Lamar County Kin
PROSPECT PRIMITIVE BAPTIST CHURCH CEMETERY Courtesy of Ed Guyton. Thanks Ed!!! From Sulligent on Hwy 278E turn left on County Rd. 77 or Crews Rd, drive 2.2 miles, turn left on Church Rd, .2 miles to Cemetery.
Stafford: Jessie Cole Nov. 5, 1981 to Oct. 18, 1987 Stafford: Angie Renee Feb. 13, 1980 to Jan. 13, 2000 Children Of Glenn Stafford & Melinda Stone Otts: Judy Faye (Jones) Oct. 29, 1934 to Sept. 7, 2001 Otts: Harold (Jack) Nov. 23, 1931 Living Otts: Rosa L. June 6, 1922 to Sept. 21, 2001 Otts: F.C. (Dick) Mar. 15, 1916 to Oct. 6, 1998 WWII Otts: Leona M. Apr. 14, 1920 to Mar. 9, 1928 Otts: Lawrence D. July 18, 1913 to Dec. 20, 1984 WWII Otts: Ellis Maye May 12, 1908 to Dec. 27, 1987 Otts: Julia N. Aug. 27, 1887 to Oct. 23, 1965 Otts: George J. Feb. 1, 1883 to May 23, 1951 Otts: Jasper Renon Jan. 22, 1911 to June 3, 1978 WWII Otts: Annie Ruth Oct. 5, 1912 to Aug. 16, 1990 Otts: Dudley B. Apr. 10, 1906 to Sept. 4, 1976 May: H.D. (Hody) Apr. 14, 1914 to Oct. 19, 1972 May: Ruth Flynn Sept. 4, 1920 Living Register: Bonnie Gosa Aug. 14, 1943 to May 5, 1982 Gosa: I.V. (Pete) Dec. 29, 1922 to June 11, 1986 WWII Gosa: Faustina H. Aug. 4, 1924 Living Gosa: Murray A. Nov. 16, 1894 to Sept. 3, 1973 Gosa: Margie C. May 13, 1901 to Sept. 1, 1979 Gosa: In memory of Nobia Allen Gosa Apr. 12, 1921 to Jan. 1, 1945 USN killed in action, Buried at sea in South Pacific. Gosa: Glen W. Feb. 10, 1930 to Mar. 16, 1981 Gosa: Vivian S. May 17, 1934 Living Gosa: Infant D/O Glen & Nina Gosa Oct 28, 1949 to Oct. 31, 1949 Franklin: James Curry Jr. S/O James & Shirley July 3, 1958 to July 5, 1958 Mathis: Robie Aug. 21, 1898 to Apr. 9, 1970 Mathis: Minnie Lee Sept. 3, 1910 Living Mathis: Jane 1874 to 1948 Holliday: Dossie Egger Nov. 12, 1874 to Feb. 13, 1948 Holliday: Ludie J. Oct. 21, 1880 to Apr. 26, 1951 Otts: Nellie Dupree July 18, 1909 to Mar. 27, 1994 Otts: Charlie B. Oct. 23, 1912 to Sept. 16, 1995 Otts: Ellis May 1, 1890 to Apr. 20, 1962 Otts: Farris June 4, 1891 to Sept. 30, 1958 Otts: Betty J. May 3, 1948 to May 3, 1948 Otts: Ira infant S/O I. J. & Laura 1957 Otts: Ira J. Dec. 16, 1919 to Mar. 31, 1989 WWII Otts: Laura H. Apr. 9, 1931 Living Otts: Willie Mae Dec. 27, 1926 Living Otts: Clifford L. Apr. 19, 1915 to Nov. 11, 1979 Egger: Willow Dean July 22, 1933 to Jan. 25, 1991 Egger: Alfred T. Mar. 8, 1932 to Aug. 25, 1969 Korea Egger: Brandon Eric Aug. 21, 1979 to July 17, 1999 Egger: Naomi Little May 23, 1914 to Oct. 21, 1997 Egger: Johnnie Vester Dec. 29, 1908 to Aug. 26, 1983 Horton: infant child of Dennise & Kip May 29, 1997 Egger: Barron Scott July 24, 1972 to Feb. 15, 1997 Egger: David Nov. 6, 1955 to Jan. 26, 1991 Egger: Ann May 10, 1956 Egger: M. L. June 11, 1929 to Oct. 24, 1968 Egger: Betty J. Aug. 25, 1936 Living Egger: Greely R. Nov. 1, 1919 to May 13, 1967 Egger: Elva Mae Little W/O T.E. Dec. 5, 1906 to June 28, 1941 Egger: Wesley R. Aug. 22, 1936 to Nov. 2, 1987 Korea Egger: Jimmie Nell Dec. 14, 1937 Living Egger: Curtis J. Apr. 14, 1939 to Aug. 31, 1972 Vietnam Egger: C. Clayton Apr. 4, 1911 to Apr. 6, 1990 Egger: Ruth M. Nov. 9, 1913 to Mar. 9, 1978 Egger: Melvin S/O C.C. & E.R. May 3, 1932 to Dec. 16, 1933 Egger: Joseph Berton S/O Chester A. & Addie B. Dec. 12, 1941 to Jan. 8, 1942 Egger: Addie B. Mar.18, 1912 to July 15, 1991 Egger: Chester A. Mar. 4, 1906 to Jan. 20, 1989 Egger: Tennie Bell Sept. 28, 1899 to Mar. 25, 1976 Egger: Malissie W/O A.J Egger July 13, 1851 to May. 29, 1934 Egger: Eld. A. J. Jan. 16, 1835 to Jan. 23, 1909 Egger: Banie D/O A. J. Egger July 2, 1861 to July 15, 1913 Egger: Josephene W/O M. N. Egger Jan. 1, 1878 to Aug. 10, 1914 Egger: Mell N. Jan.12, 1871 to Aug. 14, 1951 Egger: Curtis S/O P. Z. & M. B. Mar. 22, 1905 to Dec. 14, 1909 Nolen: Nancy W/O Than Nolen Mar. 3, 1828 to Aug. 23, 1909 Egger: Mollie W/O P. Z. Egger Dec. 25, 1876 to Aug. 25, 1906 Egger: P. Z. Nov. 4, 1867 to May 24, 1939 Egger: Dixie S/O P. Z. & M. B. Nov. 10, 1892 to Aug. 25, 1916 Egger: E. M. S/O P. Z. & M. B. Jan. 28, 1894 to Apr. 18, 1918 Egger: Infant S/O Mr. & Mrs. Redden Egger b/d Nov.15,1918 Egger: Mandy W/O Redden Egger June 9, 1898 to Nov. 6, 1919 Egger: Redden Oct. 20, 1896 to May 29, 1933 ALA 84th INF Egger: Priscilla Dec. 3, 1899 to Oct. 20, 1960 Egger: Nolen R. Aug. 14, 1932 to Mar. 20, 1969 Korea Egger: Roland Jan.9, 1924 to Feb. 20, 1971 Egger: Roland Chad Inf S/O Kevin & Brenda b/d Aug. 12, 1972 Moore: Robert Wayne Mar.9, 1960 to Aug. 4, 2000 Moore: Joy Anne Apr. 13, 1963 Living Moore: Robert A. May 10, 1939 to Dec. 15, 1989 Moore: Shirley M. Sept. 7, 1941 living Moore: Murray B. Oct. 14, 1917 Living Moore: Mavis E. Dec.14, 1921 to Mar. 12, 1988 Egger: Alanson J. Dec.16, 1930 to Feb. 14, 1972 Guyton: Eldridge N. Sept. 14, 1913 to Mar. 10, 1992 WWII Guyton: Nora E. Oct. 25, 1927 Living\parEgger: Johnny L. Jan. 19, 1940 Living Egger: Mavis J. Dec.27, 1943 Living Egger: Christopher Lee inf S/O Johnny Lee July 28, 1980 Strawbridge: Johnnie M. Nov. 30, 1879 to Mar. 17, 1962 Strawbridge: Sarah Jane Jan. 24, 1889 to Feb. 14, 1936 Holliday: James died 1915 Holliday: Betty died 1914 Palmer: A. L. Apr. 24, 1839 to Aug. 31, 1917 Palmer: William Asbury Jan. 14, 1839 to Mar. 27, 1916 Co. I 43rd ALA INF Confederate States Lucas: Emmer W/O L. Lucas Apr. 7, 1852 to can’t read death date Lucas: Robert S/O L.P. & Emmer Apr 7, 1883 to Nov. 9, 1901 Porter: Maggie Apr. 1, 1846 to July 19, 1901 Little: John W. May 2, 1850 to Nov. 1, 1936 Otts: William W. Apr. 15, 1925 to June 23, 1950 WWII Palmer: Rachell D/O R. J. & C. A. Aug. 25, 1899 to Oct. 6, 1899 Palmer: Harvie B. S/O R. J. & C. A. Feb. 20, 1908 to Apr. 29, 1922 Strawbridge: Charity July 1843 to Nov. 20, 1926 Palmer: Girl 1900 to 1913 Palmer: William McKinley S/O J.W. & R.E. Aug. 26, 1901 to Dec. 7, 1903 Moore: Billy Lee Sept. 16, 1943 to Feb. 9, 2001 Moore: Willodean Dec. 16, 1942 Living Birmingham: John Clifton Apr. 9, 1906 to Oct. 11, 1993 Birmingham: Willie Madge Nov. 24, 1907 to mar. 30, 1983 Williams: Veronica Lynn Jan. 9, 1970 to June 8, 1984 Grave Marked With Block No Names Grave Marked With Block No Names Terrell: James Alton May 12, 1924 Living Terrell: Hilda H. Sept. 25, 1931 Living Nolen: Annie May D/O E.B. & Ellie Apr. 12, 1919 to July 21, 1920 Nolen: infant D/O D.W. & M.T. Nolen No Dates Nolen: John May 15, 1834 to Jan. 8, 1898 Nolen: Catherine Flynn Jan. 28, 1854 to Feb. 15, 1937 Nolen: Oliver S/O J.T. & M.G. Nolen Jan.30, 1905 to Mar. 24, 1909 Nolen; Mattie Jan. 8, 1884 to Sept. 8, 1971 Nolen: Tommie Mar. 21, 1884 to Oct. 13, 1960 Otts: Hassie Dean Pinkerton Mar. 25, 1906 to June 14, 1977 Otts: Felix P. Dec. 26, 1899 to Apr. 13, 1951 Otts: Tildon L. 1905 to 1946 Otts: Eld. W. J. 1875 to 1923 Otts: George A. 1875 to 1946 Otts: Dantrell July 18, 1945 to July 18, 1945 Hawkins: Nancy No Dates Hawkins: W. F. No Dates Hawkins: N. B. (Polie) Aug. 15, 1852 to June 8, 1914 Hawkins: Farris Dec. 22, 1900 to July 24, 1971 Hawkins: Ruby P. `Aug. 16, 1910 to June 17, 1966 Hawkins: Evell R. July 24, 1911 Living Hawkins: Edison (Pete) Aug. 15, 1907 to May 30, 1987 Birmingham: Mary Ena inf D/O Willie & Verla 1917 Pinkerton: Arnold S/O A.T. & I.R. Jan. 20, 1919 to Feb. 14, 1920 Pennington: John L. Jan. 5, 1943 Living Pennington: Shelley E. May 17, 1970 Living Pennington: William R. 1917 to 1987 Grave marked with block No Names Nolen: John May 15, 1884 to Jan. 8, 1898 Thunderburks: James 1867 to Sept. 11, 127 Garrison: Ada Louella June 15, 1881 to Dec. 31, 1962 Nolen: George W. CO K ALA INF CSA No Dates Nolen: Nancy W/O George W. Nov. 15, 1851 to Jan. 1, 1910 Grave Marked with block Can’t Read Grave Marked With Block No Dates Pennington children in cement border Barns: can’t read names and dates Barns: can’t read names and dates Barns: can’t read names and dates Barns: can’t read names and dates Barns: can’t read names and dates Barns: Claudie Lloyd no dates WWII Agerton: Johnny May 28, 1932 to May 28, 1988 Gann: William Polie May 1, 1901 to Mar. 9, 1995 Gann: Gertrude July 24, 1911 to Mar. 17, 2000 Trimm: Lenwood Jerry Feb. 18, 1948 to Oct. 19, 2001 Vietnam Trimm: Linwood May 15, 1915 to Mar. 17, 1985 Trimm: Letha B. Sept. 5, 1924 Living Information by: Ed Guyton
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