of that night’s misery was the highly meritorious duckling of the colleague.
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Under and by virtue of a venditioni exponas to me directed by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lamar County, I will expose for sale at the Court House door, in Vernon, within legal hours to the highest and best bidder for cash on Monday the 6th day of May 1878, the following described property to wit: …(land descr)…sec 3, T16, R 16, lying, being and situate in the county aforesaid, and levied upon as the property of SARAH A HAYS and H. P. HAYS, to satisfy a judgement in favor of THOMAS MOLLOY , for the amount of seventy-five dollars and fifteen cents, with interest and cost of suit.
This the 4th day of April
D. J. LACY, Sheriff.
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Under and by virtue of an order and decree of sale to me directed from the Honorable Probate Court of Lamar County, on the 1st day of April 1878, I will on Monday the 6th day of May 1878, proceed to sell at the Courthouse door, within the hours prescribed by law, for cash, the following prescribed lands, etc. to satisfy the tax and costs due thereon, to wit:
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Estate of JOHN MCADAMS, Deceased
This day came JAMES T. HARRISON, the administrator of said estate, and filed his statement, accounts, vouchers, and evidences for final settlement of his administration. It is ordered that the 9th day of May 1878 be appointed a day on which to make such settlement, at which time all persons interested can appear and contest the said settlement if they think proper.
ALEX COBB, Judge of Probate
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Under and virtue of a venditioni exponas to me directed by the Clerk of the Circuit court of Lamar County, I will expose for sale at the Court House door, at Vernon within the hours prescribed by law to the highest and best bidder, for cash, on Monday the 6th day of May 1878, the following described personal property, to wit: One (1) Gold Watch, open face, English lever, John Johnson, maker, and numbered 6137, together with one Hair Safety Chain, with gold trimmings. Levied on as the property of JOHN L. WELCHEL, to satisfy the costs in a certain prosecution, in which he was defendant, in favor of the State of Alabama. This the 4th day of April 1878.
D. J. LACY, Sheriff
JOHN B. GILLMORE. Blacksmithing and woodwork. Vernon, Ala. Having employed two experienced blacksmiths, BEN BARLOW AND WASH BONMAN for the ensuing year, I am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing, wood work horse-shoeing mending and repairing etc. in first-class order and with dispatch.
The undersigned, desirous of closing out his business in this section offers for private sale the property known as the "MOSCOW FLOURING MILLS" These Mills have a good run of patronage, a good healthy situation, and every convenience for grinding and wool carding. A number one Fin Head and Cotton Press together with 64 acres of good farming lands. Good terms. Easy payments. Apply early to T. G. CANSLER, Moscow, Ala.
The Trustees of the Vernon High School take pleasure in announcing that they have made an arrangement with Rev. W. B. GILLHAM to take charge of their Institution for the ensuing school year – to commence on the 1st Monday in October. Mr. Gillham’s long and successful experience as educator of the youth of both sexes warrant us in giving him our highest endorsement and soliciting for our School a liberal patronage. In view of the great stringency in money matters, a reduction has been made from the usual rates of tuition for the present year. We propose for the present year to have a first class English School, and when the patronage will justify, to add a teacher of ancient and perhaps modern languages. Our school will be divided into the following grades and rates per session of 5 months.
Alphabetical lessons, Spelling, First lessons in Reading, First lessons in Geography and Mathematical Tables. $7.50
Written or Practical Arithmetic, Eng. Grammar, Descriptive Geography, Orthography, Reading, Penmanship, First lessons in English Composition and History of the United States. $12.50
Algebra, Geometry, natural Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Astronomy, English Composition, Rhetoric, Rhetorical Reading, English Grammar completed, Logic and Universal History. $17.50
All tuition fees due on the admission of the pupil, and the payments to be made punctually each quarter (ten weeks) except the first which must be made by the 25th of December. No pupil will be admitted for a less time than the remainder of the session for which he enters, except by special notice at the time of admission. Board including fires, lights, and lodging from eight to ten dollars per month.
Music on Piano, per month $4.00
Use of Instrument per month 1.00
Vocal Music (science of per mo.) 3.00
A contingent fee of 50 cents will be charged each pupil for the purpose of keeping up fires, etc. For further particulars apply to: Trustees: J. D. MCCLUSKEY, ARTY A. SUMMERS, T. W. SPRINGFIELD, JASON GUIN, M. W. MORTON
MUD CREEK ACADEMY. Male and Female. Lamar County Alabama (fifteen miles south of Vernon). The first Session of this Institution will open on the First Monday in October 1877, and continue eight scholastic months. The number of students is limited to 30. Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $7 to $8 per month. Tuition $1 ½, $2, $2 ½, and $3 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. J. M. I. GUYTON, Co., Sup’t Ed. Vernon, Lamar Co. Ala.
$2500 a year. Advice, energetic agents wanted on our Grand Combination Prospectus for 150 Distinct Publications and 100 styles of Bibles and Testaments. Representing Agricultural, Biographical, Historical, Religions and Miscellaneous works of universal inter. A novel feature in canvassing! Sales made from this Prospectus when all single books fail. It contains something to suit every taste and fancy. We are also offering special inducements on our Premium Family Bibles. English and German. Protestant and Catholic. Awarded Superiority over all others for their invaluable aids and superb binding at the Grand Centennial Exposition 1876. Also general and local agents wanted on our the most comprehensive, reliable, and accurate history of the great contest between the Russian and the Turk. With its 800 elegant engravings maps, and plans the most showy desirable and useful book now published. Liberal terms. Particulars free. Address Jon Potter & co. Publishers. Philadelphia
LEROY BREWER, THOS. DUGAN, H. L. HOPPER, C. A. HARRIS – L. BREWER & CO., Wholesale grocers. Dealers in Northern and Western Goods. Retailers and dealers in domestic and imported wines and liquors. Also Cotton Factors and Commission merchants. Agents for Orange Powder Works, Pratt’s Radiant & Astral Oil, California Gold Seal Wine. N. Schaeffer’s Lard and Candles, S. Davis Jr. & Co. Diamond Hams, Blackwell’s Durbam Smok’g Tobacco. Corner of Commerce and St. Louis Streets, Mobile, Ala.
Thorough-bred Hogs & Poultry. I have a few very choice pair of pure-bred chickens for sale, viz: Light and Dark Brahmas, Buff and Partridge Cochins, White and Brown Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, Grey Dorkings, Houdans, Golden Polish and Black Spanish from the "best strains" in the country – Snow White rabbits and guinea pigs. Also breeder of Berkshire Pigs. From imported stock. Prices reasonable. Correspondence solicited. Address W. T. Johns, Nashville, Tenn.
Agents wanted for the Pictorial History of the World. Embracing full and authentic accounts of every nation of ancient and modern times and including a history of the rise and fall of the Greek ad Roman Empires, the growth of the nations of modern Europe, the middle ages, the crusades, the feudal system, the reformation, the discovery and settlement of the New World, etc. It contains 672 fine historical engravings and 1200 large double column pages, and is the most complete history of the World ever published. It sells at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see way it sells faster than any other book. Address, National Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
SID B. SMITH, M. D. – Editor and Publisher
Friday May 3, 1878
"Neither do I condemn thee. Go sin no more."
We met and smiled, and met again,
Smile greeted smile upon the street;
His form and face it seemed to me
To be my fault and fate to meet.
He spake and took my hand in his
And pressed it; Why? I could not tell;
I loved him. I believed him true.
I listened, and I - fell.
He spurns me now, and I have lost
All that was dear to me in life.
They call me "a woman of the town"
I who should be his faithful wife.
He shuns me, hates me; those I knew
Before I drank the cup of grief
Abhor me now, but smile upon
The coward and the thief.
He lives, and moves in circles where
They seem with pride to call his name;
But all the wealth the world commands
Can never frae his soul from share.
He said "He loved me," and it was
The happiest moment of my life;
But now I’m scorned, because I’m called
His woman – not his wife.
He wronged me; and this little child,
I hold so lovingly to my breast,
May never live to know the shame.
He knows ‘tis his – God knows the rest.
Though he should live an hundred years,
And roam about – I do not care,
On land or sea, wake or sleep –
Guilt follows everywhere.
O woman! Woman! Why thus hate
One of your sex? Why not implore
The God of mercy to forgive?
Did He not say, "Go sin no more?"
‘Tis woman’s hate to womankind
That makes our lives a wretched span;
Since you will scorn a woman so,
Oh! Why forgive a man?
I dare not go into your church
And kneel with you in solemn prayer,
And ask God’s pardon for my sin,
For you would scorn me out of there.
But, if the thief of virtue sat
Beside his sister, I’ve no doubt
He would be first to leave his pew –
To come and drive me out.
Tis human nature oft to err,
And sweet forgiveness is divine;
Ah! Where’s the Christian woman who
Would speak to troubled hearts like mine?
Who comes to talk of Christian love,
To one whose heart and soul’s defiled?
Not one among you! God forgive
A mother and her child.
Ye angels holy, pure and good,
Go to our Father – He yet lives;
And tell Him not to scorn me too.
Though women hate me – He forgives;
Teach, O Teach them to forgive,
And let his spirit with them dwell,
That they may show lost souls the way
To heaven – not to hell.
TAKE OFF YOUR COAT, GIBBS – Fresh from the Limestone Region.
Judge: Where did you find this colored man, officer?
Officer: I found him last night hanging around Devlin & Co.’s clothing store. Mr. Devlin has had a good deal of clothing stolen lately, and I brought this man in on suspicion.
Judge: What is your name, prisoner?
Prisoner: Napoleon Bonaparte Gibbs.
Judge: What is your occupation?
Gibbs: I’se travelling agent for the new patent white wash brush, sah.
Judge: Take off your coat, Gibbs.
Gibbs: I hope you ‘scuse me, sah. I’se been troubled lately witd the ‘fluecny in dehead, de ‘zootie, sah. I’se very bad.
Judge: Take off your coat, Gibbs. (Gibbs takes off his coat slowly)
Judge: Ah! Another coat under that; nothing like being well wrapped up, as they say in Alaska when they go a skating. Take off your coat, Gibbs.
Gibbs: I isn’t well, I isn’t sah. De doctor say, Napoleon, you wear plenty clothes. De ‘fluency, sah. (Takes off his coat.)
Judge: Ah! What have we here? A swallow tail! Take off your coat Gibbs.
Gibbs: Dis yere won’t do, Judge. I’se got a stuffiness in de borax, I’se very bad. (Takes off his caot)
Judge: Ah! A double-breasted frock! Take off your coat Gibbs
Gibbs: Dars gwine to be a funeral here dar is, sah. I seels the stuffness rising in de borax (Takes of his coat).
Judge: What’s this? A shooting jacket by the soul of Nimrod! Take off your coat Gibbs.
Gibbs: I’se gwine for a kerpus – I’se getting cold. Dis yere is murder in the first degree. (Takes off his coat.)
Judge: A linen duster. I think I"VE GOT YOU DOWN TO HARD PAN< GIBBS> I shall commit you without bail. Take him down gently, officer, for he is a Lilly – a Lilly of the valley. He toils not, neither does he spin; yet Solomon, in all his glory, was not clothed like him.
"Next!" called his honor, and a lean hatchet faced specimen of the rural districts, with a green cotton umbrella under his arm, stepped up to the railing and inclined his ear towards the judge.
Judge: What is your name?
Prisoner: It was the water, judge. You see I have always lived in a limestone region.
Judge: What is your name? (in alto)
Prisoner: Yes, Judge. I came down last night from Roundout to sell my teasels –
Judge: What is your name? (In alto and robusto)
Prisoner: I am sure judge it was the water. I have always lived in a limestone –
judge. My ----! This man is deaf as an adder. Bore a hole in his ear and ask him his name.
Officer: He uses as ear trumpet your honor.
Judge: Well, then, sound a cavalry charge through it and find out his name.
Officer: (through ear trumpet) – What is your name?
Prisoner: Israel Pudger. I’ve been troubled for the last twenty years, judge, with pneumonia, lumbago, measles, milk sickness and worms. I use cider for the pneumonia, whiskey for the lumbago, gin and tansey for the measles, stone fence for the milk sickness and I feed the worms on rum and molasses. But it was the water that done it judge; the limestone region.
Judge: Officer, tell him I shall discharge him this time, and tell him to return to the limestone region and avoid the sea coast as he would a creditor
The larger cities of Mexico in the high regions of country were located because of their contiguity to mines, at a very early date. The Spanish no sooner found a gold or silver mine that a town arose, and became a permanent site. Such towns are now the capitols of flourishing states, and among them are Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Durango, San Luis Potosi, Trecuillo, and Tlalpujahua. In short, the towns of Nevada are settled on the plan of those of Mexico, as is the case of Gold Hill and Virginia City. At the outbreak of our civil war mining alone in Mexico was a progressive industry and yielded nearly $35,000,000 a year, or about $7,000,000 more annually than under the Spanish in the best years. Spain repressed all other forms of developments as wine, wax, or oil, designing to make her colony take her own products of that character. For thirteen years during the war of independence in Mexico, which was in Madison’s. Monroe’s, and J. Q. Adams, Administrations, the mines were almost neglected. After 1823 European companies with large capital entered the country. The native iron, however, is not utilized, while the mines of precious metal are foolishly built massive, like permanent institutions. At Zachatecas, in a barren region 7,978 feet above the level of the sea, are 35,000 people, and the outworks of the mines look like feudal castles. Millions of dollars were spent on the mining property of Valenciane, to let the mules walk five hundred feet deep into the solid rock, although the product was only 1,00,000 a year. The shaft of the Royer Mine is octangular, twelve hundred feet deep, forty feet in diameter and blasted lean as a tunnel. Many of the Mexican mining shafts are faced with hewn stone, and their buildings are palaces.
The Aztecs understood amalgamating the metals with the native mercury and the Italian sculptor, Benvuento Cellini, pronounced an Altec fish he saw a great work of art, because its gold scales on a silver body had been cast in one mould. In 1537 a Spaniard applied amalgamation to very extensive mine one or two centuries before the Freiberg people discovered it (1786). At Tresmillo, Mexico, in 1800 AD two millions of hundred weight of ore were amalgamated: Spain supplied the quicksilver from her Almaden mine, or 20,000 hundred weight annually. After Mexican Independence, England got the quicksilver trade, and about 1847, the Rothchilds got it and ran the quicksilver up on mankind, cornering the market of the world. This was stopped for a while, by opening mines of quicksilver in California. Mules and horses at the Mexican mines supply the want of water for power. The Indian laborers at the mines sometimes carry up 500 weight of ore, climbing up an inclined tree, nickel for steps. There are four mints in Mexico; Government takes three percent. Thousand of mines are peddled for sales, and in many instances common laborers strike a bonanza and grow rich. Mexican recklessness is largely dependent of the mining lottery. In Tasco Town and Indian and a small foundry proprietor worked $3,000,000 out of an old mine. The white man turned gambler and the Indian shod his horse with silver. The common miners of Mexico are full of Romish superstition; the agriculturists are quiet and responsible.
The mining wealth of Mexico is, undoubtedly, very great. In sulfur it is immense – found in the volcanoes. It produces rubies, topazes, emeralds, opals, carbuncles, in twenty specified localities. Pueblo State, between Mexico and Vera Cruz, --- mountains of marble, porphyry, slate, alabaster. Gypsum and lithorage are common. It has petroleum, naphtha and coal oil. Coal is found near Vera Cruz and in the state of Pueblo, but is not plentiful nor good. There are many mines of lead, zinc, bismuth and copper, eight mines of quicksilver and several of iron. Gold and silver are worked in a majority of the States.
A scientific wonder, equal to the telephone, is reported from France, though, unfortunately, the details are not so carefully given as to make the matter entirely intelligible. It is called the "electric mirror" and consists of a number of reflectors, so arranged along a railroad line that in each is seen the movement of every train on the road. It is stated that in the mirror set up at the station at the end of the line can be seen a picture of everything going on over one hundred miles of the road though how, not clearly stated, but after telephones and phonographs we ought not, perhaps, to doubt that wonders may be wrought by electricity on simple mirrors to greatly extend their reflecting power.
Dr. Hall’s Electric Belts. For the cure of all nerve diseases, without the less derangement of the patient’s habits or daily occupation. This appliance exacts powerful and beneficial influence throughout the whole frame is applicable to either sex, and afford instantaneous relief in the following diseases: Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Lumbago, General Deidilty, Headaches, Dizziness, Impotency, Spermatorrthea, Sexual Exhaustion, Self Abuse, Premature Decay. These belts are the result of the most profound research and experiment in Electrical ---- which permeates the whole frame, and ----- the suffering parts with its---influence. This current assimilates ---- to the Nervous fluid than anything known to Medical Science – hence its ----a s a curative agent. Most especially is the application of Electricity in this form, beneficial to those disorders arising from youthful indiscretion, sexual excess or kissipations (sic) of any kind, whereby the procreative powers are lessened and impotency threatened. No false delicacy or sense of shame should preserve the sufferer, subject to sleepless nights, nightmares, dreams palpitations, of the heart, neuralgia, dimness of sight and other symptoms of nervous debility, applying to the undersigned to the undersigned for relief. These Belts are light, perfectly flexible, and easily adjusted, all of which, together with their cheapness, renders them superior to any other form for the application of Electricity, medicinally. 50,117 of these belts were sold in Europe in the year 1876. Electricity is Life. And no remedy can be compared to it for the treatment of Impotence and loss of nervous vitality. This Belt is recommended by the most eminent physiologist of this country and Europe. Ingenious, wonderful – d death blow to the old system of drugging – London, Eng. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Hall’s Electric Belt and consider it one of the greatest blessings to mankind that has been put before the public. Dr. De Barr – Paris. ….Dr. James Hall & Co., 219 West 30th Street, New York.
$200,000. Greatest. In order to clear out our stock of very superior Gold-plated Jewelry valued at over $200,000. We will send as below, 20 pieces, all warranted gold-plated, for $1.00. 1 pair gold stone sleeve buttons. 1 pair engraved sleeve buttons. 1 set pointed studs, 1 set amethyst studs, 1 wedding ring……..Take your choice. The entire lot of 20 pieces sent post paid for $1.00 or any 8 pieces you choose for 50 cents. Now is the time to make money. These can easily be retailed at $10.00. F. Stockman, 27 Bond Street, N. Y.
Graff’s Improved Potash or lye is the best family soap maker. Warranted as Represented! Ask your grocer for it! Dept 104 Reade Street, New York.
$7.50 Saved. Buy the improved Victor Sewing Machine. It is so simple in construction and runs so easily that a child can operate it. It has the straight, self-settling needle, our improved shuttle, with a perfect tension, which does not change as the bobbin becomes exhausted. All the wearing points are adjustable, and it combines every desirable improvement. Every machine is sent our ready for use, after being thoroughly tested. Notwithstanding the great reduction in prices we continue to use the best material and exercise the greatest care in the manufacture. Victor Sewing Machine Co. Principal Office Middleton, Conn.
ORIGINAL GOODYEAR’S RUBBER GOODS – Vulcanized rubber in every conceivable form. Adapted to Universal use. Any article under four pounds weight can be sent by mail. Wind and Water Proof garments a specialty. Our cloth surface coat combines two garments in one. For stormy weather it is a neat and tidy overcoat. By a peculiar process the rubber is put between the two cloth surfaces, which prevents smelling or sticking even in the hottest climates. They are made in three colors – Blue, Black, and Brown. Are light, portable, strong, and durable. We are now offering them at the extremely low price of $10 each. Sent post paid to any address upon receipt of price. When ordering, state size around chest, over vest. Reliable parties desiring to see our goods, can send for Trade Journal giving description of our leading articles. Be sure and get the "Original Goodyear’s Steam Vulcanized" fabrics. Send for illustrated price-list of our celebrated Pocket Gymnasium. Address carefully, Goodyear’s Rubber Curler Co. 697 Broadway, P. O. Box 5156, New York City.
For the campaign. Vernon Pioneer. The Best advertising medium in West Alabama and East Mississippi. Subscribe now. State and congressional, the meeting of the general assembly, state and county. Affairs will be specifically important and interesting throughout the entire year. Every beat in the county should get a club for us supporting their county paper. Improvements. We have a new hand at case and will soon have our new dress, head, &c., when we purpose to publish the neatest and most interesting paper in the State.
Welded Steel and Iron Triple Flange Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. Patent inside bolt work and hinged cap. No safe complete without it. W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 34 Maiden Lane. Near William St. New York
DR. TUTT’S EXPECTORANT is the best genial balsam ever used by sufferers from pulmonary diseases. It is composed of herbal products, which have a specific effect on the throat and lungs; detaches from their cells and irritating matter; causes it to be expectorated, and at once checks the inflammation which produces the cough. A single dose relives the most distressing, soothes nervousness, and enables the sufferer to enjoy quiet rest at night. Being a pleasant cordial, it tones the weak stomach, and is specially recommended for children. What others say about Tutt’s Expectorant. Had Asthma Thirty years……TUTT’S PILLS ….. TUTT’S HAIR DYE indorsed.
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