Historical Newspapers Lamar County, Alabama
Transcribed by Veneta Aldridge McKinney Thanks Veneta.
Microfilm Ref Call #373
Microfilm Order #M1992.4466
The Alabama Department of Archives and History
Volume III Vernon, Lamar Co, Ala. Oct. 31, 1877 No. 27
SAMUEL J. SHIELDS, Attorney At Law and Solicitor in Chancery, Vernon, Alabama. Will practice in the counties of Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims.
MCCLUSKY & MCMULLAN , JNO. D. MCCLUSKEY and JNO. R. MCCULLAN, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery – Vernon, Alabama - will practice in Lamar, Fayette, Marion, and the Courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to the collection of claims, and matters of administration.
GEO. A. RAMSEY, Attorney At Law, Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the various courts of the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Special attention given to Supreme Court and U. S. District Court’s business.
THOS. B. NESMITH – Solicitor for the 3rd Judicial Circuit. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala.
NESMITH & SANFORD – T. B. NESMITH, Vernon, Ala. JOHN B. SANFORD, Fayette C. H. Attorneys at Law. Partners in the Civil practice in the counties of Fayette and Lamar. Will practice separately in the adjoining counties.
EARNEST & EARNEST. W. R. EARNEST and GEO. S. EARNEST, Attorneys-At-Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Birmingham and Vernon, Ala. Will practice in the counties of this Judicial Circuit.
WILLIAM R. SMITH, Attorney At Law. Tuskaloosa, Ala. Will give prompt attention to all businesses trusted to his care. Will practice in the Federal Courts, at Huntsville, Montgomery, and Mobile.
DR. W. L. MORTON & BRO., A. L. MORTON and M. W. MORTON. Physicians & Surgeons. Vernon, Lamar Co., Ala. Tender their professional services to the citizens of Lamar and adjacent country. Thankful for patronage heretofore extended, we hope to merit a respectable share in the future. Drug Store.
SID. B. SMITH, M. D. Surgeon & Physician. Vernon, Alabama. Offers his professional services to the citizens of Vernon and vicinity. Office – at Pioneer office.
ORIGINAL GOODYEAR’S RUBBER GOODS – Vulcanized rubber in every conceivable form. Adapted to Universal use. Any article under four pounds weight can be sent by mail. Wind and Water Proof garments a specialty. Our cloth surface coat combines two garments in one. For stormy weather it is a neat and tidy overcoat. By a peculiar process the rubber is put between the two cloth surfaces, which prevents smelling or sticking even in the hottest climates. They are made in three colors – Blue, Black, and Brown. Are light, portable, strong, and durable. We are now offering them at the extremely low price of $10 each. Sent post paid to any address upon receipt of price. When ordering, state size around chest, over vest. Reliable parties desiring to see our goods, can send for Trade Journal giving description of our leading articles. Be sure and get the "Original Goodyear’s Steam Vulcanized" fabrics. Send for illustrated price-list of our celebrated Pocket Gymnasium. Address carefully, Goodyear’s Rubber Curler Co. 697 Broadway, P. O. Box 5156, New York City.
Ah Me! How seldom now are seem
These slender spikes of fragrant green
In garden beds and bowers;
Fair, weaving hands no longer choose
A single homely spray to use
With favored modern flowers.
Its bushy greenness used to lend
Our childish nosegay grace and blend
With older-fashioned blooms.
We mixed it with the dark hearts ease.
With cabbage-roses, pinks, sweet peas,
All rich with quaint perfumes.
We used it in the posies sweet,
Fresh plucked on May-day morns to greet
Our modest village queen;
It mingled with the flowers that lay
Upon the hawthorn-shaded way,
Toward the daisied green.
The bride’s shy foot trod lightly o’er
Its turfs, as through the hold door
She passed to matronhood;
And on the silent churchyard bed,
Where sleep our best beloved dead,
We planted sourthernwood.
But now it springs unseen, unknown,
Till hands grown feeble, like my own,
All trembling pull a spray,
As I pull this, with tearful eyes,
And thronging memories that arise
Of life’s lost dawning day.
I have been happy and God knows
Not one of all my later woes
Can blot the blissful past!
I have been happy, and I say,
Of all my pleasure passed away,
I knew they could not last.
I had my share of sun and shower,
I had my little day of power,
I queened it with the best;
Now, far from worldly blame and praise
My feet are set in quiet ways
Of calm content and rest.
I pass the red rose on its spray,
And in my hand I hold today
A twig of southernwood,
It tells me I am not bereft,
It whispers that I yet have left
The power of doing good.
It glads the poor man’s garden yet,
And poor men’s eyes are often west
With tears that I might stay;
I choose an humble, helping part;
I take thy teaching to my heart,
My green, old-fashioned spray.
Washington, Oct. 22
The conclusion reached by the monetary commission authorized by the last congress to inquire into the changes on trade, the policy of restoring the double standard, and the best mode of facilitating resumption ate given below:
Upon the facts and consideration herein before set forth, and after carefully weighing the views presented to them orally and in writing by various persons, the commission submit the following answers to the questions referred to them by Congress:
The first question relates to the causes of the recent change in the relative value of gold and silver, and to the effect of that change upon "trade, commerce, finance and productive interests of the country."
This commission concur in the following opinion of the British silver commission- 1876:
Notwithstanding the late rise in the production of silver as compared with gold its proportion to gold is still considerably below what it was in 1848, to say nothing of the period when the proportion was three to one, and the conclusion seems justified that a review of the relations of the metals in times past shows that the fall in the price of silver is not due to any exclusive production as compared with gold.
The cases of the recent change in the relative value of gold and silver are mainly the demonetizations of silver by Germany, the United States, and the Scandinavian States, and the mints in Europe against its coinage. These principal causes were aided by a contemporaneous diminution of the Asiatic demand for silver and by enormous exaggerations of the actual and prospective yield of the Nevada silver mines. The effect of all these causes, principal and accessory, reached its culminating point in the panic of July 1876, in the London Silver market. Many of these causes are essentially temporary. The Asiatic demand for silver has already recovered its accustomed force, and the delusions in respect to the Nevada mines no longer exist. In the opinion of the commission, if the United States restores the double standard, the spread of the movement in favor of a single standard of gold will be decisively checked. The effects of the demonetizations so far accomplished and of the resulting disturbance of the relative value of gold and silver, upon trade, commerce, finance, and productive interests in this country and throughout the commercial world, have been singularly disastrous, and especially to the countries which have recently demonetized silver, or in which the gold standard was already established. In all commercial countries the same phenomenal simultaneously ------prices of commodities and -------diminishing public------starving poorly paid and unemployed laborers, and rapidly multiplying bankruptcies. These facts existing everywhere, must arise from some cause operating everywhere, and no such cause is or can be pointed out except the decrease of metallic money relatively to population and commerce since about 1865, and the larger and more sudden decrease of metallic money, caused by the partial destruction of the money functions of one of the precious metal. This distress dates with the law of the United States February 12, 1873, and the law of Germany of July 1873, giving practical effect to a previous decree of that empire of December 4, 1871 for the establishment of a single gold standard. The stationary or declining production of the metals had already produced a stringency in the metallic money market of the world, and as money stringency and panic are near neighbors, the demonization of one of the metals broke down the partition between them. The demonstration of the nature of the mischief seems complete. What the world has witnessed immediately following a concerted movement to demonetize silver is that fall in prices, ruin of productive interests, and increase in the absorbing power of moneyed capital which could not fail to attend a sudden narrowing of the measure of values. Prior to 1873 prices were regulated by the general existence of a measure of values consisting of two metals of about equal proportions in the world’s stock. To annihilate the monetary function of one must greatly increase the purchasing power of the other and greatly reduce the prices. As all debts, public and private, in Europe and America, had been contracted when the double standard was in practical operation their weight, always burdensome, became crushing when made solvable exclusively in one medal. Silver to the amount of $3,000,000,000 in coin, the accumulation of fifty centuries, is so worked into the web and woof of the world’s commerce that it cannot be discarded without entertaining the most serious consequences social, industrial, political, and commercial. The evil is enormously aggravated by selecting gold as the metal to be retained and silver as the metal to be rejected.
The supply of gold is diminishing, being now little more than half what it was in 1852, and is always so fitful and irregular from the method of its production that it is ill suited to be a sole measure of values. Placer washings require little or no capital, and are soon exhausted. Silver, on the other hand, is found in veins which extend to great depths, the development of which can neither commerce without the loss of heavy investments. Its production is, therefore, comparatively steady and permanent, and it is this sicadiness (sic) in the production of silver, together with the vast stock in use as money throughout the world, which is the moderator of the fluctuations of gold and which, during the sudden and enormous additional supplies of gold since 1848, saved the commercial world from ruinous disaster. The California and Australian placers would have inflicted confiscation upon the creditor classes if the silver, which many of them now seek to discard, had not protected them.
The exchanges of the world, and especially of this county, are continually and largely increasing, while the supplies of both the precious metals taken together if not diminishing are at least stationary and the supply of gold taken itself is falling off. To submit the vast and increasing exchanges of this country and the world to be measured by a metal never reliable in its supply, and now actually diminishing in its supply, would make crisis chronic and business paralysis perpetual.
The second question covers the two points of the restoration of the double standard in this country and of the best legal relation between gold and silver. The commission recommend the restoration of the double standard and the unrestricted coinage of both metals, but are unable to agree upon the legal relation which should be established between them.
The third question related to "the policy of continuing legal tender notes concurrently with the metallic standards, and the effects thereof upon the country". The commission does not propose that it is possible to maintain paper in actual current circulation with coin, unless the paper is made equal in market value to coin, by actual convertibility into it, and that the answer to this question may be embraced in the answer to the fourth and last question, which relate to the resumption of specie payments.
The fourth question covers "the best means for providing for facilitating the resumption of specie payments." The opinions of the witnesses examined upon this point, and the views upon it which are contained in written communications addressed to the commission, are various and contradictory. The experience to other countries furnish little aid in reaching conclusions which can command confidence. The fact in regard to paper money currency seems to be that it has seldom been redeemed in coin. To redeem the paper issues of a country and keep the coin circulation has always been regarded as a very delicate and difficult operation. In the two empires of the present day, covering the greatest extent of territorial area, Russia and Brazil, such paper money has existed in the first for a century, in the second for about half that time. In Russia there have been large issue and occasional redemption at a percentage. In Brazil the paper seems to have been maintained at a close and steady approximation to the value of coin. The only conspicuous example of government resumption is that of England in 1821. The suspension of coin payments in that case was not in form, that of the government, but in substance it was so, from the intimacy of the relations between the government and the suspending bank of England. The government itself gave up coin payments and tendered nothing to the holder of national obligations but depreciated bank notes. Nothing seems to be certain except that the British resumption of 1821, as it was actually accomplished, was followed by an unexampled commercial and industrial depression, covering nearly the period of a generation. The economical writers and authorities of that country do not agree that the resumption was finally effected in the most judicious mode, and still less do they agree as to what would have been a better mode.
It is not possible, therefore, to draw from that historical example much to enlighten us as to the proper policy now to be pursued by the United States. The commission have been able to arrive at only the one single conclusion, that resumption in this country is not practicable under the circumstances until the existing laws making gold the sole metallic legal tender are repealed. Resumption, while these laws are in force, is the establishment of an exclusive gold standard in the United States, just as English resumption in 1821 gave effect to the English gold law in 1816. That the two precious metals together are adequate to maintain the existing prices is at least doubtful by the fact that so many countries have abandoned coin payment within recent years and have resorted to paper money. The total inadequacy of gold alone is apparent. Germany, Great Britain and France are the only countries in the world, which have any considerable quantity of it and the maximum estimates of the aggregate amount they have in coin and bars will not exceed $1,300,000,000. It is not suggested that there are an available and disposable quantities anywhere. In the opinion of the commission the total quantities in the Western world are much exaggerated in the average estimate of statisticians.
Germany commenced its march (not yet completed) to a single gold standard unembarrassed by national debt of any kind, and with a tribute exacted from France of $1,000,000,000. If the German movement, under these favoring circumstances, has resulted in great commercial disturbance and such general distress, it can scarcely be estimated what financial disasters will befall this country if it shall persist in a similar movement under the weight of enormous debts, public and private. In the opinion of the commission, the remonetization of silver is a measure essential to specie payments and may make such payments practicable. Both gold and silver is found in our territory, and their production is among the most important of our industries, and both are needed in the failest measure to render the resumption of specie payments possible. The problem of resumption is not an easy one under any conditions, but the emergencies of the American people may be found equal to it, if they are not deprived of one-half of their ancient and constitutional money.
The commission believe that the remonetization of silver in this country will have a powerful influence in preventing, and probably will prevent, the demonitzation of silver in France and other European countries in which the double standard is still legally and theoretically maintained. But if, notwithstanding remonezation here, further European demonetizations shall take place, the result for us will be an advantageous exchange of commodities which we need. The silver in Europe, disposable in the event of further demonetizations of it on that continent, will come so we, if at tall, in payment for commodities and in transactions which will be free and voluntary on the part of our citizens, who may be trusted to take care of their own interests.
Such transactions will give a much needed stimulus to our commerce, and cannot fail to be made on terms that will be advantageous to us. Nations cannot suddenly dispose of a considerable mass of either metal without a loss from a temporary fall in its price, and this loss becomes the profit of the purchasers when the old price is recovered. Being flooded with silver of Europe – now treated by many persons as an alarming danger – is being flooded with one of the precious metals and with money if silver is remonetized in the country. Silver is the same thing, whether obtained by commerce with Europe or from the mines of America, and those who oppose our receiving it from abroad must wish to see our mines closed at home.
If the States of the Latin Union, or other countries in Europe, abandon the double standard after we readopt it, or because we readopt it, it will be a policy on their part which will be advantageous to us and great disasters will befall them. It would inaugurate in the United States an era of prosperity, based upon solid money, obtained on profitable terms, and under circumstances necessarily stimulating to our industry and commerce.
Finally, the commission believe that the facts that Germany and the Scandinavian States have adopted the single gold standard, and that some other European nations may possibly adopt it, instead of being reasons for perseverance in the attempt to establish it in the United States, are precisely the facts which make such an attempt entirely impracticable and ruinous. If the nations on the continent of Europe had the double standard, its gold standard would be possible here because in that condition, they would freely exchange fold for silver. It was that condition which enabled England to resume specie payments in gold in 1821. The attainment of such a standard becomes difficult precisely in proportion to the number and importance of the countries engaged in striving after it; and it is precisely the same proportion that the ruinous effects of striving after it are aggravated. To propose to this country a contest for a gold standard with the European nations is to propose a disastrous race, in reducing the prices of labor and commodities, in aggravating the burdens of debt, and in the diminution (sic) and concentration of wealth, in which all the contestants will suffer immeasurable, and the victors even more than the vanquished.
The newspaper is the chronicle of civilization, the common reservoir into which every stream pours its living waters, and at which every man may come and drink; it is the newspaper which gives to liberty practical life, its perpetual vigilance, its unrelaxing activity. The newspaper is a daily and sleepless watchman that reports to you every danger which menaces the institutions of your country, and its interest at home and abroad. The newspaper informs legislation of public opinion, and it informs people of acts of legislation; thus keeping up that constant sympathy, that good understanding between people and legislators, which conduces the maintenance of order, and prevents the stern necessity for revolution.
A young man who is a firm believer in spiritualism went the other day to a professional medium, to whom he put, in a sealed envelope, the question, "How is the wheat market likely to go in November?" In a few moments the spirits returned him the following reply: "Yes I watch over you and am over near you. Behind the veil we track with lustrous hope the life path of our beloved on earth. Life is moral; immortality is immortal; tow and two make four. The sacred noon of beatitude basks blissfully on the hilltops of the summer-land. Shadowy kisses are breathed upon your brow, and arms of moonbeams circle you head. Be firm, be pure, and always come to this place when you want any revelations. Our prices are the lowest in the market, and we strive to please. We shall gather at the river, the beautiful, the ditto, the river. Farewell; $2; collect." Somehow the young man’s faith is not so ardent as it used to be.
ARTICLE – "THE POLITICAL CROW" - from Cincinnati Star
New York Politicians are admiring the taste of a crow, which belongs to a retired sea captain, of Brooklyn, which take grog like an old salt and seems to thrive on it. At a political meeting on Saturday one of the candidates offered to treat the crow. A glass was half filled with old rye whiskey; the crow made for it, drank it up greedily gave a hoarse croak of maudlin delight, and fell over on one side. Its recovery was rapid, and it soon walked off. This dissolute bird is in the habit of getting drunk two or three times a day during the campaign, while whisky is plenty, and takes as naturally to political meetings as any ward bummer. A speaker who watched the crow’s ways was heard to remark: "There’s a good deal of human nature about that bird."
REBECCA BEAMER was her name, but when 13 years and six months old she became Mrs. G. W. HA___ and soon after a widow. After reaching 14 years 5 months and ___ married, and became Mrs. JOHN ___. She is the daughter of a soldier----minor draws a pension from the United States, which is reu-------guardian. She will ------for a year and a half-------becomes sweet sixteen.
THE PIONEER, Vernon, Alabama. Published Weekly.
D. R. ALDRIDGE, Publisher SID B. SMITH, M. D. Editor and Proprietor
October 31, 1877
Mr. Hayes and his Cabinet have for several weeks passed, given the question of reducing the expenses of the Government considerable serious attention. It is fully agreed between them that expenses must be cut down; or as Secretary Sherman says, "the revenues of the country will not hold out if expenses are not curtailed." The point is, however, to find out where and what to cut down. And, in the estimation of the Cabinet, the place for reduction is in the improvement of rivers, harbors, &c.
The true point, however, with the Cabinet, is to make a little reform capital for themselves, and to put a test to the economical pretentious of the Democratic House of Representatives in the way of curtailment of expenses.
We have no doubt but that the Democratic House will more than meet Mr. Hayes half way, in the matter of economy – but whether it will see the same points of curtailment is not very likely. No doubt Congress will curtail where Mr. Hayes wishes an increase, and increase where he wishes to curtail.
The Administration would have the army and navy which bring no increase of trade or revenue increased, at the expense of the improvement of our rivers and harbors which do bring an increase of trade and revenues.
The colored people of Pottsville, Pa., held a mass Meeting at that place on the night of the 31st, when the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
"Resolved – that we sever our connection with the Republican Party, with which we have heretofore been identified, and we hereby proclaim ourselves, as colored citizens of Pottsville, free and independent voters, to exercise the right of franchise as our consciences dictate."
The Supreme Court of Missouri has rendered a decision in the case of Frost vs. Metcalfe, a contested claim for a seat in Congress from the 3rd District. The decision gives the seat to Metcalfe, Republican.
Gen. N. B. Forrest, the great Confederate cavalry man has passed away. He died at the residence of his brother, Jessie Forrest, on the evening of the 29th October. This sad event was not unexpected, as the General had been in failing health for many months.
Few men have made the mark in military renown as Gen. Forrest.
The recent conference at Washington, among Republican Congressmen, and published intimations of an intention on the part of Hayes to abandon his Southern policy, prove that there are grave dissentions among the Republicans, and that an effort will be made by the Conklings, Butlers, and Mortons to drive Mr. Hayes from his present course, and to unite the party on the old bloody shirt policy of the Grant administration. The great mass of the people of the North are certainly with Hayes. They wish pacification and purification. They wish revival of all the great business interests of the country. They see that the country is rearing the bitter fruits of partisan ------(rest of paragraph is unreadable)-------passions, and policy into the Republican Party. Let the Democracy stand firm and solid and true to all their old principles. Amid Republican dissension, let us have in the ranks of the Democracy not one word to produce discord. There can be no permanent prosperity in this country, except for the honest, practical application of the great principals of the Democratic party – our party can convince the people of that when the time comes.
KANSAS CITY, Oct 19. A gigantic swindle was brought to light here yesterday by the arrest of J. R. HAM, E. L. STEVEN, and GEO. W. MILLER, on the requisition of GOV. HUBBARD of Texas, charged with forging land titles issuing fraudulent deeds for large traces of land in Texas. The scheme of fraud was organized by Ham and another named Thomas Trullis of Austin, Texas. Ham lives here, and through his persuasions Stevens and Miller were brought into the plot. Stevens, who is a lawyer, and a ---Judge Steven of this city, is---to have gone into the operation innocently at first, by purchasing 14,000 acres of Texas lands from Ham, but subsequently becoming fascinated by the opportunities offered for making money rapidly, entered freely into the swindling conspiracy, and was known in Texas as "the Kansas City lawyer," In order to better secure the success of their plans, Ham and his confederates caused to be made duplicate copies of the notorial and other seals, and procured specimens of the signatures of numerous State officials of Texas. They also caused to be printed blank forms and exact copies of deeds necessary for their transactions. All the titles and patents used by them, and representing either the general Government of State lands were forged.
An immense amount of land has been conveyed by them under many different aliases, and to many different persons. About a year ago the attention of Gov. Hubbard was called to the matter, and on looking into it, he was satisfied that a monstrous swindle had been perpetrated, involving the interests of both the State of Texas and the United States. The authorities at Washington were informed of the facts discovered and Special Agent Foster was sent out there. He obtained clues to the authors of the swindle, which have been closely followed ever since resulting in the arrest of sic persons simultaneously, in various parts of the country who belong to the gang. No less than thirteen court houses have been set of fire and burned during the past year to destroy evidence that could have been brought against the conspirators. Ha, Stevens and Miller left Texas yesterday in the custody of officers from that State.
Morton, of Indiana is dead. "nihil mortuis nisi bonum."
ARTICLE – from Cincinnati Star
Blue Jeans Williams may not know everything of the proprieties of official conduct, but he knew enough when called upon previous to Senator Morton’s death for an interview about the appointment of a successor, to reply that he never administered on a man’s estate prior to his death, and that respect for Morton’s family would prevent precipitous and indecent haste.
Columbia, S. C. Nov 1 – The trial of ex-State Treasurer Cardozo began today. Ex-Speaker Lee testified that was a surplus of $4,000 of the appropriation for 1878. Cordoza proposed that Lee and Gleaves, President of the Senate, should issue Legislative certificates for that amount, the Treasurer (Cardoza) pay it, and the parties divide which agreement was carried out and the money obtained. Woodruff, Clerk of the Senate testifies to almost the same facts. The certificate was prepared by Woodruff in the name of C. L. Frankfort, a fictitious person, intended to represent F. L. Cardozo. No other witnesses were examined today. Judge Townsend ordered the jury to be kept together until the trial ended. The jury is composed of four white men and eight colored.
The inventions and improvements that have been made during the present century in this country as well as in all parts of the world will remain for all time a marked epoch in the world’s history. Nearly all of the inventions that now save the labor of millions of hands, that now makes a journey around the world a mere pleasure trip, that annihilates space, that records on its mirror the event of every day life at almost wholly the result of human intellect of the nineteenth century. When we look back upon what has been accomplished we stare in amazement at the rapid and gigantic strides that have been taken in all directions to enlighten and benefit the world. Not only have great agents been discovered or better utilized, but the minor and indispensable details of every day life have been simplified, so that our mothers, our wives, our sisters and our daughters are not bound to that household slavery that made them carry the real burdens of domestic life. Now scarcely a day passes by some new and valuable invention is added to the endless list of articles to lighten the labor of the household.
So far, there has been no invention that has supplies so great a want in every family as the sewing machine. With the introduction of this genuine laborsaving apparatus, one of the greatest drudges of the household has been done away, and the work of furnishing the family garments with its tireless needle has become a pleasure and a pastime.
It would be useless to attempt to enumerate the many improvements that have been made in sewing machines but among the most countless makes and styles, none have stood the test of public trail and criticism better or even as well as the Victor Sewing Machine now in use in every clime, at home and abroad. Being the original pioneer from the very start, under the name of the Finkie and Lyon, the manufacturers have kept pace with the march of improvement; and have made such alterations adjustments as time and the severest trials have shown to be for the best, until it now stands the acme of excellence, in finish, durability and all that makes a sewing machine desirable. The manufacturers, to meet the times, have placed their best machine within the reach of every family of whatever condition in life, thus benefiting the millions of this day and generation as well as future generations to come. See handsome and attractive ad on fourth page.
THE SUN. 1878 NEW YORK. As the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions, The Sun would remind its friends and well-wishers everywhere, that it is again a candidate for their consideration and support. Upon its record for the past ten years it relies for a continuance of the hearty sympathy and generous co-operation which have hitherto been extended to it from every quarter of the Union. The Daily Sun is a four page sheet of 28 columns, price by mail, post paid, 55 cents a month, or $6.50 per year. The Sunday edition of The Sun is an eight-page sheet of 56 columns. While giving the news of the day, it also contains a large amount of literary and miscellaneous matter specially prepared for it. The Sunday Sun has met with great success. Post paid $1.20 a year. The Weekly Sun. Who does not know The Weekly Sun? It circulates throughout the United States, the Canadas, and beyond. Ninety thousand families greet its welcome pages weekly, and regard it in the light of guide, counselor, and friend. Its news, editorial, agricultural and literary departments make it essentially a journal for the family and the fireside. Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid. This price, quality considered makes it the cheapest newspaper published. For clubs of ten, with $10 cash, we will send an extra copy free. Address Publisher of The Sun, New York City.
DR. L. F. SHELTON, Dentist. Will remain in Vernon but two weeks longer. Parties needing work in his line should call at once.
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Estate of G. B. DARNELL, deceased.
Probate Court, Regular Term, Oct. 8, 1877
In the matter of the estate of GREEN B. DARNELL, deceased, this day came JAMES P. YOUNG, administrator of said estate and moves the court for an order to sell certain lands in his petition described for the purpose of division amongst the heirs of said estate, when it appearing of record that a former application had been made and refused upon the ground that the testimony was not produced sufficient to make the order of sale: It is therefore ordered by the Court that the 20th day of November, 1877, be a day set to which a hearing will be had on such application, when all parties interested can appear and contest the same if they see proper.
ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate
By virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Lamar County, Alabama made on the 8th day of Oct. 1877, I as administrator of the estate of JESSE CORBETT, late of said county, deceased, will offer for sale on the premises in said county on the 17th pay of Nov. next, the following lands, belonging to said estate, to wit: …(land desc)… Sec 27, T16, R 14. Sale will be in the usual hours as prescribed by law. Terms made known on that day.
This the 22nd day of Oct. 1877.
A. J. CORBETT, Admr.
GILMER HOUSE – A. M. KING, Prop’r. The only first class hotel in the city.
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Estate of DIADEREA COX, deceased.
Probate Court, Special Term, Sept. 24, 1877
This day came G. G. WEIR, a citizen of said County and filed in this court a paper purporting to be the last Will and Testament of DIADEMA COX, late of said county, dec’d praying that said paper may be admitted to probate; when, It appearing from the Petition of the said G. G. WEIR, herein filed with said paper, that the only heirs of said estate are MEDORA F. WEIR, wife of G. G. WEIR, WM. P. COX, REBECCA M. ALBRITTON, wife of WILLIAM ALBRITTON, JULIA F. COX and RICHARD F. COX, all of whom are adults and of sound mind and that WM. P. COX, REBECCA M. ALBRITTON, and RICHARD H. COX are non-residents of said State.
It is ordered by the Court that publication be made in the Vernon Pioneer a newspaper published in the town of Vernon for at least three weeks prior to the first day of November next notifying the said WM. P. COX, REBECCA M. ALBRITTON and RICHARD H COX to appear at this court on the 1st day of November 1877 to show cause why said paper shall not be admitted to Probate, and that citation issued to JOHN E. COX and MEDORA E. WEIR according to law.
ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate
The New American Sewing Machine. Simplest & Best. Agents Wanted. No. 177 W 4th St. Cincinnati, O.
Tutt’s Pills. A Noted Divine Says they are worth their weight in gold. Read what he says…..What is Queen’s Delight! Read the Answer….Nature’s own remedy…..Dr. Tutt’s Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight…..Healthy Solid Flesh……..
The Old Reliable! Has now in stock the largest assortment of General Merchandise ever brought to this market. Dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, glassware, crockery, hardware, tin ware, drugs, medicines, etc. In fact, everything the people want from Calomel to Zozodont. I am taking State Obligations at par. Hereafter I sell for Cash or Credit. Parties indebted to me must come forward immediately and settle; else I must go to see them. A. A. SUMMERS
How to Paint. Painters and property owners desiring pure, good material should use or stipulate for the use of HARRISON Bros. & Co.’s "town and county" ready mixed paints. Pure white and 40 different shades, entirely ready for use. Beautiful, durable and economical. Made from Pure material. Tested on thousands of buildings. Handsome and permanent. No waste or loss of time in mixing. Does not crack or peel. Cheaper and better than any other paint. Free from objectionable ingredients generally used in so called "chemical" paints. Sample cards on application. Consumers of paints preferring stock in old past form should use or stipulate for use of Harrison’s pure white lead, oldest brand in the country. Whitest, finest and best. Harrison’s Sylvan Green, exquisite in tint, unrivaled in body, and of never fading shade. Harrison’s standard colors. Umbers, siennas, ochres, blacks, vermillions, blues, and yellows, unequalled for strength and fineness. Best and finest made. Order these brands from your dealer. Take no other. For sale (wholesale only) at 115 Fulton Street, New York. Centennial medals awarded for superiority of Harrison’s Bros. & Co.’s paints.
Established 1856. DART & REYNOLDS (A. A. DART) Builders of Light Carriages, New Haven, Conn. Manufacture work expressly for the southern market, and from long experience are thoroughly acquainted with the requirements of the country. The work itself used in every Southern State is its recommendation, and renders a detailed description unnecessary. We also manufacture the celebrated Dexter Buggy, Now on Exhibition at the Centennial. The best, easiest and most durable vehicle in existence. For Circulars, & c. apply as above.
Have you tried SIDDALL’S MAGNETIC SOAP? For use in summer and winter. Makes clothes clean, sweet and very white without boiling or scalding. No rough hands! No yellow clothes! No wash boiler! No steam in the house! Guaranteed under $50 penalty not to injure clothes and superior for Toilet and Shaving. Sold at stores or a family package will be sent, express charges prepaid on receipt of One dollar and Fifty cents. One reliable dealer wanted at every prominent point, as Agent, with whom a liberal arrangement will be made. Address F. H. SIDDALL, 106 Market Street, Phila.
Agents make $18 a day. Our large life like Steel Engravings of the Presidential Candidates. Send for circular. N. Y. Engraving Co. 35 Wall St. Box 3236, N. Y.
THE PIONEER, Vernon. Wednesday Oct. 31, 1877.
Terms of Subscription
One copy one year $1.50
One copy six months 1.00
All subscriptions payable in advance
Rates of Advertising
One inch, one insertion $1.00
One inch, each subsequent insertions .50
One inch, twelve months 10.00
One inch, six months 7.00
One inch, three months 5.00
Two inches, twelve months 15.00
Two inches, six months 10.00
Two inches, three months 7.00
Quarter Column 12 months 35.00
Half Column, 12 months 60.00
One column, 12 months 100.00
One column, 3 months 35.00
One column, 6 months 60.00
Professional Cards $10.00
Special advertisements in local columns will be charged double rates.
Advertisements collectable after first insertion
Local notices, 20 cents per line.
Obituaries, tributes of respect, etc. making over ten line, charged advertising rates.
County Court meets on the 1st Monday in each month.
Probate Court meets on 2nd Monday in each month.
Commissioner’s Court Meets on the 2nd Monday in February, May, August, and November.
ALEXANDER COBB – Judge of Probate
S. P. KEMP – Sheriff
J. R. MCMULLAN – Circuit Clerk
JAMES M. MORTON – Register in Chancery
JAMES M. WILSON – Treasurer
J. F. PENNINGTON – Tax Assessor
G. W. WOODS – Tax Collector
W. T. MARLER – Coroner
Masonic: Vernon Lodge, No. 389, meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month, at 10 a.m.
I.O.O.F: Moscow Lodge, No. 45, meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays in each month, at 7 p.m.
R. C. MCLESTER, T. N. HAYES, J. A. MCLESTER. MCCLESTER, HAYS, & CO., Cotton buyers and dealers in groceries, boots and shoes, hats, dry goods and general merchandise. Northport, Alabama.
NATHAN BROS, Importers and wholesale dealers in old bourbon and rye whiskies, wines, liquors, cigars, tobacco and pipes. Columbus and Aberdeen, Miss. N.B. Merchants desiring their shipments from the West can have their orders filled at our Cincinnati House.
There are several additions to the Vernon High School this week.
The REV. MR. BLACKWELL left on last Monday to attend the Annual Conference of the Tuskaloosa District of the M. E. South, which will be held at Gadsden.
MR. THOS. B. NESMITH will attend Conference at Gadsden as a delegate from this Circuit.
BEN. GUYTON lodged in jail this week. BEECHER case.
Lamar County Medical Association held a very interesting session Monday last. Present – DR. W. L. MORTON, M. W. MORTON, JOHN A. BROWN, R. J. REDDIN, W. A. BROWN, SID. B. SMITH, J. W. COLLINS, and J. D. RUSH. The inclemency of the weather prevented a general turn out. The Society will hold a special meeting on Monday next.
Mississippi held her State election yesterday. We have heard of no opposition Republican ticket, but have no doubt one made its appearance before polls opened, only to be gloriously beaten by the grand old Democracy of our sister State.
Thieves are still on the rampage at Fayette C. H. The latest victims are J. C. ROBERTSON& Son, BURRIS & BRO. and J. B. JONES, whose stores were entered last week and more or less goods taken. No clue.
MESSRS. NEWHOUSE & CO. are offering great bargains in the line of dry goods, boots, shoe and hats. Be sure and give them a trail when you go to Aberdeen.
HON. JOHN H. BANKHEAD is now with Homea & Son, Aberdeen, dealers in groceries, etc. where his legion and friends in this section will find in him their same attentive guardian of their wants and wishes. All success to our worthy Senator.
Here’s to Mississippi! Drink her down!!
Glad to notice that our farmers are putting in an extra quantity of wheat in this season. They cannot plant too much small grain or too little cotton, and when they go to Aberdeen they can find no better bargains than are offered by NEWHOUSE & Bro.
The professional card of DR. L. SHELTON will be found in another column. Dr. Frank is an expert in dentistry and a most affable and courteous gentleman – in every respect worthy of the kindest consideration of the good people of Vernon.
Don’t forget NEWHOUSE & Bro. Aberdeen, Miss., when you find their elegant establishment inquire for the ever attentive WATSON BROWN. He will box you up according to Hoyle.
The Prospectus of the New York Sun appears in another column of our issue today. A fearless pen – with an eye open to the one interest of our united country, we cannot say too much in commendation of this excellent journal. Send for it.
ALABAMA LAW JOURNAL – A. B. MCEACHIN, of Tuskaloosa, has undertaken the publication of a monthly journal as above, the initial number to appear about the 1st December, prox. Contributions promised from the HONS. WM. R. SMITH and B. B. LEWIS, PROFS. J. M. MARTIN and H. M. SOMERVILLE, of the University Law School. The profession may expect a valuable monthly magazine and will no doubt give it a cordial and substantial endorsement. Subscription price $5 per annum.
Now that the cotton season is fairly opened, we take peculiar pleasure in calling attention to the card of MESSRS. L BREWER & CO, cotton factors and general commission merchants, Mobile, Ala. This excellent and well established house controls a large trade in this State, and certainly there is none more deserving. The senior of this firm, MR. L. BREWER, in addition to his fame as a merchant, has been enviably prominent as a politician and patriot. Mobile has found in a mine of genuine worth, and has repeatedly honored him with political laurels. In the Alabama Legislature his ability, sagacity and determination made him a terror to the foes of good government and won him the abiding love and confidence of his countrymen.
ROBBED. MR. AMOS PENNINGTON was returning from Columbus last week and camped near Caledonia. His son-in-law, one SAM HARPER, an adventurer who had but a few days before married one of Mr. Pennington’s daughters was along. During the night Harper relieved Mr. Pennington of his pocket-book and sloped. The book contained $100 the proceeds of two bales of cotton – the results of a year’s labor. We sympathize with Mr. P. in his loss and sincerely hope the villain will be caught and punished, as his double crime deserves.
DR. J. D. RUSH- with M. W. HATCH, Dealer in drugs, medicines, and chemicals, paints, oils, varnishes, &c. Pure wines and liquors for medicinal use. Also – fine linens of tobacco, cigars, dye stuffs generally. Medicines genuine, and of the best quality. Cor. Main and Market Streets, Columbus, Miss.
GOLD – Great chance to make money. If you can’t get gold you can get greenbacks. We need a person in every town to take subscriptions for the largest, cheapest and best illustrated family publication in the world. Any one can become a successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody subscribes. One agent reports making over $150 a week. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subscribers in ten days. All agents make money fast. You can devote your time to the business or only spare time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well as others. Full particulars free. If you want profitable work send us your address at once. No one who engages fails making great pay. Address "The People’s Journal" Portland, Maine.
The Southern Argus. An Agricultural, Political, News, and Literary paper, a fearless home rule and white rule organ, is devoted to the promotion of Southern interests in general, and Alabama interests in particular, and to these ends is independent of rings, cliques and combinations of all kinds, holding men as nothing, but looking lonely to the general good through honest policy. Bright, live, newsy and fresh, it is the paper for the farm and the fireside, the home and the family circle. It is the journal of the people, not of the politicians – an organ of the toiling masses – a fearless and vigilant critic of the office holders. It is admittedly one of the best papers in the South, and is also the cheapest. Single copies to any address, postage paid by the publisher, $1.50 a year, five copies, one year, $5.00; ten copies, ordered at one time, sent to the same or to different post offices, for $10 and an extra copy for the person making the club. Address. ROB’T MCKEE, Selma, Ala.
W. T. COOPER of Lamar County, Alabama with H. C. GOODRICH, Dealer in all kinds of stoves, tables, tin and woodenware, china, glass, and crockery ware. Will sell cheaper than any house in the city. Mr. Cooper will be glad to have his friends to call on him at No. 59, Main Street, Columbus, Mississippi.
State of Alabama, Lamar County
Oct 17, 1877
Under and by virtue of an order from the Probate Court of Marion County, Alabama, I will offer for sale within the usual hours prescribed by law, at public out cry on Saturday the 17th day of Nov. 1877, the following described lands, belonging to the estate of JAMES H. HARRIS, deceased. To wit, the …(land description) All in T13 of T16….and Sec 2 in T14 of R16, all lying and being situated in the county of Lamar and State aforesaid. Sale to be on the premises. Purchasers required to give note with two approved securities.
W. H. CLOPTON & SON, Wholesale and retail Grocers and dealers in family supplies. 78 Commerce Street, Aberdeen, Miss. We keep the largest and best stock on market and sell at bottom prices for cash.
S. C. MUNGER. 89 Market Street, Columbus, Mississippi. "Headquarters of East Mississippi and West Alabama for "The Old Reliable" Milburn Wagon. Has on hand a full stock of carriages-----road and spring wagons, &c. &c. Also, a complete stock of saddles, bridles-------hams, trace chains, back bands, &c, &c. Call and examine my stock and see for yourself-----than you ever bought such goods in Columbus----.
Letter of Administration on the estate of H. T. HENSON, late of Lamar County, Alabama was on this day granted the undersigned by the Hon. ALEXANDER COBB, Judge of Probate for said county. This is to notify all persons indebted to said estate to make immediate payment to me, and all persons having claims against said estate will present them to me properly authenticated within the time prescribed by law or they will be forever barred.
Administratrix of Said Estate. Oct 8, 1877
C. T. GIFFORD, dealer in watches, clocks, spectacles, silver plated ware jewelry, &c. Watches, clocks, &c. repaired in the best manner and warranted. 18-carat gold engagement and wedding rings from $4.50 to $11. Call and see my stock. Sign of the Golden Eagle, No. 105 Commerce Street, Aberdeen, Mississippi.
JOHN S. WHITE, of Lamar County, Alabama with HUDSON, HUMPHRIES, & HUDSON. Wholesale and Retail dealers in dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, &c. South East Corner Main and Market Streets, Columbus, Mississippi.
The Montgomery Weekly. Advertiser and Mail. Now is the time to subscribe. It is a large thirty-six column paper, filled with editorials, telegrams, miscellaneous news, market reports, and is altogether just such a paper as ought to be in every household in Alabama. It will as heretofore advocate the men and Measurers of the Democratic and Conservative Party, believing that the future peace and prosperity of the whole country depends upon the success to that organization. Next year we are to have an important State election and subscribers now ill receive it during that time. Terms:
Daily, one copy one year………………………….$10.00
Daily, one copy six months……………………… 5.00
Daily, 10 copies 1 year (all to start at same time) 80.00
Weekly, one copy one year………………………….2.00
Weekly, ten copies one year………………………..17.50
Weekly, fifteen copies one year…………………….22.50
Not confined to one post office. Address all orders to W. W. SCREWS, Montgomery, Ala.
No excuse for any one being out of employment. Our attention has been called to some new and useful cooking utensils, recently invented, which make baking and cooking a pleasure, instead of a dreaded necessity. One of which, the Paten Centennial Cake and Bread pan, made of Russia Iron, is so constructed that you can remove your cake when baked, instantly from the pan, without breaking or injuring it, and you can remove the tube, and convert it into a plain bottom pan, for baking jelly or plain cakes, bread, etc. Another – the Kitchen Gem – a plated wire boiler or steamer to hang inside of an ordinary iron pot, for boiling or steaming vegetables, etc., which when done, can be removed perfectly dry, without lifting the heavy sooty iron pot off of the stove, avoiding the danger of burning the hands with the steam in pouring off the hot water, and the vegetables cannot possibly burn if the water boils day, as the steamer does not touch the bottom of the pot. These goods are sold exclusively through agents to families, and every housekeeper should by all means have them. A splendid opportunity is offered to some reliable lady or gentleman canvasser of this county to secure the agency for a pleasant and profitable business. For terms, territory, etc. write to L. E. BROWN & Co., Nos. 214 and 216 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Welded Steel and Iron Triple Flange Fire and Burglar Proof Safes. Patent inside bolt work and hinged cap. No safe complete without it. W. H. TERWILLIGER, No. 34 Maiden Lane. Near William St. New York
Make home happy. A plentiful supply of Good reading and beautiful pictures will do it. The Cincinnati Weekly Star. A fine eight page paper, with 48 full columns, cost only $1.00 per year (we pay postage). And is the largest, brightest, and best paper published for the money. It is independent in politics, gives all the news, and bespies much other good reading, every number has three or four excellent original or selected stories. Every subscriber also receives a copy of the beautiful engraving, "The Poor, the Poor Man’s friend" size 21 x 33 inches, and a copy of the Star Illustrated Almanac. 25 cents extra must be sent to pay expense of packing and mailing premiums. Our inducements to agents, always the most liberal in the field, are now greater than ever. We want every club agent in the country to communicate with us before commencing work. To any person desiring to get up a club, we will send a sample copy of the picture and a canvasser’s outfit for 25 cents. Specimen copy of paper free. Send for one before subscribing for any other. The Star, though in no sense a party paper has always been a vigorous advocate of the rights of all the States, and was among the first to urge the justice of local government in the South. Persons to whom we have already sent the picture. The Poor, the Poor man’s Friend; by saying so can have in its stead another excellent engraving, of same size, which we have secured for this purpose. Paper without picture, One dollar. The Star. 230 Walnut St., Cincinnati, O. Make home pleasant
LEROY BREWER, THOS. DUGAN, H. L. HOPPER, C. A. HARRIS – L. BREWER & CO., Wholesale grocers. Dealers in Northern and Western Goods. Retailers and dealers in domestic and imported wines and liquors. Also Cotton Factors and Commission merchants. Agents for Orange Powder Works, Pratt’s Radiant & Astral Oil, California Gold Seal Wine. N. Schaeffer’s Lard and Candles, S. Davis Jr. & Co. Diamond Hams, Blackwell’s Durbam Smok’g Tobacco. Corner of Commerce and St. Louis Streets, Mobile, Ala.
Thorough-bred Hogs & Poultry. I have a few very choice pair of pure-bred chickens for sale, viz: Light and Dark Brahmas, Buff and Partridge Cochins, White and Brown Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks, Grey Dorkings, Houdans, Golden Polish and Black Spanish from the "best strains" in the country – Snow White rabbits and guinea pigs. Also breeder of Berkshire Pigs. From imported stock. Prices reasonable. Correspondence solicited. Address W. T. Johns, Nashville, Tenn.
The Trustees of the Vernon High School take pleasure in announcing that they have made an arrangement with Rev. W. B. GILLHAM to take charge of their Institution for the ensuing school year – to commence on the 1st Monday in November. Mr. Gillham’s long and successful experience as educator of the youth of both sexes warrant us in giving him our highest endorsement and soliciting for our School a liberal patronage. In view of the great stringency in money matters, a reduction has been made from the usual rates of tuition for the present year. We propose for the present year to have a first class English School, and when the patronage will justify, to add a teacher of ancient and perhaps modern languages. Our school will be divided into the following grades and rates per session of 5 months.
Alphabetical lessons, Spelling, First lessons in Reading, First lessons in Geography and Mathematical Tables. $7.50
Written or Practical Arithmetic, Eng. Grammar, Descriptive Geography, Orthography, Reading, Penmanship, First lessons in English Composition and History of the United States. $12.50
Algebra, Geometry, natural Philosophy, Intellectual Philosophy, Moral Philosophy, Astronomy, English Composition, Rhetoric, Rhetorical Reading, English Grammar completed, Logic and Universal History. $17.50
All tuition fees due on the admission of the pupil, and the payments to be made punctually each quarter (ten weeks) except the first which must be made by the 25th of December. No pupil will be admitted for a less time than the remainder of the session for which he enters, except by special notice at the time of admission. Board including fires, lights, and lodging from eight to ten dollars per month.
Music on Piano, per month $4.00
Use of Instrument per month 1.00
Vocal Music (science of per mo.) 3.00
A contingent fee of 50 cents will be charged each pupil for the purpose of keeping up fires, etc. For further particulars apply to: Trustees: J. D. MCCLUSKEY, ARTY A. SUMMERS, T. W. SPRINGFIELD, JASON GUIN, M. W. MORTON
MUD CREEK ACADEMY. Male and Female. Lamar County Alabama (fifteen miles south of Vernon). The first Session of this Institution will open on the First Monday in October 1877, and continue eight scholastic months. The number of students is limited to 30. Board, including washing, lights, etc. from $7 to $8 per month. Tuition $1 ½, $2, $2 ½, and $3 per month of 20 days. For particulars address the Principal. J. M. I. GUYTON, Co., Sup’t Ed. Vernon, Lamar Co. Ala.
The Russio-Turkish War. Agents Wanted for this comprehensive, superbly illustrated history of the present momentous struggle in the East. Its accurate maps, plan and many elegant engravings are a special feature. It gives a graphic history of each country, with historic and descriptive sketches of the primitive manners, picturesque customs and domestic life of the Contestants. Describes the dreadful massacre of Christians in Bulgaria; the Frightful Turkish Atrocities in other places; the uprising of the masses in Herzegovina. It gives the Stirring battles and thrilling incidents of the war, and is the most fascinating and exciting work of the age. Agents are sure of prompt and ready sales. Prospectus books now ready. Also agents wanted on our grand combination prospects representing 150 Distinct books. Universal interest. It includes Agricultural, biographical, historical, religious and miscellaneous works, with size, title and description of each book. Specimen pages and specimen illustrations, sales made from this prospectus when all singe books fail. Also our fine family Bibles, English and German, Protestant and Catholic. With invaluable illustrated aids and superb bindings, Nearly 100 styles. Superior to all others and indispensable to every family. Particulars free. Address, John E. Potter & C., Publishers, Philadelphia.
Barnes’ Patent Foot Pedal Machinery, Circular and Scroll saws, Lathes, etc. Fancy Wood and Designs. 10 different machines suited to the wants of mechanics and amateurs. Men, boys and ladies are making from $3 to $10 per day using them. Old styles thrown aside when these machines are known. Lumber from ½ to 3 ¼ inches thick hard or soft wood can be ripped by man power at the rate of from 125 to 600 feet per hour, line measure!!! Thousands of them now in use. The Velocipede Scroll Saw for miscellaneous work is admitted by all to be the jolliest little machine in the business. Say what you read this in and send for our 48 page illustrated catalogue. Free. W. F. & John Barnes, Rockford, Winnebago Co., Ill.
We will take Wheat or other country produce, at the premium market price in payment for subscription. We ask our friends who are in arrears for subscription or otherwise to remember the printer when harvest time comes. Deliver the amount you owe us in wheat, at its cash value to this office, Saunders;, Morton’s or Cansler’s Mills. We shall expect it or you.
THE PIONEER. Vernon, Alabama. Published Weekly
D. R. ALRIDGE, Publisher. SID B. SMITH, M. D. Editor and Proprietor.
The St. Louis Republican publishes the following private letters written by a magistrate on the island called Paumbeu, in India, to his brother in the State of Missouri:
"I am so fearfully sick of this dreadful famine: people dying all around of starvation and out of one’s power to assist. Returning from my morning’s ride one day this week I found a woman in the last stage of starvation, and although I procured sago and brandy for her the poor creature died. I am to hold a meeting this evening to start a private congee house to relieve the necessities of some. Every day we give rice and money out of our own resources, but it is a heavy drain. Rice sells at twenty-five shillings a bag of 164 pounds, which could be bought last year at eighteen shillings, and of course every thing is dear in proportion in the vegetable line; but cows and poultry are to be bought in the same place at nominal prices only. The people have nothing to feed them on, and in some places there is actually a famine of water as well as of food. Grass is an article of importation, and pays for its conveyance. We feed about 300 people daily, one meal a day only, as we shall have to feed them for four months, perhaps longer. Last month was a great festival time among the Hindoos(sic), but, owing to the famine, not many came to market although there is a temple here much frequented by the devotees. Sometimes after landing on the shore, they roll the whole way (eight miles) to pay their devotions. In one taleeg (sic) 80,000 died of starvation in a month. In our district 70,000 died in May. Is it not terrible? You cannot imagine what scenes we Indians see and hear daily. Can you fancy a woman boiling and eating her own baby! That occurred not many miles from here only last week. When possible I superintend the giving of food myself, and have often seen the mothers take the children’s share and eat it themselves. I must add that I make it up to the poor little things, when possible by giving them an extra allowance, as I feel that only the pangs of utter starvation would induce a mother to rob her child, for although black in color, they are not devoid of feeling.
STATEMENT – from Cincinnati Star
The Mexican Congress has appropriated $300,000 for the construction of a factory for breech-loading arms. They had much better expend it for breeches, without arms, for their ragamuffin countrymen.
New Cash Store! LOUIS ROY Dealer in Dry goods, notions, boots, shoes, clothing, hats, caps, &c. 69 Commerce Street. Aberdeen, Miss. J. H. TYRONE is with this house and will be glad to see his Alabama friends
A Dealer wanted in every town in the South for the celebrated WEED SEWING MACHINE. The easiest learned, lightest running, most durable and popular Machine made. Received the highest award at the Centennial. Special inducements offered. Address. Weed Sewing Machine Co. No. Canal Street, New Orleans.
To Consumptives. The undersigned having been permanently cured of that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. parties wishing the prescription will please address, Rev. E. A. WILSON, 104 Penn St., Williamsburgh, New York.
OPIUM HABIT CURED! A certain and sure cure. Large Reduction in Prices. A trial bottle free. Mrs. J. A. Dillinger, La Porte, Louisiana. (Torn)
BEATTY Piano, Organ best Look! Startling! See! Organs, 12 stops $55. Pianos only $130. Cost $650. Cir. free. Daniel R. Beatty, Washington, N. J.
Guns and revolvers. Illustrated Price List Free. Great Western Gun stocks. Pittsburg, Pa.
Golden-----. We send free our-----fully illustrated jewelry and watch catalogue, with instructions on how to make money. Address, M. Crenegin & Co., Philadelphia, Pa or Milwaukee, Wis.
Mother’s Remedy. For burns and scalds, bites of insects, poison by ivy ---------
Agents wanted. Wilson Sewing Machine Co. 829 Broadway, New York City.
Healthful, practical. A family friend. The light running DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE. Double thread, lock stitch. Automatic self-adjusting tension and take-up. Conical steel bearings and compensating journal. It does not fatigue. It does not make you nervous. Light running, noiseless. None run it but to love it. None know it but to praise. The Domestic is the most desirable and efficient machine made for these reasons: It is made of the choicest materials and by the best workmen. It is the simplest in construction and most reliable in its notion. It requires almost no adjusting, and yet does every variety of work. It is noiseless, rapid, and will outwear any other machine. It is the easiest running of machines, and saves muscle and nerves which are more valuable than money. It has never failed to give perfect satisfaction. Every machine warranted. Physicians recommend it for its light-running and noiseless qualities. Send for a copy of "How to Choose a Sewing Machine". Domestic Sewing Machine Co. New York. "Domestic" Paper Fashions. The most stylish and best fitting, in endless variety. Send 5 cents for large illustrated catalogue of 1000 styles. Domestic Monthly. An instructive and entertaining illustrated magazine of fashion, polite literature, and art. $1.50 a year, with premium. Specimen copy, 15 cents. Domestic Sewing Machine Co, Home office. Broadway and 14th St., New York
$200,000. Greatest. In order to clear out our stock of very superior Gold-plated Jewelry valued at over $200,000. We will send as below, 20 pieces, all warranted gold-plated, for $1.00. 1 pair gold stone sleeve buttons. 1 pair engraved sleeve buttons. 1 set pointed studs, 1 set amethyst studs, 1 wedding ring……..Take your choice. The entire lot of 20 pieces sent post paid for $1.00 or any 8 pieces you choose for 50 cents. Now is the time to make money. These can easily be retailed at $10.00. F. Stockman, 27 Bond Street, N. Y.
Graff’s Improved Potash or lye is the best family soap maker. Warranted as Represented! Ask your grocer for it! Dept 104 Reade Street, New York.
Watches! Jewelry! Romaine Gold, so extensively worn in Paris was first discovered in 1870, by a celebrated French chemist Mons. E. Be Lainge, who manufactured it into jewelry, for five years sold it to the leading jewelers of Paris for Solid Gold. In 1875, when his secret became know, ten of the manufacturing jewelers established a stock company, with a capital of $10,000,000 for the purpose of manufacturing Romaine Gold jewelry and Watches. With this immense capital, and the aid of improved machinery they have been enabled to produce all the latest patterns of jewelry at less than one-tenth the cost of Solid Gold, and of a quality and color which makes it impossible even for experts to detect it from the genuine. We have secured the exclusive agency of the United States and Canada for the sale of all goods manufactured from this metal, and in order to introduce them in one most speedy manner, have put up assorted sample lots as given below, which we will sell at one-tenth the retail value until January 1st, 1878………Remember this offer only holds good until Jan 1, 1878. After that time we shall sell only to Jobbers and Wholesale dealer and anyone wishing our goods will then have to pay full retail prices. Romaine Gold is the best, and in fact, the only imitation of genuine gold made, being the same in weight, color and finish and all our goods are made in the latest gold patterns. Will guarantee satisfaction in every instance or refund money. Send money by P. O., Money Order, or Registered letter. At Our risk. No goods sent COD unless at least $5 accompanies the order. Address plainly, W. F. Evan & Co, Sole Agents for U. S. and Canada, 95 & 97 South Crark Street. Chicago, Ill.
$7.50 Saved. Buy the improved Victor Sewing Machine. It is so simple in construction and runs so easily that a child can operate it. It has the straight, self-settling needle, our improved shuttle, with a perfect tension, which does not change as the bobbin becomes exhausted. All the wearing points are adjustable, and it combines every desirable improvement. Every machine is sent our ready for use, after being thoroughly tested. Notwithstanding the great reduction in prices we continue to use the best material and exercise the greatest care in the manufacture. Victor Sewing Machine Co. Principal Office Middleton, Conn.
$777 is not easily earned in these times, but it can be made in three months by any one of either sex, in any part of the country who is willing to work steadily at the employment that we furnish. $66 per week in your own town. You need not be away from home over night. You can give your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. We have agents who are making over $20 per day. All who engage at once can make money fast. At the present time money cannot be made so easily and rapidly at any other business. It costs nothing to try the business. Terms and $5 outfit free. Address at once. H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine.
Best in the World. BLEATCHLEY’S HORIZONTAL ICE-CREAM FREEZER (Engley’s Patent). For saloons, hotels, families, or ice cream manufacturers, in the economy and perfection of its work is entirely unequalled. The closed head will save ice enough in one season to pay for the machine. The tub requires but one filling to freeze. Sizes 3 to 4 (quarts). When in town to the Big Exhibition come and see us or send for descriptive circular and price list. Very liberal arrangements made with the trade. The machines can also be seen at the Centennial Exhib. Agricult’l Hall, Cor. Aisles 9 and N, Column Letter 0, No. 10. C. G. BLATCHLEY, Manuf’r. 500 Commerce Street, Philadelphia
THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE was awarded the First Premium at the Centennial Exhibition 1876 and has always carried off the highest honors wherever exhibited. A compact, simple, durable, light running and efficient "lock switch" machine. Adapted to the wants of everybody. The Home Sewing Machine was perfected---years since the aid of the best invention-------Warranted for five years. Live agents wanted in localities where we are not represented. Send for prices, and sample of work done on the home, or call at any of our offices. JOHNSON, CLARK, & CO. 30 Union Square, New York: 564 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. 111 ½ Second Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa.; 141 State Street, Chicago, Ill.; 21 South 5th Street, St. Louis, Mo.; 17 New Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal.
Perfection attained at Last. A trial will insure its popularity everywhere. WHITE SUTTLE SEWING MACHINE……White Sewing Machine Co, 358 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, O. Agents Wanted.
THE MILLER BRO CUTRLERY CO. and US Steel Shear Co. Manufacturers of Patent Pocket Cutlery, and Solid cast steel shears and scissors. The only manufacturers in the world of pocket cutlery, with covering secured by screws. None but the best English Pocket Cutlery Steel. used, and every knife and pair of scissors warranted. The temper and cutting qualities of both knives and scissors are carefully tested. Great care is taken to maintain and increase the well-earned reputation which this company has attained, as the leading American Cutlery. In harmony with the verdict of customers the Centennial Exposition awarded Medals and Diplomas for the greatest excellence in quality and finish or these goods. THE MILLER BROS. CUTLERY CO., West Meridan, Conn.
Notice to our friends and customers in Alabama. We are pleased to be able to inform you that we are prepared to store your cotton in our safe and commodious Ware Houses, and that we have every facility for your comfort and that of your teams. With our Ware Houses at the depot we have comfortable camp-houses, with sheds and feeding troughs. Every attention will be given our Alabama friends. Our wagon yard has been improved and fitted in the most thorough manner. Good cabins, good stables, good fencing. In short, every arrangement has been made that business tact could suggest for the comfort of Campers. CAPT. JOE GOODMAN has charge of the yard at Bank’s old stand, and CAPT. E. C. LEECH at Hale’s Warehouse. BANKS, HALE & CO. Columbus, Miss, Aug 17.
Fifty Cents! Fifty cents will pay for the Chicago Ledger, the best story paper in the United States from July 1st 1877 to January 1st, 1878. The Ledger is a large 48 column weekly paper handsomely printed and ably edited. Send your orders in time to get the first number of the New Story, which begins the last week in June. Remember, only fifty cents for the best paper in the United States, six months, postage paid. Address The Ledger, Chicago, Ill.
CRAWFORD’S Baking Powder. An improved article for making light and healthy bread, biscuit, cake, rolls, cornbread, griddle cakes, puddings, dumplings, and pastry of every description. It is the cook’s favorite and is warranted perfectly pure and superior to anything of the kind in the market, for healthfulness and strength, producing at all times the most delicious cookery. It is stronger and cheaper than any other baking powder, and is the most economical, convenient, reliable, and nutritious. Please ask your grocer for it and give it a trial. Put up in all sized packages and always warranted. Full weight, full strength, full measure. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. Samples and price list will be sent to the trade, on application. Crawford & Cline. 176 Furon Street. New York.
Errors of Youth. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will for the sake of suffering humility, send free to all who read it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience can do so by addressing in perfect condition. JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St. New York.
W. KELLERMAN. Manufacturer and dealer in guns, rifles, pistols. Aberdeen, Miss. Breech-loaders a specialty. Muzzle-loaders converted into breech-loaders, at short notice and low figures. Repairing done neatly and with dispatch. All work guaranteed.
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