Historical Newspapers   Lamar County, Alabama

Transcribed by Veneta Aldridge McKinney     Thanks Veneta.

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The Alabama Department of Archives and History




Volume III Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. Oct. 17, 1877 No. 25


SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Alabama. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims.

MCCLUSKY & MCMULLAN , JNO. D. MCCLUSKEY and JNO. R. MCCULLAN, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery – Vernon, Alabama - will practice in Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.

GEO. A. RAMSEY, Attorney At Law, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the various courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to Supreme Court and U. S. District Court’s business.

THOS. B. NESMITH – Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.

NESMITH & SANFORD – T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.

EARNEST & EARNEST. W. R. EARNEST and GEO. S. EARNEST, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Birmingham and Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of this Judicial Circuit.

WILLIAM R. SMITH, Attorney At Law. Tuskaloosa, Ala. Will give prompt attention to all businesses trusted to his care. Will practice in the Federal Courts, at Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.


DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., A. L. MORTON and M. W. MORTON. Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.

SID. B. SMITH, M. D. Surgeon & Physician. Vernon, Alabama. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Office – at Pioneer office.


ORIGINAL GOODYEAR’S RUBBER GOODS – Vulcanized rubber in every conceivable form. Adapted to Universal use. Any article under four pounds weight can be sent by mail. Wind and Water Proof garments a specialty. Our cloth surface coat combines two garments in one. For stormy weather it is a neat and tidy overcoat. By a peculiar process the rubber is put between the two cloth surfaces, which prevents smelling or sticking even in the hottest climates. They are made in three colors – Blue, Black, and Brown. Are light, portable, strong, and durable. We are now offering them at the extremely low price of $10 each. Sent post paid to any address upon receipt of price. When ordering, state size around chest, over vest. Reliable parties desiring to see our goods, can send for Trade Journal giving description of our leading articles. Be sure and get the "Original Goodyear’s Steam Vulcanized" fabrics. Send for illustrated price-list of our celebrated Pocket Gymnasium. Address carefully, Goodyear’s Rubber Curler Co. 697 Broadway, P. O. Box 5156, New York City.


Wayside rope bloom and fade –

Bloom and die their own sweet way;

And know not where their fragrance goes,

Floating, floating day by day.

Pass the sore foot travelers,

Breathing in the dusty air,

They catch the odor of the flowers,

And bless the grateful perfume there.

Such our lives. Sweet words of kindness

Fall-We know not where or when –

Like the fragrance of the roses,

Reaching far beyond our ken.


"This is a sordid world," mused Betsey, as she put three stitches in the place of two, and carried her thread in the wrong direction. "This is a sordid world and women are the chief sufferers. What shall we eat and what shall we wear? If a picnic is proposed the happy children dance about and chatter of wading and swinging; the men straightway see visions of green banks and deep, still water, and strings of shining bass and pickerel; but a woman’s first thought, and last one, too – what shall we wear and what shall we eat? Daised meads and ferny woods are shut from her view by broiled chicken, plates, preserves, table-linen, pickle bottles and lunch baskets."

"Women are greatly to blame," continued Betsey, as she darned blue-eyes into the head of the dog. "They have allowed themselves to be crowded into a rut, and they haven’t sufficient nerve and gumption to get out. Mr. Train says that a pint of milk and ten cents worth of oatmeal are quite sufficient for a man’s daily food. I wish the world dinn’t call Mr. Train crazy."

Betsey held her worsted dog off and surveyed it critically. The legs looked as if they were chopped off at the knee, instead of curled under. The eyes were too high in the forehead for intellectual expression, and the tail resembled a wandering cornstalk. Altogether, it was a most unsatisfactory creation. She folded it away, saying that her genius didn’t lie in the direction of worsted work, and for her part she was thankful that her brain was not all in her finger ends. She precipitately resolved to get out of the "rut."

Adonijah came in with a paper. "What’s the news?" demanded Betsey breathlessly. "Have the Russians crossed the Danube, and is the strife over?" She informed Adonijah that it was her opinion that the Russians would get to Constantinople first, for how could the Turks run with those horrid bag trousers on. Adonijah’s face beamed like a moonstruck cloud; was Betsey really going to forsake her tidies and magazine stories and don the Dickinson mantle? How soon a film would have spread over the new eye sparkle could he have heard the milk and oatmeal confab going on in Betsey’s mind.

Yes, Betsey was going to lift her chariot wheels out of the rut; a deep rut, worn by wheels for countless ages and very little filling had rattled in. She must perform the Herculean task herself, and the name of Betsey Bunce should shine forth on the scroll of fame alongside of "Lillie Lynn and Damask Ross." She would write a piece of poetry and do it now. Adonijah had gone to the store. The children were playing Indian under the back yard trees, and Alice Mahel was the captive child carried off in a blanket. Betsey ascended the backstairs; poets always dwell in an upper story. She sought the poorest room – bright carpets and sumptuous furniture lead one’s mind astray. She sat in an ancient straight back chair, and spread her utensils on a yellow wash-stand. She glanced around the not very light apartment as stealthily as a thief, swayed back forth in her old lopsided rocker and nibbled her lead pencil vigorously. Presently she wiped her nose toward the ceiling, the lines of troubled though corrugated her brow and the stubby pencil began to shove along:

"Come hither fleet Pegasus,

I fain would fly with thee,

To the mount of mystic muses,

Where sparkling fountains be.

(Did I tell Adonijah

To fetch the buns for tea.")

Now this, my little poem,

Shall have exquisite rhyme;

And every line waft fragrance

Of late wild flowers and thyme;

And just to suit the season,

I’ll name it "Harvest Time."

"There comes that Johnson urchin,

And all the doors are shut,

And Nancy’s in the garden –

I hope she won’t come up;

His mother wants to borrow

Some sugar in the cup."

The sickle and the scythe are glancing

Across the bounteous land,

And over the hills and valleys

The cluster grain sheaves stand –

"Ou-ouch! that awful spider

Ran across my hand."

Betsey scared the web weaver under the wash stand and picked up her own shining thread with nervous fingers.

The shapely sumac flowers

Grow rank by the reedy pool,

Where idle little children

Play truant from the school.

Her conscience stopped her. She did not know about "poetic license" and there wasn’t a school within forty miles of the "pool." She determined to send "Harvest Time" to the Atlantic Monthly, and they are not expected to know if Michigan has mid summer vacations. She left off the last two lines of this stanza, for she could think of but one word in the language for a rhyme, and that she would not have, "Elker blossoms and corn-field daisies" – there seemed to be a hitch in the metre, so Betsey scanned it on her fingers, and rocked to and fro in rhymthic measure, but all in vain. Chaste the syllables up close as she would, there would still be feet hanging over the bars; so she bit her finger nails and meditated:

What’s that in yon dim corner?

A ghost! As I’m alive!

And now, on close inspection,

I think there’re four or five.

What they come haunting here fore,

I’m sure I can’t contrive."

Out of that old warped bookcase,

They peers and leer at me;

One shakes a half-made garment

And grins in ape-like glee.

No matter; Poe and Byron

Had just such company."

"There is a baby’s wrapper,

With one sleeve hanging out,

And a recipe for catsup,

And a small boy’s roundabout;

I’ll lay the whole procession,

And put the fiends to rout/

"For each weird shape shows plainly

Some dread accusing sign

Of needful things neglected

For this, my little rhyme;

I say, does every poet

have such an awful time?

"Now, new, what is that racket?

What savage deed is done,

That the "captive child" should scream so?

It can’t be just for fun.

Ho! Nancy to the back lawn,

See to the children, run!

Betsey put her head out the chamber window, got her back-comb hung in eglantine briars, and Philip Augustus called out, "Mar, what you doing up there?" At this Thalia and Melpomene and Erato snatched up Pegasus and put him in the stables, and Betsey come rolling and tumbling down the haunted hill at a ruinous rate, but while yet there lingered "the smell of thyme about her feet," she set her left elbow on the yellow washstand and rallied once more:

A smile in the blessed sunshine,

A – near to the shining corn –

"What sound breaks o’er the tree-tops?

It’s Jones’ supper horn;

And there comes Adonijah,

As sure as I am born.

And there’s the baker’s lackey,

A screaming out for me;

And there’s that Mrs. Slimmers

To see what she can see."

And there is Deacon Dobbs and wife

I guess they’ve come to tea.

Poor, tormented Betsey! She thrust her "manuscript" into the parasol pocket of her percale "pollynay" and with plaintive looks in pellucid eyes set out for the paradise of persecuted poetesses, the pantry, to see if there was cream enough for the table, while Adonijah, sordid material monster, flung open the screen door and let in Deacon Dobbs and wife, the Slimmers and a swarm of flies.


A letter from Warren County, Ky., to the Franklin Patriot, says:

"This child, a girl, was four years old on the 20th day of last March. She weighs over 100 pounds, measures 18 inches across the chest, and is four feet eight and on-half inches high. There is a thick growth of hair covering her entire body, while her face is covered with whiskers, including a moustache. Up to about 18 months ago she was a healthy girl. At about that time her body became very hot and was covered with a heavy perspiration, lasting for several days. The odor occasioned by the perspiration was very offensive, and within fifteen minutes after being cleanly dressed her body and clothes would become saturated as with some black colored liquid. When the perspiration ceased the hair began growing, only leaving the soles of her feet and the palms of her hands bare. Her voice attained a remarkable depth, sounding as though it came from the inside a barrel. Her strength is astonishing. She can carry her 10-year old sister under her arm with apparent ease, and her mother states that the child actually does not know her own strength. The statements herein made are strictly true, and if necessary, the testimony of the child’s parents and many people in the neighborhood can readily be produced for corroboration.


Young men often fail to get on in this world because they neglect small opportunities. Not being faithful in the little things, they are not promoted to the charge of greater things.

A young man who gets a subordinate situation sometimes thinks it is not necessary to give it much attention. He will wait until he gets a place of responsibility, and then he will show people what he can do. This is a very great mistake. Whatever his situation may be, he should master it in all its detail and perform all its duties faithfully.

The habit of doing his work thoroughly and conscientiously is what is most likely to enable a young man to make his way. With this habit, a person of only ordinary abilities will outstrip one of greater talents who is in the habit of slighting ordinary and subordinate matters.

But, after all, mere adoption by a young man, of this great essential rule of success, shows him to be possessed of superior abilities. [Ex.


Human happiness, according to the most received notions, seems to consist in three ingredients – action, pleasure and indolence. And though these ingredients ought to be mixed in different proportions, according the particular disposition of the person, yet no ingredient can be entirely wanting without in some measure diminishing the relish of the whole composition.


There are numerous of pleasure and comfort. Most people find that the real comforts of life are found at home. For there the devoted wife is the presiding deity; there the children praise and play; there the young girl approximates and reaches womanhood. Within its sacred precincts youth puts on the responsibilities of manhood. There are the reunions of hearts and hopes and prayers. There, the germinating and binding together of hearts and minds and soul in a bond as strong as a chain and as lovely as a wreath of beautiful flowers. There the memories that glow and exist will life itself (sic). There are the influences that strengthen and bless and guide in after years, whatever we do and wherever our footsteps roam.


State of Alabama, Executive Department

Whereas, authentic information has reached this Department that SAMUEL E. HAIRSTON, charged with the crime of murder, committed in the county of Lamar, and state of Alabama, is a fugitive from justice.

Now, therefore, I, Geo. S. Houston, by virtue of the power and authority in me vested as Governor of Alabama, do issue this proclamation offering a reward of one hundred and fifty dollars for the arrest and delivery of the said SAMUEL E. HAIRSTON to the Sheriff of Lamar County. The reward to be paid to such person or persons as the said Sheriff may certify to be entitled thereto.

Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State at the city of Montgomery, this the 25th day of August, A. D. 1877, and of the Independence of the United States of American the one hundred and first year.

GEO. S. HOUSTON, Governor

R. K. BOYD, Secretary of State


Mrs. Gaines, who recovered the large property in New Orleans and vicinity, is now the richest woman in America. Sept. 5th the Sheriff was to place her in possession of her vast estate. A correspondent writing to the Macon Telegraph, after giving a description of the trials and troubles which Mrs. Gaines went through to recover her rights, relates the following incident which occurred under his own observation:

Two days since the widow of the grandson of Gen. George Matthews of Georgia, and grand daughter of Peter Randolph, cousin of John of Roanoke, whose plantation is on the bayou bluff of Red River, and which is on a portion of the land she has recovered, which is large, and on which Judge George Matthews made his great fortune, came to see Mrs. Gaines, to ask of her lenity. "You are a widow, madam," said Mrs. Gaines, "and you tell me this is your and your children’s all. I too am a widow, madam and if experience teaches the hardships of the widow’s lot; and certainly I am a woman of sympathy. For your plantation I am today offered $50,000. You say you are not in debt. Pay me $12,000 in 3 years, and I will perfect your title. I cannot take from the widow and the orphan their all, or the half of it." The offer was gladly accepted, and the $12,000 was instantly paid, without discount of interest for the 3 years. I have witnessed this transaction. I knew both of these women more than 40 years and it was a delight to see them look into each other’s faces and from their features imagine their feelings. It would be invidious to which seemed most delighted. And I am satisfied I have for once in my life seen two women meet and part with a kiss, warm from the heart, and faithful to its fires. Sometimes woman is a great institution.

Today occurred another touching scene: A poor man, with many children, had bought a lot far in the rear of this city, had built upon it a comfortable home. He brought $800, and asked Mrs. Gaines to receive this in compensation for perfecting his titles. "How many children have you sir?" she asked. "Four madam; all born in that little cottage, which to build cost me $1,000." "And you have a wife?" "Yes, madam; crying at home." "Do you owe anything?" "Nothing." "Well, here, take this $400 back and make her happy. You shall have a title from me?"



Summer, sweet, good bye.

"Tis the last rows of summer" as the boy said who hoed down the potaty (sic) rows on the 31st day of August.

The boy never did and never said anything of the kind. He was four miles away, doubled up with the cholera morbus in a stranger’s orchard. But if you have got to confine yourself to prosy, solid truth, what is to become of all the poetry?

And all the newspaper?

Don’t speak of it.

Summer is gone.

We don’t know where to, but its gone; or at least it ought to be Here it is past the middle of September, and if summer isn’t gone when is it going?

As for us, we love the mary, mary sunshine (sic), tra, la, la, la.

Sweet spirit of the sainted past! Gone, forever gone. Gone, with the long, the silent afternoons. Gone, with the sun-crowned hill, and the glen in somber shadows lulled. Gone, with the song of woodland bird. Gone, with the evening hum of insect life. Gone, with the faded memories of dimpling hill and yellow stubble field. Gone, with the ring of the scythe in the meadow lot, the sun-browned reapers and the long drawn howl of the farm hand with his foot in the knives of the mower. Gone, gone, gone!

Oh, tender grace of the cucumber time, when there were sounds of cholers morbus in the land. Oh, smiling dreams of the first strawberry days, when the infinite price for the infinitesimal pint wrought laughter for the thoughtless crowd. Oh, merry joke of the watermelon rind. Oh, happy thought of the grape seed under the false tooth plate. Oh, laughing gripe of the cherry worm. Oh, lithesome jest of the boy, putting on his angel plumage with both pockets and a stomach full of green apples. Oh, sweet blithe roundelay about the woman chasing flies. Oh, think of the ice in the c-bbler (sic). Oh, fragrant breath of the wh-skey(sic) sour. Owe several things not down in the bill.

Call around next week.

So summer is past.

All things must pass. All things except the lead nickel.

And it will pass on the streetcar, and at the Sunday picnic.

Pass here.

ARTICLE – "THE MULE" – from The Memphis Avalanch.

The mule can be considered in a good many ways, though the worst place to consider him is directly from behind, anywhere within a radius of ten feet. I never consider a mule from that point, unless I am looking out through the flue of a boiler.

The word mule comes from the Greek, and signifies "to stop", and the mule himself comes to a stop also. Like multiplied by like produces like. Grasshoppers multiplied by grasshoppers produce a famine, and potato bugs multiplied by potato bugs produce a rise in the price of yeast. But when you try to multiply mules they don’t multiply and hence the word mule.

The mule has one more leg than a milking stool, and he can stand on one and wave the other three round in as many different directions. He has only three senses – hearing, seeing and smelling. He has more sense of taste than a stone jug, and will eat anything that contains nutriment, and he don’t care two cents whether it be one per cent or ninety-nine. All he asks is to pass him along his plate, with whatever happens handy round the pantry and he won’t go away and blow how poor the steak is. He just eats whatever is set before him and asks no questions.

If I were to have a large picture of innocence to hang up in my parlor, and I did not wish to sit for it myself, I should get a correct likeness of a mule.

The mule is a good worker, but he cannot be depended on. He is liable to strike, and when a mule strikes human calculation fails to find out any rule by which to reckon when he will go to work again. It is useless to pound him, for he will stand more beating than a sitting-room carpet.

To fully appreciate the mule one should listen to his voice. You never can really know whether you like a mule or not till you have hear him sing. I attended a mule concert at Fort Snelling. The program opened with a soprano solo, and them swung into a duet, and then prances off into a trio, followed up by a quartette, and ending with a full chorus of 150 mules. I didn’t hear the whole thing, for when I came to, the regimental surgeon was standing over me, giving me powerful restoratives, and I heard him say that I might possibly get out again, though I would never be a well man again. I have been through the New York Stock Exchange, and spent part of a day in a boiler factory, and have been on one or two Sunday School excursions for children, but I never knew what noise was till I heard a lot of army mules bray.

One of the dead certainties about a mule is that he is sure footed, especially with his hind feet. He never misplaces them. If he advertised that his feet will be at a certain spot at a certain time, with a sample of mule shoes, to which he would call your attention, you will always find them there at the appointed time.

ARTICLE – from Memphis Avalanch.

The Meridian Mercury chafes under the charges of having sympathized with the mob that murdered the Chisolm family in Kemper county. Unfortunately, the Mercury made for itself a record that no sophistry can twist of out of shape. It was not on the side of the JAW


THE PIONEER, Vernon, Ala. Published Weekly.

D. R. ALDRIDGE, Publisher SID B. SMITH, M. D., Editor & Proprietor

Wednesday, Oct 17, 1877


The Ohio voters could not see much civil service reform in the Hayes government in having clerks to go home to vote, and so on the 9th inst, they tallied up for the Democratic State ticket about 20,000 majority against 7,516 Republican majority in 1876. The entire State ticket was elected with the exception of Hoffman and Fratz, who were scratched by Democrats for reasons not political. A majority of 25 in joint ballot is claimed in the Legislature, thus securing the election of a Democratic United States Senator. This puts a quietness on Stanly Mathews, Sherman and Garfield, and is the first election since His Fraudulency turned up in which the people have had a fair opportunity for a full expression of their sentiment. The discomfiture of Hayes and Co. can better be imagined than described. It is a source of infinite gratification to note this disposition of the West to overthrow the leaders of a party which is already toppling over of its own rottenness, and may God speed the good work.


It seems from the various reports and editorials in our exchanges, that the burning of the Patent Office was the work of an incendiary and not of spontaneous combustion or any other kind of accident. It seems, if deliberately designed and done by parties, that their aim was to destroy the records of the Indian Bureau, or the Land Office or the models of the Patent Office. It is stated that smoke was seen rising from the building long before the alarm was given, and that after the fire was known to be in full blast many of the rooms were locked, as if alleged to prevent the occupants from spreading confusion. It has become a known fact that after the firemen were at work, that a fire was started by an incendiary in another place to draw the attention of the firemen in that direction and confuse them. All of these and many other circumstances point out the fact that it was done in order to conceal fraud and corruption. Mr. Schurz has a committee engaged in investigating the affair which will report in a few days and we shall know probably the full facts.


There is much excitement among the colored people on the subject of hatching a nation of their own, and living together in peace and prosperity and thus preserving the purity of their race. It seems that the understanding with them in this state is that they will go to Liberia, Africa and colonize it. But in Mississippi, they all seem to be going to some Western territory. The idea with most of this is that those who have not the means to carry them to their destination will be aided by the Government, both in this state and Mississippi. We advise them to emigrate if they can benefit themselves and the country. But we think the best thing they can do is to stay where they are, as they are under good governments with all their rights protected.

ARTICLE – "HORRORS OF THE TURKISH WAR" – from The Philadelphia Bulletin

One of the most striking pictures of the horrors of the Turkish war is furnished by a letter in the Times this morning from Simnitza. The writer describing the condition of things in that town over which hang the dun clouds of a fierce and sanguinary struggle, says: "Watermelon rinds pave the streets and furnish ample fodder for the numerous stray hogs which wander about; and there is a prevalent odor on onions and hot fat. Amid such heart-rending scenes – not to speak of smells – of course the inhabitants must be utterly wretched and they are. Watermelons and boiled Indian corn are the staple articles of diet for the Roumanian (sic), and as a natural consequence, he is quite often seen curled up in a corner, with both hands holding his body and groaning amiably". We who sit at home here in peace and safety can hardly realize the dark and terrible woe which war has thus brought to these afflicted people’ but the heart must indeed be callous which cannot feel a single pang of sympathy for the curled up Roumanian, and which will not long for the day when the conflicts which produce these agonizing grieves shall cease forever on the earth.

ARTICLE – "PUSH!" – from The Tuskaloosa Times.

Scott’s Last Minstrel sat down in his old age and plaintively sung:

"Old times are gone, old manners changed; and it seems never to have occurred to him for a moment that he was living in a progressive age, and that it was his month-eaten old harp that was out of tune, instead of the times he lived in. It is plain, he was a crusty "old fogy" and whimpered like a schoolboy because he could not run in the same old grooves and keep pace with the progress of the age. The old codger needed "push" and was like many we see around us, the present day, who resemble rusty engines without the polished driving wheel. This is a wide wake age we live in, and he who fails to PUSH, will lag behind along all the walks of life. Age and experience are two points gained in business, but with PUSH, they are not worth a baubee(sic). All successful men are men of PUSH, and they are not slow to learn that printer’s ink is the safest lubricator to make the wheels of trade move on without squealing. The business man who don’t advertise is off the main thoroughfare of trade, and if he don’t look sharp he will find moss growing on his back the first thing he knows. PUSH friends, PUSH, and let the world know that you are still living and driving ahead. Don’t draw yourselves into your shells like oysters; if you do dust will settle around your business habitations and you will soon rust out like old teakettles. PUSH, old friends, PUSH, you both want and need activity in trade, and our word for it, you will be overshadowed by your neighbors, unless you awake, arise, shake the dew drops from your manes, and go into training for the Full faces.

STATEMENT – "MOFFET REGISTER" – from The Mobile Reg.

We are now decidedly opposed to the Moffet Register. It is too hard on the poor fellows who are now shortly to appear as candidates before the people, when they come to compare them with the tingle of that little bell.


To the Editor of the N. Y. Sun

Sir: From Australia and the South Sea Islands, by way of Ceylon, I reached Madras, Southern India, just in time to attend the great famine meeting presided over by His Grace, the Duke of Buckingham, and Chandos, the Governor of the Madras Presidency. The Duke’s Speech was a most manly appeal for help, and ought to stir the hearts of other countries as well as England.

According to the British Medical journal 88,500 lives were sacrificed during the Franco-Prussian. Peace philanthropists said, and rightly said, "Horrible!" But within a few months over half a million of people in southern India have actually starved to death! Aye, more. What have they done to afford relief? Have we not all one Father in Heaven? Are we not brothers, all? The principal causes producing this terrible state of thing are a two years drought and over population. Maltbus was not the idle dreamer that some have supposed.

The Madras Presidency has a population of 31,000,000, the city something over 400,000, three-fourth of which are Tamils or original Hindoo (sic).

The editor of the Madras Times says in his Saturday’s issue, that "there are a million of people on relief works in this Presidency already, another million is receiving subsistence allowance, and a third million is dropping by ones and twos and threes into untimely graves, or by the wayside into no grave at all."

The Duke of Buckingham, the present Governor, told me with his own lips a few days since, that "certainly 400,000 had died, either directly or indirectly from starvation." Lord Lytton, the Viceroy of India, is now in Madras counseling with the Governor as to ways and means of staying the famine and providing for the future. Only yesterday I walked all through Montegar Choultry, one of the several famine camps adjoining the city. The sights were most harrowing (sic). Here were 3,500 human beings subsisting on charity and a portion of them receiving but one meal of rice per day. The poor creatures were very emaciated and wretched, and yet not a word of impatience did I hear. The Hindoo is naturally patient and submissive.

None of the missionaries have starved even gone hungry. Like the rich man in the parable, they "fare sumptuously every day." It is a pleasant if not a most blissful self-sacrifice to be a missionary in the East.

But Hindoos are starving. Cannot, will not, Americans forward corn, rice and money?


ARTICLE – "OUR MANNERS AND CUSTOMS" – from The Cincinnati Star

The manners and customs of the different nations upon the face of the earth afford an interesting study, partly because they often differ so widely and present such remarkable contrasts. The foreigner, however, traveling in America, unless perchance he hail from the antipodes, will be struck with the habits and fashions of our country, not because they are dissimilar in many respects from those of other nations that have come under his observation, but because they seem to be a combination of the habits and customs of many other countries. And this, indeed, they are. As when you speak of a man born on this continent who is party German, partly Irish and very probably partly English; or when you mention an American custom you refer to what is really the result of continued association of several foreign customs. A genuine American dinner will gully exemplify the idea. It is not, strictly speaking, an English dinner, nor a German dinner, but it contains many important elements of both, and is frequently graced with some purely Irish dish, while even the refined finger of the Frenchman can be traced in our pastries and dessert. The English roast beef is flanked by the German sausages, and a representative from almost any county would be apt to recognize some familiar dish. Possibly a visitor from the Flowery Kingdom might be disappointed in our manner of preparing rice, and it might not be pleasant for him to find his favorite puppy-dog disguised in the shape of sausage meat, but he would be gratified to discover that some of the customs of his own country are becoming gradually adapted by American on the Pacific coast.

In the matter of costume, while the nationality of most foreigners is designated by the dross peculiar to their people, the American is conspicuous from the variety of his make-up, which is a combination of them all. Men and women of fashion, it is true, dress much the same from Paris to San Francisco, but it is beyond the bounds of possibility to definitely fix upon the costume of the average American. He selects from the wardrobe of the world and adopts that which suits his inclinations and necessities. Thus it is that he sometimes presents a nondescript appearance, but it is hardly likely that with all his diversity of dress there could be found one characteristic Yankee, with a bell crowed hat, swallow-tailed coat and marvelous shirt collar, such as the people of the old world delight to counter-plate.


Senator Morton’s father and grandfather are said to have died from paralysis, and he has a sister whom the same disease has rendered helpless.


State of Alabama, Lamar County

Estate of G. B. DARNELL, deceased.

Probate Court, Regular Term, Oct. 8, 1877

In the matter of the estate of GREEN B. DARNELL, deceased, this day came JAMES P. YOUNG, administrator of said estate and moves the court for an order to sell certain lands in his petition described for the purpose of division amongst the heirs of said estate, when it appearing of record that a former application had been made and refused upon the ground that the testimony was not produced sufficient to make the order of sale: It is therefore ordered by the Court that the 20th day of November, 1877, be a day set to which a hearing will be had on such application, when all parties interested can appear and contest the same if they see proper.

ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate


MR. GEORGE W. RUSH is with N. CROSS. Read his card on this page. He will be pleased to show you all kinds of dry goods whether you want to purchase or not, and will always be glad to see his friends from Lamar and Fayette counties.



State of Alabama, Lamar County

Estate of DIADEREA COX, deceased.

Probate Court, Special Term, Sept. 24, 1877

This day came G. G. WEIR, a citizen of said County and filed in this court a paper purporting to be the last Will and Testament of DIADEMA COX, late of said county, dec’d praying that said paper may be admitted to probate; when, It appearing from the Petition of the said G. G. WEIR, herein filed with said paper, that the only heirs of said estate are MEDORA F. WEIR, wife of G. G. WEIR, WM. P. COX, REBECCA M. ALBRITTON, wife of WILLIAM ALBRITTON, JULIA F. COX and RICHARD F. COX, all of whom are adults and of sound mind and that WM. P. COX, REBECCA M. ALBRITTON, and RICHARD H. COX are non-residents of said State.

It is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Vernon Pioneer a newspaper published in the town of Vernon for at least three weeks prior to the first day of November next notifying the said WM. P. COX, REBECCA M. ALBRITTON and RICHARD H COX to appear at this court on the 1st day of November 1877 to show cause why said paper shall not be admitted to Probate, and that citation issued to JOHN E. COX and MEDORA E. WEIR according to law.

ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate


The New American Sewing Machine. Simplest & Best. Agents Wanted. No. 177 W 4th St. Cincinnati, O.


Tutt’s Pills. A Noted Divine Says they are worth their weight in gold. Read what he says…..What is Queen’s Delight! Read the Answer….Nature’s own remedy…..Dr. Tutt’s Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight…..Healthy Solid Flesh……..


The Old Reliable! Has now in stock the largest assortment of General Merchandise ever brought to this market. Dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, glassware, crockery, hardware, tin ware, drugs, medicines, etc. In fact, everything the people want from Calomel to Zozodont. I am taking State Obligations at par. Hereafter I sell for Cash or Credit. Parties indebted to me must come forward immediately and settle; else I must go to see them. A. A. SUMMERS


How to Paint. Painters and property owners desiring pure, good material should use or stipulate for the use of HARRISON Bros. & Co.’s "town and county" ready mixed paints. Pure white and 40 different shades, entirely ready for use. Beautiful, durable and economical. Made from Pure material. Tested on thousands of buildings. Handsome and permanent. No waste or loss of time in mixing. Does not crack or peel. Cheaper and better than any other paint. Free from objectionable ingredients generally used in so called "chemical" paints. Sample cards on application. Consumers of paints preferring stock in old past form should use or stipulate for use of Harrison’s pure white lead, oldest brand in the country. Whitest, finest and best. Harrison’s Sylvan Green, exquisite in tint, unrivaled in body, and of never fading shade. Harrison’s standard colors. Umbers, siennas, ochres, blacks, vermillions, blues, and yellows, unequalled for strength and fineness. Best and finest made. Order these brands from your dealer. Take no other. For sale (wholesale only) at 115 Fulton Street, New York. Centennial medals awarded for superiority of Harrison’s Bros. & Co.’s paints.


Established 1856. DART & REYNOLDS (A. A. DART) Builders of Light Carriages, New Haven, Conn. Manufacture work expressly for the southern market, and from long experience are thoroughly acquainted with the requirements of the country. The work itself used in every Southern State is its recommendation, and renders a detailed description unnecessary. We also manufacture the celebrated Dexter Buggy, Now on Exhibition at the Centennial. The best, easiest and most durable vehicle in existence. For Circulars, & c. apply as above.


New Cash Store! LOUIS ROY Dealer in Dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, &c. 69 Commerce Street. Aberdeen, Miss. J. H. TYRONE is with this house and will be glad to see his Alabama friends


Have you tried SIDDALL’S MAGNETIC SOAP? For use in summer and winter. makes clothes clean, sweet and very white without boiling or scalding. No rough hands! No yellow clothes! No wash boiler! No steam in the house! Guaranteed under $50 penalty not to injure clothes and superior for Toilet and Shaving. Sold at stores or a family package will be sent, express charges prepaid on receipt of One dollar and Fifty cents. One reliable dealer wanted at every prominent point, as Agent, with whom a liberal arrangement will be made. Address F. H. SIDDALL, 106 Market Street, Phila.


Agents make $18 a day. Our large life like Steel Engravings of the Presidential Candidates. Send for circular. N. Y. Engraving Co. 35 Wall St. Box 3236, N. Y.



Vernon, Wednesday Oct 10, 1877

Terms of Subscription

One copy one year $1.50

One copy six months 1.00

All subscriptions payable in advance

Rates of Advertising

One inch, one insertion $1.00

One inch, each subsequent insertions .50

One inch, twelve months 10.00

One inch, six months 7.00

One inch, three months 5.00

Two inches, twelve months 15.00

Two inches, six months 10.00

Two inches, three months 7.00

Quarter Column 12 months 35.00

Half Column, 12 months 60.00

One column, 12 months 100.00

One column, 3 months 35.00

One column, 6 months 60.00

Professional Cards $10.00

Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates.

Advertisements collectable after first insertion

Local notices, 20 cents per line.

Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten line, charged advertising rates.


County Court meets on the 1st Monday in each month.

Probate Court meets on 2nd Monday in each month.

Commissioner’s Court Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, May, August, and November.




ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate

S. P. KEMP – Sheriff

J. R. MCMULLAN – Circuit Clerk

JAMES M. MORTON – Register in Chancery

JAMES M. WILSON – Treasurer

J. F. PENNINGTON – Tax Assessor

G. W. WOODS – Tax Collector

W. T. MARLER – Coroner





Masonic: Vernon Lodge, No. 389, meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 10 a.m.

I.O.O.F: Moscow Lodge, No. 45, meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays in each month, at 7 p.m.


R. C. MCLESTER, T. N. HAYES, J. A. MCLESTER. MCCLESTER, HAYS, & CO., Cotton buyersand dealers in groceries, boots and shoes, hats, dry goods and general merchandise. Northport, Alabama.


NATHAN BROS, Importers and wholesale dealers in old bourbon and rye whiskies, wines, liquors, cigars, tobacco and pipes. Columbus and Aberdeen, Miss. N.B. Merchants desiring their shipments from the West can have their orders filled at our Cincinnati House.


Frosty mornings. Small boys flying kites.

Hammer and plane busy at SUMMERS’ corner.

MR. ALONZO GUIN quite sick.

JESSIE TAYLOR, DR. SMITH and W. T. MARLER visiting Columbus.

S. J. SHIELDS and lady visiting relatives in Mississippi.

JASON GUIN and GEO. RAMSEY attending U. S. District Court at Huntsville.

An improved attendance at Sabbath School last Sunday.

We are grieved to learn of the serious illness of MR. ART. YOUNG.

CAPT. D. J. LACY, our new Sheriff was in town to see us last week.

Considerable excitement among the blacks on the Colonization question.

"Ye local" is in ecstasies over a Mammoth pair of shears – presented him by a lady.

DIED – On the 11th inst, at his home, 4 miles north of here, MR. L. T. MATTHEWS.


A little daughter of IKE PREDDY, died on the 15th inst.

Up to date MR. J. B. GILMORE’S sorghum mills have turned out upwards of 800 gallons.

It is estimated that the sorghum and tobacco crop of Lamar County will yield to each voter an average saving of fifteen dollars.

The DARNELL matter will be attended to on the 20 day of Nov. instead of Oct as advertisement stated last week.

Read the ad of MRS. HENSON’s on this page. See the ad of HARRIS’ estate on this page.

POSITIVELY THE LATEST. Wednesday night, nine o’clock, so Mr. WILL GUIN’s watch says, and COL. BRON informs us that MCMULLAN is quite sick, and W. R. S, JR. is very ill.

"The President’s Southern Policy!" sneered Calhoun Clay Blobswater. "I wouldn’t give a snap for it. D’you know how the South can be made happy and content? I’ll tell you. Let the President send a "Domestic" Sewing Machine to every family south of old Mason & Dixon line. That’ll fix’em. I tried it on my wife. She used to have the cussedest teraper in America, and now, since she has her "Domestic", she’s just as amiable as can be, and her influence has a wonderful effect on me. What’ll you take?"

Read the card of Mr. JOHN S. WHITE on this page. He is with Hudson Humphries and Hudson. He is now able to furnish you with any kind of dry goods that you cam call for. He will be pleased to see his old friends of Lamar and Marion. Don’t fail to call on him when you go down.

The advertisement of ROY & BRO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry goods, notion, boots, hat and shoes, Aberdeen, Miss will attract the eye of our readers and command their closest attention. We take especial pleasure in recommending these gentlemen as eminently worthy of the patronage of all persons who visit Aberdeen for supplies and assure them that they can nowhere obtain better bargains. The clever and genial WILLIAM F. HAMILTON is with Roy & Bro. And will be happier than ever to see his Alabama friends.

Mr. R. W. MUSTIN, formerly of Carrolton, Ala., is now keeping a first class hotel at the old Ross Tabb house. Columbus, Miss. Mr. Mustin has long had the reputation of a good hotel manager at Carrolton and bids fair to do well at his new location. When you go to Columbus and want good accommodations call on him.

Mr. C. T. GIFFORD’s card is on this page. He is well known as a reputable dealer in watches, clocks, spectacles, silver plated ware and jewelry. When you want any thing in his line or want a clock of watch repaired be sure to call on him.

MR. W. T. COOPER’S card appears on this page. Read it. He is fully prepared to supply you with anything in the tin, wooden, crockery, glass and chinaware. He is too well known over this county for us to be at the trouble explaining to the people that he is a clever young man. He will be glad to have his many friends to call and see him.

On the evening of the 25th of October, at 7 p.m. REV. JAS. L. COLEMAN will preach at Vernon.



Letter of Administration on the estate of H. T. HENSON, late of Lamar County, Alabama was on this day granted the undersigned by the Hon. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate for said county. This is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment to me, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them to me properly authenticated within the time prescribed by law or they will be forever barred.


Administratrix of Said Estate. Oct 8, 1877


State of Alabama, Lamar County

Oct 17, 1877

Under and by virtue of an order from the Probate Court of Marion County, Alabama, I will offer for sale within the usual hours prescribed by law, at public out cry on Saturday the 17th day of Nov. 1877, the following described lands, belonging to the estate of JAMES H. HARRIS, deceased. To wit, the …(land description) All in T13 of T16….and Sec 2 in T14 of R16, all lying and being situated in the county of Lamar and State aforesaid. Sale to be on the premises. Purchasers required to give note with two approved securities.



Remember good crops are made and are being gathered and sold, and that money is finding its way into the pockets of many of our patrons who are due us more or less for subscription, job work and advertising, and that we hope that they will call and settle up their accounts at once with the Pioneer.


GEO. W. RUSH –with N. Goss & Co., wholesale and retail dealers in fancy, dress and staple dry goods and ready made clothing, boots, shoes, hats, notion, &c. Will be glad to see his old friends and all new ones who may be pleased to call on him. No trouble to show goods, on the contrary, it will be a pleasure, whether you buy or not. Satisfaction guaranteed, as to articles bought and prices.


W. T. COOPER of Lamar County, Alabama with H. C. GOODRICH, Dealer in all kinds of stoves, tables, tin and woodenware, china, glass, and crockery ware. Will sell cheaper than any house in the city. Mr. Cooper will be glad to have his friends to call on him at No. 59, Main Street, Columbus, Mississippi.


JOHN S. WHITE, of Lamar County, Alabama with HUDSON, HUMPHRIES, & HUDSON. Wholesale and Retail dealers in dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, &c. South East Corner Main and Market Streets, Columbus, Mississippi.


The Montgomery Weekly. Advertiser and Mail. Now is the time to subscribe. It is a large thirty six column paper, filled with editorials, telegrams, miscellaneous news, market reports, and is altogether just such a paper as ought to be in every household in Alabama. It will as heretofore advocate the men and Measurers of the Democratic and Conservative Party, believing that the future peace and prosperity of the whole country depends upon the success to that organization. Next year we are to have an important State election and subscribers now ill receive it during that time. Terms:

Daily, one copy one year………………………….$10.00

Daily, one copy six months……………………… 5.00

Daily, 10 copies 1 year (all to start at same time) 80.00

Weekly, one copy one year………………………….2.00

Weekly, ten copies one year………………………..17.50

Weekly, fifteen copies one year…………………….22.50

Not confined to one post office. Address all orders to W. W. SCREWS, Montgomery, Ala.



No excuse for any one being out of employment. Our attention has been called to some new and useful cooking utensils, recently invented, which make baking and cooking a pleasure, instead of a dreaded necessity. One of which, the Paten Centennial Cake and Bread pan, made of Russia Iron, is so constructed that you can remove your cake when baked, instantly from the pan, without breaking or injuring it, and you can remove the tube, and convert it into a plain bottom pan, for baking jelly or plain cakes, bread, etc. Another – the Kitchen Gem – a plated wire boiler or steamer to hang inside of an ordinary iron pot, for boiling or steaming vegetables, etc., which when done, can be removed perfectly dry, without lifting the heavy sooty iron pot off of the stove, avoiding the danger of burning the hands with the steam in pouring off the hot water, and the vegetables cannot possibly burn if the water boils day, as the steamer does not touch the bottom of the pot. These goods are sold exclusively through agents to families, and every housekeeper should by all means have them. A splendid opportunity is offered to some reliable lady or gentleman canvasser of this county to secure the agency for a pleasant and profitable business. For terms, territory, etc. write to L. E. BROWN & Co., Nos. 214 and 216 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.


Welded Steel and Iron Triple Flange Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. Patent inside bolt work and hinged cap. No safe complete without it. W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 34 Maiden Lane. Near William St. New York


Make home happy. A plentiful supply of Good reading and beautiful pictures will do it. The Cincinnati Weekly Star. A fine eight page paper, with 48 full columns, cost only $1.00 per year (we pay postage). And is the largest, brightest, and best paper published for the money. It is independent in politics, gives all the news, and bespies much other good reading, every number has three or four excellent original or selected stories. Every subscriber also receives a copy of the beautiful engraving, "The Poor, the Poor Man’s friend" size 21 x 33 inches, and a copy of the Star Illustrated Almanac. 25 cents extra must be sent to pay expense of packing and mailing premiums. Our inducements to agents, always the most liberal in the field, are now greater than ever. We want every club agent in the country to communicate with us before commencing work. To any person desiring to get up a club, we will send a sample copy of the picture and a canvasser’s outfit for 25 cents. Specimen copy of paper free. Send for one before subscribing for any other. The Star, though in no sense a party paper has always been a vigorous advocate of the rights of all the States, and was among the first to urge the justice of local government in the South. Persons to whom we have already sent the picture. The Poor, the Poor man’s Friend; by saying so can have in its stead another excellent engraving, of same size, which we have secured for this purpose. Paper without picture, One dollar. The Star. 230 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. Make home pleasant


LEROY BREWER, THOS. DUGAN, H. L. HOPPER, C. A. HARRIS – L. BREWER & CO., Wholesale grocers. Dealers in Northern and Western Goods. Retailers and dealers in domestic and imported wines and liquors. Also Cotton Factors and Commission merchants. Agents for Orange Powder Works, Pratt’s Radiant & Astral Oil, California Gold Seal Wine. N. Schaeffer’s Lard and Candles, S. Davis Jr. & Co. Diamond Hams, Blackwell’s Durbam Smok’g Tobacco. Corner of Commerce and St. Louis Streets, Mobile, Ala.


Thorough-bred Hogs & Poultry. I have a few very choice pair of pure-bred chickens for sale, viz: Light and Dark Brahmas, Buff and Partridge Cochins, White and Brown Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, Grey Dorkings, Houdans, Golden Polish and Black Spanish from the "best strains" in the country – Snow White rabbits and guinea pigs. Also breeder of Berkshire Pigs. From imported stock. Prices reasonable. Correspondence solicited. Address W. T. Johns, Nashville, Tenn.


Errors of Youth. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will for the sake of suffering humility, send free to all who read it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience can do so by addressing in perfect condition. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St. New York.



The Trustees of the Vernon High School take pleasure in announcing that they have made an arrangement with Rev. W. B. GILLHAM to take charge of their Institution for the ensuing school year – to commence on the 1st Monday in November. Mr. Gillham’s long and successful experience as educator of the youth of both sexes warrant us in giving him our highest endorsement and soliciting for our School a liberal patronage. In view of the great stringency in money matters, a reduction has been made from the usual rates of tuition for the present year. We propose for the present year to have a first class English School, and when the patronage will justify, to add a teacher of ancient and perhaps modern languages. Our school will be divided into the following grades and rates per session of 5 months.


Alphabetical lessons, Spelling, First lessons in Reading, First lessons in Geography and Mathematical Tables. $7.50


Written or Practical Arithmetic, Eng. Grammar, Descriptive Geography, Orthography, Reading, Penmanship, First lessons in English Composition and History of the United States. $12.50


Algebra, Geometry, natural Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Astronomy, English Composition, Rhetoric, Rhetorical Reading, English Grammar completed, Logic and Universal History. $17.50

All tuition fees due on the admission of the pupil, and the payments to be made punctually each quarter (ten weeks) except the first which must be made by the 25th of December. No pupil will be admitted for a less time than the remainder of the session for which he enters, except by special notice at the time of admission. Board including fires, lights, and lodging from eight to ten dollars per month.


Music on Piano, per month $4.00

Use of Instrument per month 1.00

Vocal Music (science of per mo.) 3.00

A contingent fee of 50 cents will be charged each pupil for the purpose of keeping up fires, etc. For further particulars apply to: Trustees: J. D. MCCLUSKEY, ARTY A. SUMMERS, T. W. SPRINGFIELD, JASON GUIN, M. W. MORTON


MUD CREEK ACADEMY. Male and Female. Lamar County Alabama (fifteen miles south of Vernon). The first Session of this Institution will open on the First Monday in October 1877, and continue eight scholastic months. The number of students is limited to 30. Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $7 to $8 per month. Tuition $1 ½, $2, $2 ½, and $3 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. J. M. I. GUYTON, Co., Sup’t Ed. Vernon, Lamar Co. Ala.


The Russio-Turkish War. Agents Wanted for this comprehensive, superbly illustrated history of the present momentous struggle in the East. Its accurate maps, plan and many elegant engravings are a special feature. It gives a graphic history of each country, with historic and descriptive sketches of the primitive manners, picturesque customs and domestic life of the Contestants. Describes the dreadful massacre of Christians in Bulgaria; the Frightful Turkish Atrocities in other places; the uprising of the masses in Herzegovina. It gives the Stirring battles and thrilling incidents of the war, and is the most fascinating and exciting work of the age. Agents are sure of prompt and ready sales. Prospectus books now ready. Also agents wanted on our grand combination prospects representing 150 Distinct books. Universal interest. It includes Agricultural, biographical, historical, religious and miscellaneous works, with size, title and description of each book. Specimen pages and specimen illustrations, sales made from this prospectus when all singe books fail. Also our fine family Bibles, English and German, Protestant and Catholic. With invaluable illustrated aids and superb bindings, Nearly 100 styles. Superior to all others and indispensable to every family. Particulars free. Address, John E. Potter & C., Publishers, Philadelphia.


Barnes’ Patent Foot Pedal Machinery, Circular and Scroll saws, Lathes, etc. Fancy Wood and Designs. 10 different machines suited to the wants of mechanics and amateurs. Men, boys and ladies are making from $3 to $10 per day using them. Old styles thrown aside when these machines are known. Lumber from ½ to 3 ¼ inches thick hard or soft wood can be ripped by man power at the rate of from 125 to 600 feet per hour, line measure!!! Thousands of them now in use. The Velocipede Scroll Saw for miscellaneous work is admitted by all to be the jolliest little machine in the business. Say what you read this in and send for our 48 page illustrated catalogue. Free. W. F. & John Barnes, Rockford, Winnebago Co., Ill.


W. KELLERMAN. Manufacturer and dealer in guns, rifles, pistols. Aberdeen, Miss. Breech-loaders a specialty. Muzzle-loaders converted into breech-loaders, at short notice and low figures. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. All work guaranteed.



…….He was, however, looking quite as well as could be expected under the circumstance. He seemed a good deal elated when he learned that his trial would be moved to Tuskaloosa. His friends made their brags that he would be cleared, that not a hair of his head would be hurt. This and the moving of his trial undoubtedly intensified the hatred of the already exasperated people, and precipitated the tragedy which cost him his life.

His wife did everything that love and affection could do to make him comfortable while in jail. He had books and papers and spent a good deal of time in reading. On Wednesday he seemed unusually nervous and excited, and when told that a number of men were fixing up to go after his brother JAKE, he said No, they were coming after him.

He seemed to have a presentiment that his time was short, and wrote to his merchants giving directions. About nine o’clock he lay down and tried to sleep.

His sad meditations were soon changed to those of the most terrific fear. He heard the distant tramp of horses and soon saw them and their riders draped in the somber hues of death, and galloping towards the jail. He knew full well what they wanted, and in an agony of fear screamed "Murder! Murder! Help! Help!" He called on his guard to protect him but it was of no use; they were soon overpowered. DEPUTY SHERIFF SPAIN, who slept in the jail, jumped up, to find his room full of armed men, and when one of them struck a match, he saw eight revolvers cocked and the muzzles in close proximity to his head. He asked time to dress, but they told him to take his key and lose no time in unlocking the door to PIERCE’S room. The latter begged him most piteously not to let them in to murder him. But he answered that he was powerless. When the door was unlocked, three men rushed in and seizing PIERCE, carried him out and threw him down. In his struggle to get away he cut his head on the sill of the well and bled profusely. When the order was given to move on with him a very tall and powerful man picked him up and carried him out of the yard and threw him over a mule, as though he was a mere child. Notwithstanding a man was up behind PIERCE, he threw himself off two or three times. Finally the men who had hold of the rope started their horses at full speed and dragged him about a quarter of a mile, bruising his head and face badly. He still kept begging for his life, and said that they were murdering an innocent man. But they told him that he showed no mercy when the poor negro that he killed last year told him he was not the man and on his knees prayed him to spare his life. Some one asked him if he remembered shooting STOREY in the mouth just because he groaned while he lay sweltering in his blood and dying. Another said "You killed young KILPATRICK, who never harmed you or anyone else, simply for the reason that "dead men tell no tale" You have had your day – your time is up. You, who have never shown mercy, and said you neither feared God nor man, need not plead for mercy now."

The last words that PIERCE was heard to utter were, "Oh, God! My poor wife and children."

COL. BLANTON, with such citizens as he could gather, did all he could do to save PIERCE, but it was all in vain. As soon as they could, they got to him and SOLICITOR CLARK cut him down’ but life was extinct.


A Dealer wanted in every town in the South for the celebrated WEED SEWING MACHINE. The easiest learned, lightest running, most durable and popular Machine made. Received the highest award at the Centennial. Special inducements offered. Address. Weed Sewing Machine Co. No. Canal Street, New Orleans


Rapture. Those wishing relief and cure for Rapture should consult Dr. J. A. Sherman, 258 Broadway, New York or send for his new book, with photographic likeness of bad cases before and after cure. Beware of cheats who pretend to furnish Dr. Sherman’s treatment. One of these fellows, a German clerk, now calling himself Dr. W. G. Crestpin, is indicted on complaint of Dr. S. and awaits trial for forgery and embezzlement.


Ladies elegant imitation rose coral set, breastpin and pendant drops, sent postpaid to any reader of this paper for 25 cents. Three sets for 50 cents. In currency or stamps. L. A. Thomson. Clinton Place, New York.


Healthful, practical. A family friend. The light running DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE. Double thread, lock stitch. Automatic self-adjusting tension and take-up. Conical steel bearings and compensating journal. It does not fatigue. It does not make you nervous. Light running, noiseless. None run it but to love it. None know it but to praise. The Domestic is the most desirable and efficient machine made for these reasons: It is made of the choicest materials and by the best workmen. It is the simplest in construction and most reliable in its notion. It requires almost no adjusting, and yet does every variety of work. It is noiseless, rapid, and will outwear any other machine. It is the easiest running of machines, and saves muscle and nerves which are more valuable than money. It has never failed to give perfect satisfaction. Every machine warranted. Physicians recommend it for its light-running and noiseless qualities. Send for a copy of "How to Choose a Sewing Machine". Domestic Sewing Machine Co. New York. "Domestic" Paper Fashions. The most stylish and best fitting, in endless variety. Send 5 cents for large illustrated catalogue of 1000 styles. Domestic Monthly. An instructive and entertaining illustrated magazine of fashion, polite literature, and art. $1.50 a year, with premium. Specimen copy, 15 cents. Domestic Sewing Machine Co, Home office. Broadway and 14th St., New York.


Graff’s Improved Potash or lye is the best family soap maker. Warranted as Represented! Ask your grocer for it! Dept 104 Reade Street, New York.


Watches! Jewelry! Romaine Gold, so extensively worn in Paris was first discovered in 1870, by a celebrated French chemist Mons. E. Be Lainge, who manufactured it into jewelry, for five years sold it to the leading jewelers of Paris for Solid Gold. In 1875, when his secret became know, ten of the manufacturing jewelers established a stock company, with a capital of $10,000,000 for the purpose of manufacturing Romaine Gold jewelry and Watches. With this immense capital, and the aid of improved machinery they have been enabled to produce all the latest patterns of jewelry at less than one-tenth the cost of Solid Gold, and of a quality and color which makes it impossible even for experts to detect it from the genuine. We have secured the exclusive agency of the United States and Canada for the sale of all goods manufactured from this metal, and in order to introduce them in one most speedy manner, have put up assorted sample lots as given below, which we will sell at one-tenth the retail value until January 1st, 1878………Remember this offer only holds good until Jan 1, 1878. After that time we shall sell only to Jobbers and Wholesale dealer and anyone wishing our goods will then have to pay full retail prices. Romaine Gold is the best, and in fact, the only imitation of genuine gold made, being the same in weight, color and finish and all our goods are made in the latest gold patterns. Will guarantee satisfaction in every instance or refund money. Send money by P. O., Money Order, or Registered letter. At Our risk. No goods sent COD unless at least $5 accompanies the order. Address plainly, W. F. Evan & Co, Sole Agents for U. S. and Canada, 95 & 97 South Crark Street. Chicago, Ill.


W. H. CLOPTON & SON, Wholesale and retail Grocers and dealers in family supplies. 78 Commerce Street, Aberdeen, Miss. We keep the largest and best stock on market and sell at bottom prices for cash.


W. KELLERMAN. Manufacturer and dealer in guns, rifles, pistols. Aberdeen, Miss. Breech-loaders a specialty. Muzzle-loaders converted into breech-loaders, at short notice and low figures. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. All work guaranteed.


$777 is not easily earned in these times, but it can be made in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. $66 per week in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over $20 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other business. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and $5 outfit free. Address at once. H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine.


Best in the World. BLEATCHLEY’S HORIZONTAL ICE-CREAM FREEZER (Engley’s Patent). For saloons, hotels, families, or ice cream manufacturers, in the economy and perfection of its work is entirely unequalled. The closed head will save ice enough in one season to pay for the machine. The tub requires but one filling to freeze. Sizes 3 to 4 (quarts). When in town to the Big Exhibition come and see us or send for descriptive circular and price list. Very liberal arrangements made with the trade. The machines can also be seen at the Centennial Exhib. Agricult’l Hall, Cor. Aisles 9 and N, Column Letter 0, No. 10. C. G. BLATCHLEY, Manuf’r. 500 Commerce Street, Philadelphia


THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE was awarded the First Premium at the Centennial Exhibition 1876 and has always carried off the highest honors wherever exhibited. A compact, simple, durable, light running and efficient "lock switch" machine. Adapted to the wants of everybody. The Home Sewing Machine was perfected---years since the aid of the best invention-------Warranted for five years. Live agents wanted in localities where we are not represented. Send for prices, and sample of work done on the home, or call at any of our offices. JOHNSON, CLARK, & CO. 30 Union Square, New York: 564 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 111 ½ Second Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 141 State Street, Chicago, Ill.; 21 South 5th Street, St. Louis, Mo.; 17 New Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal.


Perfection attained at Last. A trial will insure its popularity everywhere. WHITE SUTTLE SEWING MACHINE……White Sewing Machine Co, 358 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O. Agents Wanted.


THE MILLER BRO CUTRLERY CO. and US Steel Shear Co. Manufacturers of Patent Pocket Cutlery, and Solid cast steel shears and scissors. The only manufacturers in the world of pocket cutlery, with covering secured by screws. None but the best English Pocket Cutlery Steel. used, and every knife and pair of scissors warranted. The temper and cutting qualities of both knives and scissors are carefully tested. Great care is taken to maintain and increase the well-earned reputation which this company has attained, as the leading American Cutlery. In harmony with the verdict of customers the Centennial Exposition awarded Medals and Diplomas for the greatest excellence in quality and finish or these goods. THE MILLER BROS. CUTLERY CO., West Meridan, Conn.


Notice to our friends and customers in Alabama. We are pleased to be able to inform you that we are prepared to store your cotton in our safe and commodious Ware Houses, and that we have every facility for your comfort and that of your teams. With our Ware Houses at the depot we have comfortable camp-houses, with sheds and feeding troughs. Every attention will be given our Alabama friends. Our wagon yard has been improved and fitted in the most thorough manner. Good cabins, good stables, good fencing. In short, every arrangement has been made that business tact could suggest for the comfort of Campers. CAPT. JOE GOODMAN has charge of the yard at Bank’s old stand, and CAPT. E. C. LEECH at Hale’s Warehouse. BANKS, HALE & CO. Columbus, Miss, Aug 17.


Errors of Youth. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will for the sake of suffering humility, send free to all who read it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience can do so by addressing in perfect condition. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St. New York.


Fifty Cents! Fifty cents will pay for the Chicago Ledger, the best story paper in the United States from July 1st 1877 to January 1st, 1878. The Ledger is a large 48 column weekly paper handsomely printed and ably edited. Send your orders in time to get the first number of the New Story, which begins the last week in June. Remember, only fifty cents for the best paper in the United States, six months, postage paid. Address The Ledger, Chicago, Ill.


GILMER HOUSE – A. M. KING, Prop’r. The only first class hotel in the city.


CRAWFORD’S Baking Powder. An improved article for making light and healthy bread, biscuit, cake, rolls, cornbread, griddle cakes, puddings, dumplings, and pastry of every description. It is the cook’s favorite and is warranted perfectly pure and superior to anything of the kind in the market, for healthfulness and strength, producing at all times the most delicious cookery. It is stronger and cheaper than any other baking powder, and is the most economical, convenient, reliable, and nutritious. Please ask your grocer for it and give it a trial. Put up in all sized packages and always warranted. Full weight, full strength, full measure. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Samples and price list will be sent to the trade, on application. Crawford & Cline. 176 Furon Street. New York.



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