Dr. W. L. Nixon
graduated from Baylor School of Pharmacy and the Chicago School of Chiropody before entering St. Louis University in St. Louis, MO. He transferred to the University of Alabama in July 1944 as a junior. Graduating May 1946, he taught embryology in the existing medical school and helped move the school of medicine to Birmingham. He finished his medical school classes to graduate with the class of 1950. He did a two-year residency at City Hospital in Mobile where he was head of the surgery department. After completing his residency the family moved to Sulligent July 1, 1952, where Dr. Nixon went into practice with Dr. Haig Wright. They had been classmates at the University of Alabama.Dr. Nixon practiced in Sulligent and Vernon until July 1963 at which time he moved to Clearwater, Florida. Dr. Nixon born 1910, died 1981 in Cullman, Alabama. Source of information for this article was Mrs. W. L. Nixon of Cullman.