Historical Newspapers Lamar County, Alabama
Transcribed by Veneta Aldridge McKinney Thanks Veneta.
Microfilm Ref Call #373
Microfilm Order #M1992.4466
The Alabama Department of Archives and History
Volume IV Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. October 11, 1878 No. 14
FRANCIS JUSTICE. Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Pikeville, Marion Co., Alabama. Will practice in all the Courts of the 3rd Judicial District.
SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Alabama. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims.
JNO. D. MCCLUSKEY, Attorney At Law and Solicitors in Chancery – Vernon, Alabama - Will practice in Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.
GEO. A. RAMSEY, Attorney At Law, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the various courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to Supreme Court and U. S. District Court’s business.
EARNEST & EARNEST. W. R. EARNEST and GEO. S. EARNEST, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Birmingham and Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of this Judicial Circuit.
NESMITH & SANFORD – T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.
THOS. B. NESMITH. Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.
WILLIAM R. SMITH, Attorney At Law. Tuskaloosa, Ala. Will give prompt attention to all businesses trusted to his care. Will practice in the Federal Courts, at Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.
DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., A. L. MORTON and M. W. MORTON. Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.
SID. B. SMITH, M. D. Surgeon & Physician. Vernon, Alabama. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Office – at Pioneer office.
P. X. SMITH, Manufacturers and dealer in guns, rifles, pistols. Caledonia, Miss. Chicken gaffs made to order. Gun and lock repairing done at short notice and at low figures. Second hand guns, pistols and country produce taken in exchange. All work warranted.
Agents Wanted. Latest Improved and Best Family Sewing Machines! The Philadelphia has all the latest improvements, and is made of the very best materials, using a long, large, easily threaded shuttle, in a word, it is THE Sewing Machine for family use. Large, Strong, and light running. Fully warranted in every particular, and retails for twenty-five dollars and upwards. Address. Philadelphia Sewing Machine Co. 141 N. Seventh St. Philadelphia.
He was whistling over his work, careless, from long custom, of the solemn significance of the letters her was cutting in the white marble. The June sun was nearly at the end of the day’s journey, sinking slowly to rest upon the bosom of the broad Atlantic, whose waves washed the shores of the little seaport town of Montkton. A stranger handsomely dressed in gray, with large lustrous brown eyes, came to the fence that was around the yard where the stone cutter worked, and read the lettering, almost completed, upon the tombstone:
The last six was nearly completed. A strange pallor gathered for a moment upon the stranger’s face, and then he drew a long, deep breath, and said:
"Is not ten years a long time to be cutting letters on a tombstone, friend?"
"Eh, sir?"
The stone-cutter looked, shaded his eyes with his brown hand, as he turned his face to the setting sun.
"This is 1876," was the grave reply, "and Hiram Goldby has been ten years under the waves."
"Well, sir, that’s the question – is he there?"
"Is he there? Your stone tells us he is and has been for ten years."
"Yes, sir, so it does – so it does. And yet she has ordered it. She came over a week or so back with a worried look upon her sweet face that I have never seen anything but patience in the ten long years, and she said to me: ‘You may cut a stone, Davy,’ she says, ‘and put it up in the churchyard, and I don’t want to see it. I’ll pay you whatever you choose to ask, Davy’ she says ‘but he’s not dead, and don’t want a tombstone." "Lor, mum’ says I, ‘he’d a turned up all these years if he was not dead.’ But she shook her pretty head, the prettiest I ever seen, sir, and said she: ‘My heart never told me that he was dead, Davy and I’ll never believe it till my heart tells me so."
"His sweetheart?" questioned the stranger.
"His wife, sir – his loving, faithful wife, that’s had property, and loneliness and misery, her full share, and might ha’ bettered herself."
"How was that?"
"Mr. Miles, sir, the richest shop owner hereabouts, he waited patiently seven long years, trying to win her. Then he said that she was free even if Hiram did come back."
"Enoch Arden," muttered the stranger.
"What did you say, sir?"
-------(HUGE CHUNK CUT OUT)--------
"I see them."
"Well, sir, with this one wreck thirty-three years ago, there was nothing washed ashore but a bit of a girl-baby three or four years old, with a skin like a lily leaf, and great black eyes. Hiram Goldby found her on the rocks. He was a boy of twelve years, strong and tall, and he carried the child in his arms to his mother. You may see the cottage, sire, the second white one on the side of the hill"
"I see it."
"Well, Hiram took the baby there, and Mrs. Goldby was the same as a mother to it – a good woman, God bless her son! – the Widow Goldby."
"Is she dead, then?"
"Aye, sir, six years agone. The baby I was telling you of, sir, talked a foreign lingo, and was dressed beautiful in rich clothes that must have cost a power of money. But never would Hiram or the widow sell them, putting them carefully in case the child was ever looked for. She was that pretty, sir , and that dainty, that everybody called her Pearl, though she was not like our girls, but afraid, always deadly afraid of the sea. I have seen her clench her might of a hand and strike at it, for she had a bit of a temper in her, though nothing to harm.
When Hiram made his first voyage, for they were all sea-faring men hereabouts, and there was nothing for a lad to do but ship, the Pearl was just a little washed-out lily, a fretting until he came home again. And it was so whenever he went, for they were sweethearts from the first time he nestled her baby face on his breast when he picked her up from the wreck. She was sixteen when they were married as near as we could guess. Hiram was a man of twenty-four. She prayed him to stay at home then, and he stayed a year, but he fretted for the sea again. It was just pitiful to see her go about, as white as a corpse, never looking at the sea without a shudder like a death chill. All through the war it was just awful, for Hiram enlisted on a man-o’-war, and Pearl was just a shadow when he came home the last time."
"After the war?"
"Yes, sir; but he made no money of any account and so went away again, after staying at home a long spell. Well, he never came back. – "Twasn’t no matter of use telling Pearl he was lost. Not a mite of mourning would she wear, even after his own mother gave him up and went in black for, sir, it stands to reason he’s dead years ago."
"It looks so."
"Of course it does; nobody doubts it but Mrs. Goldby. Old Mrs. Goldby’s last words were ‘I’m going to meet Hiram,’ and they say the dying know. She wore mourning for her who had been the only mother she knowed of, but not weeds. Weeds was for widows, she said, and she was not a widow."
"But the stone."
"Well, sir, I am coming to that. A year ago a fine gentleman from France came here hunting for a child lost on the coast. He had heard of Pearl by happen chances, if there be such, and he came here. When he saw the clothes, he fainted like a woman."
"She was related, then?"
The stranger’s voice was husky, but the sea air was growing chill.
"Her father, sir."
"He took her away?"
"He tried to. He told her of a splendid home he had in New York, for he followed his wife and child, sir, to the city they had never reached. He was rich and lonely. He begged his child to go, but she would not. ‘Hiram will come here for me,’ she said, and he must find me where he left me.’
"On what has she lived?"
"Sewing, sir, mostly. The cottage was old Mrs. Goldby’s and bless you Pearl did not each much more than a bird, and her dresses cost next to nothing. Her father came off and n to see her until April, when he died, and left our Pearl all his fortune and the grand house in New York. But she’ll not go, sir; she’ll die here waiting for Hiram, who’ll never come.
The stranger lifted his face that had been half hidden in his hand and said: "There was a shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean, years and years ago, Davy, and one man only was saved – saved, Davy, by savages who made him a slave, the worst of slaves! But one day, this sailor saved the life of the chief’s daughter, who was in the coils of a huge snake, and the chief released him. More than that he gave him choice spices and woods and sent him aboard the first passing ship. So the sailor landed in a great city, sold his presents, and put the gold in safe keeping. Then he traveled until he reached the sea-port town where he was born, and coming there at sunset, heard the story of his life from the lips of a man cutting his tombstone."
Not a word spoke Davy. Standing creet, (sic) he seized an immense sledgehammer, and with powerful blows from strong uplifted arms, dashed the marble all to pieces. Then, panting with exertion he held out his brawny hand to the stranger – a stranger, no longer.
"I’ve done no better work in my life than I’ve done in the last five minutes, Hiram. Go home, and make Pearl’s heart glad. Go to her, man, and the Lord’s blessing be upon both of you.
So, grasping the hard, brown hand, Hiram Goldby took the path to the little white cottage where he had been born forty-five years before. It was not the grand house, Pearl’s heritage in New York, but Pearl herself was there.
She had been sewing, but her work was put aside, and presently she came to the open window and drew aside the curtain. She did not see the tall figure closely against the wall in the narrow porch, but her dark eyes looked mournfully toward the sea, glimmering in the half light.
"My darling!" she said, "are you dead, and has your spirit come to take mine where we shall part no more?"
Only the wash of the waves below answered her. Sighing softly she said: "I s my darling coming? I feel him so near me that I could almost grasp him."
She stretched out her arms over the low windowsill, and a low voice answered her: "Pearl! Pearl!"
The arms that had so long grasped only empty air, were filled them, as Hiram stood under the low window.
"Do not move, love," she whispered, pressing her soft lips to his: "I always wake when you move."
"But now," he said, "you are already awake. See, Pearl, your trust was heaven-given. It is myself, your fond, true husband, little one, who will never leave you again."
"It is true? You have come!" she cried at last, bursting into a torrent of happy tears. "I knew you were not dead. You could not be dead and my heart not tell me." It was long before they could think of anything but the happiness of reunion after the many years of separation, but at last drawing Pearl closer, Hiram whispered – "I walked from J--, love, and am enormously hungry."
And Pearl’s merry laugh chased the last shadows from her happy face, and she bustled about the room preparing supper.
"Supper for two!" se cried gleefully.
The grand house in New York is tenanted by its owners, and Hiram goes to sea no more; but in the summer time two happy people come for a quiet month to the little white cottage at Monkton, and have always listen to Davy’s tale of the evening when he was cutting Hiram Goldby’s tombstone, and ended by smashing it into atoms.
"For," it is the invariable ending of the tale, "Pearl was right, and we were wrong, all of us; for Hiram Goldby was lost at sea, sure enough, but he was not dead, and he came to her faithful love as she always said he would.
It is safe to say that during an epidemic of cholera or yellow fever one third of the victims die of fear. The terrible mortality now desolating Southern cities is undoubtedly augmented by a haunted dread of fatal consequences. Scores of patients would never take yellow fever at all nor die but for scare which disturbs the circulation of the blood and throws the whole physical apparatus off its equilibrium. The fatal effect of fear has been a thousand times demonstrated, but this below is so applicable to the prevailing epidemic that it is worth narrating. The REV. THEODORE CLAPP for thirty years was an indefatigable nurse and philanthropist in New Orleans. He worked night and day during some of the heaviest epidemics of cholera and fever, and was the acknowledged Howard of the whole pastoral fraternity. In his more inexperienced days he waited upon a young married gentleman sick of yellow fever. On the third day, when the fever had reached its crisis, his eager wife insisted that in view of the possible death of her husband he should make a will and requested the clergyman to propose the matter to him. Mr. Clapp refused, saying: "Your husband is full of hope: he has no thought of dying, and if you will let him remain undisturbed until sundown, his danger will be passed." The wife insisted, and the pastor at length yielded. He approached the sick man delicately and after assuring him that he would doubtless be all right in a few days, stated that it was the part of wisdom that every man should make some arrangement as to his worldly goods. "Your lady would like to have you execute a will this morning" gently concluded Mr. Clapp. "Make a will!" cried the patient, "is it possible that I am in any danger of dying!" And at once he lost his courage, and in three hours was a corpse. An unflagging trust in a speedy recovery is better than all the medicine ever compounded by the skill of man. That powerful and mysterious agent, the imagination, has killed more people than the human butchers called warriors.
It is evidently time to get out the maps of Asia, more especially those of Afghanistan and India, which promise to be the theater of the next war. The plump refusal of the Ameer of Cabul to receive or listen to the English Embassy Lion to that extent that the noble animal is lashing his flanks with tempestuous fury as he regards the Ameer, and roaring with equal fury as he scowls at the Bear behind the Ameer, complacently sucking his paw.
The record of Afghanistan’s acquaintance with England is one of disaster to the latter. In 1800, in consequence of Napoleon’s intrigues in Persia, Gen. Elphinstone was sent as an Envoy to the Shah Shuja, then in power. Thirty years later, fearing the advances of Russia, the English sought to restore the Shah Shuja, then a refugee in India, in power. The Afghan Government opposed it, and Elphinstone marched an army into Cabul, and installed Shah Shuja by force, and left 8,000 men, besides the Shah’s own forces, to defend him. In 1841 a revolt broke out, accompanied by a fearful massacre. For a year disaster followed disaster. The principal officers of the army were murdered, and in 1812, when the British made a convention to evacuate the country, it was only a little handful of what had been a powerful army that marched back into India, and the ill-fated garrison had no sooner gone than Shah Shuja was assassinated. To avenge these disasters an army was fitted out in India which destroyed the citadel of Cabul, recovered some of the English prisoners, and , in December 1842, evacuated Afghanistan. Since that time the English have not been in there, but the Russians have, and their Envoy is now in Cabul, and their army under Gen. Kaufman on its borders. Hence the futile attempt of the English mission to warn the Ameer against any Russian alliance.
The destruction of Elphinstone’s army in 1840 produced such a fright in England that the public sentiment has not been favorable to any more invasions of that country. The Russians, however, are now within 300 miles of India, with a force of some 50,000 men, and the Ameer has spurned every offer of English friendship and all their promises to guarantee his independence. He has in fact trusted to the Russians for protection, and we may naturally expect that, under the circumstances, public sentiment will change in England, and that they will rely upon better officers, better armies, and stronger and better troops to escape the fate that overtook Elphinstone. A dispatch in our last issue intimates that the English Government has ordered the massing of an army of 12,000 men of the frontier near Peshawur. It is corroborative of this that the London Times of Sept 10 says: "The Cabinet has not only acquainted Ameer Shere Ali with its intention to dispatch an Embassy to Cabul, but is preparing to back up the Embassy, if the current rumor may be believed, by an army which, at the commencement of the cold season – that is, in six weeks time – would reach Hassan Abdul, between Rawul Rindee and Attock.: - these localities being in the immediate vicinity of Peshawur, in the extreme northwestern corner of India, and at the English end of the Khyber Pass, the gateway into Afghanistan from that direction, and only 180 miles distant from Cabul. It is a significant fact that the Russian force is about the same distance away from Cabul in the opposite direction. The English force is stated by the Times to consist of three infantry divisions and as many brigades of cavalry, or about 15,000 men. In discussing the strategy of the situation, the Times takes the ground that a strong combined division can overthrow any force that can be brought against it, and that, as the great difficulty will be the guarding of communications and the supply of provisions, which must be brought up by convoys, each invading column should consist of but two compact brigades of thoroughly disciplined troops, armed with breech-loaders and supported by the proper proportion of cavalry and artillery. It concludes that to enter Afghanistan will require three columns of about 14,000 men each, and about 18,000 reserves on the frontier, or a total of 60,000 men.
From such details as these it will be seen that the English evidently contemplate a war with Afghanistan as a near event. It will be marvelous if that war is confined within the narrow limits of Cabul. It will be strange if the Ameer has deliberately defied England in the face of an armed force on her borders, upon his own motion and without the promise of protection from Russia. It will be equally strange if there are not this winter fierce mutters in London and St. Petersburg, suggestive interrogatories between the Premiers as to the meaning of this and that, and a general clearing up of the stage preparatory to the first scene in the great drama of Asiatic supremacy.
The latest development of the uses of electricity is its application to certain methods that will transmit power by wire. Just whether this announcement is a clever invention, we are puzzled to decide in the face of Edison’s achievements. Mr. William Wallace of Ansorio, Connecticut, is credited with such an invention, and the New York "Sun" gives a lively account of Edison’s visit to the inventor and endorsement of his work. Mr. Wallace, calls it a telemachon, and the idea is that the power wasted at Niagara Falls could be carried to new York or anywhere else by conductors, which are copper rods. Hence the account gravely says: "if the whole power of Niagara could be utilized it could be distributed over the United States, so as to give from that waterfall alone a power equal to the present entire mechanical force of the world, estimating that one-half of the coal used is solely for mechanical purposes." Whew! The lines may be tapped at any point, and thus this powerful current applied to driving machinery wherever demanded. Says the Sun: "These conducting copper rods may be tapped then at any point where the power is needed, and wires carried into factories just as gas is now carried in pipes through the street. In the factory’s telemachon would be placed of a power great to run the shafting. Thus the entire power required by the state of New York might be taken off along the line of the conductors. The amount of electricity taken off at any point would be readily regulated in the same way in which the current taken from a telegraph battery is regulated – that is by introducing suitable resistance in the local line.
Already, we are told, Mr. Wallace, by means of his instrument, is enabled to transmit the power of Naugutuck River a quarter of a mile. The power of this stream is great enough to drive the ponderous machinery in a factory where three hundred men are employed. "A series of experiment with the instrument has shown that in the transmission of this enormous power of electricity only twenty percent is lost." Edison believes he can assist Mr. Wallace in perfecting his telemachon that the power may be transmitted from one point to another as though it were a telegraphic message.
We omit the long technical description: but are further informed that the electricity from the telemachon may be applied to illumination, and that the factories of Mr. Wallace, the inventor, are now lighted by it, eight electrical lights having the illumination power of 4,000 candles. In addition to driving all the machinery in the Union, the telemachon will illuminate all the cities at cost so trifling as to be laughable. By all odds the telemachon surpasses the useful motor of Mr. Keeley.
The marvelous rapidity with which the inventions of the telephone, phonograph and microphone followed one another will receive permanent record among the memorabilia of science. Reference has already been made to these instruments, and readers will remember that in the two first named a thin disk of metal is thrown into vibration by the human voice. If has been proposed to render these vibrations visible by the use of a film of soap resolution, and the experiments can be effectively made by means of a recently constructed instrument known as the phoneidoscope. This instrument consists of a cylinical L-shaped brass tube, the horizontal limb of which has a cautebone tube ending in a wooden mouthpiece, while the open end of the vertical limb is surrounded by a brass ring that carries a blackened brass disk pierced with an aperture of variable shape and size. This aperture is covered with the film of sap solution, which soon becomes thin enough to show the wondrously beautiful colors familiar to everyone in a sap bubble. On singing near the mouthpiece, the air in the tube is thrown into vibrations, and the soap film at once takes up the motion, which results in the production of many lovely color designs, often arranged in definite form, which, as the film becomes thinner, are sometimes simply superb. Change of pitch and difference of quality effect remarkable changes in the reflected figures, and the shape and size of the film are not without influence, as may readily be observed by using disks with apertures of different forms and magnitude. It is the varied color display that makes this experiment both novel in character and exquisite in demonstration.
Beautiful Concert, Grand PIANOS, ORGANS, Price $1600, only $425. Superb Grand Square Pianos, price $1100 only $255. Elegant Upright Piano, price $800 only $155. New Style upright Pianos $112.50. Organs $35. Organs 12 stops $72.50. Church Organs 16 stops $390 only $115. Elegant $375 Mirror Top Organs only $105. Buyers come and see me at home if I am no as represented, railroad fare paid both ways and Piano or Organ given free. Large Illst. Newspaper with much information about cost of Pianos and Organs sent free. Please address Dan’l F. Beatty, Washington, N. J.
SID B SMITH, M. D. – Editor and Publisher
For Congress – 6th District, BURWELL B. LEWIS, of Tuskaloosa.
The Democratic and Conservative Party of the 6th congressional District of Alabama, recognizing the great financial distress and industrial stagnation which has been brought upon the country by the policy and measures of the Republican party over the united and patriotic opposition of the National Democratic and Conservative party, feel impelled by a sense of duty to the people, not only to denounce the such pernicious policy and measures, but to make the following explicit declarations of principles upon the great questions of Revenue and Finance:
1. We favor the full remonitization of the standard silver dollar, and a free and unrestricted coinage of the same; and the issuance of certificates therefore by the Government for the convenience of the holders.
We favor the restoration of what is know as the legal tender greenback currency to its former proper volume, holding that the rapid and remorseless contraction of the same, under Republican legislation, culminating in the resumption act has been the greatest financial crime ever perpetrated upon a suffering people: and we, therefore, demand an unconditional and immediate repeal of said resumption act.
We hold that the present monopoly of the banking system of the country by one class is undemocratic and dangerous to the great interests of the country, and we favor the gradual retirement of national bank notes and the substitution therefor of the treasury notes of the Federal Government, which shall be made receivable for public dues.
We hold that all bonds of the national government ought to be discharged in legal tender greenbacks, except where it is otherwise expressly provided by the terms of the contract: and that the holders of such bonds should be required to bear their proportionate share of the public burdens; and we further hold that the word "coin" wherever used, includes the standard silver as well as the gold dollar and can be met by either at the option of the payer.
We favor a reduction of the public expenditure, a rigid economy in the administration of every department of the Government, and a tariff for revenue.
We warn our people against the dangers of the combined moneyed powers on the one hand, and of agrarianism and communism on the other, and claim that the only mode of avoiding such perils is by maintaining the integrity of the great Democratic and Conservative party, the only party of the constitution.
In another column will be found the circular address of the HON. WM. R. SMITH, announcing his candidacy for Congress against COL. LEWIS, the Democratic and Conservative nominee.
While we do not follow after the political views in full of JUDGE SMITH, we cheerfully accord him a fair field and a free race; furthermore, (as has always been our rule) our columns are open to him – if his knife be sharper than ours, we are his meat.
The Democracy of North-West Alabama, unlike that of our near neighbors of the black belt – judging from the proscriptive tone of their journals, do not fear a free and open discussion of political subjects. In fact, we rather like opposition, neither has opposition ever hurt the organization of the party in this section, as the result of contest after contest will prove.
As a matter of course, we expect Judge Smith to combine, if he can, to his support all the elements of opposition to organized Democracy. If he can control and does get the Republican and Negro vote, it is his right – we certainly wont refuse them if offered to our side.
We say to our brethren of the South end that, while we expect to do our whole duty in November, it is an useless subterfuge to raise the "color-line" or by innuendo and epithets to expect to keep down opposition – too late to cry "nigger in the woodpile." since you yourselves forced the political recognition and affiliation of the black man upon the hill counties at the last State Convention.
The great question which agitates the country to day is the question of Finance – a question upon which the great Democratic party even is divided, according to local, sectional, and personal interests. This division of financial opinion is among the people as well as the leaders, and both the old parties are making use of it, - as, in some districts, we find a combination of the Greenbackers and Democrats to defeat the Republicans, and in others, we find a combination to be the Republicans and Greenbackers to defeat the Democrats. And, it naturally follows that if such combinations be legitimate (politically) in the one instance, they must be so in the other.
Now, the combination of various minor elements for the sole purpose of hoisting a party into power or defeating the will of a majority, we think, is not only dangerous to political parties, but even more dangerous to the personal and individual liberties of the people at large, and should be frowned down at the ballot box.
Upon this question of finance, Judge Smith announces himself as a Greenbacker, - no political issue is made or taken by him, he claims all mere partisan issues of the day as subservient to the great "money question." Now, is this the true reason for his candidacy, or is it the result of a combination aimed at the organization and unity of the Democratic party of this district? If the former, then let him come before the people to whom he appeals and give them the benefit of his views, that they may vote upon the merits of the question, understandingly.
We cordially invited Judge Smith to meet our people, at any time and place he may select. We will insure him a good audience, attentive hearers and the benefit of all the supporters he may take from our ranks.
The Elections last week may be scored as a Democratic victory. Ohio, by virtue of a separate Greenback State ticket, was carried by the Republican state ticket upon a hard money platform, but the Democrats gained three Congressmen. In Indiana the Democrats elected a majority of the legislature, thus securing the election of a Democrat to the U. S. Senate. The democrats also gained two, if not three, Congressmen. West Virginia shows up a complete victory, Congressmen and all. In Iowa, the Democrats and Greenbackers formed a combination in the 6th and 7th Congressional Districts and elected their men. This, for the first time in twenty years, breaks the solid Republican delegation from that State.
The stoppage of mail trains upon the Mobile & Ohio road having cut us off from the bulk of our exchanges, we have but little late news from the infected districts, we give our readers, however, the benefit of our latest:
NEW ORLEANS, OCT. 11 – From noon yesterday to noon today there were 49 deaths and 164 new cases. Total deaths to date, 11,206 cases and 3,400 deaths.
POINT PLEASANT, 11TH – The fever is spreading in Plaquemine parish – 20 cases and six deaths to date.
On the 10th, there were 15 new cases in ST. BERNARD Parish. Great destitution prevails.
BILOXI reports 29 new cases and one death for the 9th and 10th.
MCCOMBS CITY reports 25 to 30 cases and three deaths from a severe type of fever of a suspicious character.
The fever is reported as being seven miles above and eight miles below NATCHES.
The fever continues spreading in the country near PORT GIBSON, and there is great distress and destitution reported from the infected plantations.
The fever has appeared at TENSAS Parish, Louisiana.
Fifty cases are reported from Dr. Weatherby’s place near St. Joseph.
Chattanooga reports twenty-four new cases and three deaths for the 24 hours ending at four p.m. on the 10th; and the weather as unfavorable.
Memphis reports 22 deaths on the 10th, in the city, and 17 outside the corporation.
The fever has broken out at every station on the Jonesville road, between Memphis and Paris, Tenn., excepting Stanton and Bell’s stations.
There are six genuine cases of fever at Erin, Tenn.
Meridian reports from October the 1st to the 15th, one hundred and sixty cases of sickness. Deaths, forty-three. Under treatment, seventy-two. Mostly colored. Doctors differ about type of disease.
Memphis reports hot weather and fever spreading on the 16th inst.
Chattanooga reports four deaths and twenty-five new cases of which twenty-three are colored on the 16th.
Helena, Ark. on the 16th reported 3 deaths and 4 new cases.
Ocean Springs, Miss. reports 29 deaths and 125 cases on the 16th.
Morgan City, La. reports on 16th 74 deaths, cases 400.
New Orleans reports 6 deaths and 110 new cases on the 16th.
Whistler, Ala. reports 8 deaths and 33 new cases on the 16th.
Mobile 16th – Totals, 73 cases and 23 deaths.
Osyka reports no deaths and no new cases on the 14th.
Lebanon Church reports one new case and no deaths on 14th.
Dry Grove, Miss reports two deaths and no new cases on 14th.
Biloxi, Oct 14. – Deaths, 4, new cases 12 in past 48 hours.
Baton Rouge, La. 14 – Deaths, 8, cases 92 for 24 hours.
Pattersonville, 14 – Fever is spreading in most malignant form.
Bayou Teche, La, 14 – The fever is abating here.
Thibbedeaux, 14 – Deaths, 1, cases 1 in past 24 hours.
Cairo, Ill. Oct 14 – Dr. Blackburn who went to Fulton reports 4 fever cases, no deaths nor new cases today.
In Holmes County, Miss., the Negroes have organized what they call a "Black Greenback Club."
JEFF DAVIS, JR, a son of ex-President Davis was stricken with the fever on the 11th. He was at the time living some 8 miles from Memphis.
One Negro killed another in Columbus, Miss., on the 14th inst.
A "clasp sample envelope" has been approved by the Post Office Department – a small tin box with a moveable clasp, which can be opened without difficulty by the inspectors and be used for the transmission of samples of flour, sugar and powdered substances or small, sharp-pointed instruments, such as come within the class of matter heretofore unmailable, excluding of course liquids, poisons, glass, and explosive substances.
The number of yellow-fever deaths up to last Tuesday night amounted to 9,942. Of this number 3,261 were at New Orleans, 2,088 at Memphis, 1,053 at Vicksburg, 279 at Grenada, 241 at Holly Springs, 268 at Greenville, 121 at Canton, 127 at Hickman, 116 at Port Gibson. It is stated that black vomit is no longer considered a fatal symptom of fever. During this epidemic many having that worst of symptoms have recovered. [ Mont Adv.11th.
It is said that cotton remains unpicked in the vicinity of Vicksburg and other places where the yellow fever has visited. As an instance, JAMES B. FERGUSON, a large farmer, two miles from Vicksburg, usually pressing 200 bales of cotton, says there are seventy five cases of fever on his and adjoining plantations, and he has not more than 1,000 pounds of cotton picked. In this condition of affairs merchants are compelled to refuse further advances of supplies, and many will suffer the actual necessities of life. [ Mont Adv.
To the Voters of the 6th Congressional District
Fellow Citizens:
I am a candidate for Congress. The manner of my becoming a candidate will be bitterly criticized. I will be charged with being a disorganizer – of running against the regular nominee of the Democratic Party. It will be well, however, for those who presume to judge me, first to inquire into the fact as to whether or not according to the prescribed rules of the Convention at Fayette Court House any man was nominated. The facts are, substantially, as I believe, that COL. LEWIS, after COL. STONE had been withdrawn was in a minority for 150 ballots (more or less) being 9 or 10 votes behind COL. HEWITT in most, if not all the ballots. And that while in this minority his majority competitor, COL. HEWITT voluntarily withdrew and left him without a competitor. Thus it appears that COL. LEWIS is a minority nominee; and for this I appeal to the records of the Convention.
But be this as it may, not having participated in the Convention, I feel no obligation to abide its act on: and in pursuance of the policy by which I have been governed in past times I prefer to assume the attitude of appealingly directly to the people.
The time has come when the people have a right to expect from public men an open discussion on both sides of great questions. What good is achieved in the way of enlightening the public mind by the formal repetition of arguments and theories which tend only to bolster up a party or recommend its favorites for office? If Col. Lewis should asset that the Democratic party, in its present organization, is in favor of any particular theory or settled policy on the subject of the public finances, have not the people a right to hear the propositions disputed? If Col. Lewis should asset that the Democratic party of the United States, as a party, is against Resumption, have not the people a right to be taught that Mr. Tilden and his New York adherents are in favor of Resumption – and that if Tilden had been inaugurated President his administrative policy would be – not against, but in favor of Resumption?
If I should assert that Col. Lewis had voted for the Electoral Committee, and thereby, in my opinion, given up the fruits of a great Democratic victory, have not the people a right to expect from him an explanation of the facts and circumstances under which the vote was given? And is this explanation rendered unnecessary because a Convention had nominated Col. Lewis for Congress?
Now, I am earnestly of the opinion that the democratic masses of this district desire and demand to be enlightened in a full and fair discussion on both sides of the great questions of this day; and I believe I am but responding to this general desire and demand in thus stepping to the front and craving their patience and indulgence.
In this canvass I appeal to you, my fellow citizens, mainly upon the record of my past life in Congress – ten years – which record has never been assailed by any of my constituents. I do not remember that any of you ever complained of a single vote given by me, while your servant in that capacity. I will appeal to the old Union Democrats and Whigs to remember that my whole political life, up to 1860, was a war upon the pernicious doctrine of Secession; that, in 1860-61m I was a member of the State Convention, and that in that solemn and dread tribunal, as it was, I did my best to prevent the destruction of our country. I voted against the Ordinance of Secession and refused to sign the fatal Decree. I shall remind those old Union Democrats and Whigs that many of the same politicians, who by their unwise votes or eloquent and exciting speeches, destroyed the prosperity of our beautiful and beloved land, are the same who are now dictating to the people who should fill and who should not fill the public offices.
I claim to be a Jeffersonian Democrat – and I shall remain of that faith, whatever may be the wishes, opinions, and expressions of those who desire to defeat me. They may ignore me, and read me out, but I shall be – still the same.
I consider all mere partisan issues of the day as subservient to the great Money Question. I saw and felt and participated in the great financial revolution (politically) of 1840. I see and fell and expect to participate in the similar great financial revolution (politically) of the present day; and I shall advocate in this canvass, and in Congress; if elected, the financial policy of the Greenback Party.
As this circular is intended simply as an announcement of my candidacy, I will be brief.
I desire my friends to understand the very great difficulties that lie in my path: particularly that all the newspapers in the District are committed against me. From this fraternity of editors I shall expect (without designating any) magnanimity or meanness – the one or the other, according to the nature of the man. I shall appreciate the one and scorn the other. Let it be "war to the knife - and knife to the hilt." It will be all the same to me. I have a vivid, if not proud recollection of the fact that, in 1853, all the newspapers in this district were bitterly hostile to my election. I beat them all – and I can do it again. I do not say this by way of boasting, but to let my friends know that I have traveled along this road before.
To the generous gentlemen who have, by their solicitations, induced me to take this responsible position. I have to say – I expect to do my duty faithfully to the best of my ability. I shall expect you to do your. – If you do not work as you should it will be my misfortune but your fault. There is time enough – but none to lose. I can have little or nothing to do with the polls or the ballot. They are left to you.
I expect to join Col. Lewis in his appointments, on next Monday at Jasper, and will endeavor to arrange appointments so as to meet you all satisfactorily.
Your obd’t serv’t
Tuskaloosa, Oct. 4, 1878.
Beautiful Concert, Grand PIANOS, ORGANS, Price $1600, only $425. Superb Grand Square Pianos, price $1100 only $255. Elegant Upright Piano, price $800 only $155. New Style upright Pianos $112.50. Organs $35. Organs 12 stops $72.50. Church Organs 16 stops $390 only $115. Elegant $375 Mirror Top Organs only $105. Buyers come and see me at home if I am no as represented, railroad fare paid both ways and Piano or Organ given free. Large Illst. Newspaper with much information about cost of Pianos and Organs sent free. please address Dan’l F. Beatty, Washington, N. J.
R. C. MCLESTER, T. N. HAYES, J. A. MCLESTER. MCCLESTER, HAYS, & CO., Cotton buyers and dealers in groceries, boots and shoes, hats, dry goods and general merchandise. Northport, Alabama.
The Old Reliable! Has now is store the largest and most attractive stock of Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to this marker. The Department of Dress goods contains every novelty of the season, consisting of Plain and Fancy Dress goods, white goods, domestics, prints, etc. The Ladies and Misses Department of hosiery, corsets, fine shoes, hats, straw goods, trimmings, etc. cannot be excelled. The Department for Gents is supplied with full assortment of Spring and Summer Clothing, latest styles of hats, underwear dress shirts, furnishing goods, boots, shoes, etc. The Grocery Department contains a full line of staple and family groceries; also a full line of crockery, glassware, woodenware, tinware, hardware, drugs, medicine, etc., etc., etc. No trouble to show goods; so call and examine my stock. Terms – Cash or credit. Special inducements to cash customers. A. A. SUMMERS
At the Old Pioneer Office will be found a full line of Dry goods, boots, Hoes, hats, Glassware, Woodenware, tinware, Family Staple and Fancy Groceries. I have resumed business at my old stand and will be pleased to have customers to call and price goods before buying elsewhere. I sell at bottom prices for cash. JESSE TAYLOR, Vernon, Ala.
LITTLE WILKINSON, & CO. Late Paregrove, Little & Co. Wholesale Grocer’s. 48, 50, and 52 North Commerce Street. Mobile, Alabama.
LIVE OAK SALOON. JOHN T. BURROW & Co., Prop’r. Vernon, Alabama. Have in stock and will keep on hand a full assortment of whiskies, brandies, and wines, form the purest and best to cheapest grades. Tobaccos – chewing and smoking – cigars, snuts, etc. etc. While "warming up" the inner man, we will also keep on hand a full assortment of substantial such as: oysters, sardines, crackers, etc. MR. L. S. CASH will be behind the counter and will attend to the wants of his many friends upon strictly CASH terms.
HYDE, SHATTUCK & CO. Manufacturers of Breech Loading Shot Gun, Revolvers and Pistols, gun implements. Extra heavy guns for long ranges a specialty. Cut this out and send for Catalogue and price list, enclosing 3-cent stamp. Hatfields, Hampshire Co, Mass.
Are you going to paint? Then use Miller Bro. Chemical Paint. Ready for use in white and over one hundred different colors made of strictly pure white lead, zinc and linseed oil chemically combined warranted much Handsomer and cheaper and to last twice as long as any other paint. It has taken the first premium at twenty of the state fairs of the Union and is on many thousand of the fine houses of the country. Address. Miller Brothers, 22, 31, & 33 St. Clair Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Sample cards sent free.
Opium and Morphine habit cured. The Original and only adequate cure. Send stamp for book on Opium Eating to W. B. Squire, Worthington, Green Co. Ind.
Vernon, August 23, 1878 (Note – Date has obviously not been changed)
The members of the Democratic and Conservative Executive Committee of Lamar County are requested to meet at this office, at 11 am on Saturday, the 26th day of October 1878 for the transaction of important business relative to the present campaign. SID B. SMITH, Chrm’n.
Owing to the want of a printer and the continued sickness of our family, we were unavoidably compelled to suspend the publication of our paper to this time.
Wanted in this office, a sober, industrious printer.
Fall fights have commenced.
DR. BUCK BROWN again at work on his new office.
Thanks to the HON. JOHN T. MORGAN for public documents.
The last Grand Jury of this county found only twenty-nine true bill. (sic).
Jack Frost has made his appearance in our midst. Yellow Jack may look out now.
The first Ordinances adopted by the town Council goes into effect on and after Friday, the 25th inst.
At the meeting of the board of Mayor and Aldermen on last Thursday night, MR. GEO. M. HUGHEY was elected town Marshal.
MESSRS. JASON GUIN, GEORGE A RAMSEY, JOE HANKINS and others off for the Huntsville court.
TOMIE BANKHEAD is in town and will take up winter quarters behind MARLER’s counters.
Parties from Columbus report that the city is almost entirely devoid of supplies owing to the suspension of trains under quarantine regulations.
MR. THOS. MARLER’S new residence is rapidly nearing completion. Tom does nothing halfway and his residence will be an ornament to the town.
Thanks to JOHNATHAN JONES, one of our handsome and most obliging young men, for playing "the devil" for us this week.
We regret to learn that the residence and household furniture of our friend, MR. JOHN KELLY, of Luxapillia, was destroyed by fire.
The HON. B. B. LEWIS spent Wednesday night in our town, and left on yesterday for his appointment at Old Mill Port.
Judging from the frame and finish, as far as completed, MR. JEFF MOLLOY will have the most stylish and imposing residence in the county.
HUGH AND FILIMORE PENNINGTON, industrious and worthy young men, are making handsome improvements on their places one mile east of town.
MR. T. A. NIXON, of the "New Era" – Tuskaloosa, is in town. Mr. Nixon will move his paper to North Port about the 1st of November where he proposes to enlarge and otherwise improve his interesting little journal.
Our friend, JOHN B. HUDSON, of Columbus, came very near "sleeping out" in the woods near Moscow, the other day. There was, however, fever or no fever, sufficient hospitality to take him and SQUIRE JOHN HOLLIDAY deserves a pair of good winter boots.
Godey’s Lady’s Book for November is upon our table, (our October number we suppose is tied up at some quarantine station). The present number, if anything, is superior to any we have seen. The proprietors have reduced the subscription price to $2.00 a year, thus making it the cheapest as well as the best lady’s magazine of the age. Its contributors rank among the best writers in the country, while in fashions it has no superior.
W. R. SMITH, JR. has been sojourning in Vernon for several weeks. His health is very bad but improving. Owing to the suspension of the Columbus Democrat, at which office his "Weekly" was printed, he has been compelled to suspend his paper for a time. He informs us, however, that he has ordered a complete new outfit and will resume the publication of "Smith’s Weekly" with many improvements, about the 1st of November.
We call attention to the advertisement of DANL F. BEATTY, Manufacturer of Pianos and Organs, Washington, N. J. The music loving public are largely indebted to him for bolting from the monopolists ring, ignoring dealers and agencies, and thereby furnishing instruments at about one-third of their former cost. His circulars show a reduction in the cost of instruments corresponding very nearly with that recently - -- in the cost of sewing machines.
A public discussion, between ELD’S L. D. RANDOLPH, of the Church of Christ, JOSEPH B. HUCKABEE, of the Missionary Baptist Church, will begin on Monday, the 11th day of November, 1878, near Trull’s stand, this county. The points of discussion are:
Does the Bible teach that a child of God may apostatize and finally be lost? – ELD RANDOLPH affirms, and ELD. HUCKABEE denies.
Does the Bible teach that in Regeneration there is an immediate and direct influence of the Holy Spirit beyond the written or preached Word of God? – ELDER HUCKABEE affirms and ELD. RANDOLPH denies.
Does the Bible teach that Baptism, proceeded by Faith and Repentance, is in order to the remission of sins? - ELD. RANDOLPH affirms and ELD. HUCKABEE denies.
Does the Bible teach that the Missionary Baptist Church is the Church of Christ? – ELD. HUCKABEE affirms and ELD. RANDOLPH denies.
The discussion will last four days – a proposition allowed to each day, and will be moderated by a competent board of moderators.
Circuit Court – Fall Term, 1878
To the WM. S. MUDD: The Grand Jury of Lamar County would respectfully report:
They have made a personal inspection of the county jail, and find it sufficient for the safe keeping of prisoners, and sufficiently ventilated and otherwise provided for their accommodation and health: And that is has been well kept since the last term of the court.
They have examined into the condition of the county Treasury and find from the books and vouchers submitted to them, the following facts: On the 2nd day of April 1868 (sic) the date of the last settlement, with the court of county commissioners, there was on hand $878.78
Received since that date: 316.00
Total: 1,194.78
Paid out since that date: 427.97
Balance in Treasury $767.81
We find that the books represent the entire registered indebtedness of the county to be $3,310.48, to this amount add $700 to defray the expenses of the present term of this court, making a total of $4,040.48; from this amount deduct $767.81, the amount now on hand, and we have $3,273.67 as the amount of the county indebtedness. We also state that the county assessment for county purposes, for the current year is about 3,700, from this amount deduct for current expenses of the county, including two terms of this court, paupers, stationary, commissioners court and other preferred expenses, in all, $2,500.00; leaving at the expiration of the year, about $1,200 to be applied to the liquidation of the outstanding indebtedness of the county. Leaving a balance of $2,500 to be provided for in the future. We further report that since the 2nd of April, the books are, in the main, correct and neatly kept.
They have examined the bonds of all the county officers and find them correct in form, and sufficient in amount and security, except the bond of J. M. I. GUYTON County Superintendent of Education, which is insufficient in security.
They have examined the records of all the county officers and find them well and neatly kept; and that all proper records have been made in the time required by law. They have also examined the fee books of the county officers and find no illegal fees charged.
They call the attention of the court to the fact that but few of the Justices of the Peace of the county have reported their dockets to the Grand Jury, as required by x 4698 of the new code. And several cases have come before the Grand Jury in which the parties had bound over, and the Justices of the Peace have no return of the papers and these failures have caused the Grand Jury delay and trouble.
They recommend that the Court of County Commissioners furnish chairs for the Juries, both Grand and Petit – they have had hard seats this week! We further recommend that the stairways in the court house be put upon the outside of the building.
With many good wishes to your Honor and all the officers of the court, they respectfully submit this report.
JAS. P. YOUNG, Foreman.
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Probate Court, Special Term, Oct. 8, 1878
In the matter of the Estate of A. T. YOUNG, late of said county, deceased, this being the day appointed for the hearing of the application of S. G. YOUNG, administrator of said estate, to sell certain lands therein named for division, when it appearing, to the satisfaction of the court, that notice require by law had not been given, it is ordered by the court that the hearing of said application be continued until Saturday, November 9th, 1878 when all parties interested can come forward and contest the same if they think proper.
ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate
In accordance with Section 248 of Code of Alabama, 1876, an election will be held in Lamar County, Alabama for a Representative in Congress for the Sixth Congressional District of the State of Alabama, on the First Tuesday after the first Monday, the 5th day of November 1878. And the following named persons are appointed Inspectors and Returning Officers to conduct said election in their respective precincts:
R. B. LACY, Returning Officer
JESSE BROWN, Returning Officer
JAS. B. HANKINS, Returning Officer
BROWN: R. C. BRADLEY, W. M. MOLLOY, and J. S. STANFORD, Inspectors.
J. P. STANFORD, Returning Officer
W. S. METCALFE, Returning Officer
C. B. NORTON, Returning Officer
P. P. EVANS, Returning Officer
J. W. L. FLINN, Returning Officer
BETTS: B. M. MOLLOY, S. G. YOUNG, and W. W. JORDAN, Inspectors
LEWIS SMITH, Returning Officer
T. J. MILLFORD, Returning Officer
B. A. BIGBY, Returning Officer
NELSON PROPST, Returning Officer
J. S. WILSON, Returning Officer
NATE TRULL, Returning Officer.
This the 4th day of October, 1878
D. J. LACY, Sheriff.
Be it ordained by the Board of Mayor and Alderman of the Town of Vernon, that on and after the tenth day after the publication of this ordinance, that if any person assault another, or assaults and beats another, or any person who may be guilty of an affray, within the limits of this corporation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than one dollar, and mot more than fifty dollars, or may be put to hard labor for the Town for not more than 30 days.
2nd. Be it further ordained, that any person who willfully disturbs the citizens of, or within the limits of this corporation, at any time, by becoming intoxicated, or assume to be intoxicated or become drunk and down; by loud noise, profane or vulgar language or indecent or disorderly behavior; hallowing or shooting of guns or pistols, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not less than $1.00 and not more than $50.00, or may be put to hard labor for the Town for not more than 30 days.
3rd. Be it further ordained that any person who willfully disturbs any assemblage of persons, or assemblage composed in part of females, met together for any purpose, within the limits of this corporation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, be fined not less than $1.00 and not more than $50.00 or may be put to hard labor for the Town for not more than 30 days.
4th. Be it further ordained, that if three or more persons meet together to commit a breach of the peace, or to do any other unlawful act, within the limits of this corporation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than $1.00 and mot more than $50.00 or may be put to hard labor for the Town for not more than 30 days.
5th. Be it further ordained that any person who carried concealed about his person a pistol or bowie knife, or knife or a like kind (not having a good reason to apprehend an attack, or being threatened) within the limits of this corporation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than $1.00 and not more than $50.00 or may be put to hard labor for the Town for not more than 30 days.
6th. Be it further ordained that any person who willfully opposes or resists the Marshall of this corporation in the discharge of his duties as Marshall, or in serving, executing, or attempting to execute and legal writ or process, within the limits of this corporation, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than $1.00 and not more than $50.00 or may be put to hard labor for the Town for not more than 30 days.
By order of the Board, this the 10th day of October, A. D. 1878
Cuban Chill Tonic, the great West Indies Fever and Ague Remedy, cures chills and fevers every time. It cures when quinine and physicians prescription fail to cure. Thousands of bottles have been given away and not a single failure. It cures chills and fevers quicker than anything else on earth, and the cure is complete and permanent. It cures liver complaint and biliousness. It gives health to the poor, pale, sick sufferer. It gives an appetite and purifies the blood. It is the finest and best family medicine in the world. It should be in every family in this town and county because it saves sickness and gives health. There is no earthly reason why you should suffer with chills and fevers when Cuban Chill Tonic, the great West Indies Fever and Ague Remedy will cure you. Get a bottle from your druggists DRS. W. L. MORTON & Bro. and try it.
The remedy of the 18th Century Barham’s Infallible PILE CURE. Manufactured by the Barham Pile Cure Co., Durham, N. C. It never fails to cure Hemorrhoids or piles, when a cure is possible. Price List and bona fide testimonials furnished on application.
Madison Dispensary
U can make money faster at work for us than at anything else. Capital not required. We will start you: $12 a day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys, and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costly outfit and free. Address TRUE & CO. Augusta, Maine.
No needle to set and everything self-threading in the New American Sewing Machine. Agents wanted. Office No. 177 W. 4th. St. Cincinnati, O. L. C. Nebinger, Manager.
Beatty’s Pianos. Grand, square, and upright. Beautiful Concert, Grand PIANOS, ORGANS, Price $1600, only $425. Superb Grand Square Pianos, price $1100 only $255. Elegant Upright Piano, price $800 only $155. New Style upright Pianos $112.50. Organs $35. Organs 12 stops $72.50. Church Organs 16 stops $390 only $115. Elegant $375 Mirror Top Organs only $105. Buyers come and see me at home if I am no as represented, railroad fare paid both ways and Piano or Organ given free. Large Illst. Newspaper with much information about cost of Pianos and Organs sent free. please address Dan’l F. Beatty, Washington, N. J.
W. H. NEWLON. COLUMBUS MARBLE WORKS. Tombstones, Monuments, cenotaphs, etc. Made to order of fine marble or stone and in the best style of art. Orders for all kinds of Stone Works respectfully solicited. Prices reasonable and satisfaction given. Prompt attention to orders from a distance.
Great reduction in prices. We will sell the very best family sewing machine for $25 Dollars cash on an ornamented Iron Stand and Treadle with Walnut Top and Drawer and necessary attachments, and deliver it at any railroad depot in United States, Free of Charge. These machines are warranted to do the whole line of Family Sewing with more rapidity, more ease of management and less fatigue to the operator than any machine mow in use. Send for a circular. Every machine warranted for three years. Agents wanted in unoccupied territory Centennial Machine Co, Limited. 729 Fillert St. Philadelphia, Pa.
Southern Standard. Pat. March 19, ’78. Only $4 each. The cheapest, most durable and efficient Press ever constructed. Adapted to either hand, horse or steam power. For particulars, address: G. W. Soule, Norton, Miss. Prest. Southern Standard Press Co.
The Improved Remington Sewing Machine, 1. Makes a perfect lock stitch, alike on both sides on all kinds of goods. 2. Runs light, smooth, noiseless and rapid. 3. Durable – Runs for years without repair. 4. Will do all varieties of work and fancy stitching in a superior manner. 5. Is most easily managed by the operator. Length of stitch may be altered while running, and machine can be threaded without passing thread through holes. 6. Design simple, ingenious, elegant. Forming the stitch without the use of cogwheel gears, rotary cans or lever arms. Has the automatic drop feed, which insures uniform length of stitch at any speed. Has our new thread controller, which allows ease movement of needle bar and prevents injury to thread. 7. Construction most careful and finished. It is manufactured by the most skillful and experienced mechanics at the celebrated Remington Armory, Ilion, N. Y. Attention is called to our greatly reduced prices. 8. The No. 2 Remington for manufacturing and family use has been recently improved, and I s offered to the public with the assurance that it will give entire satisfaction. Armory: Ilion, N. Y. Principal Office: 281 and 283 Broadway, New York
Cheap flour! Planter’s Mills, Columbus, Miss. MESSR. R. F. SOADY & Co., Call the attention of the public to the new wheat flour – made from the best Tennessee Wheat – which compares favorably with flour laid down from the Western markets. R. F. S & Co. beg to thank their friends and patrons for their continued support, and can promise they will be more than ever pleased with the produce of the Planter’s Mills, where flour is now being retailed at wholesale prices. Offices: Planter’s Mills, Columbus, Miss. Town Store, in the Hatch Building, on Main Street.
DR. G. C. BURNS, Vernon, Ala., offers his Professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity.
Agents wanted for the Pictorial History of the World. Embracing full and authentic accounts of every nation of ancient and modern times and including a history of the rise and fall of the Greek ad Roman Empires, the growth of the nations of modern Europe, the middle ages, the crusades, the feudal system, the reformation, the discovery and settlement of the New World, etc. It contains 672 fine historical engravings and 1200 large double column pages, and is the most complete history of the World ever published. It sells at sight. Send for specimen pages and extra terms to agents, and see way it sells faster than any other book. Address, National Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
Bring your job printing to the Pioneer. We print all kinds of blanks, deeds, mortgages, law briefs, cards, tags, circulars, bill heads, letter heads, note heads, statements, poster work. We propose to do all kinds of job printing as neat and as cheap as any city, either North or South, and our work is equal to any. When you want any kind of job printing done, please don’t fail to examine our specimens before going elsewhere.
New Rich Blood! Parson’s Purgative Pills make New Rich Blood, and will completely change the blood in the entire system in three months. Any person who will take 1 pill each night from 1 to 12 weeks may be restored to sound health, if such a thing be possible. Sent by mail for 8 letter stamps. I. S. Johnson & Co. Banger, Me.
To Advertisers. Geo. P. Rowels & Co.’s Select list of local newspapers. Many persons suppose this list to be composed of cheap, low priced newspapers. The fact is quite otherwise. The catalogue states exactly what the papers are when the name of a paper is printed. In full fact type, it is in every instance the best paper in the place when printed. In capitals, it is the only paper in the place. When printed in roman letters, it is neither the best nor the only paper, but is usually a very good one, notwithstanding. The list gives the population of every town and the circulation of every paper. It is not a cooperative list. It is not a cheap list. At the foot of the catalogue for each state the important towns, which are not covered by the list are enumerated. It is an honest list. The rates charged for advertising are barely one-fifth the publishers schedule. The price for one inch four weeks in the entire list is $6.95. The regular rates of the papers for the same space and time are $3, 135.35. The list includes 2970 newspapers of which 163 are issued daily and 307 weekly. They are located in 825 different cities and towns, of which 22 are state capitals, 326 places of over 5000 population and 411 county seats. Lists sent on application. Address. Geo. P. Rowell & Co. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Sprade Street, Printing House Square) N, Y.
Dr. Butt’s Married Life. No. 12 N. Eighth St. St. Louis, Mo. Who has had greater experience in the treatment of the sexual troubles of both male and female than any physician in the West, given the number of his long and successful practice has two new works just published entitled The Physiology of Marriage and The Private Medical Adviser. Books that are really guides and self-instructors in all matters pertaining to manhood and womanhood, and supply versions fell (sic ?). They are beautifully illustrated and in plain language easily understood. The two books embrace 545 pages and contain valuable information for both married and single, with all the recent improvements in medical treatment. Read what our home papers say: "The knowledge imparted in Dr. Butt’s new works is in no way of questionable character, but is something that everyone should know. The youth, the victim of early indiscretion, the man, otherwise healthy may be, but with wanting vigor in the prime of life, and the woman, in misery from the many ills her sex is heir to: - St. Louis Journal. Popular Prices – 60 cents each Both in one volume $1, in cloth 25 cents extra. Sent under seal on receipt of price in money or stamps.
SID B. SMITH – Editor and Proprietor
Friday, October 11, 1878
The Needham Musical Cabinet. This new and wonderful Instrument enables any one, whether understanding music or not, to play any desired melody or harmony, sacred or secular, from the most plaintive dirge to the most lively dance music. It possesses a mechanism of marvelous simplicity requiring but the intelligence of a child to manipulate, yet capable of reproducing without limitation the musical compositions of the past, present and future. The execution is faultless, strict in melody, harmony, and rhythm, and the instrument is eminently adapted for Sunday Schools, prayer and revival meetings, home devotional exercises, and in all cases where good, correct music is required, and no musician is at hand to perform. Address, E. P. Needham & Son, Manufacturers. 143, 145 & 147 E. 235 St. New York.
LEROY BREWER, THOS. DUGAN, H. L. HOPPER, C. A. HARRIS – L. BREWER & CO., Wholesale grocers. Dealers in Northern and Western Goods. Retailers and dealers in domestic and imported wines and liquors. Also Cotton Factors and Commission merchants. Agents for Orange Powder Works, Pratt’s Radiant & Astral Oil, California Gold Seal Wine. N. Schaeffer’s Lard and Candles, S. Davis Jr. & Co. Diamond Hams, Blackwell’s Durbam Smok’g Tobacco. Corner of Commerce and St. Louis Streets, Mobile, Ala.
Thorough-bred Hogs & Poultry. I have a few very choice pair of pure-bred chickens for sale, viz: Light and Dark Brahmas, Buff and Partridge Cochins, White and Brown Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, Grey Dorkings, Houdans, Golden Polish and Black Spanish from the "best strains" in the country – Snow White rabbits and guinea pigs. Also breeder of Berkshire Pigs. From imported stock. Prices reasonable. Correspondence solicited. Address W. T. Johns, Nashville, Tenn.
Dr. Hall’s Electric Belts. For the cure of all nerve diseases, without the less derangement of the patient’s habits or daily occupation. This appliance exacts powerful and beneficial influence throughout the whole frame is applicable to either sex, and afford instantaneous relief in the following diseases: Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Lumbago, General Deidilty, Headaches, Dizziness, Impotency, Spermatorrthea, Sexual Exhaustion, Self Abuse, Premature Decay. These belts are the result of the most profound research and experiment in Electrical ---- which permeates the whole frame, and ----- the suffering parts with its---influence. This current assimilates ---- to the Nervous fluid than anything known to Medical Science – hence its ----a s a curative agent. Most especially is the application of Electricity in this form, beneficial to those disorders arising from youthful indiscretion, sexual excess or kissipations (sic) of any kind, whereby the procreative powers are lessened and impotency threatened. No false delicacy or sense of shame should preserve the sufferer, subject to sleepless nights, nightmares, dreams palpitations, of the heart, neuralgia, dimness of sight and other symptoms of nervous debility, applying to the undersigned to the undersigned for relief. These Belts are light, perfectly flexible, and easily adjusted, all of which, together with their cheapness, renders them superior to any other form for the application of Electricity, medicinally. 50,117 of these belts were sold in Europe in the year 1876. Electricity is Life. And no remedy can be compared to it for the treatment of Impotence and loss of nervous vitality. This Belt is recommended by the most eminent physiologist of this country and Europe. Ingenious, wonderful – d death blow to the old system of drugging – London, Eng. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Hall’s Electric Belt and consider it one of the greatest blessings to mankind that has been put before the public. Dr. De Barr – Paris. ….Dr. James Hall & Co., 219 West 30th Street, New York.
DR. TUTT’S EXPECTORANT is the best genial balsam ever used by sufferers from pulmonary diseases. It is composed of herbal products, which have a specific effect on the throat and lungs; detaches from their cells and irritating matter; causes it to be expectorated, and at once checks the inflammation which produces the cough. A single dose relives the most distressing, soothes nervousness, and enables the sufferer to enjoy quiet rest at night. Being a pleasant cordial, it tones the weak stomach, and is specially recommended for children. What others say about Tutt’s Expectorant. Had Asthma Thirty years……TUTT’S PILLS ….. TUTT’S HAIR DYE indorsed.
$200,000. Greatest. In order to clear out our stock of very superior Gold-plated Jewelry valued at over $200,000. We will send as below, 20 pieces, all warranted gold-plated, for $1.00. 1 pair gold stone sleeve buttons. 1 pair engraved sleeve buttons. 1 set pointed studs, 1 set amethyst studs, 1 wedding ring……..Take your choice. The entire lot of 20 pieces sent post paid for $1.00 or any 8 pieces you choose for 50 cents. Now is the time to make money. These can easily be retailed at $10.00. F. Stockman, 27 Bond Street, N. Y.
Graff’s Improved Potash or lye is the best family soap maker. Warranted as Represented! Ask your grocer for it! Dept 104 Reade Street, New York.
$7.50 Saved. Buy the improved Victor Sewing Machine. It is so simple in construction and runs so easily that a child can operate it. It has the straight, self-settling needle, our improved shuttle, with a perfect tension, which does not change as the bobbin becomes exhausted. All the wearing points are adjustable, and it combines every desirable improvement. Every machine is sent our ready for use, after being thoroughly tested. Notwithstanding the great reduction in prices we continue to use the best material and exercise the greatest care in the manufacture. Victor Sewing Machine Co. Principal Office Middleton, Conn.
ORIGINAL GOODYEAR’S RUBBER GOODS – Vulcanized rubber in every conceivable form. Adapted to Universal use. Any article under four pounds weight can be sent by mail. Wind and Water Proof garments a specialty. Our cloth surface coat combines two garments in one. For stormy weather it is a neat and tidy overcoat. By a peculiar process the rubber is put between the two cloth surfaces, which prevents smelling or sticking even in the hottest climates. They are made in three colors – Blue, Black, and Brown. Are light, portable, strong, and durable. We are now offering them at the extremely low price of $10 each. Sent post paid to any address upon receipt of price. When ordering, state size around chest, over vest. Reliable parties desiring to see our goods, can send for Trade Journal giving description of our leading articles. Be sure and get the "Original Goodyear’s Steam Vulcanized" fabrics. Send for illustrated price-list of our celebrated Pocket Gymnasium. Address carefully, Goodyear’s Rubber Curler Co. 697 Broadway, P. O. Box 5156, New York City.
For the campaign. Vernon Pioneer. The Best advertising medium in West Alabama and East Mississippi. Subscribe now. State and congressional, the meeting of the general assembly, state and county. Affairs will be specifically important and interesting throughout the entire year. Every beat in the county should get a club for us supporting their county paper. Improvements. We have a new hand at case and will soon have our new dress, head, &c., when we purpose to publish the neatest and most interesting paper in the State.
Welded Steel and Iron Triple Flange Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. Patent inside bolt work and hinged cap. No safe complete without it. W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 34 Maiden Lane. Near William St. New York
JOHN B. GILLMORE. Blacksmithing and woodwork. Vernon, Ala. Having employed two experienced blacksmiths, BEN BARLOW AND WASH BONMAN for the ensuing year, I am prepared to do all kinds of blacksmithing, wood work horse-shoeing mending and repairing etc. in first-class order and with dispatch.
The undersigned, desirous of closing out his business in this section offers for private sale the property known as the "MOSCOW FLOURING MILLS" These Mills have a good run of patronage, a good healthy situation, and every convenience for grinding and wool carding. A number one Fin Head and Cotton Press together with 64 acres of good farming lands. Good terms. Easy payments. Apply early to T. G. CANSLER, Moscow, Ala.
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